The front door is locked. Inspect the pockets of the gray jacket that is hanging on the hanger. Take the torn sheet. The coat will go away. Take an umbrella. Follow right twice to the boarded door. Inside the gray notebook that sits on the bookshelf are clues for the puzzles. Also inside you will find the second part of the torn sheet. Combine both pieces in inventory. This is the code for the drawer below the bookshelf. There is a mirror inside.
Examine the box on the box. Leaves are drawn on the squares. Examine the flower pots in the rooms. The number of leaves on plants is the code .
Now there is a photo with the day of the week, time and matches.
Take the candle from the cabinet to the right of the front door. Use matches and use them on the mouse hole in the wall. Use an umbrella and take out the plug with the wire.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Go to the TV room and look in the top drawer of the cabinet. Take the photo, you will find another one in the middle drawer near the front door. Touch the chair to find a hidden socket on the left. Take the key. Take the photo that is on the stand. In the box abovelook for the videotape. Use the key to open the cabinet drawer. Take the electrical tape. Now use your piece of wire and electrical tape and apply it to the TV wire.
Use the video cassette on the video player. Turn on the TV and watch the recording. This is a hint. Take the second handle from the cabinet. Paste it and repeat the steps in the prompt. Take the handle.
Examine the cabinet and take the glass. Head to the room where the painting with the vampire hangs. Take the stone from the pot. Go to the room with the chair. Use the stone on the bottle and take the glass. Connect it to the handle. Also take the key that was inside the bottle.
Use a knife and cut the cushion from the chair. Take the cross. Open the box on top near the front door and take the glove. It will be useful to solve the puzzle in the electrical panel by the window.
Click on the switch above and the lamp outside the window will light up. Close the curtain. Cut a small piece of cheese and study the information from the diary on the cabinet.
Go to the front door and examine the cut in the wallpaper. Pull and see the capital letter M. Now you can open the safe in the room where the painting with the vampire hangs.Take the key and switch. Place the switch to the left of the front door and turn off the lights. Head to the TV room and pay attention to the marked symbols on the wall. The order of the characters is indicated in the notepad in the inventory. Turn the light back on.
Head to the room with the window and open the padlock on the cabinet.
Take the metal tube. Go to the front door again and pick up the board under the hanger. She will stand out. Take garlic. Use the key on the drawer below in the closet and take the bowl. Place a bowl near the mouse hole, place the cheese and board in the bowl. Catch the mouse.
Go to the TV room. Inspect the pipe, there is a key in the crack. Place the rodent there and now you have the key.
Open the remaining drawer in the closet and take the wine and screwdriver. Pour the wine into the glass and use the screwdriver on the frame of the picture with the vampire. There is a safe there. Treat the vampire to wine, also offer a cross, garlic and a mirror. You now have the code to the safe. You will find the order of the symbols on the board with newspaper clippings.
the Window - game guide" width="50%" class="lazy" data-src="/storage/uploads/guides/2023-11-23/552837506b0d1232279a6c92137064c1.jpg">
Turn the lever inside the safe.
The front door is now open. Go out and pick up the newspaper with the photo.
The action game also received a content update.