After the start of the game, drive the car forward while holding the W key. Get to the blocked bridge, where the main character will leave his car.
Examine the closed gate on the wooden bridge. There is a lock hanging here that holds the chain. Need bolt cutters.
In the booth on the left, you can read a brochure hanging on the wall. Climb to the nearby tower and open the chest. Get the pincers and the fire starter .
Climb down and open the trash can nearby. Pick up an empty bottle .
Return to the barrier and hold the E key to cut the chain. Drive forward until you get into an accident.
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Waking up, turn around and go to another car. Open the trunk and take the first aid kit . Open the car door and take the metal closed box from the seat ( locked iron box) . From the glove compartment, get a photograph of Isabella (Isabelle Photo) .
Open the map. Your location, unlike the Firewatch game, is shown on it.
There is another tower nearby. Move in her direction, but on the way you will meet a house. This is the Atamipek camp. There is firewood near the house on the left. Take one log ( log) and go inside. If you stay in the cold for a long time, you will freeze and die. From time to time you need to warm yourself by the fire. Inside the house in the far left corner is a stove. Approach it and hold down the E key if you have a match, an arsonist and firewood. And you should have all this.
In any case, there is firewood outside, and there are 6 matches and 1 fire starter on the table.
Wait until the hero warms up (the red icon in the upper left corner with the image of a campfire should be full). Take the chain from the table.
You can light a fire on the street:
Go back to Carl's car. Apply the chain to the rear right wheel. Open your inventory and in the Consumables section find the first aid kit. Apply it to yourself. Carl is ready to go. Get in the car and drive forward to the next point - a general store and a gas station.
Go around the gas station on the right and see a strange pile of blue crystals. Take a picture of her and take the photo.
New log entries will appear. Frighten off the wolves (dogs). On the left is a generator. Examine it - to fix it, you need scissors and tape. Approach the tank, near which there were dogs. Open the lid and take the note .
By the way, you can get an arsonist ( fire starter) from the trunk of your pickup truck.
Enter the store and look around. For now, there is electricity. The body will be on the right. Explore, take a photo and save a photo.
Cover your body with a blanket. In the far right side on the shelves, find?Those three arsonists (fire starters). To the left of the mailboxes on the table is another note . Remove the brochure and study it.
Go behind the counter. The light will turn off. Turn on the flashlight with the F key. There are several crates behind the vendor's counter. Open them and take away the note , electrical tape , the key to the garage .
There is another note to the right of the cash register. Examine the cash register itself and knock out any numbers, then press the SALE button. It will open. Get the key from the mail ( post key) from inside.
Turn around and interact with the stairs. She will move and you will see a first aid kit on the shelf. After taking it, go to the stairs and go upstairs. Take a bottle of wine .
Is it going?? outside, to the car. To the left of the entrance are mailboxes. Open the bottom one with the key and take the revolver and mini key . With this key, Carl will automatically open the metal box from the inventory and take out another letter .
Follow to the garage. There is no light, so use a flashlight. On the left hand there will be a workbench with drawers. Search them for pliers and bolts ( hardware) .
With wire cutters and electrical tape, go to the generator near the store and repair it.
Enter the store through the back door (to the left of the generator) and find the shield and switch on the left. Turn the switch so that the white arrow points to the GEN (generator) position. Open the shield. Leave the shop electricity OFF and the garage switch ON. If you turn on both, then the lift in the garage will not be able to go up. Go inside the garage and go around the car. There is a remote by the window. Activate it to raise the lift. Get the crowbar out from under the car.
Go inside the store and now turn off the light in the garage, but turn it on in the store. Follow the seller's counter and you will see a remote control near the window - a control panel for two pump columns. Activate the right pump and fill up the car by going outside and interacting with the gas station gun. Now you can move around by car, but do not rush.
Go to the pile of blue crystals behind the store. From them go wolf tracks. Move along them until you find a frozen person. Contact him.
The vision will begin. Follow the footprints, in the opposite direction to the one from which the silhouette is running. Pick up a magazine. Go a little further and pick up the keychain with the number 739. Go even further, open the car door and take Jill's documents. The vision will end.
Open the map and you will see two new icons. One of them next to the store points to a campfire. Follow there - this is the place you saw in the memory. Examine it, kindle a fire - there are arsonists and matches in the bag. There is firewood at the gas station. Examine the mysterious journal again.
Nearby there is the next icon - LACHANCE. Go to him, climb the mountain to the house.
Light a fire inside the house. You can turn on the light. The switch is next to the front door. Search the crates to find the Pyro. In the room next to the front door in the box is a new tool - Pain Killer . The green brain icon is your fear. Pian Killer restores the gauge.
At the tap, you can fill an empty bottle with water. Go to another room. There is a ladder and stairs up here. Examine the painting on the wall on the left. Turn it over and you will see the inscription: "Bertrand Lachance 1948".
Upstairs inside the wardrobe closet, find 10 films for the Palaroid. You can get cigarettes from the chest.
spclimb down and interact with the frozen man.
Go where the prints point. You will learn about the cache and eventually find Gisele's Diary.
Go to the room to the right of the ice statue and inspect the place where the cache with the safe is located. Interact with the wall and you will see a safe.
What code? First, just spin. You will learn that the code consists of one letter and three numbers. There are three numbers on the keychain found in the forest in the previous memory - 739. The letter is B (Bertrand's name on the back of the portrait). Enter the code B 739, the safe will open. Inside you will find a compromising document.
Go outside, go around the house and find the magnet on the metal plate to the left of the window with the silhouette.
Get down from the house down the wooden steps and on one of the beams on the left you will see a burning arrow. Take a picture of it and save the photo.
Open the map and go to the next house - Bedard on the map.
Not far from the house, by the road is a mailbox. Open it and take the drawing - it shows a place with treasures. We will return to it later.
Go to the house, but first go inside the garage on the left. In the drawer in the table on the left (there are a lot of drawers, inspect everything) find a small key . On the shelves on the right, find an empty bottle and canister.
Follow to the house and inspect the door. There is a rug on the porch. Find the key under the rug and go inside. Immediately light the stove on the left.
Inspect all drawers and refrigerator. Pick up steaks that will come in handy later. Remove consumables from the drawers. Use the magnet found at Lachance's House on the threads by the sink. You will receive a wired magnet .
Examine all the portraits to get a new journal entry. Look into all the rooms in the corridor. In the far right, you will need to turn on the table lamp. Inside the cabinet drawer is Sylvie 's Diary . In another room , take out Mary 's Diary from the cabinet.
Follow to another house nearby. One door will be closed and the other will be open. Inside, immediately light the stove on the right. Firewood lies to the left of it. Gather various consumables from the crates. Inside the house you can find four pages of the novel.
Go outside and andwalk away from the house where the wolves and the barn are. Inside the barn, you can find an axe. From the barn, follow the wolf tracks to find a place with a fire pit. Kindle the fire. There are stones nearby - a talisman is hidden under a large stone. To get it, you need scrap from the garage at the gas station.
Open the map and look just above the general store (gas station). There will be two icons with "bed". Go there and take a good look around. Wolf tracks will lead to various fires. You can fire them up. Shack closed - need a key. Where the key to this hut is located is not yet clear.
Examine Cabin A and Cabin B.
Go back to the gas station, but not to the end. Turn towards the left edge of the map.
Immediately after the bridge, turn left to the icon with a white cross. The house key is in the mailbox opposite the main entrance. Go inside and light the stove on the left. Search everything. Take a picture of the blood on the bunk in the center - another photo.
Find first aid kits, firewood, arsonists. The next point is Rose's house.
Go inside and see a man on a chair with a gun. Pogo?yell with him. He is willing to trade you a warm coat for a good bottle of beer. A regular bottle of beer will not work. To the right of the front door hangs the keys to the shed opposite the house. Inside the barn there is an ax and a couple of small, unimportant objects for the plot. We go in search of beer for the old man, but first search his house again to collect various documents.
Drive on the Blouin marker, which is even more to the left on the map.
Look around inside the house, find a note in the wardrobe closet, as well as Regina's rights on the bed. Remove the Caribou recipe from the wall. This is the drink the old man with the gun needs at Rosarie's House. You could find the wine from the recipe in the general store. We need whiskey and one more ingredient.
But in fact, it turns out that a bottle of wine and an empty bottle are enough for a new drink. When you have both ingredients, then go to the pot in the back of the room and interact with it. You will receive the desired drink.
Go back to the old man and give him the drink. Take your coat. Now you will freeze more slowly.
Finally, go to the end point of the left edge of the map.
Climb up the hill and go downin to get through the hole in the fence. There will be another frozen person in the garage. Do not rush to interact with him. Look around. Remove the bolt from the refrigerator - it is needed to repair the spaceship in the center. Behind him, in the boxes on the left, find the wire cutters. They are also needed. There is also a third ingredient, but which one? On the shelf on the right, find the handlebars . From the ship itself (capsule) from the back, take the headlight ( headlight) . But neither item is the last piece to repair the capsule. If there is no duct tape, then find it in the trash can around the garages.
And the third part is electrical tape. You could find it in the general store, at the gas station, inside the building. So, when you have a bolt (hardware), wire cutters (pliers) and electrical tape (duct tape). View the memory now. You won't get anything interesting.
Go outside and go to the backyard of the garage. There is a broken snowmobile here. On the building to his right, a snowmobile track hangs on the wall. But that is not all.
Climb this building up the hill and cross the bridge to the nearest building. On the left there is an interaction point. Using a hammer and a bolt (hardware), you can build a bridge to the garage. Do it. The hammer could be found in other buildings.
On the roof of the garage you will findHave another note .
Climb down and move further away from the snowmobile. There is a sun lounger on the edge of the cliff. Take away from it seat (bench). Check out the cars in the yard. Find a snowmobile ski in the trunk of one of them. Another ski is to the left of the door of the neighboring building, next to the garage.
Go inside the building and remove the spaceship diagram from the wall on the right. Find the snowmobile manual on the table. Finally, on the table to the left of the stove, look for a letter from the police.
After you study the manual, you can install items on the snowmobile. You will need:
To start the snowmobile, you need a can of gasoline, a key and one more item. So far, you don’t have this (an empty canister could be found in one of the previous houses, and you can fill it here - from the yellow tank behind the garage). But where are the keys and the second item?
Has a secret object marker appeared on the map or not, exit the garage area through ?Open the fence and see wolf tracks. Follow them. The tracks will go to the right, where you can not go. You run straight ahead. Along the way, you may have to kill a wolf. Take a picture of the blood in the dug grave pit, and then break open the gate with a crowbar. Walk along the wooden path. By the way, behind the gate on the right, in the bag you can find an arsonist.
Next will be a fork. The path to the left is blocked by a satellite dish. Walk to the right to bypass the antenna. You will see a red lever behind her. Pull on it to deploy it. Go back and see that the path is open. Walk past the satellite and you will see a huge number of wires, valves with pluses and minuses, as well as an electric lock on the grate in the center.
If you still want to solve the puzzle yourself, here are some tips:
Remove the snowmobile key from the indoor generator. Second element found!
We need to find the third one. From the picture it looks like a spark plug. It is located inside the mailbox opposite the garage (where the fence is). Having collected the candle and all other elements, start the snowmobile and you can now move on it - everything that is in the car will be in the trunk.
It is located to the left and slightly below Rosarie's House. Inside it, go deeper and find another icy body. Interact with him and follow the red tracks to find a secret passage. Read Regina's notes on the table. Thus the memory ends.
Take three dynamite bundles, a rifle from the stand and cartridges for it. There are other consumables - electrical tape, wire cutters, etc.
You need to take exactly all three bundles of dynamite. It is very important!
Go to the exit, lowering the board down. The board that the person in the memory touched. The exit is blocked by a block of ice. Use dynamite and run away. It won't blow up. Follow in the opposite direction to the place, g??e is an ice man. Kill the wolf along the way. Place the dynamite on the pile at the end of the cave and run back. Get out, lower the ladder and go down.
Another cave will appear on the map, below the gas station (general store).
Find the blocked cave entrance and use the third dynamite found in the previous cave. Inside you will find supplies and a place for a fire. According to the plot, this cave is not needed.
Head just above the general store, across the bridge up the map. Do not turn into Cabin A and Cabin B on the right side of the map, but turn left at the next turn. This is how you get to the house.
There is a house and a shed here. Go to the barn, and to the right of it you will see an ice hole. To get the key from there and get into the barn, you need a magnet with threads. Threads, by the way, are inside the house. Inside the shed are consumable items.
Go inside the house and light the stove on the left at will. Find the Cloutier et Fils' key on the pedestal to the left of the entrance. Move the cabinet to the right of the entrance and pick up the note. Look around. Pull out some notice from the cabinet by the sink. Its name is the same as that of the found key.
in the bathroom nGo to the newspaper on the floor and read the article about Blaise.
Climb up and pull out Louise's diary from the cabinet in the lighted room. Get down, drive the wolf away.
CLUE. All places with treasures are indicated by two crossed trees. Everywhere they are, where the chests are.
If you do not recognize this place, then go to Cabin 2 on the map (the icon with the bed, the right of the two). Climb up the slope, to the right edge of the map, and find a box near the long planks. Inside there will be a second treasure map and a fire starter.
Drive to the barn (Shack) between the two huts Cabin 1 and Cabin 2. Climb up to the north and find the same crate on top of the hill. Inside there will be a third treasure map and a cartridge.
It's time to move to the north of the location. Return to the road and drive up the road until you see a crashed car. At the bottom of the car there is a sharp descent, which, at the prompt of the announcer, can be driven on something small. Snowmobile! But you are missing the last detail.
There is a burning arrow in the car - take a picture of it.
Look in the trunk of a car, s??take note. Pick up the rangers' leadership from the ground, near the destroyed fence. Go through this fence forward, following the wolf tracks. You will find yourself at the ice wall.
At the ice wall, watch the cut-scene. The wall will disappear, but you are not in a hurry to move forward. Look up the hill on the right and see two crossed trees. Climb up to them and find the third treasure chest. Open it and take the fifth treasure map and 10 polaroid frames.
Let's keep looking for treasure. Move back to the turn, where there are two huts (markers with a bed) and a barn (Shack). Look for two crossed trees among the trees, as always. Inside will be the next treasure map.
Follow to the gas station, general store. Move right down the map, along the river. After you see the planks across the river, continue down the map, up the hill. Here you must find the right place. Inside is the sixth card.
Follow the map a little lower from the gas station and turn towards the river on the other side of the road. Inside is the seventh card.
From here you can walk down the map to the green zone. Inside is the eighth card.
Again, you can walk, and again you need to go down the map. Inside we will find the ninth card.
And again you need to go down, along the stones, but first find a point where you can jump over a wooden fence.
In the last drawer you will find a note from Martin. But most importantly, there will be a flare gun, the ammunition for which you found earlier.
Let's go back to the ice wall. Pass through it and follow the path until you find yourself in a small camp (Camp). Here you can light a fire. Near the tent there is a pole with a burning arrow - take a picture.
Further you will find the northern forest. Follow the dotted line on the map.
Very soon you will reach the tower. Light the stove inside the house. Take the letters to Pierre from the table, and from under the jacket in the far right corner - another account for Alexander Blais.
Keep moving down the slope until you see a river. You can go over the stones along the right dotted line on the map, or rebuild the bridge with a hammer and hardware.
Inside the burnt hut, you can light a stove, find a hammer, nails and a first aid kit.
Then the road diverges, but you can find the next hut nearby.
A little higher on the map there is a place for a fire, while the entrance to the hut is closed. I never found the key, as well as the last part of the snowmobile.
Keep following along. At the fork of the two paths, you need to go right (the path to the left leads to a dead end and to the same fire indicated above). You will see frozen people. Climb up the steps to find the Wendigo. Interact with him. That way you will know what really happened here.
Do not try to kill Wendigo - run away. The main thing is to stock up on first aid kits. The same goes for wolves - if possible, avoid them without killing them. When you get to the cemetery, you will soon be able to break away from the monster. Follow further and find yourself on the pier. Walk forward along the rails and open the gate. Go right and you will see the monster again. Turn left to the pier and interact with the boat??. Watch the final cut-scene.