Series description:
How to gain or lose Respect in the Romance Club Kali Call of Darkness. All methods, dialogues, paid and free solutions. Path of High Esteem (wiki).
(Show pass.) +1 Independence, +1 Respect , You did it the first time! / (Show interest.) +1 Loyalty, +1 Respect , You did it the first time!
Season 1 Episode 5
I will explain how it all happened (18 diamonds). +2 Respect / Your arguments impressed colleagues
Honest, but humble. +1 Respect , +1 Independence / Polite and dignified. +1 Respect , +1 Loyalty / You know how to be polite without losing dignity / Colleagues liked your approach
Tell. This choice will affect the future (TELL for a phrase later that allows you to get +1 Respect )
Point out the behavior of the police. +1 Respect (if told about Lakshman) / Indicate the type of murders. You did it the first time / +1 Respect
Season 1 Episode 6
(Ask.) 23 diamonds. +1 Respect / You are trying to get more information and this is worthy of respect
Season 1 Episode 7
You are unprofessional. Requirement: 16 Independence/Loyalty +2 Respect
Voice your thoughts. Choice for 11 diamonds, +1 Respect
Our killer follows the path of the left hand. +1 Respect
Share details (18 diamonds). +2 Respect / Everyone except Rose appreciated your thoughts
Season 1 Episode 10
Calm down and sort out. +1 Respect. +1 Independence . / Express regret. +1 Respect. +1 Loyalty
Yes, I want to lead (28 Diamonds) - the main character will become the leader of the group. +2 Respect .
Killian, this is important to the investigation. (18 Stats of Independence). +1 Respect / Killian, our attitude towards you will not change. (18 Loyalty stats). +1 Respect. You were able to convince Killian on your own.
Season 1 Episode 11
Gorgeous set (ZZ Diamond). +1 Respect . Killian really liked it. Lima finds you very beautiful. Raytan is delighted with your new clothes. Your outfit is impressive.
I greet you calmly. +1 Respect
Numbers. Right choice. +1 Respect , if you guessed it the first time.
Season 1 Episode 12
Luxurious Capi (48 Diamonds). +2 Respect. A significant improvement in relations with the favorite.
season 2 episode 1
They wanted to get rid of both of them. +1 Respect . You are drawing the right conclusions.
Convince (22 Diamonds). +2 Respect . Your determination is admirable.
Someone pursued the diplomat. - you made the right conclusion from the first time. +1 Respect .
I know the recipe (22 Diamonds). +2 Respect . The recipe will help in the future. Respect among colleagues has increased. Thanks to your decoction, you have avoided problems.
season 2 episode 2
Calm down (12 Diamonds). +1 Respect
season 2 episode 3
Choice of paid makeup for 20/30 diamonds +1 Respect
Raytan and Lima, Killian and me. +1 Respect
Stop all suspicions in the bud (20 diamonds) +2 Respect . You put everything in its place
season 2 episode 4
Order him to stop (19 diamonds). +1 Respect
Season 2 Episode 5
From the diary of a diplomat. Correct option. +1 Respect
Explain. What is happening to me? (28 diamonds). +1 Respect
season 2 episode 6
Jump from the balcony. +1 Respect
Read the tantra (ZZ diamond). +2 Respect. +2 Goddess' grace. +2 Goddess' wrath. You were able to gather your strength and fight on.
Darkness / Gloom (ZZ diamond). +1 Respect
Season 2 Episode 7
It was already in the past. +1 Goddess' grace. +1 Respect.
But you are wrong (20 diamonds). +1 Respect. Respect in the group has grown. Gabriel is pleased with you. Relations have improved.
season 2 episode 8
Paid clothes +1 respect
Season 2 Episode 9
Turn out. +1 Loyalty. +1 Respect / Hit the back of the head. +1 Independence. +1 Respect
Choice of paid decoration +1 respect
Nothing will stop me (40 stats of Respect). +1 Respect. Devdas Dubey was pleased with you.
Season 2 Episode 10
What is it made from? (4 diamonds). - You learned the name of the mineral. This will help tie some events together in the next series. +1 Respect
Season 2 Episode 11
Descend, Maxadeva Rita-Shiva. +1 Respect
This is for a foreign audience. +1 Respect
Season 2 Episode 12
Read with Amrit in the library. +1 Respect You openly said that you have a connection with Amrit. Your relationship has improved. This news impressed everyone.
Perform ablution. +1 Respect
Red resin and virole? You memorized the right herbs. +1Respect__
Join the dance (34 diamonds). +1 Goddess' Wrath +1 Goddess' Grace +1 Respect. Many were attracted by your dance. Apt.
Season 3 Episode 1
Your family? +1 Respect
I can always leave if I want to (43 Wrath/Goddess Grace stats). +1 Respect . You put everything in its place, and also learned new information about your family.
season 3 episode 2
Okay, I'll share this with you. +1 Respect
Let's take a walk in the garden (23 diamonds)? If you didn't ask Jaya to take a walk + Respect (Later)
For "Unusual Jewelry" / For "Golden Jewelry" +1 Respect
Take control (23 diamonds). +1 Goddess' Wrath, +1 Goddess' Grace / +1 Respect
season 3 episode 3
You know everything. +1 Respect
Luxurious outfit (50 diamonds). +2 Respect if you buy hair and jewelry for diamonds
Like a true Basu (20 diamonds). +2 Goddess' Wrath, +2 Goddess' Grace, +1 Honor
Fight Rishi back (10 diamonds). Kieran fought back, they began to respect him and shared interesting information / +1 Respect later
Season 3 Episode 4
She was ready to rush back (9 diamonds). +1 Goddess' Wrath, +1 Goddess' Grace, +1 Honor
Hit Amrita on the cheek (21 diamonds). +1 Respect / Amrit is dissatisfied but impressed / He will remember not to piss you off. Doesn't affect relationships
Season 3 Episode 5
Option from both (18 diamonds). +1 Respect
Season 3 Episode 6
Nobody lived here. The group remembered your answer / +1 Respect in episode 7
Speed up. Right choice / +1 Respect from the first time
Kiran had his own problems (27 diamonds). +1 Wrath of the Goddess, +1 Mercy of the Goddess, +1 Respect (in episode 7)
Dodge. Correct choice / +1 respect if the first time
Jump up and grab your hand (+Respect later)
Find Braxman Maxavir for 47 (Diamonds). + 1 Respect in episode 8
Shoot. +1 Respect
She rushed to cover her brother (47 diamonds). Thanks to you, Kir avoided injury +2 Respect
Season 3 Episode 7
Examine the window. +1 Respect if the first time
Stone altar ( Requirement: 85 Honored ). +1 Respect
Season 3 Episode 8
Smoky amethyst (30 diamonds), decor with amethysts (21 diamonds), lavender scattering (21 diamonds). +2 Respect . Your gentle image is mesmerizing.
For a combination of a paid outfit, a paid hairstyle and a paid decoration, we get: +1 Respect . Devdas appreciated the way you look.
Season 3 Episode 9
Hasn't it started already? +1 Respect . You listened carefully to Amrit at the reception.
When choosing an outfit: Maxarani set (64 diamonds), Maxarani hairstyle (31 diamonds), Maxarani bracelets (18 diamonds). + 2 Respect. You look like a noble person and people see it .
I'm going to dine with you / I'm going to dine for you, Jaya + Respect in episode 10
Strange girl +1 respect in episode 12
I don't have to do anything. Basu me or who? (10 diamonds). +2 Respect . You don't need detours to get yours. You can answer for yourself.
Season 3 Episode 10
Maxarani set (64 diamonds), Maxarani hairstyle (31 diamonds), Maxarani bracelets (18 diamonds). +2 Respect. You look like a noble person and people see it .
Season 3 Episode 11
I am not a boy (20 diamonds). +1 Respect / The dubei begin to accept Kieran as a full member of the Basu family
Summon crippled souls. Correct decision, +1 RESPECT if the first time / You remember the events of the past perfectly
Used my skill (51 diamonds). +1 Respect / Due to Kieran being able to see your powers, he has a puzzle
(Jump Rishi on hands for 20 diamonds.) +1 Respect ‚+1 Independence, +1 Loyalty / Rishi is a little embarrassed by being close to you
Season 3 Episode 12
Make the vase break in Yamen's face. (85 Goddess Grace stats) + 1 Respect, Your skill of interaction with the otherworld has increased , Yamen regretted contacting you at all
Open your eyes, fools! Who are you talking to? (21 diamonds). +2 Respect.You laid siege to Vimal's henchmen. From now on they will be more respectful to you
Crown of Mahadevi / Solar Eagle (48 diamonds). +1 Respect if you previously chose Moon or Sun Robe
The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.
Following last year's success, the organizers and partners (Lesta Igri, VK Play, Astrum Entertainment and 1C Game Studios) announced the second event will be held at the Crocus Expo exhibition center from October 31 to November 3, 2025.