Himitsu guide in Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll (Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll) LMRIn this guide you will learn interesting facts about Himitsu!

In this guide, you will learn interesting facts about Himitsu!
Himitsu guide in Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll (Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll) LMRIn this guide you will learn interesting facts about Himitsu!
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
10 August 2022

Interesting facts about Himitsu from LMR

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Before we move on to the main description, it is worth knowing a little about Himitsu:

  • Himitsu is a childhood friend of Nikolai Anokhin, the main character of the game. They are the same age, but they met at the age of 7
  • The girl is only half Japanese, her mother is Russian
  • ??practically every day she comes to the main character to cook food, clean up or just chat
  • As Nikolai himself notes at the beginning, Himitsu is definitely in love with him, but she cannot understand: he is like a brother to her or still a boyfriend
  • Himitsu went to school a year later than the main character, because she was very ill at that time (and really wanted to be in the same class with him)

Now that we've covered the basic facts, let's move on to describing the character's standout qualities.

Ruth Himitsu and endings

Himitsu's route (which runs parallel to Katherine's) includes 3 bad endings ("From a clean slate", "Out of the friend zone", "Beyond the seven locks") and 1 good ending ("2 teas for this gentleman!").

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Elections related to it:

  • "Go to lunch with Himitsu" (Himitsu +1) or "Walk" (Kagome +1)
  • "Say you were with Katherine" (Himitsu -1, Katherine +1) or "Lie" (Katherine -1)
  • "Go to Himitsu" (Himitsu +1) or "Go to the roof" (Kagome +1)
  • "Go to Himitsu" (Himitsu +1) or "Search for answers" (Kagome +1). The second choice results in another one: "Call" (Himitsu +1) or "Don't call" (Himitsu -1)
  • "Check Katherine's old apartment" (Himitsu -1, Katherine +1) or "Try to find her mother" (Himitsu -1, Katherine +1) or "Go home with Himitsu" (Himitsu +1)
  • "Go out" (Himitsu +2) or "Stay at home" (Katherine +2)
  • "Stay at Home" (Himitsu +1) or "Go to Katherine" (Katherine +1)
  • "Eh?“Oh, none of your business” (Himitsu +1, Katherine -1) or “I’m going through a difficult period in my life right now” (Himitsu -1, Katherine +1)
  • "In the park" (Himitsu -1) or "In the bar" (points with the characters will not change)

The rest do not affect the receipt of her points and, accordingly, the ending. Only in the beginning, of course, you will need to get to Himitsu-Catherine, and not to Eli-Kagome.

Character and behavior

So, let's now highlight the most important facts about Himitsu that the plot makes us understand:

  • Himitsu takes the best care of Nikolai. Cleaning, cooking and waking up in the morning are similar to the actions of a wife, mother, girlfriend - anyone, but definitely not just a friend, even from childhood.
  • Our heroine can endure a lot of antics and negativity addressed to her by Nikolai. An example is the trip to the park, where Himitsu ran out of the ride with tears in her eyes, and then instantly forgot about the incident.
  • An even more banal example can be given: at the beginning of the game, the protagonist speaks unflatteringly about cooked food because it contains a lot of herbs, to which Himitsu expresses a clearly different reaction than an ordinary person would express. That is, you cook for someone every day, take care of his health thanks to healthy food, and he still manages to make claims!
  • Himitsu is as jealous as possible: a conversation with Katherine at school (at which Nikolai was secretly present), utearly dispute of the same two at the main character's house. At the same time, at such moments, our heroine completely leaves the image of a cute nyasha. What can we say, when she burst into the house in the morning, almost threw herself with her fists at Katherine (fortunately, the main character managed to grab her hands for safety), and then said: “Did you fuck?”.
  • Also worth noting is the obvious stalker on the part of the chan: she watches his house from her window, and can also pursue him on the street. This can be clearly seen if you go to Katherine's old apartment when trying to find her - Nikolai will notice someone is being pursued, after which he will sharply grab the hand of a suspicious person, which turns out to be Himitsu!
  • Next, a rather interesting moment: Himitsu seems to be just waiting for the main character to say “I love you”, but at the moments of manifestation of this love from Nikolai, for some reason she begins to be shy. There were many moments when the protagonist hugged her, but Himitsu would start blushing and say something strange like, “Nico-kun, what are you doing?” (even when they are alone at home). Perhaps this is due to her Japanese mentality.
  • Our heroine is strongly attached to Nikolai: she is ready to leave all her friends and family (even if not her father, then at least some grandmother) in order to leave with the main character in the USSR, in which an unknown future awaits them.
  • The previous fact can be backed up by trust in GG. Himitsu doesn't try to find out, ?Whether Nikolai goes to Katherine - she can find out only by chance, or from him. At the same time, she is fully prepared to carry out the main character's escape plan and follow him.
  • An interesting question: does Himitsu wear a mask like Lena? After all, it can be said that a completely different person communicates with Himitsu's competitor (Katherine): she can insult her, or deliberately talk to her too cloyingly when she is in the presence of Niko-kun.
  • But still, it seems to me that our heroine does not wear a full-fledged mask. If we take Lena as an example, then the majority sees her as embarrassed, but only a very small circle of people knows her real. Himitsu is hardly pretending: she is probably really so kind and cheerful. The only people who see her in a different light are her competitors.

Himitsu's character and actions in Katherine Route

I think it’s worth talking separately about Katherine’s route, where the dark side of Himitsu is fully revealed to us.

Firstly, her patience and perseverance are multiplied by 10 times there: of course, I didn’t count, but she quarreled with Nikolai at least 5 times, after which it seemed to me every time that they would never talk again, but the next day (well, or a little more time passed), and Himitsu, as if nothing had happened, came to Niko-kun's house, cooked food and tried not to show at all that something terrible had recently happenedNoah. So, for example, after seeing, let's say, an intimate scene between the main character and Katherine, Himitsu came to Nikolai, because of which he decided to quickly leave the house, but upon his return (already late in the evening) he noticed that she had cleaned the whole house and cooked food. At the same time, she was there all day, waiting for the protagonist, and left only just at a very late time.

Secondly, Himitsu suddenly turned into some kind of Pioneer from BL for a while. Waiting for Katherine and Nikolai at the door of the latter's house, with a pioneering twisted smile, she told about the pregnancy of the former and current girlfriend of the protagonist, which, of course, gave rise to more than one serious conversation with tears and the like. Did she do it to piss them off? Naturally!

BUT! It will be important to mention that all this cruelty applies exclusively to the opponent Himitsu, but not to Nikolai - he, as you can see from the first paragraph, she is ready to forgive absolutely everything. Even after our heroine ran away in tears from Cheryl Winters' apartment, I'm sure she would still come to Niko-kun again the next day, but, of course, moving to America with a good ending will not allow this.

What micro-inference can be drawn from her behavior here? Hell knows! Can I just say, as a prejudiced person who treats Katherine so-so and loves Himitsu that we just slipped her?What a biased character. Look at our old Semyon: he was initially indifferent to all the pioneers, and you, as a player, are pushing him to make a choice. And here we have initially all the girls are not on an equal footing. Himitsu literally does everything for him, and he says something like: "No matter how many good deeds you do for me, this will not change the most important thing - I love Katherine, and there is no way to change this."

I don’t argue - such an answer is logical in the sense that we, after all, went on the route of Katherine, which means that all this time we were pushing Nikolai to fall in love with Katherine. But I’m not talking about that, because even in the story with our heroine, the main character often had thoughts like: “Maybe I really love Himitsu?” That is, no matter how stupid it may sound, even in the root of another girl we have to fight Nikolai, who runs like a dog after Katherine...

Definition of character as for an anime character

Let's now try to determine who Himitsu is: tsundere, kuudere, dandere, yandere or genki.

Tsundere? No, she is definitely not like that, because at the beginning such characters are positioned as harmful and unpleasant personalities, but later they reveal themselves, demonstrating their best side.

Couder? Nah, they are usually characterized by a lack of desire to communicate with people and are always somewhere on the sidelines due to their arrogance (not shyness!).

Dandera? Definitely not??. We are not told anywhere that Himitsu is somehow too shy, but on the contrary: she has a friend - Saya-chan, as well as other classmates who, for example, agreed to meet at her house after an unexpected departure from Tokyo and a quick return. Even if we assume that she only communicates seriously with Nikolai and Sai-chan, this does not in any way prove the fact of some kind of social phobia or isolation.

Yandere? Well, I wouldn't say. Following this logic, we can call a bunch of characters yanderes, because Himitsu, obviously, was not going to kill Katherine or cruelly ruin her life, so that she certainly would not stick to her beloved.

Indeed, she may have some microfeatures of this character (after all, the scene with the dispute at Nikolai's house makes itself felt), but no more.

Genki? It seems to me that this is the most suitable option for our heroine. In most cases, she just shines with joy and optimism. Even Nikolai notes how funny Himitsu gets angry, because she, in fact, is not really angry at such moments.

Compare her with some Kagome, who is ready to send anyone. Or with Katherine, who initially did not want to make contact with Nikolai at all when their relationship was just beginning. Himitsu definitely looks the funniest and friendliest of them all, and that doesn't just extend to the main character: does she talk like that to adults and to friends??yami.

In addition, she often tries to set Nikolai on the path of truth: she talks about the importance of healthy food, wakes her up in the morning and in every possible way reminds her of her studies.


So, what can be said after all that has been said? Personally, Himitsu reminds me of something between Lena and Miku. From the first, Himitsu inherited a strong attachment to the protagonist and jealousy, and from the Japanese - optimism.

I'm sure there are a lot of fans of this character. But there is another side - already now, in the comments of the official public, Himitsu, it seems to me, is confidently moving towards the title of "The most abused character in the game." Maybe things will be very different in the future, but at the moment there is a risk that the childhood friend of the protagonist may take on what Lena once took on.

Now, by the way, I have only 5 achievements in my profile: one of which is the “First Step”, and the rest are related to Himitsu. And, to be honest, I tried to pass the Kagome route (there should still be other events there), but I was able to master it in just a couple of days. I don't know why, but the rest of the characters are as uninteresting to me as possible. The same thing happened in the BC, when I started to go through only Lena-mods, while the rest could not last even half an hour. Of course, I will try to force myself to read everything, but it will be difficult. In this regard, I want to say that about the participation of Himitsu in the routes of othersx girls so far (temporarily!) Nothing will be indicated.

    Game from the guide
    Love, Money, Rock and Roll


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