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Walkthrough White Shadows - game guide

How to beat the game White Shadows on PC: all the secrets, tips, hints, puzzles
Walkthrough White Shadows - game guide
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
8 December 2021

Walkthrough White Shadows 2021

At the beginning of the game, move to the right side and go down the slopes. Push the big cage and go over it. Push the smaller cage, follow it and go upstairs. Jump on pipes and ledges, climb the crossbars. Soon you will reach a wall with a picture of a pig . Hold Shift at the control panel in front of the wall, lower the lever and go under the wall. Pull down the lever on the other remote to lower the wall, go up the hill, and jump over that wall to the left. Push down the cage with the image of a pig, go down and lift the wall up again. Jump back with the help of the fallen cage, climb higher and jump along the wall to the right.

Keep moving, climb up the stairs and activate the big elevator button by holding Shift and W. Follow up, go along the long stretch until the chicks will latch on to you. Once in the tunnel with the train, go to the wall on the right, hold Shift and pull out the cage. Use it to jump onto the ledge on the left. Crouch down and crawl into the narrow opening. Jump into the shuttle. On the right there is a spinning wheel, on the left there is a lever. Lower the lever once to light up three of the four sectors. Turn the wheel once and lower the lever again. Repeat the steps, alternating the wheel and lever once. After 3-4 such cycles, they will light up inall four sectors, and the shuttle will begin to move.

After the shuttle ride, don't go to the left, but instead jump down to the right. Go down below, climb up the rungs, and go down the next ones. Jump to the left on the moving blocks. At the top, you will need to jump onto the ledge and go down to the block on the other side. Then jump from one block to another. Soon you will be next to the chicks. When the train passes, jump onto the tracks on the left. Climb down and after a few seconds jump onto the rails on the right to let the train pass. So get to the bottom.

Soon you will find a strange device with masks and hammers. There are two levers on blocks and one long lever. Device is not working. Go back to the left to see a white hatch. Stand to his right, hold Shift and lift the hatch up. Go down, push the cage to the right and place it on the white square in the floor. Climb back. The device is working. Use the left lever to select the outer circle (the right light above the lever should be on). After that, clamp and hold the second lever (middle). The outer circle will stop. Release the lever after the tallest pipe is in line with the others. If necessary, do the same with other circles. When all the figures are in one row, the device will stop. Pull the long lever and ?Run right to the white button. Step on it before the last hammer strikes. Through the crow, he will hit the button. Enter the cage.

Chapter 1

Walk to the right and climb up the rungs. After the train passes, jump onto the rungs on the right and go down. When the passage closes, jump to the ledge on the left to wait out the train. Repeat actions. When you get to the very bottom, jump onto the rungs on the left and fall down from them. Pick up the moment when the train will pass, and jump down, to the right. Run forward until you find yourself in a small hole, and crouch on the S. When the train passes, repeat the steps, reaching the next hole. Push down the cage, move to the right and climb up right behind the train. Get down below.

Open the hatch and jump down when the train is going. Jump over the bars and squat down to avoid obstacles. Jump on the oncoming train moving below. Run immediately to its right end. When there is a train moving in the other direction below, jump onto it. Repeat the same steps. On the third train, you will have to constantly alternate between jumping and crouching.

Arriving at the station, go down to the big crows. Keep moving, avoiding the lights. Hide behind the carts below. When you go down the long stairs, wait for a beam of light to pass, afterwhy pull out the corpse of a pig from the pipe on the right. Follow this pipe. Keep hiding from the light. Now you need to follow the only cart with two eggs. Moreover, in several places you need to go to the left of one lantern, then to the right to hide from another (since the shadow will fall differently). Go down even lower.

Go down the hole after the chick. Once in the same location with the chicks, run all the way to the left and wait for the chicks to follow you. After this happens, run to the right to the lever. Hold Shift and wait a bit. When all the chicks are on the platform to the left, lower the lever to trap them. This will produce one battery. Move it to the left to get through the hole.

Chapter 2

Run to the left, ignoring the light. The chicks will protect you. After dropping down after the chicks, run to the left along the conveyor belt and jump onto the hook. Climb up the chain. Climb down the emerging ledges. Take your time. Then jump onto the moving battery. Walk left, get outside and immediately turn right, entering the lower floor of the same building. Drag the crate to the left. Move at the moment when something is reported to the crow behind the spotlight (the rings in the background glow, and you hear an order tone). When nothing is reported to him, hide in the shadows. Drag for s?fight the box down, raise the lever and place the box under it so that the gate does not close. Run left. Stand on the battery, which will be lifted up.

Go left until you find yourself in Poteshnograd Circus. The door must be opened by force, through Shift. To start, jump over the rotating saws. Then move left and right between the two large saws. After that, stay close to the right saw and avoid falling palms. When three palms appear, jump onto the one on the right, already lowered. At the top, jump through the ring from palm to palm. First you need to avoid the fist, and after - the fire. The test will end soon.

Chapter 3

Walk to the left and then fly down using the umbrella. Go down and down. There is one road here. At the end of the path there will be an arrow and a hole. Crouch down and crawl through it. Keep moving down. Pick up the phone and enter the city of birds. Soon you will lose the umbrella. Go right and pull the lever. When the bridge is fully extended, run to the right. If you go earlier, a child will come running who will switch the lever to its original position. Stand on the left side of the block, then take a running jump onto the hook on the right. When choosing moments, avoid swinging blocks. Somewhere you need to jump, and somewhere - bend down. Soon you will find an old bird with a key.

Chapter 4

Pass to the right and vzai??Operate with various objects to find out the backstory. Then jump down while controlling the egg and move to the right. With acceleration, push the metal plate. Repeat steps twice. Run the chick to the left and jump over the obstacles using the rest of the chicks. After falling down, run along the wires to the right. Run under the jumping pigs and then move to the left of the light. You will learn how the chick managed to survive. Then head up the path until you enter the seer's box.

Chapter 5. Prophet

Fly up. To do this, you need to jump up and hold down W. Activate the button and fly even higher. Soon you will reach the pipe. After it, you need to drop the box down and put it on the white button. Then fly up and into the pipe on the left. Lower the lever to open the passage. Remove the box from the button and fly up through the open pipe. After that, you need to fly through four rings, depicting the "eight". Start at the lower left ring by flying into it from the left, then fly into the upper right, lower right and upper left. If this is not enough, fly again from the left to the lower left. The pipes will open at the top. Fly through them. Press the button and run through the opened door.

Approach the door on the right. Move away from it a little so that the eye closes and the door opens, and then run to the right. Fly to the phone. Go downstairs and take the card A38. AND?Go through the door on the right. Sit on chairs and wait your turn. Go right and fly into the pipe above. Fly up and pick up the phone. Lower the lever and watch the end credits.