ShowGamer.comThe passage of all orders in Cyberpunk 2077

The passage of all orders in Cyberpunk 2077

    We tell you how to complete all orders in CYBERPUNK 2077


    • Dirty Business

    Head to Northside West. It is necessary to find a record of the murder in the underground brain. Be careful, there are a lot of security and video surveillance on the territory. On the top floor is a turret. Take the note and send it to the post office. Get $1390

    • Initiation ritual

    Search Maelstrom's clinic. To open the doors, you will need technical skills - 5 and strength -7. Hack the computer in the server room. Get $1390

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    • From hand to hand

    You need to get to the Maelstrom's warehouse. You can climb over the fence, then over the barbed wire fence. Keep Right. The memory module is in the car. Get $4860

    • Esprit de corps

    Inspect the warehouse to open the locked doors, you will need Technique -10 and Strength - 8. On the second floor, download the recording from the computer. Give in person. Get 2160$

    • Free press

    Talk to the journalist and convince him to leave the newspaper. Be careful, there are a lot of mines and turrets around the building. Hack them from afar. After talking to Max, you will learn that Regina trained him. Follow him to the car. Get $4860

    • Second skin

    It is necessary to steal a van from the warehouse. There is a door [strength 5]. There are 4 guards in the warehouse toto penetrate unnoticed head upstairs and cut off the cameras. Hack the computer and steal the van. Get $1390

    • Cheetah Escape

    Look for the Hwangbo Nomad Nomad in the south. It is located in the far corner of the motel on the 2nd floor. Entering the room, you will be attacked by mercenaries. Deal with them and take Hwangbo to the allies.

    • Profession costs

    In the warehouse, Rogue will have to fight in close combat with the boss Anna Knox. Hel is in the blue container in the middle. Get $4860 .

    • Hippocratic Oath

    There are many armored bandits in the clinic. In the operating room, the medic Lucy treats the bandit. To complete the task you will have to help her. Scan the body. It is necessary to transfuse blood. Take the blood bag on the left. Put Lucy in the car and get $ 1390 .

    Little China

    • Altered state of consciousness

    Visit the gang building in the center. Head to the basement and blow up the barrels against the wall.

    • Blood sports

    It is necessary to release the fighter. To the left of the entrance is the door to the basement. Free Cheewon and get $2620 . If you pass the order secretly, you will get an expensive gas mask.

    • The eye sees, but the tooth is numb

    Find Jacob's implant in the bar. Examine the shelving in the back room.


    • Tiger trap

    Go to the basement?? round quarter and upload the virus to the server.

    • The Girl from La Mancha

    Find Anna near the circular district and go to the Chinese market. Talk to all the residents and go to the apartment building to the right of the clinic. Climb up and jump over to the next building. Anna is in one of the rooms. Get $ 3734 .

    • monster hunting

    Find the Ho-Oh Club and kill the Jotaro who is upstairs. There are 5 guards and 2 visitors in the club.

    • Welcome to America comrade

    At the docks, watch out for the man from the Soviet Union. If the surveillance goes unnoticed, you will be rewarded with a chip: protein firms. There are guards at the entrance, move to the left side of them. Use the crate to jump over the fence. Keep Left. Get to the desired container and turn off the video camera and the robot. Mount the hidden transmitter on the back of the car. Use the crates on the left and jump over the fence. Get $ 1240 .

    • hopelessness

    Examine the abandoned house. On the second floor, deal with boss William Hare. To the right of the entrance, take the medicine from the first aid kit. Get $ 2930 .

    • Fixer, mercenary, soldier, spy

    Steal the chip from the Soviet spy. Make your way to the elevator if skill allows or usel personnel card. On the 21st floor, use the balcony and go up to the 22nd floor. There are 2 people in the room, stun them and take the chip from the TV. Get $4400 .

    • Little man, big evil

    It is necessary to find and kill Jaehyun in the slums. The only way to enter the room is through the roof. Kill and get 2930 $ .

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