Zakhar Bocharov, head of the GSC Game World studio, in an interview with reporters from the PC Gamer portal said that the team had decided to postpone the release of their game STALKER 2 . Initially, the project was supposed to be released on December 2 this year, but the company's plans were violated.
The GSC office was located in Kyiv, the start of a military special operation forced the developers to change their place of deployment. At first, specialists tried to increase the pace of production in a new place, but, apparently, they did not grow together.
So far, we have not been told when exactly the game is planned to be released. On the net, users are betting on new dates - some say that the release of STALKER 2 should not be expected until 2024 or, in general, the year 2030.
The action game also received a content update.