The first frames of the full-length animated film "The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim" have been unveiled by the media. This film serves as a prequel to Peter Jackson's famous trilogy, unfolding nearly 200 years before the events of the original trilogy.
The plot of the new film focuses on the legendary king of Rohan and his people - the Rohirrim. The main character, Helm Hammerhand, along with his children - Hera, Haleth, and Hama, face the onslaught of the Dunlendings and their leader, Wulf, and are forced to defend their positions in the fortress of Hornburg in Helm's Deep.
The main roles in the film are voiced by actors such as Brian Cox from the series "Succession," Gaia Weiss from the series "Detectives from Chelsea," Luke Pasqualino from the film "Through the Snow," Sean Bean from the series "The Witcher," and others. The narrator of the film will be Éowyn, voiced by Miranda Otto, known for her role in the second and third films of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
The runtime of the animated film is two and a half hours. The premiere is scheduled for December 13, 2024.
The action game also received a content update.