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ShowGamer.comHow to Grow Fast in Car Trader Simulator

How to Grow Fast in Car Trader Simulator

Car Trader Simulator is a simulator of a businessman who owns his own car club, whose task is to buy cars after accidents at auctions or in illegal stores, repair them and sell them for a larger amount.


The garage will store the cars you bought, which will be brought by your driver. That's where they need to be done. To fix a car, you will need to hire a mechanic and buy tools for him, and then make all the repairs. Usually, repairing an inexpensive car costs no more than $1,500 . When selling your car, the sold vehicle will be removed from the garage.

Note : You can buy cars at an auction, or in online stores.

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There are three ways to sell. Two legal and one illegal. In the upper left corner of the game you will find the "Law and Order" scale. To illegally sell a car, you need no more than 33 out of 100 law enforcement units. You can lower it by buying a car on the black market.

Advice : sell more cars first??horny and without damage. Then you will earn much more.

Next, the easiest way to sell a car, on calls that you will receive on the phone. Offers from callers are different. Therefore, most likely at first you will not succeed.

The next way to sell a car is a regular market. After putting up for sale your vehicle for its price, you will receive price offers from buyers. You can either accept their price or refuse and wait for the next offer.