Series description: Disaster, desire... You balance on a fine line between them.
If in the second episode of the second season
you took the option "Flirt, pretending to be a chick " or "Serve
drinks", then on the Path of the She-Devil you will receive the
notification "You are following the path of the She-Devil! "
Threaten them (Requirement: 40
units of She-Devil). +1 She-Devil
(Cry. ) ???
If in the second episode of the second season
you took the option "Flirt, pretending to be a prostitute " or
"Serve drinks", then on the Path of the Fox you will receive the
notification "You are following the path of the Fox! "
Put them in an awkward position
(Requirement: 40 units of Fox). +1 Fox
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
(Cry. ) ???
(Tell the truth.) +1 Princess
(Joke.) +1 She-Devil
(Lie.) +1 Fox
If you chose anti-capitalism , you will
receive a notification "You are on the path of Anti-capitalism ! You
are participating in the movement! "
With Tristan (only if close to
Tristan). Additional choices below (read)
With Grant (only if close to
Grant). Additional elections below (read)
And go to bed. No effect.
In our case the risks were
completely different. +1 Fox
Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it
was sad. +1 Princess
People of all income levels can be
cruel. +1 She-devil
Want to date me? The choice is
You're worried about our
friendship. No effect.
I want to date you too. Your
relationship with Tristan has improved (not confirmed)
I'm not ready to date anyone. Your
relationship with Tristan has worsened (unconfirmed)
Fucked Me (30 Diamonds) Bed
Scene with Tristan
Let me sleep. No effect.
Spent the night with me (30
diamonds). Bed scene with Grant
Hugged me. No effect.
Sweater Season (Free) No Effect
Warm Charm (Princess) (20
Diamonds) +1 Princess
Cute Fox (Fox) (30 diamonds). +1
Long Winter Night (Devil) (30
diamonds). +1 Devil
Select all (72 diamonds). +1
Princess, +1 Fox, +1 She-Devil. Get all outfits.
Side bun (free). No effect.
Cute Pigtails (Princess) (20
Diamonds) +1 Princess
Headband (Fox) (20 diamonds). +1
Punk Pixie (Devil) (20 diamonds). +1
Braids with Ribbons (Princess) (30
Diamonds). +1 Princess
Gorgeous Braids (Fox) (30
Diamonds) +1 Fox
Real Mohawk (Devil) (30 diamonds).
+1 Devil
Select all (135 diamonds). +2
Princess, +2 Fox, +2 Devil. Get all hairstyles
Lovers (free). No effect
Tigress (Fox) (10 diamonds). +1
Pigeon Tamer (Princess) (10
Diamonds) +1 Princess
Occultist (Devil) (10 diamonds). +1
Select all (27 diamonds). +1
Princess, +1 Fox, +1 She-Devil. Get all the shoppers
There is a lot of illegal stuff in
the world. +1 She-devil
At least I trust you. +1
So, notice the tracks. +1 Fox
If you previously joined the anti-capitalist
movement, you will receive a notification saying "You are on the path of
Anti-Capitalism ! Tristan trusts you enough to let you in on his plans! "
I'm a feminist and I wear what I
want. +1 Damn
They'll have to be gentlemen. +1
This will be interesting... +1
Do you need help (10 diamonds)? Talk
to James / Additional choice below
Good luck and good night. No
Seduce him to get information (50
diamonds) Princess Path: "You follow the Princess Path!" /
Additional choice below
Press on him (10 diamonds). +1
Ask him politely. No effect.
If you took the option "Seduce him to
get information":
(Unbutton his shirt.) +1
(Cuddle up to him.) +1
(Touch your neck.) +1 Fox
Or maybe it was a really, really
good idea… +1 Princess
How bad is it? +1 Damn it
Take me... +1 Fox
(Touch him.) +1 She-Devil
(Touch your chest.) +1 Fox
(Kneel down.) +1 Princess
Is this a promise? +1 Princess
Is this a threat? +1 She-Devil
Oh, I have a couple of ideas. +1
Maybe I just want to fuck. +1
I can be a heartless egoist too. +1
Let's focus on what's happening
here and now. +1 Princess
"I want to date you
If you have previously chosen
monogamy - "If you have entered into a monogamous relationship with
someone, cheating can have consequences in the future!"
(Go to his bedroom.) Tristan
route - "You're cheating on Tristan!" / Additional choice below /
(Back off.) Abandon the bed
(Say something provocative.) +1
(Silently go up to him.) +1 Fox
(Touch yourself.) +1 Princess
For you to touch me. No effect.
So that you can give me pleasure
with your mouth. No effect.
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