After the introductory scene, continue forward along the street until you see another cutscene. Once inside the building, kill the first enemies. On the top navigation bar, opponents are shown as red lines. You can even pick up their weapons. Unlike the main pistol, this weapon has limited ammunition. Go to the register and look at the receptionist's desk to get a fake ID (evidence +25) . Go even further into the reception desk to find a newk on the cabinet (clue +25) . Please note that enemies often throw grenades. Take the elevator.
Will you let me down?Go down and find the stolen wallet on the blue cable reel on the left side (evidence +25) . In the room on the left there is an OCP healing charge. These are first aid kits for the main character. Press H to spend one and refill your ammo. On the table to the right of the exit from the room with three enemies is Newk (evidence +25) . When you turn the corner and finish off about 4-5 enemies, look for counterfeit money on the box near the right wall (evidence +50) .
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Lewis will stop at the room with the corpse. Pick up two portions of Newk from the floor (evidence +25, +25) . Hold RMB and examine the corpse to find out the cause of death - an overdose of Newcom. Go further and finish off the enemies in the long corridor. In the first room on the right, there are incriminating documents on the table (evidence +75) , in the room on the left there is a stolen wallet (evidence +25) . In a room with large equipment there will be machines. Try turning on the generator, then scan while holding RMB.
In the room on the left there is a newk (evidence +25) . There are also monitors there that you can throw at enemies. In the glassed-in room on the right there is a stolen bag (evidence +50) and a fake ID (evidence +25) . Inin the second room on the left, look for incriminating images (evidence +50) , on the right - newk (evidence +25) .
Once in the office premises with enemies and monitors, look for incriminating documents on one of the tables (evidence +75) . When you leave the offices, look for Newk (evidence +25) on the kitchen table on the left, and incriminating documents (evidence +75) on the right. In the next room there are a couple more clues worth 125 units. By now you should have completed the Police Jobs side quest listed below. Knock down the door and kill enemies in slow motion to save the hostage.
Move through the level while continuing to kill enemies and collect clues. Don't forget to heal, shoot explosive cylinders and so on. Eventually there will be a failure. Open the last studio and try to finish off the enemies located near the hostages. Nothing terrible will happen if one of the hostages is killed. The task will end after all enemies are killed. However, you will receive additional experience points if you save all the hostages.
This is an additional task in which you need to confiscate stolen items and evidence worth 750 units. So, in the breaking news task, I indicated where to look for such evidence.
Move to the isolation ward to talk to andengineer Morgan. Watch the cutscene, select the skills you want to improve. Go down and shoot at the shooting range. Then go to the conference room marked with a marker. Go downstairs to the basement where the parking lot is located and get into the car.
Once at the police station, go to the corridor on the left and talk to Officer Estevez. Pick up the drunkard, go in the opposite direction and find the steps on the left. Going downstairs, place the drunkard in the cell marked with a marker.
As you move towards the objective of the quest "Isolated Case", turn right into the locker room and talk to Ramirez. Just interact with the locked cabinet that Ramirez was trying to open.
As you move down the street towards the marker, pay attention to the store clerk on the right and two guys listening to music. Talk to the seller, then break the radio or bully the teenagers. The seller will be left alone. Continue driving. Notice the police car with its flashing lights working. Talk to the cop who caught the dealer. This will begin the side quest “Cheap Dealer”.
Follow the marker and enter the arcade. Go to the right arcade, turn right and find the restroom. A drug addict sits in an open toilet stall. Otsk?Call him to get a search warrant . Also, go back to the beginning and look in the utility room to the left of the basement door. There is a note addressed to Ash ( new evidence found ).
Now you can open the door to the basement. Go down and kill all the enemies. Find the note in the room on the right. Then try to open the door. If you find evidence, you can say that there is a mole in the slot machine hall. After this, in a conversation with the owner, tell him that he will receive a reduced sentence. It will not be possible to open the safe - level 6 engineering is required. However, in any safe the only thing that can be found is evidence . But there is enough evidence already, so you can complete the task Police work without opening safes. There is also a note on the right (invoice for installation). There is also a button on the side of the table. Click on it to open a secret area. Go back and see a new passage on the right. The room contains evidence and an OCP training disc that gives 1 skill point. Leave the hall.
Follow the ghost house and go inside. Clear the yard, be careful with the enemy behind the turret! Continue through the house, collect clues and kill enemies. Jump down the elevator shaft and clear the last room. When you see a turret ahead, run to the right and break the wall to get around the opponents from the rear. Free the informant and get out with him.
To be continued...
You need to find a working payphone. There is one, for example, in the northwest of the location, where you will also follow the green exclamation mark to start another additional task (Casey Carmel). Call the dealer, say something and go to the address. Go up to the second floor. Use RMB to examine various evidence (drugs on the table, floor, broken phone, notes in the bedroom). Also collect the usual evidence. Hold RMB and follow the trail to the third floor. Once outside, kill three enemies and tell Maurice that Ash is hunting him (you should have found the corresponding note earlier). Maurice will agree to cooperate with the police.
This mission will start automatically when you defeat the enemies in the arcade and return to the street. Go to the indicated garage and talk to the auto mechanic. All you need to do is go upstairs and scan the note lying in the corner, near the trash can. This way you will get important evidence. After that, talk to Ben, scan the shk??Scott's shirt and follow to his garage. Once inside, find Scott and kill all the bandits.
Follow the car wrecker and go inside. Scan the footprints, turn around and find a hidden button in the corner, to the right of the entrance gate. By clicking on it, you will open a large workshop and be able to clear it of enemies. After killing everyone, go up the steps and finish off the remaining enemies. Click on the button to detect the car. Go outside and invite Scott to return the car himself. You have justified the people's trust.
To start this mission, go to the top left corner of the map. There is a green exclamation mark there. Talk to the cops, examine the woman's corpse. You need to examine the wound on the head, the blue marks on the right arm, the right leg (shoe).
Go south. On the way there you will learn about the fines. There will be two men behind the building on the right. One of them overturned the other's cart. Write out a fine. You have justified the trust of the people, evidence +25 . Not far from the set, there will be huge graffiti on the building on the right that you can examine ( new evidence ).
Go to the set, talk tosecurity and director. Examine the tire marks, the drug on the table, the computer. Talk to the director and actor again. Then go to the monitor and watch the video. Talk to Jenkins and go to the indicated gas station. Scan the door to obtain a warrant to enter. Break down the door, talk to the backup and examine the tracks behind the van. Go through the other door, examine the three clues on the mattress (traces of blood, a hammer and glasses). Look at the wall to reveal a hidden camera. Return to the garage and slide the blue cabinet to reveal a secret room. Take the evidence, the note and watch the video. Talk to the stunt double and return to Jenkins on the set.
As part of this task, you need to find 6 offenses. Eventually, when the task becomes active, all violations will be marked on the map. You will discover the first one automatically; the game will tell you about the system. I had it under my pickup truck on the way to the set. A little further on there is also a building, and around the corner on the right there will be two men. One pushed the other's cart:
Then you can find two more cars. One stands next tofire hydrant, and near another there is an expired parking meter.
When you approach Ash's habitat in the northeast, go a little further and look for a tramp on the right drinking alcohol on the couch. You can issue him a warning to justify the trust of the people .
On the way to Ash's house, you will meet a graffiti artist. Follow the guy using the scanner and following the tracks. You will find it in a trash container. Give him a warning. You have justified the people's trust. You inspired a graffiti artist .
You will receive this task automatically when you rescue an informant from the ghost house. You can immediately go to the right place. Enter the house, you can go down to the basement and scan the rug to reveal the gang's hiding place. Go upstairs and talk to the woman. Examine the photograph and documents in the back room. Go outside, go to the basketball court. Scan the contour of the body and p??talk to the guys. Follow the marker to the gate. After passing behind them with Pickles, turn left and find a truck. It needs to be moved. Having done this, you will be able to get to Briggs' son.
Quite a linear level. Kill your enemies. It is not necessary to collect evidence, since there is no such task. When Ann leaves, you can break down the box on the right and go into the gang's hiding place. When you are on the dance floor, kill enemies without hitting civilians. Once you reach Spiked One, continue shooting the guitars and equipment in the room until he agrees to cooperate.
Say you are Alex Murphy. Dr. Olivia will remember this . When RoboCop shows his face, choose the first or last phrase so as not to scare the doctor away. You will learn for improving AUTO-9. It's quite simple. The higher the chip percentage, the better the weapon's effectiveness. You can complete a couple of additional tasks. They are all simple. In the case of Lewis's recovery, the yellow cop towel in the shower is on the locker room lockers. Middle row.
This is another open level, although you will move through it gradually. At the very beginning, in the garage in the southwest, find a police car. Scan for bullet holes on the back door, blood on the front seat and a torn device near the steering wheel. This is a side task.
There are a lot of clues, so after killing another enemy group, be sure to linger and search the locations, and then move on. To complete another additional task, you will have to open all OCP boxes. Each of them is marked on the map! However, there is a single secret box , and I will tell you more about it later. Then when you get close to him. There is even a separate achievement associated with it.
Clear several yards. You will face enemies on bikes. Then enter and kill the enemies inside the building. In principle - nothing difficult. You'll have to break down walls to move on. Once in the back room, talk to the accountant.
Deal with enemies across a vast territory. There are many of them, and first of all you need to kill the signalman. Otherwise, he will continue to call for reinforcements. Search all the containers you can gain access to. If you see a ladder on the map, go to it! One ladder will go up and the other will lead to the OCP container. Not far from the building with the signalman there is a small room. Access can be gained from outside. Inside is an OCP disk . By taking it, you will receive 1 skill point and a secret achievement.
Search the office, take the circuit board and watch the video. Continue following the marker and enter the facility. Toward the end, an additional task will appear : Hostage Rescue . Just knock out two?Fight and kill the bandits.
SECRET! Head outside to find out about Spiked. There are two additional tasks. Open the gate and go forward, disarming the mines. Turn right. This path leads to the side quest Unclaimed Goods . On the way to the goal you will find a yellow locomotive . Remember it! Kill the enemies, go down and find a door leading to the desired location. If you go forward from the door (staying outside), there will be a train operating manual in the room on the right. After reading it, return to the yellow locomotive. A button will appear on the right. Start the engine and follow the locomotive. Climb the stairs to its roof and enter the building with the OCP container. You will receive an achievement.
Clear the indicated building to complete the side quest. You need to destroy 15 boxes of goods. Another side quest, Biker Secrets , is similar to this: kill all the enemies and in the back room find a document marked with a marker.
Follow the story marker, go inside and go down to the basement. Examine Briggs' things. Find a morgue with corpses. Be sure to take a sniper rifle near the cop's things. When you go back, you will have to shoot snipers. Once you reach the beginning of the location, go inside. Kill more criminals than ED-209 to complete the side objective. Then you will need to get to Spiked. Did you do it?? this, you will have to kill ED-209. It is best to hide from him behind columns and throw exploding barrels and canisters.
Linear mission. Nothing special.
You will be able to complete several side quests in the area. They are all linear. When talking to Ulysses, tell him that he is a valuable employee. After the quest Shooting Practice , ask Ulysses to find a new weapon for himself. He will approve of all this.
Move through the location, destroying enemies. You need to hit more targets than the cops and robots. Once in the office, release Samantha. She will approve of this . Go inside the vault, kill the enemies and talk to the bank owner. If you have the Armor 4 skill, you can select it to automatically defuse the bomb. In other cases, you need to cut the green, blue and red 12V wire. Don't cut the green one and then the red one. For some reason the bomb explodes.
Follow the bandits, killing every enemy you meet along the way. Finish off the enemies in the warehouse and talk to Spiked on the radio.
Your first action after contacting Sergeant Reed is to look for the "Don't Panic" note in the far left corner of the room. After this, head to the isolation ward, where, as soon as the lights go out in the locker room, the side mission "Lights Out" will begin. Activate night vision and have a conversationwith Officer O'Neill. Once outside, scan the panel, then follow the cable to get to the garage and find the electrical panel hidden under the stairs. Print the shield and activate it. You will need to lift the lowered toggle switches in the following order: left, right, second from left, second from right. After completing this part of the mission, visit the detention center to debrief your actions. After this, head to the conference room, where RoboCop will draw your attention to the bullying of Ulysses. Choose the first answer to support Ulysses Washington, then talk to Mayor Kuzak. Make your choice in favor of Mayor Kuzak using the first phrase to contribute to the political situation. Upon completion of your visit to the police station, you will receive the "Domestic Terrorist" quest from Max Becker.
You will be directed to an old man, who should be found by going up the stairs. During the conversation, when he learns about Olivia Blanche, you can say that the sessions increase efficiency, which the old man will approve of. You will also receive a query regarding Anne Lewis. Go down from the balcony and return to the city streets.
You will find yourself in the same area as in the quest "Search for Ash". Follow the road to the west, completing various objectives as described below. In the alley on the left leading to the set (at a dead end) you will find a ba??bed room with a man next to him. Scan the ATM and repair it to gain the trust of the locals. If you continue south, you'll find a garage at a dead end with a box of evidence. In the lower left corner of the map there is a gang hiding place (behind the bars there is a box with evidence). There is also a chessboard under a tree in the park. Scan it to calculate the best move. In the northwest, at the top, under the building with the gang's hiding place, you will find a grate. If you get to the laundromat to the north, look for a crumpled warning note.
When you're ready, talk to Pickles at the indicated location. To continue the main quest, you need to talk to the tramp or Ben. I went to the body shop where I scanned the car lift in place, lowered the car and scanned the four parts under the hood. After the work is completed, you will learn about the tattoo artist. Also, if you go upstairs, you will find a note "Former mechanic".
After that, head to the tattoo parlor and talk to the tattoo artist. Scan everything you can until the conversation starts again. Scan the photo hanging on the far wall. After leaving the salon, you will meet guard John Mills. Talk to him and tell him that playing as a team improves efficiency. Remember the name John Mills, as he is Mayor Kuzak's rival. Your choices will have an impact on politicswhat the situation is like. Continue following the marker, scan the license plate on the bike by the white door and enter the building. Go upstairs and enter the apartment, where you have to deal with the bandits. Make an attempt to engage in conversation with Spiked One, and then scan the camera on the stand. Explore the wires and scan the satellite dish hanging by the window, and then use the computer. Select a target to broadcast and bring Spiked One out. You may also want to turn off the tape recorder, as the man on the first floor is complaining about the loud music. After this, the task “Ghosts of the Past” will begin, and you will have to leave this location.
Please rewind.
When talking to Pickles during the story conversation, he will ask you for help again. Agree to his request and follow the marker. Go to a video cassette store, where you will find four shelves of video cassettes. Two of them contain tapes that will be useful for your subsequent conversation with the Cucumber. When Pickle mentions the most boring movie, encourage him by saying that resistance takes courage. The cucumber will remember your answer. Also explore the other shelves and find two additional cassettes. After a short cutscene, eliminate all enemies and go to the utility room. Talk to the seller, and then return to the main hall and use the computer. Scrolldown to find Pickles' address. Go to the indicated location, examine the distant garage and talk with the Cucumber. You have to make an important decision - take the box, declaring that you are doing it as a friend, although Gherkin will not like it.
"Domestic Terrorist" Enter the residential building marked on the map. On the door leading to the basement, find the note "Dear Cat Lover!" and move up. Disable the trap behind the door in apartment #12. Examine the sticker on the refrigerator and analyze the available evidence. Enter the last room through the other door and scan the wooden board on the floor in the corner. Move the cabinet, read the rent bill and pick up the OCP training disc with the skill point. Take Samantha's call and discuss your decision regarding the bank. Next, head to the warehouses, following the marker, and then eliminate all the bandits. Inspect the marked vault and scan all the boxes. Take Samantha's personal belongings and go outside. You will have to decide whether to keep the box or give it to OCP. If you would like to support Samantha, please tell her that you will keep the box. Call the girl on the phone and go to the store opposite. This way you will support Samantha and gain her approval. Place your items on the rack, and also read the letter if you decide to look in the box. This decision will not affect subsequent events.
"To serve andprotect 2". The first offense can be detected immediately after leaving the street. Go to the gas station and scan the equipment located next to the smoking man. If necessary, you can give him a warning to earn the trust of the public. Then turn right, passing the basketball court to the north . You will see a white pickup truck along the road. Scan the sign prohibiting parking and write a ticket. To the west in the park, look for a sign that prohibits swimming. Try fining a woman to confirm your commitment to justice. On the bench next to the nearest snack bar you will find the article "Independent news 15". Go northwest, following the marker, and pay attention to the guy who is drawing on the posters. If necessary, you can give him a warning to maintain public trust. In one of the northern alleys you will find a man and a woman, side by side with a red car.Get closer to scare the man away and get a "Protect the Innocent" notice. Climb to the roof of the arcade building, overlooking the parking lot, and talk to the man who is throwing away documents. If you give him a warning, it will be in support of justice. Follow the markers to the southwest of the city and you will find a red car next to a hydrant. Decide whether to impose a fine. Complete the task.
"Peraging field training." To the north of the gas station there is a basketball court, where you will meet Ulysses Washington. Wait for his radio communication to end and talk to him. Go into the nearest building and find the "Service Log" on the box on the right. Go down to the basement and scan all the objects highlighted scanner. When Ulysses finishes his check, agree to the proposal to remove the boards, which will be approved by Ulysses. When he stops at the overturned cans, go up to him and scan them. Follow Ulysses and scan the cabinet next to the young man. Move deeper into the basement, hearing sounds shots. Hack the door and eliminate the enemies. After leaving the basement and going up to the second floor, enter the apartment. In the bedroom on the right you will find the newspaper "Lucky Numbers". Return to the front door, where Ulysses is, and end your conversation, receiving another approval You will also meet a boy you know on the basketball court, and if you agree to dance with him, it will support the trust of society.
"Attack on the courthouse." The court is located in the southwest, close to where the film was filmed. Talk to the policeman near the court to learn about the task. Enter the building and eliminate the first enemies that respond to the metal detector. The hostages are in two wings of the court - left and right. To access the right wing, go upand the second floor and go through the open door. Then jump off the balcony, clear the courtroom and open the panel. Heading towards the far left corner where the restrooms are on the first floor, eliminate the enemies and break through the wall to get into Courtroom B. Clear it of all enemies and get an access card. Then leave the hall, go up to the second floor and open the door. Return to the street after you are sure the hostages have been rescued.
To be continued...
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.
It looks like the series is about to be revived.
There are no specific details about the game yet.