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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Song of Farca - game guide

Walkthrough Song of Farca - game guide

A textual guide to the complete passage and obtaining all the achievements in the 2D cyberdetective simulator. The instructions and structure were kept as simple as possible.

If you need to find a specific achievement or passage of a certain moment, but would not like to see a spoiler for other parts, you should use the page search using the key combination [ Ctrl ] + [ F ] .
The names of achievements and ordinary phrases of dialogues completely coincide with the text in the game.


So, the main screen of the game is divided into 2 areas:

  1. The upper part is a two-dimensional representation of the apartment of cyber detective Isabella Song.
  2. The lower part is the active area, an overview of what is displayed on the computer of our cyberdetective, where we can perform the following actions:
    • Inspection of the map with interactive locations relevant to the current investigation (appear as the case progresses) ;
    • Reading e-mail , where various news and information come;
    • Communication and communication with key people from the contact list ;
    • View the investigation board , where are all pertaining things saved?There are important clues for the current investigation, information about suspects and witnesses, as well as a search for clues through the Internet and the database of residents of Farka.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Basic steps

  1. Exploring locations:
    • Remote connection to an available location through sequential hacking of cameras and location drones to increase the visible area;
    • Interaction with different location objects (alarms, switches, etc.) to distract guards / workers or unlock something;
    • Processing of data received from electronic media (computers, tablets) or found in the process of exploring locations;
  2. Dialogues:
    • In the course of telephone conversations, click on Isabella's answers to advance in the dialogue;
    • If the interlocutor's phrase is highlighted in red, then he is lying / hiding something and you can select the appropriate evidence to object and expedite the interrogation.
    • In addition to the evidence, you can draw your own conclusions. To do this, when the phrase of the interlocutor is highlighted in red, click on the item "Make a conclusion ..." and select the hooks that need to be connected to each other.
      • Note: Keep in mind that in some cases, the choice of phrases can affect the course of dialogue, investigation and the plot as a whole.
  3. Evidence analysis:
    • Adding new holdsok and evidence obtained during the investigation or scanning (RMB on the text highlighted in yellow) ;
    • When you go to the Investigation Board, new evidence may appear that needs to be checked and analyzed (RMB on the yellow circle) .

Chapter 1

Achievement "I'm sorry" . The truth cannot be hidden from you . In the main menu of the game, select "Play ⟶ New Game ⟶ Start a Business"

Chapter 2. Sir Gaucalot

Achievement "Zoom! Improve!"

Incoming call from Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ Click " Reply ".

◆ In the process of dialogue with Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer - " Of course. Tell me more! ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, click on the answer - " Is this not a real dog? ".

⠀⠀◇ Keep clicking on Isabella's answers during the phone conversation with Carl Erickson until the dialogue ends with "? That's it for now. "

◆ The Customer Agreement window will appear
⠀⠀◇ Right-click on the yellow field " Customer ";
⠀⠀◇ Then click RMB on the yellow field " Service "
⠀⠀◇ Next, the page will scroll a little lower, right-click on the yellow field " Signature "
⠀⠀◇ Finally, the page scrolls to the very end, click on the yellow " Signature " field again so that Isabella leaves her second signature in the contract.

◆ On the interactive map, select the location of Cliffside Park
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Perform sequential hacking of all cameras;
⠀⠀◇ Hack and activate the available Fountain Switch to distract the kids;
⠀⠀◇ As soon as the Drone's view is reopened, connect to it and send it to the right side of the location to activate the Alarm and thereby distract the Guard ;
⠀⠀◇ While the guard will be away from his workplace, inspect his Computer to find " Camera footage in the park ".
◆ Location explored, 1 piece of evidence found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Go to the Investigation Board and examine the obtained evidence
⠀⠀◇ On the recording from the camera in the park, click on the yellow circle " Video processing ";
⠀⠀◇ Wait for the video processing to complete, where the key moments of the recording will be automatically determined at the time intervals 0:03 , 0:10 and 0:17 seconds;
⠀⠀◇ During the recognition of details, choose the most appropriate options for the three key details,namely the following:
⠀⠀◇ Once all 3 options are selected, click the " Convert " button to successfully complete the video processing.

Achievement "Sorter"

◆ Scan information about a new suspect through the Internet and the database of residents, and then extract the matches
⠀⠀◇ Photography
⠀⠀◇ Name: Simon Krasinski
⠀⠀◇ Gender: Male
⠀⠀◇ Position: Best coach

◆ Outgoing call to Maurice
⠀⠀◇ Click successively on the dialog boxes from Isabella to continue the dialogue;
⠀⠀◇ When two answers appear, choose the next one - " Find me the coordinates of the van with these numbers. ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, end the dialogue with the answer "? Thank you, Maurice. "

◆ On the interactive map, select a new location Farki Hounds
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Through the first camera, find and hack the Tablet to gain access to the correspondence, where two important clues will be noted - Simon's number and his consent to be an errand boy;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Cargobot to find and hack the Router with its review;
⠀⠀◇ After hacking the router, access to the rest of the cameras will appear;
⠀⠀??? Move the view of the lower right camera to the Cage Terminal and hack it to release the dogs and distract the worker;
⠀⠀◇ Next, activate the camera located to the left of the lower right camera to get an overview of the Trash can inside which a new piece of evidence will be found - Tracker ;
⠀⠀◇ Click on the Door Switch to increase the view of the lower chamber, hack the Vending Machine and thereby distract Simon;
⠀⠀◇ While Simon is away, study his Computer and extract two important clues about his age and state of health;
⠀⠀◇ Don't forget to hack the Phone to the left of the computer to get the last piece of evidence - Simon's relationship with his boss.
◆ Location explored, 6 clues found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Outgoing call to Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ Choose an answer " I found a GPS tracker. Does the number match the one of Gavkalot? ";
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? That's all for now. "
◆ Analyze the found tracker on the Investigation Board

◆ Outgoing call to Simon Krasinski
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Simon Krasinski? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " I'm calling about the robot dog you stole. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click onSimon's line " I don't know what it's about. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the clue " Dog Thieves ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Shooting how you steal a robops ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Simon's phrase " While you're wasting your time here, the dog is probably already halfway to Spain. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the clue " Tracker Gavkalot ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the answer " I guess you will recognize what is in the picture ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, choose any answer, for example, " Are you ready to cooperate? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Are these your accomplices? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " And Alexa Henning? ";
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? Well, just talking ."

◆ Incoming call from Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ Click " Reply ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " So you are Tanya Erickson? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Ah, well, yes. ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, complete the dialogue with any answer, for example, " I will return, but there is still a lot of work ahead ."

◆ Select a new D'n'T location on the interactive map
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Perform sequential hacking of all cameras; (three cameras on the left side)
⠀⠀◇ Get the first piece of evidence from the Electronics in the upper room on the left - E-Terrier Cartridges ;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Beetlebot from below and change??ayte it along the route → ↑ → ↑;
⠀⠀◇ Turn on the detected camera to the left of the beetlebot;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Tablet found in this room to get new evidence that Alexa studied the electronic terrier circuits;
⠀⠀◇ Move the bugbot further (to the right) to discover and hack the Router , which will provide access to the last location camera;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Cashier in the lower right room (where the last camera was found) to distract Alexa and get her out of the room;
⠀⠀◇ While Alexa is away, hack her first Computer (To the left of the tablet) to get as many as 3 clues - her phone number, her employer and forcing her to work;
⠀⠀◇ Also hack Alexa's second Computer (upper left corner of the room) to get information about threats from Simon.
◆ Location explored, 6 clues found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Outgoing call to Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ When two answer options appear, select the next one - " What cartridge did you install in Gavkalot? ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, consistently click on the dialog boxes from Isabella to continue the dialogue;
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? That's all for now. "

◆ Opendig the Investigation Board and examine the clue " E-Terrier Cartridges "
⠀⠀◇ Click on the yellow circle "Search for differences" to start processing materials;
⠀⠀◇ During data docking, examine the available 5 cartridges;
⠀⠀◇ Find the chip that is missing the red dot in front of the serial number, and also has only one parallel port on the left side - its number is FK 92650302 ;
⠀⠀◇ Click the " Confirm " button.

◆ Scan information about suspect Alexa Henning through the internet and residents database, then extract matches
⠀⠀◇ Photography
⠀⠀◇ Gender: Female
⠀⠀◇ Citizenship: Germany
⠀⠀◇ Extra: Someone stole her bag

◆ Scan information about suspect Johnny Dee (scroll the view of the board to the right side) through the Internet and the village database, and then extract the matches
⠀⠀◇ Photography
⠀⠀◇ Gender: Male
⠀⠀◇ Position: Club owner (2 clues when searching - location and who is the owner)
⠀⠀◇ Phone number: 555-1265

◆ Also scan the information and find leads on all other available witnesses and suspects on the Investigation Board if you haven't already.

◆ On the InternetOn the interactive map, select a new location Manager's Office
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Perform sequential hacking of all cameras;
⠀⠀◇ Find a note with strange characters - this is the access code to the locked Tablet ;
⠀⠀◇ Enter the access code on the locked Tablet - 2317 , get a new piece of evidence - information about Dee's meeting with someone on Tuesday;

Code Breaker (1/3).

⠀◇ Hack the second Tablet to get two more clues - thanks to Alexa from Dee, as well as information that Dee only needs the Gavkalot case;
⠀⠀◇ Find in the upper left corner of the location Metal part , which will turn out to be the new paw of the terrier;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Computer and find the last two clues - Dee is hiding profits from a certain Schatze.
◆ Location explored, 6 clues found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Scan Suspect Schatz 's information through internet and village database, then extract matches
⠀⠀◇ Position: Crime boss

Achievement "Complete Set"

Outgoing call to Alexa Henning
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Alexa Henning? trong>";
⠀⠀◇ When two answers appear, choose the next one - " I have a problem with an electronic terrier. ";
⠀⠀◇ Next, choose any answers up to the red phrase of Alexa;
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " I do not provide technical support for electronic terriers. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the clue " Dog Thieves ";
⠀⠀◇ Again, choose any answers up to Alexa's red phrase;
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " Bl9, yes, I'm an IT specialist! I'm not able to steal anything. I'm not a hacker or a thief. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Connect the options " Gavkalot can be hacked with sound " and " Alexa studied the schemes of electronic terriers " (click on one option first, and then on the second) ;
⠀⠀◇ Click " Confirm " to put pressure on Alexa;
⠀⠀◇ Again, choose any answers up to Alexa's red phrase;
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " I need to talk to the boss. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Connect the options " Alexa works under duress " and " Alexa works for Dee ", then click " Confirm ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Then help me. ";
⠀⠀◇ Choose an answer " This song is good, start over. ";
⠀⠀◇ Choose the answer " Who does it? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Maybe at least tell me, ?? what direction to look for? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Because you are an IT specialist? ";
⠀⠀◇ Choose an answer " I'm your chance to get out of this shit. ";
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? I'll check. "

◆ Incoming call from Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ The answer in the dialogue does not matter, it does not affect the plot.

◆ On the interactive map, select the new location Cellar
⠀⠀◇ Click "Connect";
⠀⠀◇ Hack two cameras and find the Router , hacking which will provide access to the third camera;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the central camera, opening a view of the arena with robops;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the last camera and activate the Smoke Alarm to distract the Worker;
⠀⠀◇ While the worker has left, hack the Computer and find out that Dee is pleased with Alexa's work;
⠀⠀◇ Check Camera to get Dogfight Photos .
◆ Location explored, 3 clues found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Outgoing call to Alexa Henning
⠀⠀◇ When two answers appear, choose the next one - " Wait! What's going on in this basement? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " Did you find your robot? ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the evidence " Photo of dog fights ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer"She was a cute pet. What have you done to her brain? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " I... I'm not... I'm just an IT guy! Ordinary IT guy! Not a cyber genius! ";
⠀⠀◇ Select the evidence " Cartridge e-terrier ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " You worked with fucking cartridges. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Alexa's phrase " I can't help you. If he finds out about this, I'm fucked. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Combine the options " Dee is pleased with Alexa's work " and " Dee only needs a body from Gavkalot ", then click " Confirm ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Not that the old cartridge could be useful to him. ";
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? That's a splinter. "

◆ On the interactive map, select the new location Vault
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Perform a sequential hack of two cameras and activate the Drone Vacuum Cleaner ;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Door Switch just before the vacuum cleaner drone drives up to the small room in the lower right corner of the location (the drone must go inside) ;
⠀⠀◇ Hack the Luggage Storage in a small room overlooked by a vacuum cleaner drone;
⠀⠀◇ Examine the opened Alexa Cell in the upper left corner of the location tofind an important piece of evidence - Gavkalot AI Cartridge .
◆ Location explored, 1 piece of evidence found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Outgoing call to Simon Krasinski
⠀⠀◇ When three answers appear, choose the next one - " Let's talk about the dog. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Simon's phrase " Why should I talk to you? How much can you get to the bottom of honest people? ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Connect the options " Simon is an errand boy " and " Simon is throwing mud at his boss ", then click " Confirm ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " This is a way to annoy your boss. Dee. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Simon's phrase " Why should I help someone in the world of spineless stupid bastards? ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Connect the options " Simon is seriously ill " and " Simon is 61 ", then click " Confirm ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " You can help the girl get her beloved dog back. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " What if this was your last act in your life? ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on the answer " Are you ready to give in? After all my verbal attacks? ";
⠀⠀◇ Choose an answer " Then give me the robot dog. ";
⠀⠀◇ Click on Simon's phrase " Find out the address and I will give you this wedany dog. ";
⠀⠀◇ Select " Make a withdrawal... "
⠀⠀◇ Connect the options " Mystery meeting at 34 Maple and Bertram " and " Mystery meeting on Tuesday evenings ", then click " Confirm ";
⠀⠀◇ End the dialogue with the answer "? Mutual. "

◆ Select a new Warehouse location on the interactive map
⠀⠀◇ Click " Connect ";
⠀⠀◇ Hack three interactable cameras;
⠀⠀◇ Activate the Speakers to distract the worker;
⠀⠀◇ When the worker moves away, hack the fourth camera;
⠀⠀◇ Activate the Cargobot so that it provides a view to the lower right corner, where you will hack the Router and gain access to the last location camera;
⠀⠀◇ Activate the Garage Switch in the lower left room;
⠀⠀◇ Then inspect the Container in the room above to find the most important thing - Sir Gavkalot .
◆ Location explored, 1 piece of evidence found, you can ⮌ return.

◆ Outgoing call to Karl Erickson
⠀⠀◇ When two answers appear, choose the next one - " I found Sir Gavkalot. ";
⠀⠀◇ Tap consecutively on Isabella's dialogue boxes to continue the dialogue.
◆ Another case closed.

Incoming call from ???
⠀⠀◇ Select the " Reply " option and successively click on the dialogue boxes from Isabella to continue the dialogue.

Chapter 3. Privacy is dead

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

To be continued...



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