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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Terminator: Resistance

Walkthrough Terminator: Resistance

Terminator: Resistance is an exciting first-person shooter set in the famous universe. The hero will have to give battle to machines at the very beginning of the war with artificial intelligence Skynet.

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Escape Pasadena

After the intro video, run away from the cars. Once inside the building, pick up the pipe and break the boards by clicking on the mouse wheel or the F key. There is a first aid kit and trade resources in the next room. After collecting everything, continue driving until you get to the place where you need to activate the sensor device. Press the V key. Go further and in the next room you will find a gun. Move the painting to the left, duck down and climb up the ventilation. Press T to turn the flashlight on or off. Complete the segment with crawling creatures. Keep left to go aroundand monsters. Open the door and meet Jennifer with Patrick.

Say you protect the boy.

Get to Ryan and in a conversation with him say that look for the rest of the survivors . The quest will end.

More survivors

Follow the marker while killing the enemies. Walking robots are dangerous, so when reloading, try to stay in cover. Be sure to search the destroyed cars. When you examine all three places, you will find Laura in one of them. Chat with her and free the girl. Don't forget to search different containers and chests to get loot. Go back and destroy the machines that attacked the camp with the survivors. After that, the video will start.

The Rules of Survival

You currently have 1 skill point available to you. Spend it by pressing I and going to the Skills tab. Go down to the basement, collect resources and inspect the door. There is a workbench nearby.

Lockpick from Terminator: Resistance
Interact with him to create a lockpick and then pick the lock

Position the lockpick in a specific positionat once and turn the lock by pressing D . If the lock does not turn completely, you will have to change the location of the master key. Talk to Colin and go upstairs. Chat with Jennifer to receive the No a Toy quest. Talk to Ryan outside to start the Tools for Ryan mission.

Council . When fighting with any machines, aim at the red dots. These are vulnerabilities.

Follow the Warhouse District and go to the nearest outpost. You will need to either break open the door with a light lock (pump the skill), or throw a grenade into a brick wall.

Brick wall from Terminator: Resistance
Such exploding walls are marked on the map with the corresponding marker.

After making your way inside, you will find yourself in a shelter, as indicated by the "white house" icon. Each hideout has a save computer and a workbench. Find the note and study it.

Go to the next marker, make your way to the outpost, killing the enemies, and find the map hanging on the board. After that, the task will end and the Where is Colin mission will begin.

Not a Toy

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

This quest takes place in the same location as the Tools for Ryan quest, in the Warhouse District. Hold the Q key to look into the weapon wheel. Open the map and see the markers. Yellow indicates story quests, blue indicates secondary quests. Hover over one of the two blue markers to find out the name of the mission. This one is closest to the beginning of the location. Double-click the marker to make this quest active (tracked on the mini-map).

Go to the specified location. Inside the diner, on the ground floor, look for a note . You will find similar notes in different places, and all of them will be saved in the archive of your journal.

After finding a note on the seller's counter, climb the boards upstairs and open the back room to find the puppy. Mission accomplished! For such missions, you will receive parts, experience points and the approval of quest givers. In this case, Jennifer's approval.

Tools for Ryan

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

This quest takes place in the same location as the No a Toy quest, in the Warhouse District. Follow the marker, then go inside the building. Here you can also find a note. Search the room and find a room with ventilation. P?Sneak through it to get into a room with a set of tools. Take it to complete the quest.

Skynet's Plasma Storage

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

This mission will be activated when you examine this map. As soon as you get the task, follow the marker and make your way to the area with three large plasma tanks. You can do this through the building on the right, but in the building on the left, before reaching the locked gate, there is a note. Once inside, kill the enemies and destroy the three tanks. You can shoot them, but it's more economical to throw a grenade at each.

Where is Colin?

Go to the indicated place and enter the factory. Follow forward until the cut-scene starts.

Antagonist of Terminator: Resistance
The appearance of one of the main villains in Terminator: Resistance


You can talk to Erin in the next room and ask about everything to increase the level of the relationship. Talk to Ryan and head to the Hospital District.

Go ahead, chat with Jennifer and follow the girl. Pick up andfrom the hands of a corpse sound bait. To throw it, first hold Q. This will open the weapon wheel. Without closing it, press "6" to switch between grenades and a sound trap.

Follow the marker and pick up a Skynet terminal hacking device. Having done this, follow the marker. Hack the panel. You must move the slider to the right between the moving blocks. There is a save area in the middle of the track. This way you don't have to start all over again. Make your way to the hospital and find the hostage. You will need to use night vision (V) to bypass the terminators. You can't kill them!

Hide behind various objects. Every terminator encountered must pass by. He's not coming back! After talking with the hostage, follow to a new area. Move through it and destroy the turrets, and then hide from the terminators until the alarm subsides. When you get to the computer, turn off the power and get out of here. Don't rush outside either. Hide behind the cars and wait for the columned terminators to pass by. Back at the base, talk to Jennifer.

Meds for Erin

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

This mission will become available after you go deep into the hospital area within the ??southern quest Hospitality. Visit the nearby blue area, hack the ambulance and take the antibiotics. If they are not there, you will have to inspect other cars.

Into the Storm

Talk to Erin at the base and go to bed. By this point, your hero will have leveled up a few, don't forget to allocate talents. To do this, press TAB and go to the "Skills" section. After waking up, go out into the courtyard and talk with the released soldier, and then with Jennifer and her brother. Tell the boy that his sister is right and leave the area.

After a short cutscene, answer a few of the Baron's questions and deal with the turrets. Now you have access to laser weapons. It is powerful, but try to shoot at the weak spots of the vehicles (marked in red). When the terminators appear, try to keep your head down and shoot them in the head. Follow the group, destroying the robots along the way. Don't forget to search the remains of the mechanisms!

After reaching the checkpoint, the group will be attacked from all sides, and Jacob will fall into the ruins. When you wake up, take a few shots at the T-800 , which intends to kill you, get up and run forward to the exit from the hangar. After reuniting with the group, follow straight ahead until the cut-scene starts. Followfollow the Baron to the hideout and talk to him.

Back to Pasadena

Immediately after the start of the quest, you can pick up several useful items. To do this, turn around and climb into the ventilation shaft. Explore it to collect all the items, then talk to Alvin. After the dialogue, you need to upgrade your plasma weapons. To do this, open your inventory (key I), select a weapon and go to the Upgrade section. You can install up to three Skynet chips on your rifle. It should be understood that not all chips fit together, so choose the right combination of chips and save it.

Chips Terminator: Resistance
Chips Terminator: Resistance

Now you need to talk to the Quatermaster. With this character, you can exchange items, or sell unnecessary ones. When you're ready, turn around and talk to Jennifer, then leave the hideout. Approach Erin and start a dialogue to pick up the Colin's Steash side quest. Return to Ryan and listen to him. Right before you leave the location, Patrick will come up to you and ask you to find something. This will give you another side quest " Chalk-full of surprises ". Leave the zone.

Colin's Steash

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

Move forward a little, deal with a group of spiders and a few drones. At the first fork, turn right and find the passage under the bridge. There are laser mines all over the place: try to avoid them!

Mines Terminator: Resistance
Mines Terminator: Resistance

Enter the only room, search some drawers and read the note on the couch. Before you leave it - take the key from the table. The task will be updated. Now you need to get to the hospital. Exit the room and turn left. Run forward, but do not forget that there will be enemies here. The entire area is filled with T-808 series terminators who use a flamethrower as a weapon. When you find yourself near the hospital, you will see a marker of the main task. We recommend that you do not run there yet, but perform it upon returning from the hospital. Find the entrance to the hospital and go up to the second floor. In one of the rooms, find a large blue first-aid kit. After that, the task will be completed.

Climb down and run to the nearest main quest marker. From this place you need to take three photos. To do this, press ??key V , point the camera at the desired object and press E . The first part of the story quest is completed.

Take a photo of the objects

Skynet's Eastern Outpost

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

Once you complete the previous subquest, this quest will begin. When you first take a photo of the missile systems, climb down from the roof of the building and run to the first point marked in blue. Hack the doors of the outpost, go down to the lower level and interact with the terminal. After hacking the terminal, leave the complex in a timely manner, otherwise you will stay here forever!

Follow this point

Enter the ruined building across from the outpost and approach the main quest marker. Take pictures of the necessary objects and get out. Just at this moment, the hero is attacked by a huge T-47 machine. We recommend that you do not waste resources on destroying it, since the robot is quite strong. If you still want to try your hand, then?Use the explosive barrels scattered around the location to quickly deal with the car. In the same way, destroy the second outpost to complete the side quest.

Chalk-full of surprises

Side quest Terminator: Resistance

You can complete this quest in the transition from the previous marker of the story mission to the next - we will do it. Get to the task icon and go down to the basement. Examine the room: there is a computer, a workbench, as well as several locked doors with loot. The box needed for the quest is in the room to the right of the entrance (opposite the corpse with the shotgun). Examine the empty box, after which you will need to go down south of the location.

Nearby there is another destroyed building. Find the entrance behind the wooden boards and go inside. Use the hole in the floor to get into the basement. Go through the basement and find the stairs to the third floor. There are crayons on the table in the next room. Take them and move to the main task.

Side quest Terminator: Resistance
Side quest Terminator: Resistance

Take pictures of all rocket launchers and don't forget to clear outthe last outpost on the previous side quest, only then return to the camp.

Members of the Resistance

Upon arrival at the hideout, talk to Jenny and go to bed. Everyone will be awakened by the Stranger, who will order to get out of this place. Watch the video. A few weeks later, you find yourself on the streets of the city. Go down to the bunker and talk to the Baron then leave the area.

To go outside, ask the guard to open the door. This is a linear mission: just move from marker to marker, destroying robots along the way. When you get to the last marker, look for the doctor who is hiding in a small building behind the boxes. Follow the doctor over the bridge, and at the end of the bridge turn into the tunnel on the left. Talk to the Baron again to take the next quest.

hunting season

After the dialogue, run to the exit. On the way, Ryan will stop you and ask for one favor. This will give you the side quest " Radio for Ryan ". Another side quest " Picture Perfect " will start when you leave the hideout. To complete this task, all you have to do is take a photo of the T-808 model as it spews flames from the flamethrower.

Radio for Ryan

Follow the marker to the center of the location. Here paa two-story building. Go inside and go up the stairs to the second floor. Use the lock pick to open the lock (to open it, you need the third level of the Lockpicking skill). The room is guarded by two T-800 models, and on the far table on the left is a Boombox, which must be taken on a mission. Once you have it, the quest will end.

Just opposite this building is the first tracker that transmits a signal. Go around it to the right and find the corpse, next to which lies a note.

Corpse Terminator: Resistance
Dead body

Now turn around and run towards the destroyed bridge. On the right there is a two-story building, and behind it is a passage in the wall. Run there, deal with a few spiders and turn left. Climb the stairs to the second floor, save your progress and find a hole in the floor to go down. Behind the sales counter you will find the second corpse.

The second corpse of Terminator: Resistance
Second corpse

Here, opposite the last corpse, you will find another Skynet outpost. Destroy it and return to the hideout.


After the cut-scene, the task will be updated and you will need to destroy the new model T-850. The cyborg will shoot back and run away from the group. Just chase him and attack, but try not to lean out. In the end, you will be left with the robot one-on-one. Look for cover and attack the enemy until he dies.

Robot Terminator: Resistance

Find Mack

After a lengthy cutscene, go to the nearby table and pick up the Infiltrator's Violet Plasma. As usual, upon leaving the bunker, you will be given another side quest (Erin's Husband).

Follow the marker. When you get to the building, watch the cut-scene, after which you need to get to the estate. When you are near the estate, climb over the fence and enter the garage on the right. Save your progress, then make your way through the wine cellar, dodging the laser mines, and go up to the second floor. The building is patrolled by T-820 terminators. You can not disturb them, and quietly proceed to the edge of the building. If you are noticed, then you will need to kill every single one, as the rest of the terminators will come running to the noise.

Robot 2 Terminator: Resistance

Once outside, follow the marker to the theater and climb onto the makeshift stage. Watch the video, after which you will go down from the stage and leave the theater. Get off the road and deal with a few enemies. After a few tens of meters, you will find Dr. Mack's spider, which has rolled over and cannot move. Pick up the spider and follow the marker. On the way you can find a small shop with a computer and a workbench.

Erin's Husband

Exit the store. Right in front of you will be a mansion that you need to go to for a side quest. Waste no time and go inside. Deal with two robots and find the stairs to the second floor. In one of the locked rooms, there is a notebook on the table - take it and run to the next point. Don't go to the main quest marker now, as you won't be able to go back to that location.

Go around the ruined mansion and destroy the Skynet outpost. Leave the outpost, turn right and find a two-story cafe building. Examine the toilet on the first floor to find the corpse of a man. This is Erin's husband. In the hideout, you will have a choice: lie to Erin, what is her?already gone to Mexico, or tell the truth. This will directly affect whether she stays with you.

Return to the main quest marker, enter the ruined mansion and go down to the wine cellar. Go past the laser mines to the entrance to the laboratory. Once in the laboratory, go forward a little and talk to the doc.

Bunker Terminator: Resistance

The Codes

Leave Dr. Mack's lab, return to the bunker and talk to the Baron. Since Mac asked to steal the CPU and give it to him, you will have a choice - tell her the truth or steal it. The choice is yours. If you want to hide the truth , then go to Alvin and listen to him. You can only steal the chip if you found a tape recorder in one of the previous missions. Listen to Alvin, then leave the laboratory and go into the closet with a workbench. Turn on the tape recorder, then interact with it again to increase the sound. Thus, Alvin will leave the laboratory and you can steal the chip. Return to the Baron and decide whether to make love to her or not.

Lady Vengeance

Exit the bunker to the Lower City and go up the large stairs. Pturn right, then enter the building. Run after the girl and interact with the double door. Watch the cut-scene. Now you need to find a transmitter for Emma. Go back to the stairs, go down and run to the right. Go through the tunnel, and on the road turn left to the metro station. Go to the end of the tunnel and search the store. In the far right corner you will find a transmitter.

Terminator: Resistance walkie-talkie

Return to the road and go up to the entrance to the skyscraper. Here you need to deal with several robots and pick up a note of the dead.

Now you can continue with the story mission. Walk along the edge of the building and go up to the parking lot. Find the red pickup truck, in the trunk of which lies the device you need for the quest. Return the same way you came. T-47 will already be waiting for you on the street, it's up to you to kill him or not. Find a makeshift shelter and collect the battery for the device.

Follow the marker on the map. Upon arrival, break the electronic lock and run forward. On the right side of the map, a new outpost will appear that can be destroyed. We recommend that you first deal with it, and then proceed with the basics.leg task.

Be careful: the whole location is literally “teeming” with robots!

When you reach the story marker, the quest will be updated. You need to defeat the giant HK Tank machine. This is not easy to do, since the Tank has a lot of armor. Its weakest point is the red dot on the back of the hull. Run from cover to cover and try to attack him at that point.

Tank Terminator: Resistance

Don't even try to hide under the tank's tracks, because somehow miraculously it shoots through them. In front of the tank, on the right, you will find the remains of one of the rebels. Take a grenade launcher from him to quickly deal with the enemy. When the Tank is defeated, copy the data and leave the area. If you chose the path of a thief, then in the doctor's hideout you have a choice - to kill Dr. Mac or warn him and give the stolen chip.

The first option will lead to the completion, and the second will lead to the failure of the side quest The Hitman.

Against Time

Talk to the Baron, then leave the bunker and go up to the second floor of the adjacent building. Where?You will find Jennifer. Choose whether to stay or leave, and then make another choice (you will understand which one). When you're done, go downstairs and tell the Baron you're ready to go.

Hack the laser protection terminal and run forward with the team, destroying the robots. Once you reach the checkpoint, talk to the Wanderer, who will hack the terminal for you. Now you're in for a tough fight with two T-47s and a HK Arial. If the former can be destroyed with a plasma weapon, then a flying robot can only be destroyed with a grenade launcher. Defeat the enemies and follow the group. On the lower level of the complex, destroy the new model T-850 and follow the Wanderer. From the video you will learn that all this is a trap. Run to the exit as soon as possible!


Go down to the bunker. If you didn't make sure that all your acquaintances left the base, then you will find them dead here. Run to the Baron's quarters and watch the cut-scene. Leave the bunker.

We invited Jenny to stay... Terminator: Resistance
We invited Jenny to stay...

The Unknown

Run forward along the only path until a cutscene starts. Waking up, go up to the second floor and??Speak with John Connor.

no fate

Take everything you need and talk to Connor. You have a long way to go to Skynet's central core. Just run forward, destroying many different robots and try not to die. When the Skynet troops are defeated, Connor will offer you to return to the past. Accept the offer or refuse - it's up to you. End of the game.

Final Terminator: Resistance
The final