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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Creaks

Walkthrough Creaks

We bring to your attention a detailed walkthrough of the quest from the creators of the Samorost series.

Note . Our text article is structured in such a way that each next paragraph means the beginning of a new room / scene in the game.

Go to the chandelier and move the light bulb so that it stops flickering. Sit down at the table, and then repeat the steps. Examine the peeled off piece of wallpaper on the wall on the right. Try to sit up, then move the light bulb again. This time it will explode and the curtain will close the window. Examine the hatch on the wall on the right, where the wallpaper has peeled off. The main character will take the lantern, and you can crawl through the tunnel to the right. Go down the stairs.

Walk to the left and go down another ladder even lower. Jump over the hole in the floor and go up the stairs on the right. When the game prompts you to do this, get off the stairs, run to the left and go down another one. Walk right and climb up to find yourself in a room with a hole in the floor. Through this hole, located to the left of the stairs, you can jump down. Do so, then jump over the nearest hole, and then go down through the next one. Keep going down, jumping over large pits. Eventually, a new staircase will appear to the left. Kara??kayte on it down.

Go right, jump down and see a dog even lower. Jump to him. He will start chasing the hero. You run to the left, climb the stairs, follow again to the right and use the stairs guarded by the monster. Get down even lower.

Distract another dog by jumping down the hole on the left. Climb back up the stairs, run to the right where the dog was sitting, and climb even higher up another ladder. Go all the way to the left and turn the knob on the wall. So you raise the gate that blocked the way. Jump down through the hole in the middle of the tier to get back to the dog. Run to the left, this time jump over the hole in the floor to reach the stairs. Previously, it was hidden behind the gate. Get down. The earthquake will start again. Approach the wall on the left and look through the gap. You will see a light and a dog. Climb up, go to the stairs on the right and follow even higher. There will be a handle here. Rotate it to raise one and lower the other gate. Go down the stairs to the left so that the dog can see you. Lure her to the stairs and return to the handle. Turn it to cut off the path to the left for the dog. Go down the stairs to the right and lure the dog to it. Having done this, go up again and turn the handle. Now the dog is cut off from you and is on the right. Will you go down the la?To the left, go to the place where it was, and move even lower.

Go to the illuminated stairs. You will see that the dog is afraid of the light. Climb down, jump from the ledges even lower into the illuminated room. Push the nightstand to the broken stairs on the left and use it to jump up. Climb higher and higher to be left of the dog. Jump to the left. Go down the left stairs and run to the right one to distract the first dog. Then jump down through the hole in the floor to the far dog and run to the nearest stairs on the right. Both dogs will stop at this ladder. You jump through the hole on the left and run to the left. Jump over the hole and go up the stairs. Stop on the penultimate floor, go right and turn the handle to raise the gate. Walk to the right so that the dog notices you, then run to the left and climb even higher up the far stairs. Click on the switch on the wall. You will see that under the light the dog turns into a nightstand. Go downstairs, push the pedestal under the partially broken stairs on the right and jump on it. At the top, use another ladder that will allow you to go down.

Walk to the left and inspect the picture hanging on the illuminated wall??e. Follow the hole down and lure the dog. Click on the switch on the left when the dog is under the second lamp. Then use the second switch and press the first one again, after moving the cabinet under the left lamp. Turn it off, run to the right to the far switch and press it when the dog is under the penultimate lamp. Click on the switch a little to the left to light the second lamp on the right side of the room. Now you can move the cabinet under the broken stairs and go upstairs. Leave the level.

Go down the stairs and go right. You will fall down to two dogs, but the light will turn on. Click on the switch, then go right and go up the stairs. Drop down on the right side, go to the dog and go up the stairs to a room with a pedestal and light. Move the pedestal to the pressure plate in the middle of the room to turn on the light. Go downstairs, jump over the pedestal and go up the far stairs. Walk right and go down the stairs. Lure the bottom dog to her, go upstairs and lure another dog to the stairs. Quickly return to the stairs and pause in the middle. The top dog will run up the stairs and turn on the light, turning the bottom dog into a nightstand. Climb the ladder on the right to lure the top dog to it. Go down and lure the bottom one to the same It will sit on the pressure plate, turning on the light and turning the dog from above into a cabinet. With it, you can get to the stairs.

Climb up to the upper room and turn the crank to raise the right and lower the left gate. Go down to the middle floor and lure the dog on the right. Climb back into the room with the handle and turn it to block the dog's way back. She will stop at the gate on the right. Go down to the floor, go to the dog on the left, and when he sees you, then run to the stairs on the right, which is surrounded by two pressure plates. Two dogs will press both plates! Go down to the room below, which is now lit up, and then go up the stairs on the right, between the two dogs. Keep moving, use a couple of stairs, seeing a strange creature along the way. Climb up, lure the dog and run to the left. Jump down, climb the stairs again and lure the same dog to it. It will stop on the pressure plate. Quickly run to the right and use the pedestal to jump onto the broken stairs.

Examine the cabinet on the illuminated wall. After starting the puzzle, lower the handle to jump over obstacles. Go down the stairs to the right and turne handle to lower the bridge. Cross to the other side and jump down. Click on the nearest switch to turn the far dog into a cabinet. Climb up the ladder next to her and then crank up the bridge. Go down to the cabinet, go right and turn off the light. Go to the left switch and wait for the dog to be under the raised bridge. Click on it to turn on the light at the top and illuminate the dog. Turn on the light with the switch on the right. Climb up to the handle again and turn it, lowering the bridge. The dog will come back, but will not stand where the light is on. Instead, she will linger on the pressure plate, turning on the light and turning the top dog into a cabinet. Climb up to it and go right.

Lure the dog and go up the stairs to the left. Turn the handle on top to lower the bridge. Jump down the broken ladder and go to the bridge to the right. Go down below and up the right stairs to the room with two levers. Lower the metal bridge with the right lever. Use the left lever to lower the large wall so that the left dog cannot get through to you. Then raise the bridge with the handle on the left as you can now return to the beginning of the level. Having done this, lift the large wall back up with the lever. go downstairs so that the dog on the right can see you, run to the left and jump down below. Climb the stairs and follow to the right. dog escapeit's after you. When she stands by the light, click on the left plate to turn on the additional lamp. Move the cabinet to the right, under the broken stairs, and go upstairs. Once done, go back to the levers on top, lower the wall and turn the crank, re-creating the bridge. Go back, raise the wall and lure the left dog to the right. Turn it into a cabinet by standing on the plate, then move it to the right pressure plate. You will turn the top dog into a cabinet. Climb up, move the cabinet to the right and look through the gap in the wall. Go down below and examine the painting on the illuminated wall. Run her. Follow below.

Moving down the stairs, you can look through the gap on the left. Jump to the left and go down through the hole in the roof. In the next building , new enemies will appear - flying octopuses . Go left and go down the stairs to the bottom floor. Run to the right and climb the tree so that the octopus goes to the left. Climb the right stairs to the second balcony and raise the lever. Again, with the help of the tree, go around the octopus from below and go to the stairs on the left. It was closed, but you opened the way to it by lifting the previous lever.

Climb the stairs to the right and ask??bend through the adjacent hole to the platform with the lever. Pick it up. Now the octopus will be able to fly even further to the right. Follow him and go down the second ladder to the second lever. Pick it up and go back to the first staircase on the left. Chase the octopus, go down the second ladder, but don't jump off it. When the octopus flies to the left, go back upstairs and go down the stairs to the right.

Jump down through the hole on the left. Octopuses, like dogs, are afraid of light. Follow the octopus to the right, jump over the hole in the floor and stand on the plate to light yourself up. The octopus will rest against you, and then fly up to go around the obstacle. Run to the right and go up the stairs to the room with the painting. Pull the chain to view the scene. Go to the balcony on the left and use the lever. Climb down, follow the octopus to the left, jump over the hole and stay on the plate. The octopus will fly up to get around the obstacle. You go left to leave the level.

Having descended, the main character will peep through a gap in the floor for a creature sitting on a sofa and reading a book. Go left, go up the stairs and jump down to the dog. Come down again?down the stairs on the left and step on the button on the right to raise the bookcase. Wait for the octopus to fly to the right. Climb up after him and wait. The octopus will fly up and start pushing the dog to the left. When she hits a stack of books above the stairs, press the switch to turn the animal into a cabinet. Climb up to the cabinet and click on the lever on the right to create a bridge. Climb down and stand on the plate on the right again to raise the cabinet and open the way for the octopus. Follow him upstairs and wait. This time the octopus will go down. When he flies to the left and starts pushing the bottom dog, go downstairs and use the left ladder. She was guarded by a dog.

You will enter a large spherical room resembling a planetarium. Jump down, get to the stairs and go down to the floor with the octopus. Let him fly to the right. Stand on the plate to turn on the light above you. Wait for the octopus to hit you, fly up and push the dog to the left. She will turn into a cabinet. Climb up to it and lower the lever. Go down to the floor with the octopus again so that it is on the right. Stand on the plate to illuminate yourself. When the octopus flies up, quickly climb the ladder and stand on another plate to block the creature's path. It will fly to the right, pushing another dog and turning it into a pedestal. Use??b the lever beside her. Also press the switch to turn on the lamp near the octopus rise. Go down to the octopus and make it fly up again. Climb up there and stand on the plate. There will be light to the left and right of the octopus, so it will fly down and push the last dog, turning it into a cabinet. When the octopus flies away, go down and follow to the right to the stairs. Below the main character will again see the old bird. Use the elevator.

Go down the stairs and interact with the painting. You need to switch between notes on the right and play them with the lever on the left. The sequence is: top, second from bottom, bottom, second from top. If everything is done correctly, then the picture will come to life. Climb down, raise the lever and jump to the second one. Pick it up to lure out the octopus. When he leaves the room, lower the lever so that the octopus cannot go back. Also lower the previous lever behind the pit on the left. When the octopus bounces off it and flies to the right, raise the wall with the same lever and jump to the right. Follow him. He will fly around the room under the ceiling and go to the left. Move there and block the passage with the lever on the left. Jump to the octopus. It will fly around the left side under the ceiling, and you can avoid it. Then he will hit the wall, go down and push the dog. And you can go down.

After peeping at the old bird through the hole in the floor, go down the stairs on the left to the very bottom. Turn off the light by flipping the switch directly below the lamp. Climb a little higher and turn off the other lamp on the left. Stand a little to the right. When the octopus flies this switch to the left, jump towards it and turn on the light. Wait for the octopus to fly down the lower floor to the right, jump down and turn on another lamp. When the octopus hits you and flies higher, go up the stairs and wait. The octopus will fly overhead to the right, toward the light on. When he flies past the stairs, go upstairs and press the switch on the left. You will turn the octopus into a globe. Move it to the pressure plate under the lamp on the right to lower the bridge. Move into the formed passage using the new ladders. Go across the bridge to the right and press the button at the top. Take the elevator up.

Enter the room inside the bird's head. Climb to the second floor, jump over the hole to the left and stand on the plate on the left to raise the cabinet. When the octopus flies to the left, get off the plate so that?? block his way back. Use the lever nearby to move the lamp to the left to block the light, and then go up the stairs. Let the octopus fly to the left. Follow him down and use the lever to move the lamp so that it illuminates the octopus standing on the plate. It will turn into a globe and you will be able to go to the right as the cabinet will be raised.

Going downstairs, spy on the old bird and the archer. Walk to the right and go up the stairs. Follow the lever on the left and move the lamp all the way to the right. Lure the dog down to the stairs. Quickly climb up, draw the attention of the dog on the right, then run to the lever on the left. Move the lamp to the left so as to move the lower dog onto the pressure plate. The light will turn on, which will turn the top dog into a cabinet (if you got his attention). Climb down to fall into the room with the busts. Go right in this room and go up the stairs to find another painting. Run her. Go left, jump over the hole and continue on.

Go down to the button. Follow even lower and turn the lever to move the lamp to the left and move the dog to the button. Climb a little higher, go to the right, luring the dog, and run to the left. Jump down. The dog will stand on the button and turn the monster from above into a cabinet. Secret??tnaya room. Climb up to the dog and run to the right, where she was sitting. Hidden there is a ladder leading down to a hidden room with a painting. Start painting. Go left to the lever. Move the lamp to the right. Then lure the bottom dog onto the left button. After jumping down, immediately push the lamp to the left to move the top dog towards the switched on light. She will turn into a cabinet. Follow her, to the left and climb even higher up the stairs. Go down the other one and interact with the painting on the wall. This is a puzzle. Watch as the enemy swings the sword and move the left lever up or down to place a shield. When the enemy laughs, hit him with the sword on the right lever. Call the lift and go down.

Go down and follow the birds. Go down the stairs when the octopus goes to the right. At the very bottom there will be a switch. Click on it, then wait for the octopus to fly off to the left and go down the stairs again. Stand under the switch and turn on the light above you. When the octopus flies up, lure the dog and run to the stairs. The dog will stop in front of the switched on lamp. Wait. The octopus will push it under the light and then rise up. The light above must be on. The octopus will fly to the left, towards the button. Quickly press the switch to turn it into a globe. Go down a little lower, to the dog, which has turned into a cabinet. bird h??talks to you. Get down.

You will find yourself in a room with an organ. Jump to the left and go down the stairs. Run to the left and lower the lever. Stand on the button on the right to raise the far cabinet. Wait for the octopus to push the dog to the right. She will be on the button, locked up. Go and lift the lever on the left. Climb up the central stairs, jump to the right and interact with the illuminated painting. Then go down again and lower the lever on the left. Pick it up when the octopus flies to the right. Step on the button to the left when the dog moves to the left. The octopus should fly to the right. Get off the button to block the passage. The octopus will go down to the dog. While he is pushing the dog to the right, jump towards him and go down the stairs.

Go down even lower on another ladder, go to the right and call the lift. The dog will come along. Run to the left and watch the cut-scene. The bird will give you a chopper device. By turning it, you will turn on all the lamps marked with a "green eye". Lure the dog under the lamp and turn it on. Take advantage of the liftno one.

Go left to the room with the big clock. Go down the stairs to the lower level, turn off the light with the device, lure the dog to the left and turn on the light, turning it into a cabinet. No need to install a cabinet on the button! Instead, go upstairs, drop down to the left, and enter the clock on the left. Don't touch the lever! Turn off the lamp so that the cabinet turns into a dog. She will go to the right and fall on the same pressure plate. Quickly turn on the lamp to turn it into a nightstand. You closed yourself. Now lower the lever to lower the bridge on the right. The octopus will fly to the left and run into your locked room. Raise the lever to raise the bridge. Turn off the lamp so that the dog goes to the right. Get on the switch. When the octopus hits the light above, it will fly back to the left. Press the switch to turn on the top lamp and turn the octopus into a globe. He will press on the plate in the floor. Lure the bottom dog to the left and turn it into a cabinet using the bird device. Go down the stairs and watch the cut-scene with the birds. Go left and up the stairs. do not activate the lift, but jump to the left to find a tunnel leading to a secret room. Interact with the painting. Then use the lift.

Go left up the stairs to get to the tower with huge clock hands. Go down the stairs on the right, go up the side and go down the other one on the left. Climb the central stairs, jump to the right to the button and the dog. Go down to the middle floor and lure the dog on the right, which will stand on the button on the right. The light will turn on at the top right. Climb up again and this time lure the dog to the upper left. She will stand on the button and turn on the light behind the dog on the lower right. Go down to the middle floor and lure the dog on the left. It will block the dog's path at the top left, as the light will turn on there. Turn the handle of the device to turn on the lamp behind this dog. All four dogs are now on buttons! Again, through the stairs on the right, climb to the very top, run to the left and lure the last dog to the light on the right. Standing in the light (the dog will be nearby), turn the knob to turn off the lamp on the lower left. Wait for a chain reaction from all the dogs. The top right dog will step on the button, which will turn on the lamp and turn the top dog into a cabinet. Drag it to the light on the right and then go up the stairs.

Interact with the painting on the left. Run to the right, lower the bridge and follow the statue to the lever on the right. Lower it, jump down after the fallen plate to return to the room??ie with the body. Run to the bottom right and up the central stairs. When the octopus flies to the left, turn on the green eye lamp with the device so that it turns into a globe and presses the plate in the floor. Go down the stairs to the right, jump down through the hole to the glowing lamp and wait for the dog to run up to you. She will stand on the button located on the edge. Jump down, turn off the lamp with a green eye with the device so that the octopus flies to the left. Climb up the central stairs, jump to the right and stand next to the illuminated painting. Turn on the device with a lamp with a green eye when there is an octopus under it. It will turn into a globe again, and you will free the dog. When it comes off the button, the cabinet you are standing on (next to the painting) will rise. This will return you to the top and you can go to the right. Use the lift to go down.

Climb onto the structure so that the hero does not fall down. Look out for the birds. Walk left and interact with the painting. This is a puzzle. You need to move behind the trees until the old man with the wand looks in your direction. Then repeat the actions with the hunters, hiding behind the trees. Hiding in a tree, follow the couple in love. Take your time as they may turn around. After solving the puzzle, move to the left.

Go??to the left and go down the stairs to the room with the chess pieces . Use the lever on the right to move the lamp to the left. Go down the stairs on the right and lure the dog to the left side. Quickly use the device to turn on the green eye lamp and lock up the dog. Climb up and use the lever to move the lamp to the right to light up the two buttons and the dog. Activate the device from inventory to remove the bookcase between the two buttons. Go down to the cabinet and move to the button on the right. Climb up and use the lever to move the lamp all the way to the right. It will illuminate the cabinet and the right button. Go down the stairs to the left and lure the dog to the right to the cabinet. Activate the device to raise the cabinet and block the dog's way back. Illuminate it with a lamp using the lever on top. Turn on the device from inventory to remove the wall. place both cabinets on two buttons, after illuminating them with a lamp (moving lever). Walk right along the floor with two pedestals to find a secret room . Examine the painting. Go down to the lower floor, to two dogs and two lamps, which are turned on by the pedestals above. Go down below, go left and go up on the lift.

Jump to the lever on the left and activate it. Climb up the long stairs and drop down the hole on the right, at the very end. ?burp lower and lower, to the floor with the button and the burning lamp. There is also a ladder here. Climb up it, avoiding the octopus. Click on both switches. One will turn off the lamp above the button, and the other will turn on the lamp at the lever on the lower right. Jump to that lever and use it to lower the bridge at the octopus. When the octopus goes to the right, raise the bridge. Then he will go down, rest against a burning lamp at the lever and fly up. Quickly stand on the button on the right to go upstairs. Go down and to the left to the button and go up the stairs. Use the right switch to turn off the light at the lever below. Jump down, but be above the lever. Let the octopus go to the left to the lever, and then go to the right. Jump down and activate this lever when the octopus drops down from the raised bridge. So you block it from below. Climb up with the button and cabinet on the right, run to the left and climb up the stairs to the two switches. Click on the left one when the octopus is on the pressure plate. This is how you activate the button. Go down to the globe, jump to the left and activate the lever. The bridge is completely open. Go left.

Go down the stairs and stairs. you will see a strange creature in a coat. Run away from him to the right. Soonyou will understand the mechanics: when you go to the left, the enemy follows there. When you move to the right, the enemy does the same. Walk left and then go down the stairs. Climb the stairs to the right, go all the way to the left, then return to the stairs and go down. The enemy will be to your right, so you can climb the left ladder and jump off the ledge to the left. Go down the other stairs to the second cloaked opponent. Make sure that he sees you, and then go up the stairs. The enemy will leave the button. Go right to the lever and raise it to block the enemy's way back. Walk to the left, then back to the right to the lever so that the enemy is even further to the right. Lower the lever to remove the barrier. Go down the stairs on the left and go left. Jump over the hole, the enemy will stand on the button, and you can go further. Before you go up the stairs, go through the wall on the left, into the secret button . Study the painting.

Upstairs, turn off the light on the lamp on the right using the device from inventory. Go right to the wall, back to the stairs and up to the enemy. Walk to the right and press the button. The enemy will be behind you. Return to the stairs and go down. Move down to the left and activate another button to call the left elevator. Get on it and ride up. Follow left and call tobutton on the right lift, on which there should already be an enemy. He will go upstairs, and you can go to the stairs in the middle and go down to the lower floor. Go all the way to the right to stand under the elevator with the enemy. Follow the stairs and climb up. Go right and call the right elevator (the enemy should stay on top). Get on the lift, and then turn around and go to the stairs. Go down to the bottom floor, go left and call the left elevator with the enemy. Lure him to the button on the right and turn on the light with the device from your inventory. This opponent turns into a coat hanger. Move to the left through the opened passage.

Look through the hole in the wall to the left of the stairs and then head upstairs. Go to the fireplace and click on the switch to the right of it to turn on the lamp on the lower left. Go all the way to the right (the enemy should repeat your movements), then go left and use the switch by the fireplace again. Move to the right. The enemy will run into the light. Go down the stairs to the floor with the enemy. Go a little to the right and back up the stairs. Go left, turn on the light switch to turn the enemy into a hanger. Follow the picture on the left. Then go down to the floor to the hanger and follow more?? down the central staircase. jump even lower and find an illuminated painting with a puzzle. Watch how the Indian dances to the left of the fire. When he raises his hands up, move the lever up as well, and so on. after solving the puzzle, go down even lower.

After going down the stairs, immediately go into the dark secret room on the right. Take a look at the picture. Go down even lower, jump into the pit and you will fall into the labyrinth corridors. First, turn off the light with the button in the middle. Walk left and go up the stairs from below. Then climb even higher on the nearby stairs, jump down, jump over the pit (button at the bottom) and jump down to be to the right of the button. Climb up the stairs and jump down to the left. Jump over the hole leading to the button again. Go a little to the left of the stairs, go back and go upstairs. Jump down. This time, jump to the button and turn on the light to turn the monster into a hanger and activate the button in the floor. Go down below and find on the left a ladder leading to a new level.

You will find yourself in a room with many cloaked enemies . Run to the right and go up the nearest stairs on the right. Walk right and then left to a ladder and a lever. Raise the lever, go to the right, then back to the lever to the left and lower it to bring the enemy back?? down. You will make a gap between the monsters. Climb down the stairs, run to the right between the enemies and climb up the middle stairs. Walk right and then run left to the lever. Raise it to cover the enemies on the left. Walk right and left to push enemies further away. Pull down the lever to remove the closet and then head down the stairs. Run to the right and drop down to leave the area. Interact with the painting on the wall to solve the puzzle . On the left, there are yellow and red "up" and "down" buttons. Also on the heads of hunters there are red and yellow feathers. Thus, yellow buttons are associated with a hunter with a yellow feather, and red buttons are associated with red. Change the direction of the weapon with these buttons and kill opponents. You need to shoot at the button on the right. Go down the stairs to the left.

Jump over the hole and go up the stairs on the right. At the very top, turn off the lamp with a green eye with the device, run to the hanger on the right and move it to the left so that the monster appears. Follow right and left. The monster must stop on the left of the three buttons. Turn on the light on the lamp with the green eye using the device from inventory. Go down to the middle floor and jump on the hanging weight with the button. Click on it. You will free the hanger monster. Climb up the stairs, follow all the way to the right (inthe rag below will repeat the movements). Then follow all the way to the left. There will be a button at the very end. Click on it to call the lift with the enemy up. Walk to the right so that you are between two monsters. Turn off the light on the lamp above, move to the right between the two enemies. turn on the light to turn both of them into hangers (using the device from inventory). Push the right hanger onto the nearest button under the lamp. Go downstairs and turn off this lamp. Jump on the right weight, then on the left (because two enemies will stand on two buttons), and then on the far right. From here you can reach the exit. Go down below and call the elevator using the button. Ride below and go left.

Click on the switch to turn off the lamp below you. Rotate the device to CTRL. The light on the right is off. Climb down and push the hanger to the right. Move a little to the left and go right along with the monster. Turn on the light on CTRL so that the monster is to the right of the button. Stand to the right of the rising cabinet, turn off the light and stand on the cabinet. The monster will activate the button and you will climb up. Turn on the light again so that the monster stays on the button. Jump left to the globe and push it to the right. Jump right to the closet and down to the hanger monster. Push it to the left out of the light. Go all the way to the right, turn off this light and stand on the button. You raise a monster to shcafe. Get off the button, go up to the switch on top, but after the octopus flies by. Turn on the light when the octopus is over the button. Climb down and lure the hanger into the light. Then leave the level. At the bottom, look through the slot on the right and activate the painting. Ride up.

Activate the picture with the puzzle. Use the levers to go past the glowing lamps and catch up with the fugitive.

Use the crank on the left to lower the bridge down to the two hangers. Use the device to turn off the lamp in the lower right corner of the screen. Walk down and to the right. Turn on the light to create two hangers. Arrange them in the corners of the illuminated area. So that there is a distance of three cells between them. Stand in the middle and turn off the light. Go to the stairs and climb up. Go to the lever and raise the bridge. Go down the nearest stairs to the bridge, positioning yourself between the enemies. Walk to the right and activate the lever. Hangers will move dogs. Go left and go down the left stairs. go left past another staircase to a secret room with a painting. Go down below and jump to the painting on the right. Follow even below.

An enemy will appear in this room, which ?? sees in the opposite direction. Climb the nearest ladder, go a little to the right of the button and go down. Approach the hanger creature so that it stands on the button, and you are one cell away from it. Go all the way to the left, return to the stairs and wait near it. Let the dog go to the right. Take a step towards the stairs so that the hanger activates the button and the dog turns into a cabinet. Go on top of the cabinet and go down the stairs to the right. So you go around the stairs. Watch the cut-scene. Go to the secret room to the left of the stairs, activate the painting, and after that move down the other stairs.

To be continued...


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