Passage of Kali Call of Darkness - 10 episode 1 season. Answers "Shadows are gathering"
At the beginning of the tenth episode of the first season of Kali Call of Darkness, you can earn the wrath or mercy of the goddess. In addition, you can choose any clothes, it does not affect anything.
![Kali Call of Darkness Mercy or Wrath of the Goddess? Кали Зов Тьмы Милость или Гнев богини?]()
1. "I think..."
- He should have taken me seriously. +1 Goddess' Grace / You don't feel sorry for the leader
- This is payback for his lousy character. +1 Goddess' Favor / Do you think the leader deserves retribution
- Nobody deserves such a death. +1 Wrath of the Goddess / You are merciful
2. "..."
And then there will be several options for Loyalty or Independence at once, but two of them will also reward you with Respect. So it is better to choose the second or third line.
- Show emotions and turn away. +1 Loyalty
- Calm down and sort out. +1 Respect, +1 Independence
- Express regret. +1 Respect, +1 Loyalty
- Keep calm. +1 Independence
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3. "He's known Rose longer than us. Perhaps they were good to each other."
If you want to strengthen the friendship, choose the first option. Or a third.
- Support. A step towards friendship
- Remain indifferent. There is no effect
- Silently touch his hand. Killian appreciates your support.
4. "..."
You will learn important information if you pay 9 diamonds.
- Overcome dislike and do it (9 Diamonds). Useful in the future
- Change your mind and leave. There is no effect
5. "..."
Don't choose the last option or you'll get a Respect penalty!!!
- Voice your thoughts directly. +1 Independence
- Draw carefully to a conclusion. +1 Loyalty
- Immediately declare that the diplomat was killed. -1 Respect, +1 Independence
6. "How is this possible? I'm very excited. Should I apply for this role?"
On the path of low respect , Killian will automatically become the leader of the group . Along the path of high respect, you will have a choice. By paying diamonds, you can become the leader of the group.
- Yes, I want to lead (28 Diamonds). You are now in charge of the group / +2 Respect
- Not worth it. Now Killian leads the group
7. "Spend time together..."
Choose the first or last option. The last one is best, since there will be a bonus in the form of an improved relationship with Ratan.
- Agree. Your friendship with Killian and Lima has grown stronger
- Agree to work. There is no effect
- Agree and invite Ratan. Ratan is glad that you invited him / Your friendship with Killian and Lima has become stronger
8. "..."
It doesn't matter which option you choose.
- I will too. There is no effect
- I do not drink. There is no effect
9. "Would it be appropriate to ask him about it now?"
Choose between Loyalty and Independence.
- Ask directly. +1 Independence
- Come from afar. +1 Loyalty
- Remind Lipa of this. +1 Loyalty
10. Path of Independence
- Killian, this is important to the investigation. ( Requirement: 18 Independence ). +1 Respect / You were able to convince Killian on your own.
- Together with Lima to convince him. There is no effect
11. Path of Loyalty
- Killian, our attitude towards you will not change. ( Requirement: 18 Loyalty ). +1 Respect / You were able to convince Killian on your own
- Support him with Lima and Ratan. There is no effect
12. "Knowing all the details is very important. But it is very unpleasant for him to remember that time"
The information will come in handy in the future, so you can pay diamonds.
- I want to listen to the whole story (28 Diamonds). You learned the detailed story / It will come in handy in the future / +2 Respect you will receive in the choice below
- Be brief. There is no effect
If you chose the paid option for 28 diamonds above. In either case, you will receive 2 Respect, but you can also choose between Loyalty and Independence:
- Go to hell. +1 Independence, +2 Respect (with paid choice above)
- They won't be able to help me. +1 Loyalty, +2 Respect (with paid choice above)
- Everything is in hell. +1 Independence, +2 Respect (with paid choice above)
13. "..."
Choose the first option to strengthen the friendship.
- Thanks for sharing with us. Your friendship has grown stronger
- How could you go for this? There is no effect
14. Branch with Killian
"I can't believe he says that!"
The first, paid option will confirm your intentions to date Killian.
- Offer a Compromise (50 Diamonds). You want to be together no matter the circumstances
- Wave your hand. There is no effect
15. Branch with Lima:
"She's afraid, that's understandable. Lima is on the verge of hysteria. I can calm her down and talk, or I can not disturb her to leave..."
The first, paid option will confirm your intentions to date Lima.
- Calm down and talk (50 Diamonds). You stayed with Lima at a difficult time / It brought you closer
- Don't worry and leave. There is no effect
16. Branch with Ratan:
- Get indignant. +1 Independence
- be surprised. +1 Loyalty
The branch can then be developed:
- Allow a kiss for 28 diamonds. There is an incredible attraction between you
- Turn away. There is no effect
17. "..." If there is no close relationship with Ratan
Choose between Loyalty and Independence.
- Stop confusing and scaring me. +1 Independence
- How do you know this? +1 Loyalty
18. "..."
- Talk to children (23 Diamonds). You learned important information / It will be useful in the future / Cut-scene
- Leave. There is no effect
![Kali Call of Darkness episode 10, cutscene, art Кали Зов Тьмы 10 серия, кат-сцена, арт]()
If you choose the "Talk to the kids" option, you can choose between Loyalty and Independence.
- Try to talk. +1 Independence
- Just smile. +1 Loyalty