Passage On thin ice - 7 episode 1 season. Guide "A Chance for Salvation"
After Liz introduces Hodge, the main character and he will make it clear that they have known each other for a long time. There will be a fork here depending on which points you have more - Light or Darkness.
path of light
Katherine will explain to the girl that it would be strange if, while communicating with Brian, she never saw his brother Hodge.
You can then ask Hodge and Liz a few questions:
- What relationship do you have? Liz and Hodge looked at each other affectionately, and the girl will report that the man is as dear to her as Brian. The girl took a neutral side during the brothers' conflict.
- Why you? Hodge does not acquire anything just like that. His friend is having a hard time with finances and the man decided to help him.
- Is that why we didn't tell Brian? Brian always grumbles at Liz when he finds out that the girl visits nightclubs. And for the fact that a friend also took Katherine, she will be much more upset. And, of course, because of Khodja.
Hodge will call Charlie and look after Liz. Choose what to say to Hodge:
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- You are different today. Your relationship with Hodge has improved.
- You care so much about Liz. No effect
- Are you so condescending with everyone? No effect
Relationship Improvement"="" episode="" 7="" season="" 1="" |="" romance="" club="" guide"="" alt="Прохождение «По тонкому льду» 7 серия 1 сезон | Клуб Романтики Гайд" width="55%" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2021-09-17/16318765790.jpeg">
The heroes will go to the club, and Hodge will ask what Liz thinks about the institution:
- You have great taste. Hodge doesn't like sycophants
- Something is disturbing... Hodge appreciates criticism!
- This is not to my taste. No effect
Relationship Improvement In Hodge's huge office you will meet his tame barn owl Sirius. He will offer to stroke the bird:
- Can i? Your relationship with Hodge has improved.
- I will refrain. No effect
Relationship ImprovementIf in the 6th episode of the first season you yourself repulsed Dominic (Stand up for yourself) , then the main character will not tell Hodge about him and Dominic will be grateful to you , and later protect him from the club visitor.
- If you haven't taken pills on the balcony before, you'll get a message... "Hodge admires you" and +1 Authority
How to increase credibility If in season 1, episode 6 you chose "But I overpowered myself (did not drink pills on the balcony)" , then Hodge is admired by you / +1 Authority
Then you can say something to him in response to how well he prepared for the meeting with Katherine:
- You are trying to study me. +1 Darkness
- Why should I trust you? +1 Light
Path of Darkness or Light Hodge will say that he knows what Katherine's problem is. And he's really familiar with Ocean and the bastard's methods. After all, you may be asking:
- Why are they pulling (11 diamonds)? Additional information about Ocean's methods / Hodge noticed your attentiveness / +1 Authority / Hodge will tell you that as soon as Katherine ceases to be beneficial for Ocean, he will immediately get rid of the girl. Baker won't let that happen.
- I understood. No effect
How to increase credibility In the end, you will be able to somehow respond to Hodge's call to fight Ocean:
- I'm confused. No effect
- I have a chance. +1 Light
- I won't choose. +1 Darkness
- I have to help myself. +1 Light, +1 Dark
Path of Darkness or Light At the club, Dominic will stand up for Katherine. The same guy who recently brazenly molested a girl. You can find out detailed information about Hodge if you part with blood diamonds:
- I'll take a chance (20 diamonds). Your relationship with Dominic improved / You found out interesting information / We learn that Dominic was going to pick up a drunk Liz, but Hodge did not let this happen. Now he keeps a subordinate on the hook / Bo 2nd season 2 episodes get +1 Authority
- Better not worth it. No effect
Relationship Improvement![On thin ice episode 7, Hodge with an owl, cut-scene, art По тонкому льду 7 серия, Ходж с совой, кат-сцена, арт]()
Returning to Hodge's office, you will find him with a barn owl. Here you will be shown new art (cut-scene) . Hodge will give a bag of money - it contains exactly the amount that Katherine owes Ocean.
At the club, Liz will turn to you and ask if Katherine would like to live with her:
- I'll be glad. Your relationship with Liz has improved
- If you don't mind. No effect
- Do not want to interrupt. Your relationship with Liz deteriorated
Relationship Improvement Choose how to say goodbye to Baker:
- You helped me. Hodge sincerely wants to help you
- Good luck to you! No effect
Relationship Improvement Choose any questions for Charlie, but he will not be very talkative anyway. In Liz's house, you will see how the girl is tormented, trying to take off her shoes:
- Help. Your relationship with Liz has improved
- Keep out. No effect
Relationship Improvement If you select the "Help" option:
- I want to touch her (31 diamonds). Romantic scene with Liz / Your relationship with Liz has improved
- Need to stop. No effect
Relationship Improvement Choose a hairstyle for your morning workout. During your morning run, you will meet Brian:
- You were missed. Brian loves your attention
- Had a great time. Liz is pleased with your attention
- Nothing like that. No effect
Relationship Improvement When Brian finds out that you and Liz were at the Hodge Club, he will be upset. You can tell him:
- It's time to do something. Brothers relationship improved
- Calm down. No effect
Relationship Improvement At the hotel you will meet Naomi, who will persuade you to spend time together. Beatrice will be at the bar. Choose what to say to her:
- Any news. No effect
- Very bored. No effect
- They came to say goodbye. No effect
Naomi confesses to sleeping with Tom:
- Hit her.. +1 Darkness
- Put in place. +1 Light
- Call security. No effect
Path of Darkness or Light Then Katherine will take a bottle of bourbon and go for a walk through the rainy streets. The series will end.