Santa Monica studio executives shared details with reporters about the development of a new game called God of War Ragnarok in a recent interview. As Cory Barlog and Eric Williams recalled, the franchise could become a trilogy, as the developers could not figure out for a long time whether they should complete the story of Kratos and Atreus in a couple of games or expand the story for another one.
In the end, it was decided to make two games, increasing the pace of the story. There were no content cuts, while God of War Ragnarok began testing back in 2019. No one expected that the release version would receive such a powerful feedback from the audience, and the actors who know their characters perfectly played an important role in this.
It is not yet clear whether Sony plans to somehow continue the story, because initially it was decided to make a dilogy instead of a trilogy.
The action game also received a content update.