ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Layers of Fear

Walkthrough Layers of Fear

    COMPLETE LAYERS OF FEAR walkthrough - ADDED 16/02/2016.




    So, as soon as control passes to you, start looking around. To move, use the keys W, S, A, D. Left mouse button - interact with objects. Right mouse button - zoom in on the objects you pick up. To speed up, hold down the Shift key.

    Go to the door ahead, move the white dot in the center of the screen to the door handle and hold down the left mouse button. So you grab the door. Now move the mouse to the left side to open the door. There are several doors on the first floor. The door on the right leads to the kitchen. The kitchen has a door to the pantry. The door on the left, which has paint marks and a note, is still locked. Behind it is the artist's workshop, but so far you cannot get into it.

    Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

    The door near the workshop leads to the basement. There is another door at the end of the basement, but it is locked. Finally, there is another door leading to the bathroom. In the hallway, in the hall and in other rooms, you can open the bedside tables, study different notes. Doing this is, as it were, optional, but desirable if you want to learn as much information about the artist as possible.

    Go up the stairs in the hall to the second floor. There is a piano here. You can play on it. After a few key presses, the piano will close. On the second floor there is an office from which noise will come. Walk into it. On the left side of the office there are shelves with books. Go to the table in front and find on it, in addition to the note, the key you need. Click on the key to pick it up. The presence of an item in the inventory is indicated by its image in the lower right corner of the screen.

    In addition to the office, on the second floor there are two locked doors, a children's room and another room. You can study them. Get down back to the first floor and use the key to open the door with traces of paint and a note. Go to the workshop. Explore everything here. Finally, pull the sheet on the easel to look at the painting. Something sinister will happen.

    Episode 1. Canvas

    Leave the artist's studio and you will see that you are in a completely different place. Go through the door ahead to get into an unfamiliar room.


    Go to the half-open window and read the inscription on the fence behind it. The window will close shortly. Return to the door through which you came, open it and you will see a completely different corridor. Follow the corridor with the rotating valve near the ceiling until you reach another door. Open the door and enter an office with a table, cabinets and paintings on the wall. On the left side, a little further than the table, there is a cabinet with a small chest. There is a padlock on the chest. You need to enter a three-digit code. Approach the wall opposite the chest, turn left to the nearest corner, and light three candles against the wall. In three pictures you will see the code numbers - 5, 4, 8. Enter these numbers on the lock and open the chest.

    Inside you will find a ring. Examine it, read the inscriptions on the lid of the chest.


    Go through the door that appeared between the busts of two men, opposite the table. Walk down the corridor and enter a room with a fireplace and two armchairs. Approach the painting hanging on the wall opposite. A boy doll should be attached to this picture. As soon as you look at it, you will fall down into the basement.

    Approach the barrel with the candle, turn left from it and move forward to the wall. There should be a switch on the wall. Click on it to turn on the light in the basement. Look at the pictures in the back. Next, climb up the stairs and pull the lever on the wall. Go back to the room with the fireplace and two armchairs.

    Go through the door on the left, move along the corridor with paintings until one of them falls. Turn it over and you will find a sketch of the protagonist's wife. After a few flashbacks, go through the nearest door. Approach the painting above the burning fireplace. It will be distorted. Turn around and, if you haven't already closed the game out of fear, go through the same door.

    You will find yourself in a bright room with armchairs, flowers and other interior items.


    Follow the door on the right, go down the corridor, turn left and go through the door. Follow the back room with cabinets, enter the kitchen. The kitchen door is locked. Look around, the picture on the wall. The second time, go to the locked door, the light should go out. Go back to the painting and look at it. Take a piece of leather. It will be in your inventory. Return through the same door and find yourself in a room with an easel. Click on it to change the picture. You will see two flamingos.


    Episode 2. Paint

    Go through the two doors, move the grate and enter the elevator. Be sure to close the grate behind you and pull the lever to the right. The elevator will go up.

    Exit the elevator, inspect the two doors on the left side, one on the right and one at the end of the corridor. Everything will be locked up. Return to the very first door and you will see that it is now ajar. Go into the room and take the key from the cabinet. Read the note here as well. Exit the room, enter the room opposite. You will see a picture of a woman at the piano. Examine the notes and hear the artist's memories.

    Return to the corridor and go left. Open the door in front with the key (the door on the right is locked). Open the door on the left and go up the stairs to the attic. Turn around and see another door. Open it and go out into the corridor. Examine the contents of the chest near the table and go through the door on the right. Move through the next door and find yourself in a bright hall.

    Take a look at the left turn and the right turn, and then go through the door ahead. You will find yourself in a room with a fireplace and a rocking chair. Go through the door opposite and hear a rumble. Turn around and see that the room is destroyed. If you return to the room and look at the wall to the left of the doorway, you can find a small safe.

    Go down the corridor through several doors. After the painting with dogs, turn left, go through two doors and find yourself in a long corridor. Follow it to the end, open the door and see a huge picture. Turn around, walk up to the wall and look at the smaller painting. Turn around again and see a new corridor.

    Follow the room where the rat ran (to the left). Walk along the corridor to the next door. The door on the right will close. Walk past it and hear it reopen. Go back to the door and enter a small room with a bed and a table. There is a key on the cabinet to the right of the table. Take it. Turn around. Someone starts knocking on the door. Light the three candle holders and the knocking will stop. Open this door.

    Exit the room, turn left and go to the portrait, to which the paint trail leads. The portrait will change. Turn around and see a cane sticking out of the portrait. Take this cane to hear a memory from the past.


    Move in the opposite direction and open the door with the key. Go through several doors to the bedroom. There is a gramophone in the middle of the room. On the cabinet to the right of him is a plate. Take the record, install it on the gramophone and start it. You can change settings and switch ringtones. To start, you just need to turn the knob a few times. Go back to the door you came through. It will begin to spread like a painting. If this does not happen, then play with the gramophone. Above, to the left of the plate, there is a speed switch. Set the maximum speed and play the first and second tunes (there is a switch on the side, under the pipe itself), each time approaching the door. At some point, it must be distorted.

    Turn around and see that the whole room is distorted. Go to the gramophone and behind it, find a jar of blood on the floor. Pick it up and listen to the memory. The jar will be in your inventory.

    Use the gramophone again. This time, set the speed to medium and play one of the tunes normally. Approach the door at this time. She should be back to normal. Open the door and go through another. You will enter the first room with an easel. Examine the whiskey flask on the cabinet on the left. The cabinet on the right has six sections. One section is open and contains a piece of leather from the first chapter. Apparently, all the items found in the chapters will be placed in this cabinet. Click on the easel to select the next chapter.

    Episode 3. Primer

    Go through the door, turn right and follow the other door. Go to the piano, it will go back. Go to it and open the nightstand on the left. Read the note. Go back through the same door. You will enter another room. Open the cabinets on the left and find a new picture in the clothes.

    Go through several doors. Behind one of the doors there will be a wall with a chain. Turn around and you will see that there is no other door. Turn to the other side so that a passage to the corridor appears. Do not hurry! Opposite him is a door. Open the door, a doll hanging on a rope will fall. There is a key hanging around the doll's neck - take it.

    Iditol along the corridor, to the glass. Through the glass you see the room. Turn around and find yourself in this room. There is a calendar in the cabinet in front. You need a door on the left. Go through it, move through several doors until you find yourself in a familiar hallway.


    Go through the door ahead and look at the canvas on the right. Underneath are glasses. Examine them and hear a memory from the past.

    Return to the hall and go through the door on the right. Go down the stairs on the left side. Walk around. You will hear the phone ring. On the right there will be a cabinet, inside of which lies a note. At some point, you will see a broken phone on the floor. He will gather together and fly up. Move further in a circle until you see a small pedestal on the right. Stop near her. The phone should fly up here. But you can't do anything with it.

    From now on, go in the opposite direction!!! In the end, the phone must fall and break. Pick up the handset from the phone and hear a memory from the past. Go in the same opposite direction until there is a door on the right. Go through it, open another. Try again and enter the room. Look up - you see a table with a picture of bats nailed to it. Examine it.

    Find the switch on the wall near the open door. Activate it to turn on the light and return the room to normal. Go through the door that has returned to its place, try to go down the corridor, but it will constantly change. Turn around to the door you came here through and flip the switch to the left of it. Now calmly go to the end of the corridor, open the door and enter the elevator. Push the grate, turn the lever to the left, after which the elevator will go down.


    After going down, open the chest on the right and read the note. Go through several doors until you reach the bathroom. Examine the doll in the bathroom and find a note about mice. Study it. Exit the bathroom and look to the left. You see several objects blocking the path. Approach the wooden pallet and lower it down. Follow the corridor, open the door and find yourself in another longer corridor.

    On the right and left side there are several doors. The doors on the right are closed, but there are bolts in their upper part. Open the third door on the right side by moving the bolt. Turn on the light, enter the room and move the drawer in the cabinet on the right. Take another drawing.

    Exit and go through the door on the right, at the end of the corridor. You will find yourself in a room with four doors. Three new doors won't give you anything. Open the one through which you came here. Run along the long corridor with candles, open the door at the end and go down to the basement. Go to the piano ahead, start playing. All items will fly around the room. Walk around the room until everything finally falls down. Look around and see a cabinet with a glowing box. Look inside and find a bone. Check it out and take it. Get out of the basement, open the door and see an easel. Click on it to start a new chapter.

    Episode 4. Brush

    Go forward, go through the door at the end of the corridor. You will again find yourself in a room with four doors. Open each of the three doors behind which there was and is a brick wall. Soon the doors will close. Just turn your head clockwise or counterclockwise when you are in the center of the room. All doors should disappear. After that, another door will appear. Pass through it, go along the corridor and inspect the cone hat on the teddy bear.


    Listen to the flashback and go through the door behind the toy. Walk forward and find a bedside table on the left. It will contain some kind of book (bottom drawer) and a sketch of a pregnant woman (second drawer from top to bottom). Turn around and see that a door has appeared behind you. Open it, go through the door on the left. You will be in a room. On the right side there is a portrait, which will soon be distorted. Near the chair in the far left corner is a cabinet with children's shoes on it. Examine the children's shoes and leave the room through the same door.

    Read the note in the drawer to the right of the entrance. Go to the dressing table and inspect the boxes on the sides. Soon the mirror will crack. Get another sketch from the middle. Exit to the corridor and go to the right, to the image of the heart on the wall. On the left side there is a chessboard. Look at it and the checkers will be placed in their positions. Examine the cabinet under the image of the heart. There will be two checkers in the drawers - you have to click on them. Those will disappear. Another checker is lying on the floor, near the window, between it and the chessboard. Take her. All checkers will scatter, while only one remains. Take it in your hands and hear the memory from the past.


    Go to the chairs placed on the wall, where the crying comes from. Scared? Standing on your feet, exit the room through the only door. Move through the same room several times, opening the same door. Eventually, the door will be closed. Turn around and see a doll on the table. After a few frightening scenes, open the door and find yourself in a new place.

    Go through the glass doors and look around the room. Every time you turn, the room will change. First, extra dolls will begin to appear. Then a picture will appear on the wall. Next, the doll will appear on the table in the center, then on the chair by the window. In general, you can just turn to the picture and wait for the room to darken. By the way, perhaps in order for the room to begin to change, you need to light two table lamps on the sides of the window.

    Go to the window when everything is quiet. Through it you see another room, turn around once and a second time. You will find yourself in a corridor.


    Drive straight ahead without turning anywhere! Ignore the running doll. You should not follow either the place where she ran away, or the place from which she will come running a little later. Go through the doorway above which hangs a stuffed deer. Do not go forward anymore, but turn right into the corridor, where at the end you can see something red on the floor. Go forward and at the end you will find a doll sitting on the floor.

    Waking up, open the door in front, go into a small utility room and pick up a doll of a soldier from the floor. Listen to a memory from the past. Go through another door, into the corridor, and take the perfume from the window sill on the left. Listen to another memory. Go through the door ahead, which is distorted. Look at the drawing that the ghost of the girl draws. Go back and turn left, into the part of the corridor where you have not gone yet.

    Go forward through the doors, open the white door on the right and enter the children's room. In the white cabinet in the far corner, find the winding key. It's in the top drawer. Take it and go to the clockwork toy in front of the bed. Insert the key and turn it. Watch the extended cut-scene.

    Take the drawing of the girl, which is located in the upper drawer in the cabinet on which the clown is standing. Go to the closet in the other corner and among the toys find a sketch and an inscription about some pretenders. But most importantly - take the girl's cut off pigtail , which lies in bed. That's what he made the brush out of! Exit through the same door. It will take a while for the vision to pass. Follow the door on the right and activate the easel to start a new chapter.


    Episode 5

    Move to the left, in a circle, until you see a painting on the left. Examine it and turn right. You will see the desktop. Approach it and find the invitation in the lower left drawer. On the right side is a chest, on a pedestal. It cannot be opened. Go further and see the shadow of a child swinging on a wooden horse. Go to this room. The light will turn off. Look around and turn on the lamp, standing almost in the center. Turn around to look at the big clock. The clock will start to rewind time. Wait until this process stops. Open any door, go out into the corridor and find the door on the other wall.

    Open it and go to another corridor. Enter the room on the left. When you open the door, you will see a chair. But it can be pushed back. Go to the table opposite and open the top drawer. Read the note about rats. Return to the corridor and go through the door on the left. Approach the ghost.

    When you wake up, go through the door ahead. Do you see a lot of garbage on the floor (there is a mousetrap, a teddy bear, etc.)? Among this pile, find the key . Use this key to open the door on the right and go through it. Go down the corridor, behind the rat. Open the door at the end (you will need to move the bolt at the top). Keep going to the room where there will be a table covered in paint. A little further on, on the box to the left is a note. Look at her. You will see the following picture:


    There are inscriptions of three animals - cats, dogs and rats. Each word is written in one color or another. At the same time, there are nine numbers below, which are also written in different colors. If you combine each word with one or another number by color, it will turn out like this: cat - 2, dog - 7, rat - 9. The words are written from left to right in this sequence, which means that the sequence of numbers from left to right will be 2-7-9 . But where to apply it?

    On the other hand, three lines lead from each word. Each number has one line. So each word has three digits. If you draw lines, it will look like this:

    1. Cat - 3-4-1.
    2. Dog - 2-5-9.
    3. Rat - 6-8-7.

    Again, there is also an image on a piece of paper. It has a cat on it! Go back to the door, try to open it, but nothing will come of it. Please note that there is a lock on the top of the door. Check out this castle. You can enter a three-digit code. Since the sheet shows a cat, and the lines from the inscription CAT lead to the numbers 3, 4 and 1, then the code will be 341. Enter this code, the lock will open. Be sure to push the bolt!

    Go through the door, go down the corridor until the boards fall down. Turn around and see an open door. Move towards the light, enter the room and read the note on the table on the left. Yeah…


    Follow the only path through several doors. Go to the end of the corridor with many glazed doors. You will be in the lobby. Go into the room on the right. Ahead you will see a huge picture. To the left of the entrance is a cabinet. In one of the boxes, find a letter from a friend and an art dealer. Open the chest against the other wall and examine the dog muzzle. Listen to the memory.

    Approach the big picture, turn around and look around until the nightmare stops.

    After waking up, go out into the corridor, go through the door in front and follow on. Go through the new door and see a painting ahead. On the way to it, inspect the cabinet on the left and from the top drawer, get a piece of a newspaper article about the degeneration of the artist. Get closer to the painting and turn left. On the left side, there is a double door that looks like a closet. Open the door and you will see a small room. Pass and take away the handle from the table.

    Return to the room and examine the bottle of whiskey on the table near the painting. Listen to the memory. Go through the door at the end of the corridor. Take a couple of steps, the inscription "Don't look back" will appear above the door ahead. You can look around, it will be scary. Or you can go straight through the door ahead.

    Anyway, as soon as you wake up, go through the door and find yourself in a room with gears. There is a chain in the center. Pull it several times until it is no longer active. Approach the door with a large red bolt and gear. Open it, go further, turn right and go through the door where the rat came running from. You will find yourself in a room with an upside down picture and an extinct fireplace.


    Approach the fireplace, having previously tried to turn on the light using the switch near the front door. At the bottom of the fireplace, pick up the broken palette with paints. Listen to the memory. Go to the lamp on the table and turn off the light. Turn around and see a new door. Open it and meet the ghost. When he disappears, a portrait of a woman will appear on the wall. The fireplace will light up in the room. Use the door through which you came here the first time. Go inside the elevator, close the grate behind you and turn the handle to the right. The elevator will go up.

    Look up when the elevator stops. Wait for the ghost to appear on the elevator car.

    When you wake up, start moving the bars behind which you can see the chair. When it stops, move the next one to the right. Then, move another grate. In the end, none of the bars will move. Look up, the elevator will fall on you.

    You will wake up again in another room. Go through the door and open the chest in the far corner. Examine the table clock. Listen to the memory. Use the same door and find yourself in the corridor. Find a mirror on the windowsill on the left and examine it. Listen to the memory.

    Go along the corridor in the opposite direction from the windowsill. Look into the room with the ghost on the right. Approach the ghost.

    When you wake up, go through the door ahead. Follow on and find yourself in the office where you found your first key (in the prologue). Go to the table and find a newspaper article in one of the drawers. In the painting, a man is holding a sheet with the code "363". You hear the phone ring. But where is the phone itself? Stand with your back to the painting and go past the table. On the bookcase on the left, you can see a flickering book. Pull this book, the cabinet will move away, and you can answer the phone.

    Dial 363 and another phone will ring. But where is he? Look up. You will see that the room consists of several stacked on top of each other. Look around the room and return to the place where the first phone was. If you looked up and saw a falling doll, then instead of a cabinet with a phone, a door will appear, which itself will open. Go through the door, go to the end of the corridor and open another door. You will be at the top. Follow the left along the wall, turn left and see the phone. Answer the call.

    You need to enter a new number. Enter 363, but nothing comes up. Turn around and see a large closet fall. Look down at the floor where he fell. There will be a new number on the back of the cabinet - 853. Dial 853 on the phone and hear the sound. We need to find a third phone. Turn around, push the cabinet and go left. Open the door, turn the corner and answer the phone. The phone, by the way, will float in the air.


    Get out of here through the door, go in the opposite direction and on the right you will see a picture instead of a passage. Stand with your back to the picture and on the other side you will see how the child falls. The closet door will open, and you will see a new number - 354. Go back to the last phone that was lying on the floor. Now he stands on a pedestal. Call 354. Walk forward, follow the platforms suspended on chains. Try to approach the phone, but it will fall down. Turn around and move towards the door, but the main character will soon fall down as well.

    Waking up, answer the call on the phone on the desktop. After listening to the message, wait until the phone falls into the table. Examine it, click and find a finger - another detail of the final picture. Taking your finger, leave the room, go to the easel and click on it.


    Episode 6. Contemplation

    Apparently, we have to find the eye? One way or another, go through the door behind the easel and you will find yourself in the corridor. Go through the door on the left. You will enter a warehouse. Read the note on the table on the right: "We're running out of apples." Go to the room with apples, go through the door on the right. In the destroyed cabinet on the right side, find and read the note. Go through the next door and in the room you will see a cruel picture.


    Come close to the picture so that it starts to stagger. Move away and the picture will fall. In the center, by the way, there were three paintings. Stand in the center of the room, between the fallen paintings. Wait for the rats to start running away. Leave the room through the only open door.

    Walk down the corridor until you see a ghost. Turn around and return to the same room. Follow through the other door. Walk forward and to the right. Open the door and find yourself in a corridor with an open window on your right. Follow through the door ahead until you reach a corridor smeared with bright colors.


    Approach the painting hanging on the wall at the end of the corridor. Look under your feet and you will see a door. Open the door, the hero will fall down.

    Go through the three doors ahead. There is a deadbolt on the last door in the upper part, pay attention to this. You can turn the crank to raise pictures from the abyss. Jump into the hole. Go through the narrow passages, open the door and go forward. By the way, if you do not jump into the pit, but open the door above, then you will fall into the same corridor.

    Walk forward and turn into the room on the right. You will see a burning bed. Pick up the bandages on the table near the bed and listen to the memory.

    Exit to the corridor and go right to the door. You will find yourself in a room with a Ouija board. A total of 10 letters can be entered. You can enter something and click on YES or NO. The board will disappear. Find a note with the phone number 363 853 in a cabinet nearby…

    Do you recognize anything? Go through the door to the adjacent corridor and open the cabinet near the fireplace. Read another note. Go through another door and you will find yourself in a familiar, but slightly modified corridor. From the windowsill on the left, pick up the necklace and listen to the memory. Go the other way, turn into the room on the right and you will find yourself in a room with the spirits found earlier, a comb, a necklace and a mirror. Above is a portrait of a beautiful girl.

    Go through the door at the end of the corridor, follow the portrait gallery and open another door. As a result, you should get into the bathroom. Take the knife out of the sink and listen to the memory. Turn around and click on the tub of water. Hold down the left mouse button and watch how the hero will be under water. Repeat the procedure three times to see the woman and twice the doll.

    Remove the jar with the eye from the water. Return to the room, go to the easel, but it will disappear.


    Find the first checker on the broken cabinet on the right, near the cabinet. The second checker is on a broken pedestal on the left, under a fallen painting. After you click on them, and they disappear, then go to the chessboard. The checkers must fly. The passage to the children's room should open. You will hear the laughter of a child.

    Go to the nursery, on the seat to the right of the bed, find and click on the third checker. Go to the chessboard and watch how some of the checkers fly up. Look around and see a new passage. At the end of it, a huge eye is visible behind the wall. Go there and turn to the gramophone on the right. Look into his pipe. You will see how various objects will start flying from the wall into the room with checkers. Go to the wall behind which there was an eye (near the gramophone) and look at the ceiling. You will see a bed, from which objects will fall down. Among them will be a checker. Click on the checker to make it disappear, and then return to the chessboard.

    The screen will darken and a picture will appear in front. Approach the painting and wait until you find yourself in the same room with checkers again. Go under the stairs and find a cabinet there. There will be a fallen glass on the pedestal, and a checker near the glass. Click on it. Climb the stairs and find the second checker at its top. Click on it and return to the board in the center of the room.

    Eventually, the board will first disappear and then reappear in the same place. Go to the side where the eye was in the wall. There is a note on the bottom right. Read it: "Do you even know who you're playing with?". Behind the portrait, at the bottom of which lies a note, there is a safe. How to open it, I never found out (write in the comments).

    Go to the chessboard, look around and find the entrance to the kitchen. In the kitchen, take the checker from the scales on the table. But the checker will again appear on the scales! Look to the right. See the cauldron with the house? To his left is an open closet, downstairs. In this cabinet, find the weight for the scales . Take the checker. If you took a weight, the main character will automatically put it on the scales. Now the checker will no longer appear on the scales.

    Return to the checkers, go to the stairs and try to climb up. She will collapse. Go back to the chessboard and turn around in a circle. Eventually, the voices will be silenced. Find a portrait of a man holding a piece of paper. You have already seen him several times.


    Approach him and the picture will change. Back to checkers. Wait for the music to end and a huge stone to fall from above. Look at the heart in the picture. After a few seconds, you will again find yourself in the workshop. Click on the picture and watch the cut-scene.

    Go through the door. Climb to the top floor, take the key from the desktop, as you did at the beginning of the game. You can inspect the whole house - a lot of notes have appeared in it. One way or another, open the workshop with the key, go to the easel. There will be no canvas here, but you can read the full note next to the easel. You are asked to complete the painting. Click on the easel...



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    Можно ещё коды

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    Guest, 1 day ago

    Блин, разрабы, сделайте ещё коды ,а то скучно

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