Series description:
A detailed guide in which we tell you everything you need to know about Amrita in Kali Call of Darkness. How to have an affair with Amrit, earn his trust, respect, get close to Amrit, see every bed scene. Stay with Amrit at the end of the game.
How to start an affair with Amrit - relationships and a branch
Season 1 Episode 9
Do it (18 Diamonds). Amrit interested in you / You enlisted his help
Season 1 Episode 11
I greet you calmly. +1 Respect. Amrit likes your restraint
Show Awareness (20 Diamonds). Amrit liked your answer / Additional choice
Of course I'm listening (12 Diamonds). Amritu is pleased to chat with you
Accidentally ran into his chest (20 Diamonds). Amritu will remember this collision
Season 1 Episode 12
Yes (26 Diamonds). Amrit liked dancing with you
If they took a luxurious capi, then: "Amrit finds you beautiful"
If they took a special capi, then: "Amrit finds you sympathetic" / Arth
season 2 episode 2
Continue the conversation (34 diamonds). Amrit likes your cheekiness / Your relationship has improved
season 2 episode 4
Beautiful hands (19 diamonds). Amrit attracts you
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season 2 episode 6
Someone else.
Ampitom. At a difficult moment, you think about Amrit. Your relationship has improved.
Let's look at Amrita (ZZ diamond). Amrit felt your presence nearby. This will affect your relationship.
Season 2 Episode 7
I have different feelings for you (26 diamonds). - Amrit will be waiting to meet you.
To tell about Amrit is only necessary. - You didn't want to betray Amrita. He means something to you.
season 2 episode 8
Continue (55 diamonds). - Apt. You kissed for the first time. There is a strong attraction between you.
Season 2 Episode 9
Pickup Later, Amrit will be pleased that you ate.
Amrit in purple / light (29 diamonds). - Your relationship with Amrit has improved significantly.
Let him move on (44 diamonds). Amrit was crazy about kissing you.
Season 2 Episode 10
Expensive jewelry set (17 diamonds). You have received an expensive piece of jewelry from Amrit. He is very interested in you.
Season 2 Episode 11
I feel (27 diamonds). Amrit is merciful to you, because he likes you very much.
No. I am alone (20 diamonds). You become closer.
Season 2 Episode 12
Read with Amrit in the library. +1 Respect You openly said that you have a connection with Amrit. Your relationship has improved. This news impressed everyone.
I also want to be closer to you. Amrit expects you to be with him. He will become jealous if he finds out about the change .
Not enough, I want more (150 diamonds). Your connection has reached the highest point. Now you are together. Apt.
Season 3 Episode 1
Help friends (11 diamonds). You helped your friends. All your relationships have improved.
Cast a glance at him (11 diamonds). - you drive each other crazy.
season 3 episode 2
Rushed into his arms (26 diamonds). Amrit is very happy to help you
season 3 episode 3
Choosing Amritu's outfit for diamonds. Improving relations with Amrit
It's all over with him. I wanna be with you. You finally broke up with Killian for Amrit (Choice available if you were a double branch with Killian and Amrit)
Kiss him (100 diamonds). This night Amrit will realize that he fell in love with you / Bed scene / Cut-scene / Additional choice below
Season 3 Episode 4
Give him some freedom (29 diamonds). Amrit will think of you for the rest of the day.
Season 3 Episode 5
Answer me (52 diamonds). You and Amrit stand each other
Option from Amrita (32 diamonds). +1 Respect / Relationship with Amrit improved / He arranged things in his own style just for you
When choosing a paid perfume, relations with Amrit improved (alert in episode 8)
Season 3 Episode 7
No, he can't be like that (11 diamonds). You are in love with Amrit and you want to believe in his virtue .
Season 3 Episode 8
It has nothing to do with it (6 diamonds). You have a lot of respect for Amrit. It affected your relationship .
Let's invite them to visit (45 diamonds). Colleagues will come to visit Amal. An additional choice will appear on the stat. An evening with friends greatly improved your relationship with everyone.
Prove (105 diamonds). Intimate scene. Apt. Amrit is truly devoted to you.
Season 3 Episode 9
Seduce (31 diamonds). Amrit is crazy about you .
Season 3 Episode 10
Pay attention to me, Maxaraj (77 diamonds). Amrit opened to you .
Showed who is in charge here (23 diamonds). Amrit liked it. Yashvi will no longer bother him.
Season 3 Episode 11
Detained for the sake of Amrit (ZZ diamond). Ampit loves Bac.
Sent a message to Amrit (20 diamonds). Amrit will be thrilled when he feels it
Season 3 Episode 12
Prove it. (21 diamonds). Amrit confessed to everyone that he loves you
Clenching his fingers, he summoned shadows that rushed at Ritwik. (26 Diamonds) - Amrit will not tolerate anyone hurting you