Creepy Tale 2 is a sequel to the original game with a standalone story spanning several hours. We will tell you how to complete Creepy Tale 2 and get all the achievements.
Look around the room and go downstairs. Chat with the girl under the stairs. This is Ellie, the sister of the protagonist. She asks to find her teddy bear. Exit to the courtyard and go right. Near the cart with hay, pick up the torso of a teddy bear . Move to the left and look at the tree. There sits a crow holding a teddy bear's head in its mouth. Go into the house, go up to the second floor and in the foreground on the right side of the screen (to the right of the railing) look for a mousetrap with a piece of cheese. Take a piece of cheese , go out into the courtyard and apply to the crow (via the Q key). Pick up the fallen teddy bear head . Return to the house, go up to the second floor and inspect the cabinet near the window on the right. Go downstairs and talk to Ellie to get the key from her. Use the key to open the locker on the second floor, take the thread with a needle , open inventory on I, select the thread with a needle with the E key, and then - two parts of a plush toy. Pass the toy to Ellie.
How t?As soon as you pass the teddy bear to your sister, the father will call the hero and ask him to chop wood. Go outside, go right behind the fence and pick up three logs . Take them to the left, take the ax standing under the tree, place the log on the stump and use the ax. Press E to start swinging, and then click the same key again to hit the log. Take the firewood inside the house and go to bed.
Achievement "Definitely not Hercules" . When chopping wood, press E once to swing, and that's it. Let the boy drop the ax 10 times.
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Watch the cut-scene. The brownie will give you a cupcake, which you need to give to his brother, who lives in the city. Walk to the right and confirm the transition to the city. Go right until you find the tailor's house. Once inside, look around:
Go outside and read the letter lying ?and the window. You will learn that the brownie lives in the fireplace. Go back inside the house and cut the blanket on the fireplace using the claw. Examine the fireplace. The door is locked with a key that is in the cat's mouth (under the ceiling, in the upper right corner). You need something to feed the cat. Go outside and go left. Use your claw to cut the rope on the wagon and combine it with the lock found in the house. Use the rope lock on the roof of the tailor's house. To the right there is a wooden fence. Take one board and go up to the roof. Use the plank on the empty space between the buildings on the left. Get to the roof of the house, where there is a jug of milk on the second floor. Apply a skein of thread with a pin (improvised fishing rod) to this jug. Return to the tailor's house, pour the milk into the bowl, take the key and open the hideout in the fireplace on the right. By the way, you will need to leave the house so that the cat goes down to the bowl of milk.
After talking with the brownie, take away the hook that was used instead of the right hand. Turn the valve on the right to see the node on the wall diagram. Return the wheel to its original position and interact with the diagram on the wall to insert a hook into it. Use the lever on the right and move the hook to the second point from the left to the right of the top row. Pull for si??her ring to secure it to the hook. Move the hook to the right and lower the yellow ring. Move the hook to the lower left corner and hook the green ring on it. Then move the hook to the second node (from left to right) of the middle row and hook the last, red ring. The ladder will drop down and you will be able to get out of the basement.
Achievement "Screamer" . There are four wells in the game. Interact with each of them once (minimum) to make Lars yell. One well (1/4) (you will find it right now) will be at the beginning of the second chapter, the second - in the third episode of the second chapter, after the cannibal old woman, but before the princess with the monster, the third - in the second episode of the third chapter, the fourth - in the fourth episode of the third chapter.
After talking with the king, the hero will go to the forest. Move to the right past the well and loose earth and pluck the pear from the tree. In inventory, combine it with the dagger to get a seed . Go past the house, as it is dark inside, and place the seed on the left or right lever of the tree with the luminous fruit. Then go back to the pear tree and cut it with your dagger. Take the second pear, cut the seed out of it and place it on another leverwood with goblin. Knock so that the goblin opens the doors, and apply the cake. After that, the sashes will open for a longer time. Use the left lever to select the glowing fruit, knock on the goblin and lower the right lever. The glowing fruit will drop on the ground and you can pick it up. Enter the house and place the fruit inside the lantern on the table on the right.
Pick up the diary lying under the table with the lantern. There is a padlock on the door on the right. In the background of the screen there is a puzzle with four cells in which you can set different pictures. Go to the toy in the right corner, in the foreground. Wind it up and count the number of beats between pauses. There is a shovel against the wall on the left. Take it and return to the well, where there is loose earth nearby. Dig up the skeleton and take the key from it. Return to the house and open the door on the right.
Number of beats: 2 / 4 / 1 / 3. Place on the box in the background from left to right the images associated with these numbers:
Take living water , go outside and apply to the idol near the house. You will find out where the liquid that allows the sound is storedanam move. Use the shovel on the tree on which the pears grew. You will receive a vial of red liquid . If you use it on the idol outside the house, he will kill Lars. Therefore, go inside, pull out another idol from the closet and apply the red liquid. Go with him to the pool on the right and throw him into the river. Go back and repeat the steps with two more idols located in the closet. Cross over the body of water.
Achievement "Talk to me" . Use the blue liquid on the idol outside the house. Then apply the same red liquid on it. He will kill you. Repeat the action again, applying the red liquid to the idol a second time.
Go to the house on the right, go inside and find yourself captured by Baba Yaga along with two other children. Push the cage to the right until you hit the barn. Repeat the steps twice more (push left once and right again) so that the board falls off the roof and knocks down the lock. Talk to children. The old woman wears the keys to the cages on her belt. Walk to the right and go inside the shed. Take two watering cans from the shelves on the right. Go left past the table with a padlock (there is no key) and pick up Rough Leather Gloves from the shelves in the corner. Go outside and examine the bush with leaves on the right. With helpshchi watering can change the shape and color of the leaves. But while you do not have containers to put them.
Go left. The first door will be locked, but the second, farthest, is open. Go inside the house and see how the old woman feeds the grandfather without legs. Remove the key from the wall. Go to the right and in the next room, examine the plaque on the wall. It features a yellow crescent, a green web, a blue pitchfork, and a red bird . Return to the shed and unlock the lock on the table. Go through all the pages to find the one that shows a bird, a pitchfork, a web and a crescent moon, and next to them are leaves of a certain shape. This is the key to solving the puzzle!
Go back to the house with the old woman. While she is feeding her grandfather, run to the right and move the shutter on the door. Now the house can be entered through two passages. To the right of the stairs leading up, there is a closet. From the shelf you can pick up the dagger that Lars was given by the king. Stay to the left. When the old woman goes downstairs and goes to the right, go upstairs and hide behind a barrel near the right wall. When the old woman leaves to feed her grandfather, take the bowl to the left of the large cauldron and rungo down. Go outside and follow the bush. Use those watering cans to choose the color and shape of the leaves (one changes color, one changes shape). Pick the following leaves:
All leaf shapes are shown in the screenshot above! You need to pluck the petals with the help of gloves made of rough leather. If you have collected four correct sheets, you will receive a message that the resulting solution emits light light.
Return to the house, go up to the second floor and pour the potion into the cauldron. Don't forget to hide behind the barrel. After the grandmother feeds the grandfather with soup with a potion, he will fall asleep. Grandma goes downstairs. Pick up the moment, go downstairs and run out of the house. Use the knife on the spikes on the left. You will receive a cut spike . Pick up the moment and put the cut spike on the chair near the stairs leading to the second floor. Next time, go downstairs and pour the potion into the tea (use it on the samovar). The old woman will drink tea with a potion, fall on a chair and prick herself on a thorn, which will kill her. Take the keys and enter the room with the old man.
Achievement "Burglar" . H?You can use the key found in the hallway (with which you actually open the drawer in the table inside the shed) on the cage with the children, and then the old woman's bundle. Achievement will be counted only for both attempts!
Take a bunch of keys on the cabinet on the left and go to the exit. When the grandfather grabs Lars, use the dagger from inventory. Go outside and free the children from the cages. On the way to the tree with the monster and the princess you will find the second well (2/4) .
You will see a monster trying to pull an animal out of a hole, as well as a girl with a diadem. She looks like the painted girl that the king gave you. Walk right to the middle of the tree, remove the knife and pick up the jug . There is a cut on the branch on the right. Use the knife to cut off the lantern on the left. This will distract the monster. He will start walking left and right, and the girl will move away from the stairs. When the monster goes to the right, go down, go to the right and cut the rope from the bush. Return to the tree and tie the rope to the place with the slot. When the monster goes to the right, go down again and tie the jug to the rope. Climb up and pull the rope with the jug towards you. Pick up the moment and throw the jug so that it hits the monster's head. My monster went from left to right, and the horn from his head flew off into princesses(and killed her). Perhaps if he moves in the other direction, it will be possible to avoid the death of the princess?
The information is being specified.
Talk to the animal, go right and inspect the boat. Go back and talk to Yanni again. He will say that the river needs a gift. Take the corpse of the princess to her.
Swim to the cave to the owls, chat with them. As a result, you will find yourself trapped (in a dream). You need to find and crush some red growths. First go up and crush the first one. Go even higher and crush the second one. Follow left and up (diagonally) to find the third one. Move up and find the fourth one. The fog will dissipate. Walk to the right and find the light. Interact with him to get out of the dream.
Each door has 3 symbols. The right symbol is the numbering of a particular door. And on the left, you can choose only one of the two characters. The illuminated symbol indicates the passage through which you will exit if you go through the nearest door. For example, if the Z button is highlighted, then you will exit through the door with the purple Z symbol on the right. There are purple orbs in several places, but with bare handsdon't pull them out.
So, move to the door with the purple letter "I". You will see an owl sitting on a chair on the right. Pull the lever nearby to attract her attention with a green sphere under the ceiling. Select the "spiral" symbol by the "AND" door to move to the door with the spiral. Then, at the door with a purple "spiral", select the button with the X symbol and go through. You will find yourself at the door, which was constantly looked at by an owl sitting on a chair. But now she's gone. Run to the right and pick up a tool (chisel) from the shelf and quickly leave this place.
Now, with the help of a chisel, you need to pick out two purple spheres. Return to the passage with the purple letter Z and go right to pull the first purple orb out of the wall. Immediately go through the nearest door by selecting the button with the inverted "T" letter. There is a second purple orb to the right of the door with the purple upside down "T" symbol. Dig it out.
Go back to the passage with Z and plant two purple orbs near the passage on the left. Go through the door that will lead you to the main owl. Press the buttons to the left of the door and quickly hide behind the nearest pillar. When the main owl passes to the right, you can take the key from the throne. Immediately hide behind another column.
Primeuse the key on the door to the left of the throne to reveal a puzzle. Count the number of sectors on the two circles on the left and right, and the number of question marks on top. Get a combination. Hold LMB for the first time and select 8, the second time - 4, the third time - 6. The correct code is 846 . Select the letter S at the aisle. Now the alarm won't work. Go through the door and you will find yourself at another boat.
Achievement "Master of Stealth" . Get caught by the same owl 15 times. Any.
When traveling by boat, remove the lantern and shine it on the creatures trying to get into your boat.
Achievement "Shadow" (Like a shadow) . To get this achievement, complete this level in no more than 5 minutes.
In the end, you will reach the opposite shore. Click on the four stones near the cave until they all go out. Move through the cave until you reach a room with a crown. Watch the cut-scene.
Achievement "It's easy!". To get this achievement, once you are at the cave, click on the second and third stones (from left to right) to instantly solve the puzzle.
After that, you will go to the location on the right. At the very beginning there will be a third well (3/4) . Be sure to shout at him. Next will be a house with a closed door and an interesting combination lock. To open the door, you need to put the keys on the right, left and top, and the butterfly on the bottom. Take the knife from the table. A terrible hedgehog sits near the fireplace. Take the teapot from the table beside him.
Climb to the second floor and cut the cobwebs off the two boys with a knife. Pour black tea into the boy on the left. Nothing will come of it. Leave the house. Ellie and the monster will leave, so you can go right. Pick mushrooms near the bridge and add them to your tea. Give it to the boy on the left in the attic. Go downstairs after talking with the boy.
Achievement "Care" . After talking to the rescued boy, leave the house and wait 15 minutes without pausing the game. Then return to the house and go up to the attic. The boy will no longer be, and you will receive an achievement.
The creature will die, and you can pick up a jar with a figured lid , which is above the fireplace. Use it to catch a butterfly in the attic. Climb down, exit the house and use the butterfly on the monster to the right of the building. Ask the monster to move the stone slab on the right and go down tocave.
After going down, run away from the monster to the right. Lock the nearest door behind you to detain him. Climb up the ladder and lower the hatch behind you. Quickly turn the valve on the left and go up the stairs on the right. Lock the hatch behind you, take the key from the shelves on the right and stand on the left. If the valve is turned, there will be no grate here. Wait for the monster to break through the hatch, and then quickly jump down. Use the key to open the lock on the hatch on the left and go down.
Achievement "Naive Boy" . Now you need to run to the left, towards the woman, but instead run to the right. It will be a dead end, you will die, but you will get an achievement.
Run to the room with the woman and lots of butterflies. The monster will spit at her, and you will lock the door. Remove the diadem from the woman, and then take the key from her. Walk to the right and open the door.
Having got out into the forest, shout into the last well (4/4) , for which you will receive the “Screamer” achievement. To the right there is an organ. Go to the church on the right. Take away from the bench a wooden slab with notes burned on the surface . Can you interact with the shepherd's altar to see a puzzle consisting of four diamonds with red dots??mi on each. From left to right, the points should be directed:
If everything is done correctly, the lift will go down. Ride upstairs to see some candles.
Achievement "Let there be light!" . Light all the candles on the candelabra inside the church.
At once...
Achievement "Head not spinning?" . After you light all the candles, extinguish them to get this achievement.
Return to the organ and place the wooden slab. Don't worry, you won't have to play the melody on these difficult notes. Instead, the presence of a wooden slab activates the organ itself. Press the white keys in order and remember which ones make a sound and which don't. The number of white keys matches the number of candles under the ceiling of the church. Keys with sound - burning candles, without - no.
Achievement "Toccata" . To do this, you need to play the famous Toccata and fugue in D minor by Bach. Number the white keys from "1" to "14" from left to right, and then press 14, 13, 14, 13, 12, 10, 7, 6, 7.
Return to the candles and, from left to right, light the following:
If everything is done correctly, the last candle will appear at the bottom. Get down and set it on fire. Listen to the Keepers of the Forest. Come outside. Walk left while the girl is playing. If she doesn't, stand still! In this way, get to the well.
Walk to the right, avoiding the places where the bubbles appear. And do not linger, otherwise you will drown in the swamp. This is how you get home. Knock on the door and you will see an approaching merman. Run to the left and hide in the grass in front of the bridge. IT IS IMPORTANT! There are two reeds there and you need to hide in the one on the left. Wait. When the merman passes by and starts sniffing, quickly run into the reeds on the right. Do the same when the merman is on the right. After that, he will go to the right.
Achievement "Drowned" . You must drown in three different places. After appearing at the location, drown in the swamp to the left of the well, then in the swamp to the right, and then in the swamp to the right of the house.
Knock on the door again and hide behind a stump near the house, in the middle of this location. The water one will go to the left to the reeds. Run right. There is a dry bush and a tree. Hideit is possible both there and there. First, hide behind a tree, then run to the bush, and then again behind the tree. Just like they did with the reeds. The water one will leave. Follow him and knock on the door a third time. But wait a bit for the monster to go all the way to the left. Hide behind the stump near the house and outwit the merman, again using the two reeds on the left. Knock on the door for the fourth time to meet the wizard.
The old man will return you to the cave and ask you to open the cage next to the butterfly. Enter inside, go deeper and find a butterfly, father and Ellie. And there will be a choice that affects the ending of the game:
Achievements "Exodus" and "Dark Side" . Get depending on the choice of ending. In any case, after choosing one, you will be able to reload the game and specify another.