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Walkthrough Meridian 157: Chapter 1 - game guide

Passing the entire first level of the game.
Walkthrough Meridian 157: Chapter 1 - game guide
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
28 September 2022

Walkthrough Meridian 157: Chapter 1

Access tunnels

Try to flip the lever, but the elevator won't work. Open the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator and go upstairs. Climb up to the door above. Pick up the small coin from the ledge here. Examine the small access panel and use the coin to remove both screws. Open the panel to find a sliding puzzle - you just need to insert 4 large rods on the sides to change the light from red to green. Continue down the path ahead where the steam valve is blocking access to the left. Open the door at the end of the hall and go through.

Here you will find a crossroad with signs to several new areas. Start by moving to the right, then enter the room on the right.

control room

Look at the notice board and take the brush directly below it. Leave this room for a while.

Access tunnels

Return to the crossroads and this time go left. Look to the right and take the red pliers. Look at the big box and clean it with a brush - an image with 3 dials will appear. Go back, then continue through the tunnel. Take the yellow extension cable from the drawer on the right. and return to the control room.

control room

Look at the large filing cabinet and adjust the 3 discs to match the picture on the drawer,which you just saw: left, right, down-right. Inside the drawer, take the tweezers, then look at the 3 documents in the yellow folder. In particular, pay attention to the faint characters on the background of the documents.

Approach the table and open the left drawer, then examine the small device inside. You need to drag and drop brackets to link character pairs from documents:

Take a rather old-looking key. Exit this room again.

Access tunnels

Go back to where there is an active steam valve. Use your key on the blue cabinet on the left wall. Open the cabinet and take the knife. Look at the long box on the floor here. Remove the nails with pliers, then open the box and take out the bulb. Walk forward to the crossroads and go left. Go forward to the locked blue door. Look into the cage on the right and use the tweezers to pick up the string. Return to the control room.

control room

Approach the bulletin board, then look at the window on the left. Attach the string to the blinds, then pull the string and turn the rod to the left. Pay attention to the drawing on the blinds. While you are in the room, look at the painting on the opposite wall. Use your knife on the painting to reveal another drawing. Exit the room again.

Access tunnels

Go left from the control room and to the engine room door. look aroundlamp on the right and insert a light bulb to reveal the final drawing of this type. Return to the blue cabinet you recently opened and inspect the mechanism inside. Based on the three drawings you just found, click these buttons:

  • Inner circle: left and right
  • Middle circle: top left and top right
  • Outer circle: top, left and right

After turning off the steam, you can enter the side room and grab some books. Return to the control room.

control room

Look at the bookshelves on the right and put your new books in here. Go and study the list of items on the bulletin board, then go back to the books and order them based on this list:

  • Lighthouse: Volume 25
  • Water: Volume 42
  • Fire: Volume 16
  • Boat: Volume 03
  • Movie: Volume 59

Notice the black numbers on these books. Examine the locked green cabinet on the right and use the keyboard. Note that the cursor for each digit of the combination will be either black or white; the combination consists of the volume numbers of 5 books using a black or white number depending on the cursor (24609). Take the residence key from inside. Get out of here again.

Access tunnels

Return to the crossroads and go left. Go to the locked blue door at the end and use the new key on it, then go through.


The door on the right leads toflooded area, so go straight ahead. Go forward to the main lobby and take the red wooden cube from the shelf. Open the trash can to see the homemade fuel recipe. Go back and approach the TV. Open the cabinet below and take out the darts. Go to the bar and look at the board, which shows the results of the darts competition. Go to the kitchen and take the pan on the right. Search the shelves on the right to find a blue wooden cylinder. Return to the beginning of this corridor and go straight to the game room.

Pick up the pool triangle from the floor. Read the ad on the wall about how to tune in to a game of billiards (pay special attention to the ball numbers). Now examine the wooden cabinet on the wall. Put the darts on this cabinet, then you need to rearrange the darts according to the scores you saw earlier:

  • serial number
  • AL
  • SW
  • TH
  • TO

Take the Small Key and note the numbers around the colored dartboard. Go to the kitchen again and use the small key on the locked refrigerator. Open the refrigerator and inspect the eggs by taking the white cue ball. Return to the game room and inspect the pool table. Place the cue ball and billiard triangle on the table. Once the compartment on the side of the table is open, remove the hex wrench.

Return to the main lobby and examine the TV again. By?Look at the TV controls and use the hex wrench to remove the panel, then take the fuse. Return along the corridor and go down the left stairs to the basement. Note the locked door, then continue down some more stairs. Examine the panel on the left wall - the goal here is to turn on all the lights. You can do this by clicking the buttons around the edge:

  • 1234
  • 105
  • 9876

Take a hammer. Go back upstairs and go to the bar. Look at the glass cabinets and smash one with the hammer, then take out the pool balls. Return to the game room and place the balls in the triangle, then arrange them according to the billiards instructions on the wall:

  • 10
  • 23
  • 784


  • Return to the basement and look at the locked door. You need to press the buttons based on the layout of the balls on the billiard table, where the color of the ball corresponds to the color of the colored darts board:

You will find yourself in a pantry. Look in the left shelves and take the fertilizer, then look at the far bench and take the wrench. Examine the white board on the right to see a sequence puzzle. Go back, then continue down the stairs to the right. Go to the pump control panel on the wall. Open the fuse panel and insert the fuse. Plug the extension cord into the outlet, then pull down the large lever -it doesn't work yet. Grab the green wooden triangle from the top of the pump control panel.

Go back upstairs to the main lobby. Look at the couch on the left and move the pillow to find a wooden crate. Insert the 3 colored wooden blocks you found and you will see a series of 3 dominoes. Enter the kitchen and examine the cabinets next to the refrigerator. Set the dominoes according to the ones you just saw:

  • 623
  • 453

Take cane sugar. Return to the first room where you entered the living area. Examine the ventilation on the left. Use a wrench to remove the air vent cover, then take the fan blades and timing belt. Go through the right door and fill your pot with water. Go to the main lobby and look around the front of the bar to see a grid of squares. You need to work out the next pattern in sequence from the footer - the pictures in the right column are the sum of the pictures in the left and middle columns. Enter this pattern in the bar:

Take a bottle of strong alcohol. Now enter the kitchen. Place a pot of water on the stove. Add cane sugar, hard liquor and fertilizer. Wait for it to boil, then take a pot of homemade fuel. Go down to the basement and pour fuel into the orange generator. Use the timing belt on the pump on the left. Now n??press the large lever on the pump control panel. Go back to where you entered the living area and go through the right door. Since the area is no longer flooded, you can move on.

Living spaces

Enter the first bedroom on the left. Approach the table and take the metal broom. Search the top drawer for a flashlight. Read the magazine on the table. Exit this room and ignore the second bedroom, then go right. Try to open the bathroom door, but it is jammed. Use the metal broom on the door to break it open. Search the toilet cubicles for a plunger. Examine the sinks on the left and use the plunger to empty the sink on the right. Notice the inscriptions on them (A:529, B:810). Also notice the 3 red squares on the left side of the mirror that match up with the squares on the inside of the toilet stall doors - notice how they line up on each door.

Exit the bathroom and enter the second bedroom. Look at the locked drawer on the table and open it using the information from the toilet stall doors:

Examine the torn music sheet inside. While you're here, pay attention to the equation on the blackboard on the right wall. Exit here and return to the residential area.


Go to the main lobby and examine the blue box on the table on the right. Open twoframe with information from the bathroom (left code A: 529, right code B: 810). Take out the big magnet. Return to the living quarters.

Living spaces

Enter the bathroom again. Look into the shower stall on the right and look down through the grate in the floor. Use your magnet to get the metal handle. Return to the residential area.


Enter the basement and go through the opened door here. Approach the far bench and use the metal handle on the vise to take the hacksaw. Head back to the living quarters.

Living spaces

Enter the first bedroom and examine the bunk beds. Use the hacksaw to remove the ladder, then lift it up. Go to the bathroom and use the ladder in the shower stall. Climb up and open the vent on the ceiling, then use the flashlight on it.


Walk forward through the stopped fan and take the path to the right, then open the vent and enter the room. Pick up the red battery on the bench on the left. Look at the broken door on the floor and take the card key. Exit and turn around. Grab the crowbar from the yellow crate, then climb back into the vent. Your flashlight runs out of power - open it and remove the battery, then insert a new one. Go through the ventilation ducts to the right and into a new room.

Power comnata

Go through the door on the right to be right behind the entrance to the engine room. Examine the blue panel on the wall and break it open with a crowbar. Take 4 colored wires from inside. Go back inside and go forward twice. Try the big lever on the left, but it won't work yet. Examine the panel on the right, which has five symbols corresponding to the torn music sheet you saw. Position the panel so that the position of the sliders matches the relative position of notes with the same symbols:

If everything is done correctly, the indicator on the top of the machine will turn green. Pay attention to the small blue safe, which is closed. Go back, then look at the large console on the left. Look at each of the windows to see the colored wire paths. Remembering the equation you saw earlier in the bedroom, you need to copy the arrangement of the 4 wires into the appropriate boxes (red A, blue B, yellow C, green D). Go to window E and insert the wires, then adjust their left and right fasteners as follows:

Go back to the big lever and turn it on. Return to the small blue safe in the corner and take the wire cutters. Return to ventilation.


Turn left at the fan and enter the room ahead. Approach the small green panel and use the wire cutters to cut the wire to the left ofher. Return to the vents and turn left after going through the stationary fan to return to the previous area. Walk all the way back to the control room.

control room

Use the computer to open the safe and note the JPG image of the planets. Go back and examine the small safe on the right wall. Take the floppy from inside. Return to the computer and insert the floppy disk into the drive. Use the disk to decrypt the mail folder. Now you need to solve a series of logic puzzles:

  • Level 1: up 3 times, right 4 times
  • Level 2: Down twice, Left twice, Up twice, Right, Up.
  • Level 3: Left, up twice, right, up, right, up, left
  • Level 4: Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right 3 times, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right twice
  • Level 5: Up, left 3 times, up, left twice, down twice, left, down

Now read the emails to see the updated computer room password. Leave the room.

Access tunnels

Go to the locked blue door in the distance. Examine the keyboard on the right. Insert the key card, then enter the code 51413 (from the letters) and press the right arrow button. Go through the door.

Engine room

Examine the silver cabinet. The mechanism of the lock corresponds to the image of the planets on k??mputer. Starting from the top (smallest) planet and moving clockwise, move them to these rings:

  • Smallest planet: third ring from center
  • Second planet: Closest ring to the center
  • Third planet: second ring from the center
  • Fourth planet: fourth ring from the center.
  • Largest planet: The farthest ring from the center.

Take out the pin. Climb up the stairs and use the faucet on the big barrel. Move the barrel, open the gate and go through. There are 8 levers here, and you have to trial and error to figure out the correct order to flip them so that they all stay down:

  • 52347816

Return to the elevator at the start of the game and pull the lever to make the elevator move again. Exit the elevator as soon as the doors open.

lower lobby

Note the missing fan on the right. Move the cardboard boxes to the floor so you can pick up a small metal handle. Enter the room on the left and look at the small drawer - attach the metal handle and open the drawer with the screwdriver, then examine the small sliding puzzle. Move the pieces so that you can see the little symbols in each corner. Exit this room and return to examine the missing fan notice. Use a screwdriver to remove the cover, then pull out the left sideshield and insert the fan blades. Pick up the punctured paper that falls to the floor.

Walk forward and re-enter the side room. Examine the map on the table and place the punctured paper on it. Move it until you see the following words:

  • Sky
  • Space
  • Sea
  • Install

Look at the photo on the table and note the relative height of these 4 items in the picture. Exit this room again and go to the red valves in the far corner. Look at the panel on the wall and press the corner buttons based on the small sliding puzzle from the side room:

Turn the center dial, then take the adjustable wrench. Attach this where the red valve is missing on the pipes on the left. Now adjust the valves and pipe wrench to set the fluid levels in order from the side room:

Go through the large metal door that is now open.

Railroad station

The train door is locked, so go through the doorway on the left into a short hallway. Walk forward into the room with the furnace. Here, go down the stairs and grab the remote, after noticing the note about channel 8392. Return to the corridor and look at the door on the right to see the rotating lock mechanism. You just need to make sure the circle from each ring is aligned with each light on the edge.

In the hall forFrom here, look at the TV screens and set channels to 8, 3, 9 and 2 from left to right. Go back and watch the TV screens go blank. Exit here and return to the previous area.

lower lobby

Enter the room on the left and examine the door on the right. If the 4 buttons are numbered 1-4 from left to right, press them in the following order, depending on the flickering TV screens: 343231. You will now enter a small storage room. Take the key and the jack on the right. Notice the poker poster on the wall and the 3 cards in particular. Go back and go to the train station again.

Railroad station

Enter the train room and examine the clock on the left wall. Set the clock hands to match the poker poster:

  • Hour hand (peak): 10
  • Minute hand (club): 3
  • Second hand (diamond): 7

Take the big gear that opens up. Exit to the train and use the jack on the door, then go inside. Take the fire extinguisher on the right. Look at the firebox on the left and take the shovel. Exit the train and go to the room with the stove. Open the oven doors, use the fire extinguisher on the coals, then use the shovel to get the coals out. Now go back to the train again. Put the coals in the firebox on the left. Approach the front of the train and insert the large gear on the left. Now insert the key into the ignition and use the lever on the left.