Use LMB to move. Exit the room, go forward and to the right. Hold RMB to move the camera. To open the door, go to the purple panel on the right. Try to leave the location, but the floor will collapse. Approach the glowing object on the left. Press "Space" and restore the bridge. Your new ability allows you to rewind time.
First activate the blue bar on the left. Then the yellow panel on the right. After - the red panel. You can go further. Repair the floor and interact with the white panel. You will see how the robots are activated. Watch the chase cutscene. In the end, the girl will fall down.
Rewind time, and then through the "Space" repair the bridge. Then press "Space" to replay the scene. Go through the door on the left. Just go around the robot, which will move from left to right.
Wait in the next room. Pick up the moment and get to the red remote control to open the door. Having done this, get out of the room. You can hold Spacebar to skip replays. Next, you just need to follow the bot. You should be there the moment he closes the purple door.
rge">First, click on the purple remote control to open one and close the other door. Then stand at the green remote control. The robot should notice you. Immediately click on the green remote to trap him. It is in this episode that you will meet a cat.
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While the cat is distracting the robot, pick up a glowing object, and then move along the walls of the room to the exit. The floor will need to be repaired. First, select a white cell. One white cell allows you to restore the platform once. Purple cells automatically restore purple platforms, and the puzzle starts from the beginning. First pick up the white orb, repair the bridge to the purple one and take it. Then click on the blue panel, and when the robot leaves to the left, go to the right. Take the white orb and repair the nearest bridge on the left. When the robot goes down, stand at the green door and quickly go to the white console. Open the door, wait for the robot to unlock the green door again and run towards the purple sphere. You will repair two purple bridges at once. Get to the top position behind the red door, which must first be opened with the red remote control.
You will return to the central node. Go what?without the next door.
Run towards the white sphere. Wait for the robot to pass by. Leave the room in advance and follow down. If you do not have time, turn into the room on the right. If you have time, run to the hole in the floor. Repair it and get to the red remote control. Enter the opened room and hide in the upper right corner, behind the cabinet. Wait for the robot to arrive here (rewind time to D). The cat will distract him. And you have to get to the exit.
First take one sphere and run to the console. Fix the bridge for the cat along the way. Then click on the remote. Then take the second white sphere and repair the bridge to the exit. Leave the location.
Use the green remote, run forward and wait for the cat to open the purple door. Then wait for her to distract the robot. And then take the white cell and repair the bridge to the exit.
Now you can control both the cat and the girl. Select the cat, move through the ventilation so that you stand to the right of the robot. Meow at "space". While the robot is distracted, run to the door on the right. Stand on the red panel as a cat so that the girl can pass. Activate the green bar. Enter the building with your cat and meow. While the robot is distracted, take the white orb and get out of here. Fix the bridge anddrop the level.
First, stand on the red platform as a cat. Pass in the corridor and activate the white panel. Go back, swap places with the cat (now the girl will be on the red panel). Use the cat to go through the door into the room with the yellow button on the floor. Follow through the ventilation to be behind the robot. As a girl, come close to the robot, on the left side (since the path to the right is closed by a red door). Distract the attention of the robot and run the girl to the yellow door. Use the cat to press the yellow button. Pick up a white cell by a girl and repair the bridge. Run to the exit. Then run to the exit as a cat.
The white remote doesn't interest you. Stand as a girl next to the yellow button, and as a cat - to the left of the yellow door. Meow when the robot is nearby. He will go around. As a girl, stand on the yellow button, release the cat into the main hall and get off the button. Both characters run to the exit.
There will be three robots in the next room. As a girl, walk in a circle around the central room. Move your cat through the ventilation. Distract the robot at the end, and then run to the exit with the girl. Cat run to the exit through the valve??tion.
In this room, you cannot let the robot stand on the orange button. First activate the blue and purple panels. Then run the girl after the white sphere, and then immediately return to the blue panel. At the same time, in parallel, enter the cat through the ventilation to the right. Get out into the main corridor. When the robot is nearby, meow and hide behind the ventilation. The robot will look around and then return to the closed robot. This time will be enough for you to run across the room behind the blue door as a cat, and the girl returns to the blue remote control. Wait for the robot to be next to the room. Meow. When the robot enters, cover it with a blue panel. Further, everything is simple: fix the floor and open the exit with the green remote control.
So you get to the last room with the artifact. Use the cat to run to the white button next to the starting position of the robot. As a girl, stand on the yellow button. Then, as a girl, take the purple sphere. The puzzle will reset. The second time, use the cat to step on the yellow button in the nearest room. As a girl, click on the white cell. The robot will follow the blue button and you will enter the room with the cell. After taking it, activate the blue panel. Go outside and quickly run to the upper right corner, to the second purple cell. The door will be open as the cat is standing on the yellow button. Yes, and you must be in time beforethe robot will close all orange doors by standing on the orange button. Repair the road and pick up the second sphere.
The puzzle will reset again. All purple bridges are repaired. Send the girl immediately to the room with the white cell. She will enter there immediately, as soon as the robot passes through the blue button. As a cat, stand in the room with the yellow button. When the robot is behind the wall, bellow. He will hear and go to this room. Get out of there as a cat, open the doors for the cat as a girl and hide in one room. Open the room with the yellow button. When the robot enters there, lock it up. And then repair the bridge and take the artifact (you need to stand next to both characters).
Here we just carefully wait until all the robots leave the black door. First we hide behind the boxes below, and then behind the computers, near the glass wall. Next, enter the code on the yellow lock, and go to the next location.
We catch the timing to pass between the robots when they look at the wall. We pass to the combination lock, activate it, and in the same way, in timing, we leave the location.
Here is the same. Gently mansuem, between the light flasks, do not fall into the view of the robots and easily pass to the exit.
We find ourselves in a dead end, where 1 of the robots drove us. However, here atwith a new power awakening, and we have learned to "deal" with pieces of iron. Immediately at the entrance we find 3 power cubes. We kill 1 of the robots, on round racks, from the 2 others - we kill. Let's go to another part of the map. There are also 2 robots, on both of them we use a new ability, after which we go to a new location.
First we go to the left, through the green door and activate the red combination lock. We head to the opened door, where we wait until the robot turns away to go through and pick up the power cube. In the same way, we go back and close the red door behind us. We pass to the green castle. There we kill the robot standing on the button, enter the code and head to the exit.
Here we are playing as a cat. We run to the robots and immediately dive into the nearest ventilation. There we catch the timing and carefully exit. We reach the purple button and meow. We immediately run to the purple door. The alarmed robot will step on the button and open the door for us. Well, there we just carefully pass the only robot.
Here we wait until these 2 robots are face to face, after which we meow and dive into the ventilation to reach the green button. There we meow again, 1 of the robots goes and stands on it, opening a further passage for us. Further, the road will be guarded by two deuces of robots. In both cases, choose a position in the center of the room,so that the meow reaches both enemies, after which we meow and run away. Thus we reach the exit.
Here we simply pass the first 2 robots into the timing so as not to get caught in their field of vision. There we see ventilation, where we crawl through, from where we get into the next room and move to a new location.
Here we need to go into the room and dodge the robot until the girl nearby opens the way for us further.
The same thing, we are waiting for the girl to open the door for us. We don't get caught by the robot.
Here it is, the long-awaited meeting. First, we go as a girl to the green combination lock. After that, select the cat and step on the blue button so that the girl can pick up the power cube. We go back as a girl and enter the code on the green lock, letting the cat go further. Now we approach the cat so that 2 robots circling around the boxes, in the center of a small room, hear its meow. It is necessary to coordinate actions so that during the outbreak of robots, the girl can go further unnoticed. It remains only to pass a little with the cat in order to aggro the robot from its side and call it closer to the girl so that she kills him.
We go as a cat and stand on the yellow button. As a girl, we go and pick up the first power cube. After that, as a girl, we go to the first door, where do we reach?We move to the cat's room, where we restore the bridge for him, between the buttons. We step on the second button with the cat, and the girl, at this time, takes the power cube from the central corridor. Further, as a girl, aggro the robot, after which we lock it, in the central corridor, with the help of the movements of the cat. We are restoring the bridge, in our first corridor. We go to the third, agrim the robot there and lock it in the corridor (well, or just kill it). It remains only to leave the location, along with the cat.
We pass a little forward as a cat and a girl. We are waiting for the robots to turn around. We run into the ventilation as a cat, and as a girl we take the power cube and just run away. We press the yellow button with a cat. We go out as a girl, make a collapsed passage and pass on. Then, as a girl, we go into the next room, aggro the robot, after which we go off the button as a cat to close the door. There, as a girl, we will be able to go to the cube of power in timing. We meow the cat near the yellow button and approach the doors. The alarmed robot will stand on the button and open the door. We go out as a girl, restore the floor to the cat, after which we both leave the location.
We stand on the yellow button with a cat. The girl runs through the opened door. We get up as a cat on the red button, as a girl we run further. We drive the cat off the button a little to go through the door, with the robot standing in it, after which we again climb onto the button and openeat a pass. We run the girl to the blue combination lock, open the cat access to the third button. We coordinate the movements of the cat and the girl so that she comes back. On the way, we lock the robot in the far right room. We leave the location.
As a girl, we approach the green combination lock and open the door. We direct the cat to the button, follow it. We go through the girl and pick up the white cube of power. We immediately restore the collapsed floor, on the cat's side. We “shout” with the cat to aggro the robot and direct it to the lower corner, where it can stand on the green button. As a girl, we take the purple power cube. From the cat's side, a passage to the lock with a key appeared. We do the same, only after the initial actions, we send the cat to the upper corner. She and the robot will let the girl pass, who will take another purple cube and recreate the bridge, from the cat side, which leads to the blue button. Again, open the doors on the left to pick up the white cube. Agrim with a robot cat, on his part, and a girl who has approached, we kill him. We send the cat to the red button, and then to the blue one, so that the girl can pick up the last purple cube. It remains for both of them to go to the center of the room. We install a lock with a key on the pedestal and see that 3 more digits light up on the clock. The last door, where we are heading, also caught fire.
First, we get into the timing to get to the green combination lock. After that, we run into the room as a cat, through the ventilation and aggro the robot there, after which, as a girl, we lock it there. We pass the girl into the central room and pick up 2 power cubes there. Immediately kill one of the robots on the right side of the map. Further, we carefully pass the girl closer to the exit in order to restore the bridge and not catch the eye of the robot. Agrim the lower robot with a cat, after which we quickly run through both him and the girl to the exit.
First, run the cat to the purple button at the top of the room. Then we take the girl and pick up, in the center, the cube of power. We run the girl to the button, where we restore the bridge, to exit. As a cat, we run to the center, where we lure the robot. At this time, the girl comes out. After we do the same, only with one cat.
First, we run into the nearest ventilation as a cat, from where we softly and “call” a robot blocking the girl’s path. Well, then we just run both, because. the alarmed robot will still not have time to catch up with us and will fall into the abyss.
As a girl, we stand on the red button, and as a cat, we get soft and climb into the ventilation. We wait until the robot leaves, after which we go down. We are waiting for 3 robots to come to the top of the map. We enter the code, on the green combination lock and call the cat to us. We lure the robot out by shoutingthe cat in the center, after which we simply run to the exit. Power cube, near the robot - not needed.
As a girl, we run straight to pick up the white power cube. We immediately restore the bridge, on the other side. With a cat we turn into a glass room, to the left. With a soft cat, we scatter them with a robot, and as a girl, at this time, we pass to the other side, where we raise another 1 cube. We come there as a cat. We kill the robot in front of the girl. With a cat, at this time, we run through the ventilation to press the blue button. After that, we quickly run, the girl to the feather, and the cat to the platform. We charge the last "artifact" on the pedestal, after which we see that the clock is fully activated. But, unexpectedly, our cat began to glow and took off.
We run with our girl, open the red lock, and then the blue one. Then we wait until our copy creates a bridge, after which we can take the power cube and kill the robot. We evade the robot and leave the room.
Here we evade the robot along with the cat. And as soon as the passage opens, we go out there.
Here we just catch the timing to get to the exit.
Here, too, we repeat the route of the cat, only as a girl.
Here we are shown how the girl gets the kitten out of the ventilation. Does she come with him?the room with the clock, but it almost immediately disappears from her hands. The cat is on a pedestal, after which it explodes in a sheaf of sparks, like all objects before it ...
All the sparks fly away into the clock, after which something happens. The clock goes out again, and the first door lights up again. The clock begins to crumble, as did the locations, before that, after which there is only one passage. And after passing through it, the girl wakes up in her bed, realizing that it was all just a dream. But before she has time to get up, some man with a club in his hand will come into her room.
Do not rely on this walk through its not entirely correct ie selecting the first option when asking if anyone else could have been with Adam doesn't give you the name of the car. And no matter what yo...
Moonvale Walkthrough — Game Guide. Episode 1