Passage of Theodore - 3 episode 2 season. Responses to "About Glitter"
The next choice affects the path of the cynic or the romantic.
"Courtesy itself..."
- Well I'll wait. +1 Romantic
- Just sit down. No effect
- You could at least say hello. +1 Cynic
The choice affects the relationship with Blaine.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- That's fine, of course, but your mess is life-threatening. No effect
- Understand. Relationship Improvement
- Keep silent. Does not affect
The Path of Romance
“Perhaps the word best describes me…”
- Tender (35 Romance stats). Additional outfit will be available
- Lost. No effect
Way of the Cynic
“Perhaps the word best describes me…”
- Stubborn (35 Cynic stats). Additional outfit will be available
- Lost. No effect
The next choice affects the relationship with Blaine.
- Ask Blaine to show sketches (30 diamonds). Improved relationship with Blaine
- Thank Blaine and leave. No effect
- I liked him. No effect
- Seems like a good one. No effect
- A little strange. No effect
The next choice affects the path of the cynic or the romantic.
- Oh, burlesque actress. Hey +1 Cynic
- Hello. +1 Romantic
- Reply friendly. No effect
- Reply with a flirt. Improved relationship with Charlotte
- To shrug. No effect
“We should take the chance to ask Charlotte about her.”
- Do you enjoy working for her? No effect
- Does she have a good relationship with employees? No effect
- She seems to be quite strict. No effect
The next choice will affect the friendly or romantic relationship with Charlotte.
- Come on (20 diamonds). Relationship Improvement
- I have to go home, sorry. No effect
- Pretend he/she is here (10 diamonds). Introduce the favorite from the first season.
- Continue to meditate. No effect
The next choice affects the path of the cynic or the romantic.
- Go and try to help someone. +1 Romantic
- You're right. Everything is fine in our department, so there is nothing to worry about. +1 Cynic
Cassandra's outfit is stained.
"It's partly my fault too..."
- Help Cassandra (10 diamonds). Let us help you remove juice stains
- Leave Cassandra. No effect
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect.
The next choice affects the relationship with Blaine.
- Take a step closer. Relationship Improvement
- Thank Blaine for the suit. No effect
The next choice affects the path of the cynic or the romantic.
- No. +1 Cynic
- Except quite a bit. +1 Romantic
The choice affects the relationship with Antonio.
- Yes. Relationship Improvement
- Come on, you better. No effect
- Eavesdrop on the conversation of men (20 diamonds). Find out information
- Leave. No effect
Wine selection.
“We must not lose face. Red wines…»
- Lomonoff Galery and Cielo al Tramonto. The right choice / Madame Rosetta is pleased with you
Choose with whom to start a dialogue
- Talk to Charlotte. Relationship Improvement
- Talk to Antonio. Relationship Improvement
- Check out Blaine. Relationship Improvement
- Stand by the window. No effect