Walkthrough Chasing You 2 — Episode 6, Season 1 (Guide all answers, choices, art, cut scenes)
At the beginning of the episode, if you have a good relationship with Alexander, you will receive a sign that says “Alexander seems to like you.”
"Confused, you..."
- (She obediently hugged him.) Alexander likes you more and more, but Ezra likes you a little less...
- (Pressed against the wall.) No effect
- (She pushed him away.) Alexander didn’t like it, but Ezra did.
- Okay, Ezra (6 diamonds). Alexander highly appreciated your action
- I would like... to come to you (6 diamonds). Ezra appreciated your action
- I'll ask you both to leave. No effect
“Can we stay away? Need to…"
- Save this evening! +1 Logic
- Try to have fun! +1 Intuition
- I want to be a princess! No effect
- Rachel should be a princess! Rachel's glad to hear that.
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We choose the clothes you want, which can affect the attitude towards you.
- The Princess and the Pea (free). No effect
- Princess in the tower (27 diamonds). No effect
- Princess on the throne (47 diamonds). Everyone appreciated your outfit
- Everything at once (66 diamonds). Everyone appreciated your outfit, get all the outfits
- (She grabbed her palm.) No effect
- (Gently stroked her palm.) No effect
Choose the desired hairstyle that doesn’t affect anything:
- The Princess and the Pea (free). No effect
- Princess in the tower (23 diamonds). No effect
- Princess on the throne (27 diamonds). No effect
- Everything at once (45 diamonds). No effect
"Sir Anderson..."
- The role was promised to Alexander (47 diamonds). You have given Alexander great pleasure / Additional selections below
- The role was promised to Ezra (47 diamonds). You've given Ezra great pleasure / Additional selections below
- I will be happy to play with you... No effect
- Police whistle. -1 Intuition (PENALTY) / You have lost an agency reputation point
- Not so important. +1 Logic
- Just our guess. +1 Intuition
In the event that they previously promised the role to Alexander
“The role was promised to Alexander”
- (Moved away from Alexander.) No effect
- (Didn’t move away.) Alexander is also pleased to feel you close
“You turned your head and...”
- (Touched his shoulder with her lips.) You made Alexander’s heart stop for a second
- (Look into his eyes.) No effect li>
“You turned your head and...”
- (Touched his shoulder with her lips.) You made Alexander’s heart stop for a second
- (Look into his eyes.) No effect
- That's right, dragon. Let me stay. You made Alexander's soul sing
- Terrible dragon. And I have to leave. It looks like you seriously injured Alexander.
If they promised the role to Ezra
"The role was promised to Ezra"
- (Move away from Ezra.) No effect
- (Move closer to Ezra.) Ezra likes your courage
- Capable of destroying. Ezra likes your point of view
- And I myself am not worthy. No effect
- That's right, dragon. Stay with me. Ezra is not disappointed in you
- You're wrong, dragon. I'm leaving. Ezra is disappointed in you
If no one has been promised a role before
“I will be happy to play with you...”
- Disgustingly boring. No effect
- It could have been worse.
- It would be worse without you. Rachel, I like your attitude.
- Promotion? No effect
- Growing old together? Eva likes this thought
“You can also play at the doll’s funeral! Sam will come with me. He…"
- Cleverer. Sam likes this way of asking the question</strong>
- Not much to lose. Sam is not happy with this way of asking the question.
- Police officer. No effect
Path of Logic
- I have to think about it. +1 Logic
- Look in the table. No effect
- I'll rely on you. -1 Logic (PENALTY)
Path of Intuition
- I want to understand Mr. Anderson... +1 Intuition
- I'll look in the bookcase.
- I'll rely on you.
If in the fifth episode of the first season of the game you chose the “Lie with him” option: “Sam is not afraid to touch you!” .
- I think I'm starting to understand... (Requirement: Authority 10). You have received an agency score
- I don't understand anything. No effect
- Still, she took his hand (10 diamonds). He enjoys your touch
- (Waving her hands at him.) No effect
“Breathing shallowly and often, you...”
- Reached out to his lips (73 diamonds). Ezra is pleasantly surprised by your intensity / Kiss scene / Cut scene / Additional selection below
- (Starts to retreat.) No effect
If you chose the paid option
- Necessarily.
- We'll see how you behave. Ezra really likes your answer.
- I will think.