CD Projekt RED, the developers of the iconic The Witcher series, have shared their ambitious plans for the future. After the challenging events with Cyberpunk 2077, the team is fully focused on creating The Witcher 4, which will be the most ambitious RPG in the studio's history.
The Witcher 4 will be the first game in the series where Geralt of Rivia will not be the main character. This bold innovation emphasizes the developers' desire for new experiments and expansion of the world of The Witcher.
Over 400 employees are already working on The Witcher 4, and this is just the beginning. The developers promise an incredible scope, which will manifest itself both in the scale of the game world and in the amount of available content.
The game is created on the powerful Unreal Engine 5 engine, which guarantees stunning graphics and an incredible level of detail.
In the near future, we can expect teaser trailers or informational videos that will give players a glimpse into the world of The Witcher 4 and get the first impressions of the game. However, CD Projekt RED is in no hurry to share information until it is completely sure of the results of the work. However, it is known that the team will start active development already this year.
Polaris will remain a role-playing game, but CD Projekt Red has stated its desire to go beyond the usual and push the boundaries of the genre.
That's natural, considering how much the studio has grown since making The Witcher 3. CD Projekt Red is looking to set a new standard for RPGs and “Polaris” could be a groundbreaking project.
The Witcher 4 will turn our perception of the RPG genre upside down. Waiting for a new game in this universe is full of impatience and hope for the incredible adventures that await players in the future.
The action game also received a content update.