Passage of Kali Call of Darkness - 14 episode 3 season. Answers "Threads of Fate"
- (Turn away.) +1 Goddess Wrath
- (Maintain eye contact.) +1 Goddess Wrath
- (Bow.) +1 Goddess' Grace
You can get +1 Respect and the sign "Mehadevi knows that your brother is dearer to you than life."
If found out for the ritual, get another +1 Respect and a sign "You knew about the call of the Mother and the blood ritual before."
If you chose the option "You can take my body" in the eighth episode of the second season, you will receive a sign "Earlier you helped Priya. She repaid you in kind." Otherwise, you will receive the notification “Your choices in the past led to the death of Lima. She died protecting Kieran."
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“The only way to gain an advantage for young Dubey was…”
- Beat first. +1 Independence
- Dodge. +1 Loyalty
- Push off your uncle's tactics. +1 Loyalty
- I won't miss the pleasure of killing you. +1 Independence
- Are you afraid this half won't be enough? +1 Loyalty
Path of the Goddess' Wrath
Further, the description follows the path of the Wrath of the Goddess.
"The old woman will run away now!"
- Catch up (29 diamonds). You caught Priyanka and you can punish her for everything / Priyanka is here and you can find out about what she wanted to do with Kieran / Additional choice below
- To hell with it ... No effect
- I will kill you with my own hands (46 diamonds). You killed Priyanka and repeated the blood ritual / This will free you from the call of the Mother
- Shekhar, can you help? priyanka is dead
Path of Independence
- Because it is my duty. +1 Independence
- I want this. +2 Independence
Path of Loyalty
- I intended to sit quietly, like a mouse. +2 Loyalty
- I was looking for a convenient moment to pull off the Amrita ring. + 1 Loyalty
Branch with Amrit
If in the seventh episode of the second season they chose the option "The story of Amrit is everything", then the choice will be below
- Yes.
- I have never been on your side. +2 Goddess Wrath
Also get signs "Amrit will never accept your choice", "You betrayed Amrit and he does not intend to fulfill your request" and "Killian is killed".
On the branch with Amrit, subject to the choice above, you will receive: "Amrit died protecting you"
Branch with Ratan
"Raitan does not want to take the position of an avatar and will try to become a human for you"
If you have a high relationship with Reitan and the branch has been upgraded:
- "Mahakali feels your connection with Reitan" / "Your connection is strong enough for Reitan to gain strength and separate from Shiva's ether"
Due to previous choices, you may receive a notification "You have died, you will be reborn in the circle of samsara" .
Path of Goddess Grace
The next election will be if you follow the path of Goddess Grace.
At first , a notification may appear “Thanks to the offering on the day of Durga Puja, you have earned the favor of the goddess. Amrit didn't miss out on Priyanka." There will also be a sign “You made an offering at Durga Puja, and the goddess gave you strength. Priyanka won't run."
- Cut Vimal's throat (73 diamonds). +4 Respect, +4 Goddess' Grace / Vimal fell at your hand / You avenged the entire Basu clan
- (Give opportunity to Amrit.) No effect
"Blood Thirst Grows in You" Sign
“Priyanka is here and you can find out about what she wanted to do with Kiran” / “Priyanka Chauhan is dead” notifications are possible.
Branch with Killian
- "Killian was amazed by your choice" sign
If you're friends with Killian: "It hurts your friend Killian to know which side you're on."
If you are not friends with Killian: "There was no strong relationship between you and Killian."
If you were friends with Gabriel: "You and Gabriel got along well, and you feel sorry for him."
If you had a close relationship with Gabriel: "There was a romantic relationship between you and Gabriel before."
- Because it is my duty. +1 Independence
- I want it. +2 Independence
Path of Loyalty
- (Scare away.) +2 Loyalty
- (Strike.) +1 Loyalty
A path of high respect and independence
Path of High Respect and Loyalty
- Made the decisive blow. {Scar choice for 105 diamonds). Wrath of the Goddess, You killed Amrit Dubey and repeated the ritual of blood, the Call of the Mother will be terminated
- I saw Killian kill Dubey. Killian killed Amrit
Branch finals with Killian
Goddess Wrath
- On the path of loyalty and low respect , Vimal will kill you
![Vimal kills the heroine Вимал убивает героиню]()
- On the path of independence and low respect : Dark Mother: " You have died, you will be reborn in the circle of samsara"
- With high respect, a future together awaits you in episode 15
Goddess Grace
- On the path of independence and low respect : "Killian sacrificed himself for you" "Killian died"
![Killian sacrificed himself Киллиан пожертвовал собой]()
- Along the path of loyalty and low respect . Gabriel will kill you: “You are dead. You will be reborn in the circle of samsara"
- Along the path of loyalty and high respect. Killian will stop Gabriel from killing Amala. Amrit will kill Gabriel.
- On the path of independence and high respect. You kill Gabriel, Killian breaks up with you: “ You and Killian have too different views. He won't accept them. "
Line finals with Reitan
Goddess Wrath
- On the path of independence and low respect . You will be killed by the Dark Mother: “ Ray tried to protect you, and you both died. Samsara awaits you, and oblivion awaits him. ”
- On the path of loyalty and low respect " Raitan sacrificed himself for you"
- With high respect "Raitan does not want to take the position of an avatar and will try to become a human for your sake"
- If in 3x13 they chose "I want to bind our souls." "Mahakali feels your connection with Reitan"
- If you developed a branch : "Your connection is strong enough for Reitan to gain strength and separate from Shiva's ether"
- If the branch is not developed enough, Reytan will die : “Your connection is not strong enough for Ray to become a separate being. The Dark Mother is angry", "Raitan sacrificed himself for you"
![Branch with Ratan Ветка с Рэйтаном]()
Goddess Grace
- On a branch with Reitan and if in 3x8 they chose “I will help you, Mahadeva”: “You promised Reitan to protect him and you did it ”
Finals on the branch with Amrit
Goddess Wrath
- "Amrit will never accept your choice"
- On the path of independence and low respect, Amrit will kill Amala: "Amrit
- decided to kill you myself "
![Amrit kills the heroine Амрит убивает героиню]()
- Along the path of loyalty and low respect " You are dead. You will be reborn in the circle of samsara"
![amrit.png Финал с Амритом низкое уважение]()
- On the path of loyalty and high respect " Amrit died protecting you "
- On the Path of Independence and High Respect : " You betrayed Amrit and he does not intend to fulfill your request", "Killian is killed "
Goddess Grace
- paths of independence / loyalty with high respect , if in 3x13 you chose "There is order here": a bright future awaits you in episode 15 .
- On the path of loyalty and low respect, Gabriel will kill you: “You died. You will be reborn in the circle of samsara"
- Along the path of independence and low respect . Amrit will suffer: " Amrit is ready to sacrifice himself for you "
- If the relationship developed well enough and Amrit suffered : “ You managed to help Amrit thanks to your relationship ”
- If Amrit was hurt and your relationship is not close enough : “You were afraid and could not help Amrit”, “Amrit died protecting you”
- On a branch with Amrit / along the path of a loner / Grace of the Goddess / Independence / High respect, if you previously slapped Amrit (3 * 4), previously chose "Open your eyes, stupid! Who are you talking to?" (3*12) and chose "Only Basu can control people" (3*13): " You opened one of the two hidden endings", you will kill Amrit
![You killed Amrit Вы убили Амрита]()
Branch finals with Lima
Goddess Wrath
- Along the path of independence and low respect . The Dark Mother will kill Amala: “ You are dead. You will be reborn in the circle of samsara "
- Along the path of loyalty and low respect. Lima will die: " Lima took a chance for youand Kiran. She died saving you."
- Along the path of loyalty and high respect. Amrit andKillian will kill Vimal and you will leave.
- On the path of independence and high respect . You or Killian will kill Amrit.
Goddess Grace
- On the path of loyalty/independence and low respect, Gabriel will kill Amala: “You died. You will be reborn in the circle of samsara"
- Along the path of loyalty and high respect . " Amrit will kill Gabriel "
- On the path of independence and high respect . Lima will have a hard time accepting the new Amala and she and Killian will leave, episode 15 scene: " Lima, like Killian, cannot accept your choice "