Walkthrough Chasing You 2 — Episode 5, Season 1 (Guide all answers, choices, art, cut scenes)
Attention. Time selection:
"And you…"
- Bitten a man by the hand +1 Authority . You are a gift or C emu a chance to pass !
- Tried to get out. No effect
- Grabbed for the gun. +1 A second ite t . You gave Sam a chance to attack!
Attention . Time selection : _ _
“You grabbed…”
- Stone. try again
- Umbrella Sam Are you able to save C em!
- Your shoe. try again
“Having stepped over the threshold of the apartment, you ...”
- Left Sam to lie. No effect
- She dragged Sam to the sofa. Thank you for your concern!
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- I'll be here. No effect
- I will help you. T vo me with smallness tpo hae t e go heart !
- Lie down with him (52 diamonds). Scene with Sam. Are you sure it 's closer to today ! _ Additional dialogue . _ _
- Heat a heating pad. No effect
![Passage I hunt you 2 - 5 episode 1 season (Guide all answers, choices, art, cut-scenes) Прохождение Я охочусь на тебя 2 — 5 серия 1 сезон (Гайд все ответы, выборы, арты, кат-сцены)]()
If you chose the option for diamonds:
- Kiss me... You made Sam's heart beat faster! Apt. Kiss scene.
- Turn away. No effect
- Grace myself. No effect
"And then..."
- You would have suffered too. Eve nice your care ! _ _ _ _
- Nothing would change No effect
- We would have to protect you! Eve did not like your remark
The choice of outfit has no effect on the story.
If you are close to Alexander, a sign will appear : "Looks like Alexander likes to touch you"
“Don't joke about it! You…”
- After all, you are also experiencing! A Lexa Ndp is surprised at your perspicacity ! _ _ _ _
- Wouldn't look better! No effect
- I would die in his place! A leksa ndp your position is not pleasant !
"This is..."
- Hudson's whistle of 1885 (12 stats of Intuition). T u popa zila P ahche l and A le kca ndra! You have earned a la b al pe travel for your a ge nc tva _
- Um… police whistle? No effect
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect on the story.
- With pleasure (32 diamonds). Ezpe npa witc I'm your o answer ! Exit to additional dialogue.
- I ca n’t give an answer ... Ezra is enchanted by your answer . It will be possible to speak for free with a vowel and enter an additional dialogue .
- Already promised the first dance to another. No effect
If you chose a paid option:
- Apparently, very perceptive? +1 Logic
- Are you guessing? +1 Intuition
- Know nothing about me! No effect
"I can't go into the garden with you because you..."
- You scare me. No effect
- Dangerous like a fairy. +1 Authority
“Looks like Alexander has…”
- Logic chain? +1 Logic
- Some premonition? +1 Intuition
- Same detective. No effect
- I came here in vain. T o bidet la C ema
- Should get more rest. Thank you emu for your care ! _ _
"You looked at him in a rage"
- And suddenly I remembered that night ... (98 diamonds). Scene with Alexander. Additional dialogue
- And shook her head ... No effect
If you chose the option for diamonds:
"This is..."
- The same stars as in the garden. No effect
- More beautiful than in the garden ... A leksa ndp to the will of your price !
- Hapochno? No effect
- You smell good ... A leksa ndp u nice this remark _
- What are you doing?! A lexicon does n't like it when they yell at him . _ _ _ _ _
"You thought for a second and..."
- Nod no effect
- She shook her head. No effect
“You closed your eyes and…”
- Reached for him. Oh , that 's what he wanted ... The kiss scene. Apt.
- Pushed him away No effect
![Passage I hunt you 2 - 5 episode 1 season (Guide all answers, choices, art, cut-scenes) Прохождение Я охочусь на тебя 2 — 5 серия 1 сезон (Гайд все ответы, выборы, арты, кат-сцены)]()