Passage Heart of Trespia - 11 episode 3 season. Sleep Curse Answers
- Thank you. I appreciate it. +1 Compassion
- This is more important than my need for sleep. +1 Rationality
Branch with Wyatt:
- Kiss him hard (33 diamonds). Improved relationship with Wyatt. You took the initiative and announced your engagement .
- Yes, I think I'm ready. No effect
What clothes to choose
- Royal Travel Outfit (Free). No effect
- Floral ensemble with a belt (20 diamonds). No effect
- Majestic dress with a cloak (33 diamonds). No effect
- Buy everything (48 diamonds). Get all outfits
What hairstyle to choose
- (Keep the current hairstyle.) No effect
- Bangs to the side (free). No effect
- Bangs to the side - with a crown (5 diamonds or advertising). No effect
- Curls (12 diamonds). No effect
- Free spirit (12 diamonds). No effect
- Curls - with a crown (20 diamonds). No effect
- Free spirit - with a crown (20 diamonds). No effect
- Buy everything (63 diamonds). Get all hairstyles
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Path of Compassion
Plaque "Your kind words have comforted the anxious crowd"
Path of Rationality
Sign "A decisive approach was needed to restore order"
- Hug him tightly (12 diamonds). No effect / If Taki and Reina were brought together earlier, the latter will be pregnant
- Glad to see you again! No effect
- What are you doing here? No effect
"No, Bianca..."
- You have nothing to do with it. +1 Compassion
- You need to calm down. +1 Rationality
"Thank you, Reinhold..."
- But I'm fine. +1 Compassion
- But my duty is above my personal needs. +1 Rationality
Branch with Wyatt:
“Your lover stood silently behind you, calming with his presence”
- Invite him to sit next to you (5 diamonds). Improved relationship with Wyatt .
- Don't offer anything. No effect
This choice will have an impact on the story.
Branch with Delia
"Do I really have to go for it?"
- At least Reinhold is my trusted friend. The main character will consider Reinhold as a father for the future heir
- Probably better to consider someone else. The main character will think about where to find a potential father for the heir, without involving Reinhold in this
- There must be another way. The main character will think that she, being a healer, will find a way to conceive a child without a man
Branch with Gisella
Gisella is ready to take the next step with you
“Am I really going to have to go for this?”
- At least Reinhold is my reliable friend. The main character will consider Reinhold as a father for the future heir
- Probably, it is better to consider someone else. The main character will think about where to find a potential father for the heir, without involving Reinhold in this
- There must be another way. The main character will think that she, being a healer, will find a way to conceive a child without a man
Branch with Reinhold
"You will offer Reinhold to be my king consort"
- This won't happen. Reinhold's absolute faith in your connection gave him the strength to overcome any difficulties.
- So be it. No effect / Agree to marry Reinhold
Again, if there is a branch with Reinhold:
"Piel Manor?"
- Fine. Only one dinner and that's it (70 diamonds). Reinhold will give a kitten / puppy / duckling depending on what was chosen in the seventh episode of the third season, hitting the pet store
- Maybe next time. No effect
"She's in such a good mood..."
- Let Delia dress you up (33 diamonds). Your relationship with Delia has improved, you can choose clothes and hairstyle
- I will put on my usual clothes. No effect
What clothes to choose (if you paid 33 diamonds)
- Floral Tapestry (Free). No effect
- Simple enjoyment (free). No effect
- Lavender Elegance (Free). No effect
Which hairstyle to choose (if you paid 33 diamonds above)
- A bunch of flowers (free). No effect
- Charming flower crown (Free). No effect
- Lonely Rose (Free). No effect