Unfortunately, the authors of the vampire survival did not bother to provide the game with a Russian translation. But we know how to fix this defect!
Russian language for V Rising (crack) - free download
The craftsmen have already managed to translate V Rising into Russian. The version is still minimal, there are shortcomings and errors, but it's still much more pleasant to play! In order to download the crack for V Rising, follow one of the two links (the files are verified and safe):
For localization to work:
- Download file
- go to the package file that you downloaded here: x:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\VRising\VRising_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization
- In the game settings, change the language to Russian.
- Follow us on Discord https://discord.gg/sathQfW for updates
Features of crack V Rising:
- Everything has been translated.
- Localization is not final, since I didn’t really play the game, so I correct the text while reading it in the game. Naturally, there may be errors in the translation, but I quickly correct them.
- Localization is not verbatim, I change some elements at my own discretion, for example, in the structure of the text (I will show in screenshots)