In 2023, the sequel Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will appear, which is being developed by Insomniac Games. Also at the PlayStation Showcase, the star cast of the action was announced, in which we are waiting for the appearance of Peter, Miles and Venom.
Insomniac spokesperson Ryan Schneider confirmed in a blog post that the game will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive. It will be "the most epic solo adventure ever" for Peter Parker and Miles Morales . From the looks of it, the two Spider-Men will team up to take on the dangerous Venom, voiced by Candyman's Tony Todd.
Game director Ryan Smith and creative producer Brian Intihar will return to work on the second part. The sequel will be worked on mainly by those people who participated in the development of previous games in the series. The roles of Peter and Miles will be played by Yuri Lowenthal and Naji Jeter.
The action game also received a content update.