All materials on are protected by copyright. Partial copying is permitted with an open (for search engines) link. ShowGamer (2015)
According to Evgeny Bazhenov (BadComedian), he liked Prey, Resident Evil 7 the most. The blogger liked Cyberpunk 2077 by CD Projekt RED a little less.
The blogger did not check out the game Resident Evil Village. It's easy to play on easy, but hard on hard.
Also, according to the blogger, he decided to review Company of Heroes 2:
“Company of Heroes comes out very rarely, plus the studio made Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, so it was a rare copy that was not to be missed. Call of Duty comes out every year, it's gum you can't keep up with."
Eugene said that he liked board games, one of his favorite games was Carcassonne.
The action game also received a content update.
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