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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Superliminal

Walkthrough Superliminal

Complete walkthrough of the Superliminal puzzle

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At the beginning of the game, turn around, sign the document lying on the table, and go through the opened door. In the next room, study the mechanics of interacting with objects. There will be a huge chess piece in the corridor. Take it in your hands and lower it down to reduce. First core game mechanic learned!

Level 1

Two important tips explaining the basic mechanics of the game:

  1. To zoom in on an item, pick it up while standing close and move it further away. Or drop it on top.
  2. To make an object smaller, take it from a distance and bring it closer, placing it under your feet.

In the next room, you will be prompted to hold RMB to rotate the held object. Place three different cubes in the right corner to jump to the doorway. Walk forward and see a room with a button on the floor. Stand on it to open the door, and take the cube from the next room, which must be placed on the same button.

In the next room you needwill climb to the top. Take the cube that was placed on the button. Lift it up and let it go. Each time the cube falls, its dimensions increase.

Take the chess piece through one window, set it on the button through the other. With a piece of cheese, the situation resembles one of the previous ones. Lift it up and release it, while rotating it so that a slide forms towards the doorway from above. Shrink the huge cube. To do this, move away from it, pick it up and put it under your feet. Repeat the steps, and then put the cube on the button in the niche of the wall.

Game ending video

You can remove the boards from the passage on the side, but you will run into a locked door. Unfortunately, you cannot turn off the route.

Take the cube from the hole on the left, shrink it a few times, and then bring it to the broken window. At the bottom there will be another broken window, and behind it is a button. Place a cube on it.

Next will be a cube and a door through which it cannot be carried. Shrink the cube, lookthose up and throw the item over the wall. Set it to a button and move on.

Walkthrough Superliminal: how to press two buttons
Next will be a room with two buttons

Remove the sign with "little men" above the doorway. Enlarge it and turn it so that you press both buttons at the same time.

Behind the last door there will be a brick wall. On the left there is a narrow gap, behind which a piece of cheese is visible. Pull out this cheese and zoom in so it hits one of the pushed back slabs to the left of the doorway with the brick wall. The third or fourth, but not the one that is lowered to the side of the room (to the right of it). Move on until you fall down.

Level 2

Move the only route and move the objects that block the path. Once you're in the circular corridor, remove the pair of exit signs (green) and place them so that you can climb over the wall on the other side. Interact with tape recorder #1 to find out that you have failed somewhere and the scientists have no idea where to look for the main character.

In the next corridor there will be a doorway vve??hu. Go to the room on the right. Notice the black and white patterns on the wall. Stand so as to connect them (to the opposite corner), resulting in a black and white cube. Use it to climb up.

Enter the room on the right with another black and white cube. But something is missing here. Stand next to the cube and turn around. There is a horizontal pattern on the wall. Make a table appear. There is a vase on this table.

Walkthrough Superliminal: how to make a cube
Stand so that the vase becomes part of the cube.

Take the cube, which in fact turns out to be a corner. Expand it and you will understand what it is about. Climb higher with the help of different tiers.

Grab a black and white corner with you and place it on the left to climb up. Stand in front of the column so as to assemble the exit door and push it back. Interact with tape recorder #2 .

Go further. Look up to get a cube. Use it to jump onto the yellow bridge, turn around and create a green chess piece. Remove it to see the way out. You can build a structure with a cube and a chess piece against the left wall toget into the passage. However, there is nothing in this corridor. Only a device for triggering a fire alarm. Go through the courtyard to the next building and listen to the recording from the tape recorder number 3 .

Move further into the room with the blocked passage. Look up and see two open windows. Stand up to reach the moon. Lower it into the room and interact with tape recorder #4 .

Walkthrough Superliminal: what to do next
Remove the block with an open doorway from the moon and set it so that you can go further, and then go to the elevator.

Level 3

Go forward and find a small dice in the room on the right. Use it to climb higher. Go to the room where there is a large doorway at the top. On the left there should be a corridor to two parts of another dice. If not, place the first die directly on the highlighted area in the center, in the shape of a square. Use two cubes to climb up. Move the cube off the floor to jump down.

Remove the grate and crawl on. Using one cube, climb onto the second one, making it higher, and then lift the first one onto itth. You will enter a room with three cubes. But you can move them either vertically or horizontally, since they are part of the columns. Lower two cubes and push the third to the right. Use it to climb onto the ledge to the exit.

Break the cubes and put one of the sides so as to create a lift to the exit. The next cube will break up into several smaller ones. Climb higher with their help, remove the wall from the huge cube and jump down into the shaft. Having done this, go to the elevator.

Level 4

Walk down the corridor and inspect tape recorder #5 . Continue on the linear path. Move the red balloons and follow on. There will be a dead end room ahead, but you go into the darkness to the right to get into a parallel corridor with an exit. Next will be a huge pit with blood.

Pit in Superliminal: how to overcome
On the left there is a barely noticeable bridge made of boards.

Walk along it, looking under your feet so as not to fall down. Examine the next tape recorder (#6) .

Another water room, where the door closes, go backwards from it. You will see a dark staircase on the right, with an arrow pointing to it. Next is the doornoah opening with boards. Behind it there is a corridor with a red sign. Take the pointer, hold it in your hands and go back. Turn right and find a hidden path. Use the pointer as a flashlight to get past the cardboard boxes.

Further there will be another room with a red pointer. There is a door in the next room, but there is a brick wall behind it.

Walkthrough Superliminal: room with a brick wall
Zoom in on the pointer and turn it sideways to illuminate the room with the brick wall

Against the other wall you will find boxes and a hidden path. Start the generator and then get to the elevator.

Level 5

Move forward, move the green panel from the passage. Take it with you and put it on the green button. Follow forward and to the right along the corridor. Click on the green bar. It will be duplicated and cannot be moved. Look down to duplicate some of the panels, creating a staircase. Create a few hours in the form of stairs and jump up. Take an apple, make a big one and throw it at the wall. It will roll and push the smaller apple off the button.

Rise upup the slope so that the green button is in line with the apple. Click on an apple to create a copy right on the button. Create copies of the sign to go upstairs, and then hold RMB to return them back and go through the doorway. Walk down the corridor and find a tape recorder (#7) . Enter the elevator.

Level 6

Go forward and find tape recorder #8 in the corridor. Jump down, enlarge the house and go inside. Walk forward until you see a room with a small opening on the left. Exit to the right and enlarge the house even more so that you fit in that opening. Follow further along the corridor and activate the tape recorder number 9 .

Zoom in on the fan to blow the tower down and enter the opening that was on top. Remove one of the windows, enlarge it and jump inside. Next will be an inflatable house. Enlarge it so that you can climb onto any ledge on the side. Increase even more and get along the side to the entrance. Once you reach the window above, move the bouncy house up to the passageway and walk back to go through it. Soon you will find tape recorder #10 .

Next, you will be in a large hall with two doors. When you enter one, you exit the other, and vice versa. Shrink one door and put it somewhere in the middle. Stand on the side of the keypadimportant, grab a small door and put it in the keyhole. In this case, it will not increase. Enter the other one to be at the top. Go downstairs to see chess. On the far left there is a cardboard house. Bring it closer to you and go inside to get into the elevator.

Level 7

Move along the corridor until you return back to the room. Try to leave the room several times until the screen flips. Jump down. When you find yourself in a corridor with brick walls, remove the picture in the room and put it in an enlarged size instead of the wall. Enter the painting and activate tape recorder #11 .

Keep moving through the doorways. Move the door so that it falls towards you, then remove it to see the passage down. Follow below and below. Trying to do something ordinary, you will open new openings. In a room with a cube on the wall, try to see it in full size, but fall down. Get to the elevator. Next, you need to follow simple steps. Interact with the alarm clock, cubes and so on. On the street, go in four different directions until a room of walls forms. A bedroom will appear in the center. Go there and click on the alarm.

Level 8

Take the house from the table. Zoom inhim and go inside. You will return to the same room. Now reduce the house, go to the opening in the wall from which you came here. Together with the house, go forward (while the house should be turned towards you by an opening) to form an endless door.

At this level, you need to turn on your imagination. Just move forward, look for passages in the walls, floor, and so on. On the field with chess, you will need to put chess on each cell so that it becomes real, and the character does not fall down. At the same time, you can remove a figure if you are not standing on the desired cell. Next will be a room with a cube. Move it behind the white opening in the wall, which will immediately become real. Go through and bring back the cheese. Eventually, you will find a way out.

Level 9

Just go ahead and enjoy the ending of the game.



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