From the beach, head to the bunker and pick up the submachine gun. Go inside and take the burglar. Now you can hack various objects and devices using the L1 button. Hack the door, go further and see a door with a code. Try entering 0451 - this is a known code from Dishonored. You will get the achievement but the door will not open.
Go right through the tunnel behind the boards that need to be broken. Raise the machete and kill the enemy. Keep going further, soon you will stumble upon other enemies. Deal with them and follow to the library. Climb up and pull the lever. Break the window and jump down the cliff. Restart the loop and return to the bunker. Pick up all the items along the way. Then pick up the burglar to get a postcard with a door code.
Enter this code on the next door and go through. Pick up the machete and grenade on the right. Then leave the area with your first Reprise Ingot. It will give you extra lives. To finally die, Colt must die three times. In this case, the loop will restart. Complete the training.
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Follow the marker to the right until you come across a security camera blocking the lower ledge route on the left. Climb up, deal with two enemies at the generator and follow to your apartment. Interact with the minicom and read all the messages. The enemy will become aware of your presence. Quickly return to the tunnel and leave Downtown.
Next, you will go to the Complex. Exit through the left door and go around the enemies on the left side. Hack the camera and enter the Loop Control Center. Climb up and deal with the enemies, then remove the battery from the socket and place it in the charging station on the left to fully charge it. Now insert the item back into the slot and pull the lever. Go back and leave the Complex.
After receiving the information, go to the Fristad rock. Follow the marker across the bridge and head to the EON security office. To enter, hack the panel by looking at it through the window in the door. Go inside and read the note with the code to the Colt's safe in Downtown. Return to the tunnels.
Go back to your apartment in Downtown, but note that now there will be more enemies (it all depends on the time of day). In the safe, you will find a message from Julianne, and then a copy of the girl will appear who will try to kill you. Defeat her and hack the antenna to open the tunnels. Leave Downtown to complete the first loop.
With the start of a new cycle, you will lose all equipment, but keep the knowledge gained. Don't worry, you'll soon be able to store your gear between loops. Take the usual items and go to the exit. Before heading to Downtown, don't forget to equip the Double Jump Trinket.
Go back to your apartment one more time and open the safe. Take the PPP to get the information you need. Then leave Downtown. If you have any bonuses for purchasing the game, including weapons or trinkets, then they will be available at this moment. All of them will be saved between the loops.
First you need to find the Wenjie Research Center. Go around the right side of the map following the marker and find Wenjie's lab. Here you will find about fifteen Wenjie clones, and you will need to kill them all. Killing the last Wenjie will unlock the achievement .
Once the Wenjie are dead, head to the marker and collect the portable harvester. With it, you can absorb the remains of Wenjie and get the residual. Place the harvester back into the machine marked with a marker, then stand inside the capsule and press the button. Shoot the button with the weapon you want to keep forever!!!!
You will die, a new loop will begin, but from now on it will be possible to absorb the residual and saturate the equipment, keeping it for the rest of the game. If you invest residual in any item, it will remain with you forever, even in case of death.
Now that you have the ability to save equipment, you can go in search of ingots with unique abilities. You can follow any route, but our step-by-step guide describes a certain order with a minimum of cycles and downtime. As long as you don't die.
To get started, go to the "Ideological Leads" and select the task "Chaos Theory" to track. Go to Charles Bay to "cook Harriet".
Move along the right side of the map, following the marker, towards Hangar 2. On the dock outside of Hangar 2, you will see Otto's Workshop with a door code and a note next to it. Read the note to receive an important find.
Go through hangar 1 to get to hangar 2 (above). There will be a bunch of enemies here, as well as Harriet conducting the morning ceremony. Make your way on the suspended plane to the other side, and then follow the other plane, where Harriet is standing, to her office. Shoot the button to open the door, or throw the bottle at the red lasers. Or donate some of your health. Go to her office and read the messages on the minicom to complete the "Chaos Theory" quest.
Now go through the door to kill Harriet and her guards, as well as collect her Ingot Ingot. Having done everything, return to the tunnel and leave Charles Bay.
Before heading to Downtown, don't forget to saturate the "Interlacing" ingot. Saturate other equipment that you like (purple weapons and so on). Saturate keyrings last. Then head to Downtown to invade Charlie's game.
Move to the quest marker and you will see a bridge leading to Charlie's mansion, turned into a space quest. Before you cross the bridge, go into the building on the right and up the street to see the burning building. You will receive a find that will come in handy later.
Return to the bridge, cross it to the mansion. There will be many enemies here, as well as Charlie. Climb to the top floor and look for Charlie's minicom in the pantry. After reading all the messages, a new target will appear. If you haven't raised the alarm, Charlie will be on the top floor too.
Go outside and enter Charlie's bedroom. Take a photo from the bed in which he and Fia spend time on the Frystad rock. After getting the last clue in this area, leave the mansion and head to the nearest exit to leave Downtown. But before that, you can choose a task related to Charlie (from the arsenal's hooks section), kill him and pick up the "Displacement" ingot. Be sure to fill it up!
Head to Frystad Rock in the afternoon to explore the coast of Frystad. You need to find the location where the photo of Charlie and Fiya was taken (you can view the photo under your objectives). There is no quest marker, so it will be difficult to find. But everything is simple. Exit through the door on the right, turn right between the rocks and go down to the shore behind a clearing with vehicles and enemies.
Go left along the coast and find the entrance to bunker 09. Inside, inspect all the documents and objects to get the "find the cipher" objective. You can leave this place.
Head to the indicated area for the cipher. Find Charlie's safe, which can now be opened. Retrieve the book from there to complete the Space Intervention mission and unlock two new missions.
Once you're done, leave the area and use up all remaining residual before moving on to the next loop as it will be lost. Only saturated items will remain!
From now on, you will immediately appear in the bunker, along with all the rich equipment and items from the beach. Head to Fristad Rock
Go through the left door and head along the coast to the entrance to the Ballagura Rock Club. To enter, you will need to take a pass from the device on the right, but it blocks the use of all your ingots, including Reprise, so be careful.
Once inside, go downstairs and go to the end of the first floor. Enter the last room on the left. There you will find a vent that you can crawl through. Follow through the vent to the other side, then climb the rocks to the roof. There will be another device here. Remove the pass to reactivate the ingots.
Without a pass, you can move either through the ventilation holes, or with the help of a burglar, using it on the antennas at the doors. Climb up and enter Frank's Recording Studio, preferably through the window above the left door. There will be a bunch of enemies here, as well as Frank and two bodyguards locked in his recording studio itself. If you decide to go here with a pass, there is a device next to the bed at the top to remove it. There is a hacked panel on the side of the studio that will allow you to open the way to Frank. Kill him and take the legendary machine gun (yes, not all ideologues have ingots). Then go to the studio and listen to the recording from the recorder. You will receive the next clue.
Finally, go upstairs and read the messages on Frank's minicom (interact with the computer in his bedroom) to close the next objective. You need to get back to Duntown, but only in the morning. Go back through the tunnels to the bunker.
Select a quest to track and head back to Frystad Rock to find Fii's Fortress.
Go right to the beach with the sunken plane, but this time enter the bunker through the door on the top of the rock on the left (the path to it is lined with mines) or the gate from below.
Be very careful in the bunker: if Fiya learns of your presence, she will activate the reactor and blow up the bunker. This will happen in about 1 minute. If you are at the location, you will die, and the loop will start again. The explosion will make the bunker inaccessible to the current loop, so if you don't complete your task before this happens, you will have to repeat the steps in another loop.
While in the bunker, you will need to find 4 icons. These are drawings with light green symbols on a red background, scattered around the bunker (on the walls, floor and rarely any additional objects. There are 14 pictograms, and you will be asked to find 4 specific ones, providing hints. Read about how to find the pictograms, in our separate guide .
After finding the correct pictograms, go into the room with the reactor and climb the steps in the far corner. This will take you to Fie. Kill her and take the Affect ingot. Leave this place.
Now that you have the code for the bunker, you can complete the "Return to Device" task. Return to the sunken plane, enter bunker 09 and examine the buttons. Click on them and look at the monitors. Remember which button corresponds to the icon you found (look in the log). Remembering the correct combination, enter it on the control panel.
This will open the door inside the bunker.
Go to the elevator shaft and go down. In the end, when you get into the bunker, the quest will end. Now you can kill Charlie and Fiya at once. Return to the hideout.
Select this quest in the journal and go to the Complex to deal with Egor.
Go through the door on the right and follow to the bunker. The location is mined, so look around. Once inside the bunker, go to the opposite end and hack the turret, and then go outside.
If you hit the trap, Yegor will know about the presence of the Colt, and immediately attack him. Otherwise, you can surprise him.
Go to Egor's Camp and interact with his mini-com to get a few clues, as well as unlock Alexis' Eating the Lambs quest. Go down to the room under the lab to read the note on the map and get the next clue: "Disable Yegor's Device". You can kill Yegor himself and take his ingot "Ether" (invisibility). It is difficult to kill him, since there is no marker that clearly indicates the location of the ideologue.
It's time to continue Frank's quest and complete the "Return to Otto's Workshop in the Morning" challenge. Select it in the magazine and go to Downtown.
Go to Otto's workshop to find a firework machine inside. From it come 5 luminous wires. You need to go along each and destroy the blocks (electric panels). It is enough to shoot at them from any weapon. Please note that in the far building there are several shields in different rooms. Just walk along the glowing wire.
Return to Otto's Workshop and read the messages on the minicom to complete the Find the Code objective. You will receive another clue. Optionally, kill Charlie to receive the Displacement Ingot or an upgrade for him.
Head to the Complex to complete a couple of tasks on two quests related to Yegor and Wenjie.
Immediately after exiting the tunnel, you will find yourself in Yegor's camp. Interact with a device that remains invisible. Climb up to the laboratory, turn off the two turrets (with a burglar) and climb inside. Read the note on the board and take one Neutralizer. Place it next to the device. It will become visible. Enter the code from the log (eg B728) and press the STOP button. The code is different for every gamer.
Then select the Wenjie quest. Go to her complex, go down to the first floor and open the door by entering the code received earlier (automatically). Read the note next to the map, the minicom messages, and other messages. You will unlock access to the Radio Silence quest. Finally, interact with the voice recorder next to the minicom to get the last clue in this area. Now you need to visit Tu-Bita. Kill Wenjie at will, and then leave the complex.
Travel to Downtown to infiltrate Alexis' party.
Get to the Dorsey mansion and enter it through the main entrance, hacking the turret, which will shoot down the enemies. Quickly climb up to the roof on the left and kill the two opponents. You can make some noise, anyway, those below will not hear. Walk right along the roof and enter the first building on the left. Below are the enemies. Eavesdrop on them and learn that Alexis loves beer. Let them disperse. Carefully kill, jump down and go down the steps to the valves. Turn the four valves, after turning off the red traps and mines. Alexis will come here in person to restore the beer supply. So kill the man and take his Caprnesis ingot.
Now go to Alexis' bedroom to find some notes. If you want, you can kill Egor to get upgrades for the ingot (only in this loop, since you previously disabled his device and forced him to go to a party).
Now track the Radio Silence quest and head to the complex to inspect the power plant.
Go to the power plant and read the note on the table. You need to activate two generators in the room below. Go down the stairs, there will be a battery on the railing or nearby. Kill all the enemies below. If the battery is low (or you didn't find it), go back to the projector room and charge it at the station. You did it at the beginning of the game. Run two generators with one battery. Climb up and activate the first lever to unlock the Era station. Go downstairs and read the note "Top Secret". You can leave here.
Head to Downtown to continue the quest. Go through the left door and read the note on the archives door. Access to the archives can be obtained until noon. So we'll come back here later.
Select the "What Wenjie Want" quest and go to Charlie's mansion to talk to Too-Bit. Use the burglar to open the door to his room. We need Alexis' voice, so we'll have to attend his party. What To-Beat will say. Head to the party at night and check out Alexis' bedroom on the third floor. If you did this earlier, you could find a note about the interview. Otherwise, you have to do it now. After that, visit the library during the day in Downtown and enter the code for the safe inside it. Take the figurine with the recording of the interview and take it to Too-Bit. Be careful!
Once you return to Too-Bit and hand over the figurine, select the " Make Alexis promise Wenjie what she wants " option. This will complete the quest with Wenjie. You can kill Charlie if you wish.
Return to the archive gate in the morning and go inside. Climb to the top floor and read a couple of notes until a cutscene starts. Go outside and open the doors on the right, down the stairs, to the RAP. Examine everything and inspect the far door. Read the message. You need to find three more code words.
Return to the Complex and go to the Power Plant. Enter the code received in the RAP on the code panel under the four levers. Now start the generator and send power to any region (except Downtown). Actions will have to be repeated 3 times for each region in order to study 3 power plants. However, you can activate two additional generators to fire all three levers and not return to this action. Look for them below, but be careful of the mines that can blow them up.
If you turn on all the generators, you can send power to Downtan, Charles Bay and Frystad Rock.
Visit the station "Ash". Climb to the upper level to find a note with a password. You can kill Charlie if you wish.
Next, go to the Fristad rock. Find Owl station. Read the note on the table to find out the second password. If you want, kill Charlie and Fia.
Finally, head to Charles Bay. Go to the marker. Find Kalmar Station. Listen to the audio recording to find out the last password.
Head to Charles Bay.
Go to Frank's container and open it (if you haven't received the code yet, you need to visit Otto's workshop in the morning). There will be a computer inside the container. Use it and select "damage cords". Kill Harriet at will.
Go to Downan.
Go down to the RAP and use the new passwords to get inside. After the cutscene, the quest will complete Radio Silence. The final task will begin. Drop the loop.
You need to kill all the ideologues in one loop. Choose a task and head to Charles Bay.
Head to Frank's fireworks container and close the damaged cords. Enter hangar 2 and kill Harriet. Leave this area.
Go to Yegor's camp, take the field neutralizer from the laboratory, take it to the invisible device and activate it. Enter the password and turn off the device.
Go to the bunker, open the door, kill Charlie and Fiya. If Charlie activates the flooding process, you can even sacrifice yourself (if you have lives from Reprise). This is much faster than getting out of the complex on your own.
Head to the Dorsey mansion for a party. Kill Alexis, Yegor and Wenjie by any means. When they die, go to the RAP and get on the rocket plane.
Walk forward until you find Julianne. The ending of the game depends on your choice. Read our guide on Deathloop endings .
The developers of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are preparing a large-scale update called “Breaking the Waves”, which will be available on March 19. Players can expect a new hero, new events, rewards, as well as changes to the seasonal system.