Production on the new Riddick: Fury movie will begin on August 26, 2024, according to actor and producer Vin Diesel. David Touhy, who previously worked on the scripts of the previous films in the series, is returning to the franchise as writer and director of this installment.
In the new film, Vin Diesel will continue to play the role of Richard Riddick, an anti-hero and criminal who is being hunted across the galaxy. In the new part, Riddick will return to his home planet, where his relatives still live.
According to the plot of the movie, arriving on Furya, Riddick will find that the locals turn out to be unexpectedly similar to him. Answers to the questions of where his return will lead him and what trials await the hero, has not yet been revealed, but it is already known that the character of Vin Diesel will help the locals to resist the new threat.
The release date of Riddick: Fury has not yet been set, and the only confirmed actor in the cast remains Vin Diesel.
The action game also received a content update.