Passage On thin ice - 8 episode 1 season. Guide "What is strength?"
Two days ago
The first working day (more precisely, the evening) of Katherine will begin at the bar counter of Baker's nightclub. The girl will begin to remember how she spent that very night after being fired and quarreling with Naomi's "unfortunate friend". Then select an option:
- I'm not surprised? +1 Darkness
- Wouldn't I like to know? No effect
- Am I in pain? +1 Light
Path of Darkness or Light 5 years ago
Then the girl will delve even more into the memories of Tom. There will be a paid choice:
- Dissolved in it (6 diamonds). Romantic scene with Tom
- She dodged to hug him. No effect
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Relationship Improvement He will remember how Tom swore that he would love forever.
Our days, bar counter
Eugene will begin to train the girl. Memorize the recipe for sweet and sour Cosmopolitan - lime and cranberry juice, liqueur and vodka. Choose an option:
- Two juices, ice and vodka. Wrong
- Liqueur and vodka, juice and a slice of lime. Wrong
- Two juices, liquor and vodka. +1 Authority
- Liqueur and vodka, ice, orange juice. Wrong
How to increase credibility Then for the first time select:
A second time:
Further result :
- If one mistake is made. You managed to impress Eugene
- If there were no errors. You managed to impress Eugene / +1 Authority
- If you made two mistakes. You have a lot to learn
How to increase credibility Hodge will call Catherine to his place, stating that her work day is over, and now she can relax and have a drink. Take a glass of whiskey, after which the conversation will continue. And there will be a branching.
"="" episode="" 8="" season="" 1="" |="" romance="" club="" guide"="" alt="Прохождение «По тонкому льду» 8 серия 1 сезон | Клуб Романтики Гайд" width="80%" data-src="/storage/uploads/club/2021-10-19/16346298800.jpeg">
path of high authority
Hodge will invite Katherine to tell his side of the story about what happened between the two brothers and why they quarreled. In this case, the choice "Yes, I want!" will be free :
- Yes I want to! Your relationship with Hodge improved / The brothers' relationship improved / You found out the real reason for the quarrel / After the death of their parents, Brian and Hodge were depressed. If the older brother tried to control himself even a little, the younger one could not control himself. It was time to take responsibility for the business, but Brian kept refusing and trying to put everything on Hodge's shoulders. When the brothers were able to come to an agreement, the younger fell into depression, became addicted to illegal substances. Hodge let him go, but tried from the side - secretly from his brother, to help him cope. Brian blamed Hodge for everything and did not let him near him.
- No, I've had enough. No effect
Relationship Improvement Path of low authority
In this case , the story of Hodge (choosing "Yes, I want!") Will be paid - 21 diamonds .
Dominic will bring clothes and you can change into something. This does not affect anything, however, if the relationship with Hodge is at a high level , you will see two free outfits in the list. Hodge, along with Katherine, will go to the park, where the man will give the girl a crystal rose. Hodge will remember something, but the detailed information will be paid:
- Please share with me (8 diamonds). An additional scene in which Hodge reminisces about the weekend with Brian and living parents / The brothers' relationship improved / We will see a scene from Hodge's memories. For the birthday of Brian, he turned 16 years old, Baker Sr. postponed the transfer of the exam at the university and the meeting with the girl. I organized everything for the holiday, so that Brian would remember this day for a long time.
- Your right. No effect
Have breakfast with Liz the next morning, and while the girl is busy, you can ask Harry, asking all your questions.
At the ice rink, Tate will invite Katherine to ride together:
- Allow (21 diamonds). Your relationship with Tate has improved / You gain proficiency / +1 Prestige if you impress Elena (described elsewhere)
- I think another time. No effect
Relationship Improvement![On Thin Ice Episode 8 Season 1 Cutscene Art with Tate on Ice По тонкому льду 8 серия 1 сезон, кат-сцена, арт с Тейтом на льду]()
After a while, the coach will appear, and Liz will leave, leaving you alone. The reaction of the coach will directly depend on how much skill you have accumulated to date:
- If there is enough skill. You managed to impress Elena / +1 Authority
How to increase credibility At the bar, Katherine will notice Hodge and Charlie, but Dominic will stop her. You can:
- Use charm. You couldn't convince Dominic and you wasted your time. Try again!
- Threaten. You couldn't convince Dominic and you wasted your time. Try again!
- Try to push. You managed to impress Elena / Correct option / +1 Authority, if chosen the first time
- Sufferingly beg. You couldn't convince Dominic and you wasted your time. Try again!
How to increase credibility In the car with the House you will be able to:
- I'm interested in getting to know you better. Your relationship with Dominic has improved / The guy will be pleasantly surprised that the main character wants to know more about him.
- Can you tell me about another girl from the club? No effect
Relationship Improvement Dominic will keep Katherine from doing something stupid during Hodge and Ocean's meeting:
- Didn't listen to him (21 diamonds). You learned important information / Hodge and Ocean will start a verbal skirmish. The latter will say that Baker will not be able to get out of the mud as a black enemy. Ocean's security will detect strangers around the perimeter, and the truce will be canceled.
- Decided to stay.
After the trip, Dom will approach Katherine, trying to calm her down:
- Let's Go Crazy Together (30 Diamonds). Romantic scene with Dominik / Your relationship with Dominik has improved
- Home, no need... No effect
Relationship Improvement![On Thin Ice Episode 8 Season 1 Cutscene with Dominic Car Art По тонкому льду 8 серия 1 сезон, кат-сцена с Домиником, арт в машине]()
In the park, the girl will meet Brian with Sam. The guy will hand the girl a glass of coffee. Suddenly, a man will appear in a remote corner of the park, who will report that the time is up and Mr. Ocean is waiting for the girl.