Walkthrough Time Trapper W . Romance
Club - Episode 10 Season 2. Answers, Guide, Elections
"On your knees. Hands in front of you ."
- Get down on your knees. -1
Status (PENALTY)
- Don't move. +1 Status
"What ?"
- No! No effect.
- Yes please! No effect
"Damn, damn, damn..."
- Stop Time (63 Diamonds) Cutscene
/ +1 Presence Power / Thanks to you, Shen gained the advantage, and Onyx
and Lucien escaped injury.
- Find a safe place. Petar
gained the advantage in a fight with Shen, and Lucien and Onyx were
"We need..."
- Stick together! +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Fight! +1 Heiress of the Moon
- Surrender.
If you are friends with Shen
- Shen can't let anything happen
to you.
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Branch with Shen
- Losing you is Shen's worst
Vesper/Lucien thread
- Yes... (32 diamonds) Your
relationship with Vesper/Lucien has improved
- ... No effect
"Nazima ?"
- Where am I? No effect
- If you're here, does that mean
I'm in a nightmare? +1 Heir of the Moon
- Nice to see you. +1 Messenger of the Sun
- Try to escape. -1 Status (PENALTY)
- Obey. +1 Status
If in the ninth episode you
independently drew conclusions about Previus' motivation and talked to him for
29 diamonds, receiving the achievement, then: "You have collected
the most complete information about what happened and can draw the right conclusions"
/ +2 Heir of the Moon, +2 Messenger of the Sun.
“How I wish…”
- Sleep. No effect.
- Calm. +1 Heir of the Moon
- Warmth and comfort. +1 Messenger of the Sun
"As the last
spark of the Conduit's power was about to leave the temporary refuge it had
found within her body, Nova..."
- Didn't let her go (Requirement:
Presence Powers 15). Having a piece of the Conduit's power
could prove useful in the future.
- I let her go. No effect.
Branch with Shen
“As if obeying instinct,
she stood up and rushed towards him…”
- And hugged tightly (32
diamonds). It's hard for Shen, but his feelings for
you have taken root deep in his heart
- But she stopped just a step
away.No effect
- It's okay, I understand. No effect .
- Why are you here? -1 Status
"Disagreements ?"
- Excuse my curiosity… (11
diamonds) Hear the story of Vesper and Rhydian's
disagreements / No effect
- Keep silent. No effect.
We choose any hairstyle,
clothes and makeup.
Branch with Onyx
- Onyx realized that he was ready to
take a risk for you.
On the branch with
Lucien, we will receive a note.