Walkthrough Tails of Iron - game guide

A detailed guide to all story and side quests in Tails of Iron, tactics and strategy boss battles, where to find the best armor and weapons, and much more
Walkthrough Tails of Iron - game guide
Julia Kushnaryova
Date of publication
18 September 2021

After the Tails of Iron intro video, go right and interact with the cabinet. Equip a helmet, breastplate, weapon, and shield. By pressing TAB you can open the map. You need to visit the rat king. Climb down and sit on the bench to save your progress. Go to the old king and listen to him.

Follow the left to the kitchen, listen to the cook and go down to the basement through the hatch on the left. Collect roots, berries from the bard and draw water. Sit down at the table to the right of the cook and prepare food. Now go to the right, go upstairs and go into the forge. Interact with the book and use the blueprint to create a helmet. You can equip it right away. Take the task "Training with a mannequin" from the board.

Прохождение Tails of Iron — гайд по игре

Talk to the older brother and go right. Attack the mannequin with LMB, dodge with ALT, block with SHIFT. After a successful block, immediately press LMB to parry. Dodge strong attacks by double pressing ALT. At the end, hold LMB to deal a strong blow and finish off the mannequin. Drink the bug juice from the barrel on the left to restore health.

Select the task "Test by duel" on the board. Go down the stairs near the entrance to the training room with a mannequin and go right. You will learn how to hide or draw weapons on F. Then you need to hold down Shift to raise the shield, and click on the mouse wheel. The hero will hold the shield and turn left/right. Go right outside the Scarlet Keep and rest on the bench in front of the steps.

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Прохождение Tails of Iron — гайд по игре

Continue on your way and defeat the older brother. At first, he will use strong attacks. You dodge on ALT and while he is out of breath, hit him by holding LMB. Then there will be parried blows. Press Shift just before the blow and counterattack on LMB. When a huge toad appears, unfortunately, you will lose anyway.

Waking up, pick up the sword and go left. Sit on the bench to save your progress. Climb down, protect yourself from arrows with a shield and break the thickets on the left to enter the sewers. There will be another bench here. Keep in mind that falling from a height causes damage to you, so descend carefully. By killing a beetle, you can get its juice. Jump up to go up the stairs. Break the thickets, pick up the juice and examine the grate. Need a key.

Climb down and go left. Kill the beetle. Dodge and counterattack. Pick up different items and key . Go back, go up the stairs and open the grate on the left. Kill two toads in the fortress and go inside. The second toad only hits hard, so you can roll and counter from behind. Save and go to the throne. Kill three toads. Finish the first one quickly. Then kill the spearman, remembering to put up a shield when the toad shoots from above. By the way, it is useless to roll from "yellow", parried blows. Except back. A little friend will appear who will return the crown to Reggie.

After talking with Dennis, go right. Sit down when you reach the bench. Then we head right again. Near the dead toad, pick up the hammer. The hammer can be used not only as a tool, it can also be used in battle. We head to the right to get into the Scarlet Fortress.

Scarlet Fortress

We talk with the mouse, and find out what is needed to repair the travel board. Examine the corpse of a mouse nearby, from which arrows stick out and take away the nails. The travel board can now be repaired. Open it and select Longtail Village.

Longtail Village

When you reach the village, move to the right. Get ready to fight the frog that is attacking your relative. Kill her and drink the juice, you can also pick up her one-handed spear. Search corpses to collect useful items. Further on the way you will meet two more frogs. Fight them, take the juice in reserve or replenish your health.

Walk forward to the bench and sit down on it. You won't be able to get into the building near the bench yet, because you need a key. Move further to the right and you will find a shield. Keep moving until you reach the captain of the guard near the castle. Fight the mini-boss. He will be a little stronger than those frogs. Hit him as many times as you can. After defeating him, you can pick up his helmet. Talk to the captain of the guard, and he will give you the key to the town hall (the building near the bench). He managed to close the elder in the Town Hall and ran to block the entrance to the village, but some frogs managed to enter.

Before entering the Town Hall, we advise you to sit on the bench and save the game. After entering the Town Hall, head to the right to talk to the villagers. Two frogs will appear on the left, one with a spear, and the other with a bow and arrows. Be careful when the arrow frog starts aiming, use a shield so that the arrow does not hit and does not cause damage. Also defend against the second frog when it starts to strike with a spear. Try not to be between them, it is better to fight them when they both attack from the same side. Examine their corpses and take away weapons and a mask.

Keep moving and go up the stairs. In front of the table, you can sit on a wooden chair to save the game. The elder will tell you that the frogs took his brother to the mill. We go down. Fill the flask from the barrel, and click on the chest to change weapons or equipment.

Exit the Town Hall and save the game. Head to the gate to the right. The gate will break through a huge toad - the boss and a smaller frog. The boss will attack with jumps and hit with a hammer. Be careful, because two jumps and your character dies. Use the juice to replenish your health bar.

First, it is better to kill a small frog, it will interfere with attacking the boss. It will also be easier to fight while wearing light armor, so you will roll further and avoid enemy attacks more easily. When the boss roars (a circle appears above his head), try to move as far as possible, he deals two hits with jumps in a row. After defeating the boss, you can take his armor and we advise you to save the gameplay (there will be a bench outside the gate).

We leave the gates of the village. There will be two frogs on the way. One with a shield, the other with a bow and arrows. When the frog shoots the bow, use the shield or jump over the arrows to damage the second frog, jump over it and hit it from behind. Then jump over the ravines and pick up new weapons. We advise you to save after each battle, as there will be a fight further and there will be quite a lot of frogs and it is easy to die.

Get to the chef's hat and you will be attacked. First two frogs, as soon as you kill one of them, the enemies will start to appear one by one. Use a potion and deal damage, avoid getting hit by arrows. As soon as you deal with the enemies, go further to the building.

Прохождение Tails of Iron — гайд по игре

The Chief is there. You can refill the potion, save the gameplay and talk to him. Climb up to the chest, you can change equipment if necessary. Jump onto the ruined structure from the chest on the right and at the end near the mouse you can find a new weapon in the form of a sickle. Get down downward and iditol to the right.

Farm "Old Mill"

The leader of the swamp brotherhood from Lance Alut is waiting for you. He has the key that is needed to free the chief. When he screams and a circle appears above his head, the boss launches a spear attack. Run away or use a roll to avoid damage. When you deal about half damage to him, he will call for help. Deal with two small frogs and continue the battle. When you deal good damage, the boss will lose his helmet and call for help again. This time three frogs will come with a sword, spear and arrows. Fight them and continue the boss fight. He will use a new attack - jump up. At the place where the leaves fall, he will land, so move away from this place. After the victory, take a new weapon and a key to free the Chief. Examine all the corpses to replenish supplies.

Release the Chef, talk to him, replenish juice supplies. Return to the side of the house. Along the way, meet a Ranger who will give out a new weapon - a bow. To aim, press Shift + mouse wheel.

Прохождение Tails of Iron — гайд по игре

Longtail Village

Get to the town hall. Examine the bulletin board, which now contains side quests. By completing these tasks, you can get an additional reward.

Farm Old Mill

Get to the mill and talk to the farmer. You need to go down to the basement and deal with the worms. Avoid worms when they start to emerge from the ground. That's how they do damage. Deal with them and search them. There is a chest in the right corner. Take the headdress. Climb up, talk to the farmer and collect your reward. Examine the map and return to the Scarlet Keep.

Scarlet Fortress

Approach the builders and talk to them. Creatures prevent them from restoring the kingdom. Fight them so the builders can keep building the bridge. We must return to the throne. The chief will tell you information about the blacksmith. You need to go to the elder in Longtail.

Longtail Village

Talk to the villagers and go to the elder to get information about the blacksmith. Exit the building and go right. Local residents will tell you that a lot of beetles and worms have grown up in the mill. When the beetle aims down at you, quickly run away, otherwise it does a lot of damage. Continue moving to the right.

village sewer

Save your game and you can change your defense against bugs and worms. Go right. Use the sword on the growing roots along the way. Fight the worms along the way. Reach the wall and climb up to the ledges.


When you get to a place where there is a large distance between the ledges, then climb up the ceiling.


Then jump onto the wall and climb up to exit the sewers.

ranger lodge

Rising upstairs, a frog will immediately start attacking you. Therefore, do not waste time and attack her. Go right and fight the bigger frog. Now enter the lodge and talk to the ranger. He will tell about the blacksmith. Climb to the second floor of the gatehouse. There, the ranger will give you a two-handed axe. You can replenish the supply of juice. Use the mouse wheel to change your weapon to an axe. Exit the gatehouse. On the left there is a bench where you can save the gameplay. Again we move to the right.

Use the ax to destroy the barriers that the frogs have made. Get to the ledges and examine the corpse on the second ledge to pick up the axe. Chop the entrance to a hidden place with an axe. Excavate the chest and get the Ancient Statue.


Then get ready to fight the frogs. There will be many. Ranger will help. Examine the corpses. On the way further, you will find a blacksmith's hammer and again get ready to fight two frogs. We advise you to go back and save the game, because ahead at the entrance to the tower you will find a battle with the block-block boss.

Tower of Violent Villains

Go to the tower. The blacksmith is alive, however, in order to free him, you must fight the Blocky Magu boss. Climb up the ledges. Save your game and replenish your health. At the very top, you need to fight with Blocky Magu - the captain of the Violent Villains.

To defeat Block Magu, use the same tactics as with all bosses. Dodge his attacks and strike either from behind or when he is not shielded. He uses swords that can hit and deal damage even if you are far away. Use a shield and get defensive to avoid losing HP. When yellow lightning lights up, you must wait, otherwise you will not be able to hit him. After the victory, take the key to free the blacksmith and the boss weapon.

ranger lodge

Go back to the lodge and the ranger will give you a poison that works on any enemy. Fight the worms. In the gatehouse, you can take side quests, as well as exchange some items for poison.

side quest

If you have taken the side quest, follow the marker. Head to the well and go down into the sewers - head to the place indicated on the map. Fight the bugs, there will be new bugs that will throw stones. Use a shield to avoid being hit by a stone.

After fighting the bugs, go to the right, then go down and to the right. Break the bug eggs and fight them. In addition to beetles with stones, flying beetles will also appear. Examine the corpses and pick up items. Side quest completed, go back upstairs. We return to the rangers' lodge and again take a side task.

Go left and go down under the bridge. Deal with the worms and inspect the corpses. Then go down the well again and go to the game markers. Deal with the bugs, inspect the corpses. Now head to the left and get into the village sewer.


Go to the village of Longtail, where the game marker leads.

Longtail Village

In the village we will find a shopkeeper from whom you can purchase various items and drawings.

Scarlet Fortress

Talk to the captain of the guard. Follow him to the test field and fight the bugs. You will find a new crossbow weapon. Return to the Scarlet Keep for the throne. The chef will say that the kitchen needs to be restored.

To be continued…

    Game from the guide
    Tails of Iron
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Action, RPG, Platformer
    • Release date 17 September 2021


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