Go through the marker, talk to the woman and hand over the envelope. Move along the shore and further, jump over the fence and enter the bunker (by the way, it is marked on the map). Give the package to Marcus to get 20 plastic bags and 1 Indica hemp.
Approach the tray marked in blue. Drag the cannabis package to the bottom box where the arrow is pointing.
You are asked to deliver a certain amount of marijuana to three people. You need two 2 gram bags and one for 5 grams. Open the same tray. Place the sachets in the empty box in the center. Then click on the "plus sign" with the packet. Select the number of grams (2) and the number of sachets (2). Confirm. Then select 5 grams and 1 sachet. Confirm. Then click on the "Pack and Pick Up" button.
To be honest, in my case there were no markers indicating customers. Gabriela Oritz sits on the steps of a wooden house by the shore and store. Interact with her, drag the desired bag and confirm. Dainel Perez is standing next to her. Walk down the road from the beach. A dark-skinned man in an orange t-shirt is standing by the building on the right. Turn right behind this building to see Luis Hernandez sitting on the steps.
Run to the marker and use the ferry to get to the other side (you need to talk to the ferryman and pay $50). Enter the grocery store, buy a bag of fertilizer. In parallel you can buy a backpack, scrap and other items. Do not forget to equip the backpack. Keep in mind that stealing in a region reduces reputation! For example, a crowbar can be used to break into the trunk of a car.
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Go back to the bunker, unpack the fertilizer and approach the growbox. Create one plant. From the same growboxes, take the finished plants (25 each) and place them in the dryer on the right (all 50). Talk to Marcus, go up the nearest stairs and use the closet. Before you can put anything on, you need to free up a slot. Simply move the equipped clothes to the boxes on the right.
Visit Helen who is trading on the beach (chatted at the beginning). You will receive an amber. Go to the "Sell" tab, select the amber (checkbox) and the quantity. You can find such stones on the nearby beaches. Do this with one of the stones to complete the side mission.
Take the ferry to the other side, walk to the house and talk to Billy and Lanzo. Go outside, make your way to the shore and interact with Billy's yacht. Follow Billy to his mansion. Exit the mansion and use the marked car to return to the archipelago.
Return to Lanzo. Enter the room across the hall to find a table with a map of the island. You will see all the regions and the current reputation in them. To listen to the audio message from Marcus, you need to interact with any landline phone. These are hung on the walls in various houses. For example, there is one in the room across from Lanzo.
Go to the Botanist to the north and talk on the second floor of his store. On the way there will be a mechanic's shop where you can buy a moped, a car, fuel and various spare parts. Cross the bridge to the other island and go to the marker to the right, to the fuel store. Have a chat, pay $30,000 to repair the motor. Go back to the other side and visit the mechanic. If you have enough money, buy a moped. Notably, you can't actually ride in free mode. To use a car or moped, you need fuel. You can move only between the parking lots marked with the letter P. And they will be active only after you pump reputation in the region to level 2. Finally, there are bus tickets. Buses run between stops from 6:00 to 22:00.
Go back to Little Island, at the dock look for a boat that you need to install a motor on. Make your way to the bunker, pack 100 grams of marijuana and take it to Lanzo. You can hand over less product. But once you give, you'll get new potential customers and a reputation boost.
Collect $50,000 and take it to Marcus in the Little Island bunker so he can start renovating the lab. After a while, you will receive an audio message from Marcus. Listen to it at any landline phone. For example, there is a phone behind the store on Little Island.
Keep trading, at some point you will have to visit a bar, inquire for buying real estate, and meet Lanzo. All of these points are marked with markers, don't delay in visiting them.
To be continued...
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.
It looks like the series is about to be revived.
There are no specific details about the game yet.