Walkthrough Layers of Fear (2023) - remake

A detailed guide to all parts of the series.
Walkthrough Layers of Fear (2023) - remake
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
15 June 2023

Walkthrough Layers of Fear

Layers of Fear from 2023 is something like a remake in the form of an ultimate collection of all the games in the series that have been released to date. This includes Layers of Fear 1 (original) that tells the story of a crazy artist, the Layers of Fear: Inheritance expansion dedicated to his daughter, Layers of Fear 2 that tells the story of an unusual actress, and some other secret episodes that we talk about below. Let's go through the game in order!

The Story of a Writer - Chapter 1

Examine the lighter and the overturned photograph on the table. Exit to the corridor. Go left and find a note near the generator. Go back upstairs and examine the note under the front door. The door itself is locked. The next door leads to the kitchen and there is a newspaper clipping. Walk past the phone. The door on the right is closed. The bell will ring shortly. Answer by phone. The next door leads to the bathroom with another note. Exit the last door. The stairs to the top of the lighthouse are blocked, but there is another note on the left. Go back and interact with the phone to call your son. Go back to your room, try to type at the typewriter. Then look around the next room, which was closed. Remove the cover on the painting, then return and sit down at the typewriter.

Artist's Story - Chapters 1-3

I won't sharpen?attention to all items and notes, but I note that the ending of this part of the game, the story of the artist, is affected by how many items related to the wife or the artist you pick up over 6 chapters. Some other decisions will also be affected. If you act inconsistently, you will get a chapter in which the artist will paint a crazy picture. If you take the things of the artist, but not his wife, do not roll a wheelchair, and so on (I will definitely point out these moments in the game), then the artist will draw his portrait. And vice versa, if you take your wife's things and help her in everything, you will get a good picture of a wife with a child.

Go to the hall and examine the door on the left. The note says the key is in the office. Climb up to the second floor and take the key from the cabinet table drawer on the left side. If you wish, you can explore all the other rooms, inspect items and collect notes . Enter the workshop on the ground floor and interact with the painting.

Chapter 1

Go to the room ahead and look out the window for it to close. Go down the corridor and get from the closet on the right, with books, a piece of the picture (1/5) . There is a locked chest in the far office. To the right is a closet with a secret passage. Follow there and take the key from the painting on the right wall. Open the chest, go through the new door ?? linger in the corridor with paintings. Walk back and forth until one of the paintings falls off to get a painting piece (2/5) .

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Go to the fireplace in the back room, get out of the corridor and pull the lever. Further there will be two doors, but one of them is locked. Enter the fireplace room and examine the chest on the left. Light the candles near the three paintings where the numbers will appear. Your chest code is 694 . Inside there will be a key to another door. Also in the drawer under the picture of the horse there is a piece of the picture (3/5) .

Keep moving and soon there will be the first important choice.


If you go to the left, towards the red chair, choose the red color that the artist likes. If you go to the right, choose green. Eye color of the artist's wife. At the beginning of the guide, I wrote what and what brings it closer.

Go right to the green painting. I will add, if you go to the red painting, you can collect additional notes and items! Go forward, on the table under the window on the right is a bottle of perfumebelonging to his wife. Affects the ending, as described above. Enter the room with the picture stands. Walk in circles. Now there is one picture. Walk around and stand in front of her. The frame will be empty. Look at the stand opposite where the picture will appear. Stand close to the first picture and step aside so that it appears in reality. PRepeat with the second painting to see the left painting relative to it. In the third frame you will see a door. Examine the door that will be locked. Use the first painting to spawn the last one, near the statue. It's hard, you have to work hard. Then use the last painting to make a key appear.


Open the door and take out the picture piece (4/5) and another note from the drawers. Walk down the corridor until you reach a repeating room. In the end, in the fourth room you can take either a bottle of alcohol or a bottle with some kind of perfume. If you choose alcohol and put it on a tray, you will take a step towards the ending with a portrait of the artist himself. If you choose another jar, then get closer to the "Family" ending.

Examine the next room, turn on the light and climb through the fireplace. Pick up a piece of painting from the frame on the left (5/5) . Look around the room. The chest contains a wedding ring , which is related to the "Family" ending. Keep moving, follow through the basement and soon you will find yourself in the kitchen. Walk in a circle until the apples fall and a knife flies into the picture. Remove the piece of skin, return to the workshop and interact with the painting.

Chapter 2

Go forward, in the second corridor, on the windowsill on the left, look for a piece of the picture (1/5) . In the next room,There is a table opposite the fireplace. There is a glass on it, bringing the mad artist closer to the end. Exit the room and the hero will fall to the floor. Turn around and return to the room. There is a code sheet on the couch. Remove the painting to the right of the doorway where you need to go to reveal a safe. If you picked up a sheet with a code, it will appear on the safe. Enter the code combination to open the safe (randomly generated).

Go forward along the next corridor. On the cabinet on the left is a jar of paprika. Judging by the fact that the artist scolds his wife, she brings him closer to his ending. The safe will contain the key to the door at the end of the corridor. You also need a door on the right. Enter the elevator, switch the lever to the right and close the grate tightly.

On the top floor, open the door on the left and take a piece of the painting (2/5) . Go through the mirror in the right room, go out into the corridor and remove a piece of the picture (3/5) from the frame on the wall on the right. Move to the corridor. It will repeat. Every time you go to the left, as evidenced by the footprints on the floor. Take the key from the small room and the piece of the picture lying on the chair (4/5) .

Open the door at the end of the corridor, there will be a comb on the table under the window on the right, bringing it closer to the “Family” ending. When you get to a fork with four directions, on the table on the left you can find a flask that brings you closer to the artist's ending . Also lying on the floorI am a mousetrap . Perhaps it also affects the ending. Open the door ahead and see a painting of a dog. Turn around and you can, if necessary, pick up a collar that brings you closer to the artist's ending . Return to the fork and go to the passage on the left (the right one will be blocked). On the pedestal in front lies a piece of the picture (5/5) .


Go down the long corridor until you come to a fork. The path to the right leads to the artist's ending , as he loves the color red (painting with blood). The path to the left leads to the "Family" ending , as the artist's wife loves the color green and has always dreamed of a big garden.

Go left (the right path contains additional notes, so repeat the passage), turn around and climb up the stairs that appear. Find candles on the left and right and place them on the side of the picture. The painting will burn. There is also a burner in the attic that can bring you closer to the artist's ending .

Soon you will find a lantern . Press RMB to shine, and LMB to highlight all red objects. Destroy the silhouette of the child and get the key from the chest. There will be a hacksaw in the corridor, which may lead to the artist's ending. In the room with the red painting, point the light at it. After the fire, go outside. If you walk on the red paint to the left, a cane will stick into the wall,which EXACTLY influences the artist's ending.

Go to the other side and place the record in the gramophone. Take out the bone from the small box. Return to the workshop and interact with the painting.

Chapter 3

Go through two doors, on the right there will be a bottle of the artist's wife's favorite wine . Possibly leading to the "Family" ending . Inspect the bathroom if you wish, then point the flashlight at the painting blocking the path. Continue down the hallway, there is red mold on a shelf in a narrow back room. Aim the lantern to get a painting piece (1/5) . When the monster appears, point the lantern at it. It will only disappear for a while, and will be restored in the same place where you illuminated it. Go through the far door and the chase will stop temporarily.

Both doors lead to the same place. If you pass in the direction of the clock, do not turn right after them, but go further to fully explore this place. Enter the upside down room and examine the safe. Turn on the light, find the note with the code on the table, turn off the light, open the safe, take the key, turn on the safe and open the door. Go up the stairs (the way down is looped), burn five red clots on the bookshelves. Behind one of them will be a piece of the picture (2/5) , and behind the other - the key . With the key, you can open the door from below, where you came from, and on?You note.

Go around in a circle in the room where the phone is ringing. Eventually, he will fall to the floor. Answer, pick up the key and open the chest. A door will appear behind you. Keep walking through the rooms, new paths will appear. When you get into a room with four doors, take out a sheet with one number from the closet. Behind another door, in a dead end, there is a sheet with the second number. You can choose the third number yourself. I got the code 385 on the lock from the door. Maybe it's randomly generated.

Keep moving until you go down to the basement. There is a lock on the door. Examine it. The monster will appear right there. Run in a circle, kill the monster with a lantern and look for two notes with numbers. The third digit will have to be selected independently. I got code 614 . Soon you will find yourself in the basement of the house. Interact with the piano ahead and wait. A jar of blood will appear on the piano. Return to the workshop and interact with the painting.

The Story of a Writer - Chapter 2

Collect new notes in the rooms, close the window in the corridor, further than the phone. Call by phone. Go down to the generator and restart it. Examine the painting in the back room, answer the phone and sit down at the typewriter.

Artist's Story - Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

Enter the room with four doors, use the lantern and look on the floorat the marks pointing to the correct door. New doors will appear. Ahead you will see a door smeared with black. Behind the turn to the right, in the drawer of the cabinet is a piece of the picture (1/5) . In one of the next storage rooms with furniture under the covers, there is red mold in the corner. Burn and take a piece of the painting (2/5) .

When all the doors are closed, one of them will open. In the room, burn the red mold and take the key to the other door. Destroy the monster and run forward until the chase is over. In this room, where you will find yourself safe (corridor), there will be a piece of painting (3/5) . Examine the room with two armchairs. Turn on the lantern and move the table and both chairs with two dolls towards it so that they sit at the table. There will be a jar of pencils in the hallway. It leads to the Mad Artist ending.

Walk in circles to the same rooms, collecting different items. In one of them, there will be a piece of a painting (4/5) in the closet. In the room where the doll is sitting on the table in the center. Pick up scissors that will remain after the disappearance of the ghost of the child.


There will be a fork in the road ahead and you will be asked which dream you should pursue. I'm still sorting through the decision, but most likely the passage with the green house leads to the "Family" ending.

Walk down the corridor until you are attacked by a monster. Come back?back, the doors on the right and left are still locked, so follow the arrow forward. Ride down the elevator.

Next, you need to look for the keys to the doors with the image of a dog, a cat and a mouse. In that order, nothing complicated. But you have to avoid the monster. Enter the nursery and start the spinning toy. After a long cut-scene, you will receive a lock of hair .

Chapter 5

Behind the second door, on the left there will be a cabinet. Inside lies a palette of paints , which brings the artist closer to the end. When you go down the corridor, look behind the wooden boxes on the right to destroy the mold and get a painting piece (1/5) . Keep following the mouse and then run away in the opposite direction. When you wake up, in the corridor from the picture, remove a piece of the picture (2/5) .

In the office, find the key on the table, open the door and walk in a circle until you can enter the room in the center. Mold will appear in the hallway first. Destroy it and pull the lever. After the vision with the eyes, exit the central room, move through the burning bedroom, and then run away from the monster in the opposite direction (there will be a dead end behind the door). Remove the key from the picture, after losing consciousness, look in the red utility room for a piece of the picture (3/5) .

Use the elevator, search the room ahead and take another key from the painting. Are you going back?? side, in the back room, find the handle and a piece of the picture (4/5) . When the inscription appears that you can not turn around, do not turn around and go through the doors forward. In the room with the chain and the mechanism, burn the mold on the shelf on the right and take the painting piece (5/5) . Pull the chain several times to open the door.

You will enter the basement. Pick up the green gear and set it in place. Run away from the monster and look for two more gears that need to be put in place. In fact, this is not a labyrinth, but everything is scripted. At some point, you will definitely find both gears and be able to leave this place.

Examine the artist's office, look in the drawers of the table. The phone will ring. There is an interactive book on the bookshelf on the side. Interact with her to find the phone. Go back and look at the portrait in the office. A code will appear there. Dial 363 . Exit the office back, move along the ledges to find a new phone. The number is depicted on the floor at the very bottom - 853 . Rise even higher. Near the phone there will be three paintings, in the next room - more paintings with numbers. Find the desired paintings, as in the room with the phone, and call ( 354 is my number).

Climb higher until you fall off the bridge. Returning to the office, answer the phone and take the finger off the table.

Chapter 6

Go through a few doors to the developmentlki. Burn the red chair on the left. In this room there will be a revolver connected to the artist's ending . Once in the room with a lot of notes in the center, destroy the mold on the chair to get a painting piece (1/5) . In the next room, find a wooden pallet on the right, move it and destroy the mold. There is a rat poison doll in another room. Surely it is connected with the ending of the artist. In the same place, find a doll in the dead end, which you need to burn to get a piece of the picture (2/5) . And don't pick up a dead rat , which is exactly related to the artist's ending.

Lure the monster away and run in the opposite direction. Start destroying obstacles on the way (lantern). Enter the room with furniture. Look for objects that, when interacted with, will move the furniture, forming a new path. Also at the end, be sure to burn the mold on the crate on the left to get a painting piece (3/5) .

After falling down, leave the room where the monster will appear. Pick up the painting and destroy the mount with the lantern to drop it down. What exactly this gives is unknown .


Next you will see a wheelchair. Move it all the way forward to help your wife and get you closer to the Family ending . Or do not touch if you want to get the final artist.

At the very end, you can find a comb that affects kmarriage with the family. Moving along the black corridor, take out a piece of the picture (4/5) from the cabinet on the left. Enter the next room. There will be a whiskey bottle under the mold on the left, which affects the artist's ending. There is a piece of a painting (6/6) in the closet next to it.

After returning to the main part of the house, run away from the monster and destroy different nodes. One node is in the kitchen on the first floor, the other is in the office on the second floor, the third is in the children's room on the second floor. Then go to the kitchen, inspect the knife in the sink and dip into the water several times. You will receive an eye . Return to the painting, then go the only way. The final will start soon. To complete the game, re-interact with the easel in the workshop.

The Story of a Writer - Chapter 3

Before you continue, find a book on the cabinet on the side that you can interact with. This will start the Layers of Fear: Inheritance expansion.

Walkthrough of the Inheritance add-on

To complete the upgrade, you need to collect 9 drawings.

Picture 1

Go to the kitchen, to the utility room, and wait. After the memory of the locked dog, you will be able to remove the first drawing .

Figure 2

Go to the storage room under the stairs. Stay away from your father. After that, a second drawing will appear on the floor of the utility room.

Figure 3

Go to the workshop and interact with the painting. Can you follow your father's advice or go your own?? way. We decided to choose the first option. Select the brush and click on the easel to paint the trees. Look for yellow paint and apply it on the easel to represent autumn. Next, you need to thicken the clouds. Walk along the corridor, do not pay attention to the usual blue paint. In the end, you will need to lift the ball up to close the hole, and pick up the darker blue paint.

Start moving along the corridors and move away from the center. Find the paint on the chair and return to the center. Find the third pattern in one of the drawers. You can hang all three pictures on the wall.

Figure 4

Go down to the basement, view the memory and take the fourth drawing from the box.

Figure 5

Go to the artist's office on the second floor. There will be a choice, but it does not affect anything. Go right and play the piano. When mom asks, find a drawer with crayons. Play the melody according to the figures on the sheet of music. Go to the other side. You can pull out the drawers in the corner of the room with the table and interact with the clock. In one of the times when the table is as full as possible, you can find an additional item.

Turn right again at the fork. Go forward along the corridor until the visions with the train and monsters end. Go in the opposite direction, to a dead end, and look at the wall on the left. You will see how the picture is divided into three parts. Go indoorswith a table in the center. In the cabinet on the left there will be a piece of the picture 1/3 . Go around the table, go downstairs, push the painting in the corner and take the painting piece 2/3 . Go down below, push the cabinet so that a piece of painting 3/3 falls on it.

Go back upstairs, drop the green vase and open the door with the key . Go right again, move the furniture and climb up. You can look at the table. Go deep into the location, push the board and use it. Continue after the vision. Climb up the cabinet on the side to find on the tall bookcase at the top (do not cross the table) the wheel from the toy cat. Set it in place and move forward with the cat. Also be sure to find the tail. Take the fifth drawing from the table.

Figure 6

Enter the room on the second floor where the artist threw the paintings. There will be a sixth drawing on the barrel on the right.

Figure 7

Enter the nursery and during the vision, look only at the artist at the easel. Pick up the seventh picture .

Figure 8

Enter the bedroom on the second floor, take the eighth drawing from the closet on the right. Review the visions. You can turn on the music on the gramophone or not, but then a fire will start. It doesn't affect anything.

Figure 9

Appears on the table in front of the painted door near the bedroom, second floor.

Hang all 9 drawings on the wall inworkshop and inspect using a flashlight. A diagram will appear. Turn around and move the cabinet against the wall. The closet where the 6 main items were spawned and stored in the original game.

The story of the writer, continued
You will return to the lighthouse again as a writer, and the next step is to choose which part of the story to play next. There is a green book on the chest of drawers that will allow you to start the story of your daughter (if you have not completed it before, like we did). To start the next story arc, head to the room with the painting of the Rat Queen, look around, then return to the typewriter. Thus begins the story of the actress.

History of the actress

Actress cabin

At the beginning of this story, you will find yourself on the Odyssey ship, in the luxurious cabin of the main character. This is a gaming hub where you will get time after time. Spend some time exploring and collecting items. When you're ready, enter the cinema room located on the top floor to head to the first chapter. To do this, interact with the projector, install a film on it and start it.

Chapter 1

Follow the only route. At some point, the game will introduce you to new mechanics. Crouch down while holding the CTRL key, and make your way further. When you encounter a blue orb, interact with it to start an interactive sequence.

Lock puzzle

Ka?? just get to the room with the locked door, go to the bird cage and interact with it. In a moment, a buoy will fall into the room through the ceiling. Look through the hole in the ceiling to see the code for the lock - 944.

Chair puzzle

When you enter the movie set room, pull the lever on the wall to make the podium spin. Use the long lever on the opposite side to slow down or completely stop the rotating podium. By pressing the red button, you can lower the hanging chair. Your task is to stop the rotation of the platform at the right moment so that the lowered chair is right in the area marked in white.

It is important to do everything as clearly and precisely as possible. You can approach the chair to assess the situation, get an idea of how far the platform should move, or it has already gone too far and you have to make an almost complete turn. Successfully completing the puzzle will cause a passage to form in the wall on the left side.


You will start a black and white sequence - go to the suitcases, and in one of them you will find a flashlight. You will have to use it in the same way as in the first part of the game, in the "Artist's Story". You can highlight anything with the flashlight using the RMB, but if you need to focus the beam, youyou will have to additionally clamp the LMB. And yes, the flashlight will overheat again. If you allow complete overheating, then for a while you will not be able to activate the flashlight (until it cools down completely). This item is useful both for solving puzzles and for fighting a monster. Focus the light on the nearest mannequin, which, unlike the others, will glow brighter. In the next corridor - turn on the light with the large lever and then run away from the monster while holding the Shift key.

Safe Puzzle

Entering a room with several mannequins, focus the light on the mannequin sitting at the table. You will unlock the card with a code combination that you need to enter on the safe. You will find the safe itself through several corridors, later. The combination is most likely randomly generated. To get through the locked cinema room, switch the projector until you see a door. Get closer and the door will materialize. Then switch the projector so that the doorknob appears. Get closer to the canvas and it will also materialize.

Important choice #1

After you enter the room with the mannequins, you will need to choose which one to shoot. Your choice will affect the ending of the game. As in the previous parts, "The Story of an Actress" contains three endings. You will get the Amorphous ending if you make different decisions. In total there are four important you??ora. If at least one of the choices differs from the other three, you will see the final "Amorphous". You can then either follow the director's instructions to get the Flame ending. If you don't obey, you'll see the "Always" ending. So, to obey the director, shoot the female dummy (Flame), or ignore his instructions and fire at the male dummy (Always).

Having made a decision, follow on until an amorphous phantom appears. As in the case of the ghost of a woman from the "Artist's Story", in order to temporarily eliminate (slow it down), you need to focus the flashlight beam. After the episode with metal doors, the game will return you to the main character's cabin. Thus ends the first chapter. To start the next one, interact with the projector on the second floor. In addition, in the actress's cabin, you can examine all the photographs found and listen to audio recordings.

Chapter 2

Follow the only path and drop down the elevator shaft. You will find yourself in the engine room. Switch the lever to the field marked with a cross. Go to the next room and connect the cables. Opposite them there is a lever that you need to pull.

A little later, if you pass by the gray cinema room, you can press the red button to turn off the power and remove the electrical barrier from the passage at the end of the machine room. At the same time, you need to move through this passage as soon as possible, ?Because after a few seconds the electrical barrier will return.

Jigsaw puzzle in the cinema

In a gray cinema room, you need to switch between slides and approach the canvas so that you get a fully functional door. Select the door leaf on the projector and go to the screen so that it materializes (you will get a full-fledged door). Select the slide with the doorknob, move closer and let it materialize. Finally, select the key slide to pick it up and open the door. Move into the doorway.

To get to the next room, enter the next room and focus the light on the mannequin. The required code for the lock will appear on the other side of the board. Mine was 790.

Puzzle in the engine room

In the engine room, you need to create a pattern consisting of three rings and an arch. The lever on the left side allows you to switch between the rings, and the buttons allow you to rotate them. Focus on the fixed parts on the outer perimeter of the pattern. In the clock face and numbers puzzle, you need to select the correct numbers which, when added together, form the number shown on the right side. For example, if you see "31", you need to stop the arrow opposite "11", "10", "1" and "9". The total will be "31"! each time it is best to start with the largest number.

Follow the given path on the elevator. Having reached the engine room,h Install the lever on the sector marked with a cross. In the slide room, choose the one with the ventilation shaft. Enter the room.

Important choice #2

At a certain point, you will hear the voice of the director, and you will be prompted to choose one of the options. For the Flame ending, you must try to take food from the dog several times. To get the "Always" ending, instead do nothing and wait, then confirm the action (that you're not going to take the dog's food).

After the sequence with the mountain of gold, switch the lever again to the sector marked with a cross. Soon after, quickly run through a series of rooms filled with white light while avoiding being hit. You need to time correctly and use various shelters. Some of these covers will appear when you shine your light on the dummies. To cross the seemingly deadly chasm, activate the reflector using the nearby lever and then follow it. In the bathroom, place the end of the cable in the tub itself. Then a monster will appear and crawl out of the TV. Run until you can jump down the hole.

Chapter 3

After collecting all the body parts from the room behind the kitchen, add them to the cauldron boiling over the fire. It is not difficult to do this.

Face puzzle

Soon you will receive a special medallion that can be placed in different places. Switch and seekor items. For example, you need to find an ace and place it in the hand of the left mannequin to get a necklace. Soon you will be able to move on. In the basement, you need to find four mannequin heads and place them in a wooden chest. Each time you will move deeper and deeper along the gloomy corridor.

Important choice #3

During the scene in the nursery, you will be able to shoot two pirates on the left and right (the "Always" ending) or three times at the sister standing on the ship's plank (the "Flame" ending).

In the office, you need to find three metal objects and connect the cable to the power source near the table. After that click on the button. During the rocket sequence, use the A and D keys to dodge the asteroids. Note that the rocket can take three positions.

Shadow puzzle

In the bathroom, you need to help the dark plant bloom. To do this, perform a series of actions in several rooms. In the first room, turn off the fan, in the second, turn on the water, but only in one tap, in the third, turn off the radio and turn on the water from the tap. Interact with the flower pot after each action.

In the sequence that ends the third chapter, you need to run through the maze while avoiding the deadly white flames. Be patient and run only when the flames pass the cover. Hide in the alcoves of the bushes. In principle, there is nothing complicated here??th.

The story of the writer, continued

You will return to the lighthouse. After a short linear sequence, you can return to the story of the actress. In addition, you can now start the story of the writer - the Final Note add-on, which is completely new to the entire series.

The history of the actress - part 2

Chapter 4

Move along the corridors. Be careful, because at some point gravity and perspective will start to change. In the red room, rotate the board slightly. At some point, the inscription LEMON will appear on it, and the lemon itself will fall from the ceiling. In a dark corridor you need to run away from a ghost. You can slow it down if necessary. The sequence ends after reaching the coffin and closing it. When you get to a creepy tunnel filled with mannequins, you will have to get out of it without taking your eyes off the red light. You need to move only in the opposite direction!

In a red cinema room, choose a slide with a strong light source. Approaching the canvas, you will come to a small lighthouse. After tearing the hearts out of all the mannequins, you will find a key with which you can open the small door of the lighthouse.

Big Decision #4

In the flooded corridor, you need to make a decision that will directly affect the ending of the game. You can listen to the director's instructions and let the current carry you away (Flame), or you can resist and continue moving towards the redto the world (ending "Always").

In the next sequence, you need to free several rats from the cages located in the adjacent rooms. Most cells open after performing a simple action. The problem may arise in the office. To open the cage, you need to put the mannequin's head and hand on the scales. Select the corresponding body parts on the two screens on the left.

After freeing all the rats, a staircase will appear in the rain-drenched corridor. Another short sequence will take you back to the cabin, this time flooded with water. This is the end of the fourth chapter.

Chapter 5

The final chapter takes you through a series of linear corridors and rooms where you occasionally escape from an amorphous phantom. In one of the starting rooms, you need to rotate the board several times to open a passage behind it. Once in the room with the projector, move the slide strip several times. In the room with the steel door, move the lock so that its glowing elements point towards you. You need to perform this operation at one time, as interrupting the procedure will cause the mechanism to return to its original position. After several linear sequences, you will see the ending of the game, which directly depends on the decisions made earlier.

History of the pianist

I will not focus on this story, because it is more or less linear. I will only note that in not?? there are two endings. They are activated in a simple way: by making important decisions, of which there are only three in this part.

- Dead bird. Leave her in a cage and you'll be on your way to the Loneliness ending. Or place on a windowsill to choose the Acceptance ending.

- Learning to write. In the library, when the pianist tries to re-learn how to write, choose a blank sheet and a violin to take a step towards the "Acceptance" finale. Or select the noose and ruined paper to see the "Solitude" ending.

- Destruction of cursed items. At the end of the story, you will be able to destroy three items (one in three pairs) to get a point towards the Solitude or Acceptance ending. To get the "Acceptance" ending, you need to destroy the cursed items on the left, "Loneliness" - on the right.

Game from the guide
Layers of Fear (2023)
  • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Horror, Adventure
  • Release date 15 June 2023


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