ShowGamer.comHow to open a door without a lock in the ruins of Baldur's Gate 3

How to open a door without a lock in the ruins of Baldur's Gate 3

    Baldur's Gate 3 has many interesting challenges - puzzles, traps, hidden passages, secret doors and more. Let's talk about one of them!

    Once in the ruins that Shadowheart will tell you about, you will find a decorated door without locks and handles. It is located next to the bedroom. You can just break it, but in this case the quest will be bugged.

    How to open a door without a lock in Baldur's Gate 3
    How to open a door without a lock in Baldur's Gate 3

    The door has no locks or handles, so it cannot be opened in the traditional way. Behind the door is a room that precedes the dark crypt.

    Here's how to open the door:

    1. Go to the statue of the wizard at coordinates X: -173 Y: -359.

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    2. Behind the statue you will see a skull. Click on the Skull to open the Door.

    3. Check if the door is open.

    How to open a door without a lock in Baldur's Gate 3
    How to open a door without a lock in Baldur's Gate 3

    Like this?Thus, the skull is a lever that unlocks the room in front of the crypt. You can also search the statue.

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