After the introductory video, you will find yourself on the seashore. There is a chest on the left, but you need a key to open it.
Click on the houses ahead to go to them. To go back, click on the white bar in the middle of the bottom of the screen (for the future).
There are two houses here. Examine the door at the house on the right. One key is missing. Go even more to the right of this house and you will see a wooden fence. On the upper right side of the scaffold are pincers. If you cut the rope, the scaffolding will fall apart. Ticks will fall and you can pick them up.
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Go back two screens and go to the left of the house with the door where the key is missing. There will be another house here. Go to the left of it, along the path up the mountain. You will see an old hut. To the right of her, a knife is lying on the ground. Take it.
Go back down and go to the house on the right. Go right to the fence. Use the knife on the rope that connects the boards on the right. Pick up the fallen pincers .
Follow again to the old hut deep in the forest, where they found the knife. Examine the boards in the wall to the right of the door. Use the pincers on the brown bar underneath. You will open a hole. Go inside the house and click on the dead body on the floor.
Pick up after the cutscene?Take the key from the floor and go back to the house where one key was missing. Insert the key. You need to rotate them correctly:
Click on the door handle to open it (if the correct combination is set).
Inside the house, take the block and flint from the table on the right.
Leave the houses and go right to the fence. Use the block on the other broken block to the right of the gate. Click on the left edge of the rope, right on the gate. This is how you open them.
Go deep into the forest. On the left there will be stones with various pieces of wood. Some kind of wooden tablet with text is lying on the floor near them. Read and memorize the text. Apparently, this is a clue to solve the riddle.
From here there are two ways. Climb up, deep into the screen. At the next location on the left is a well. Look into it and see a toy boat with some kind of object. Until you get it.
Two paths also lead from the well. Go left first, up the slope. Near the ruined house you will see a plant - yarrow. You have to cut it with something. You don't have an item yet. Here on earthle, a solar compass is lying among the wreckage. It can be viewed, but not picked up.
Move more to the left, up the slope. See the red piece of cloth on the right? Look into the hole below it and see a dead body. There is a key next to him. A little further, at the back of the screen, there is an ice wall with a frozen amulet. This flight cannot be broken, it is magical.
Go back to the well and follow the other path to the river. From the waterfall, go even further and find yourself on the shore. To the right of the boat, pick up clay from the ground. Go to the right and you will see the dead remains of a whale. To their right is a fishing rod . Take her.
Come backto the pit with the body and use the fishing rod on the key. You will receive this key .
Run back to the village. Approach another house that is not open yet. Use the key on it and go inside the workshop. Take the pickaxe from the wall on the right. Examine the coals in the center of the room. Use flint and flint on them to kindle a fire .
Exit the village through the same gate, but don't rush. So, on the left there are stones and a lot of wooden debris. Use a pickaxe on these stones to open a passage. Move through the hole, go right and see a dead body. Pick up the amulet lying on it.
Return to the blockage, which was cleared with a pickaxe. From it this time go to the right. At the next fork, follow deep into the screen, as there is some kind of altar with half of another amulet on the right.
Are you here??dite a tree with a stone covered with ice. Move on up the hill. Go to the house you see in the distance. There are two amulets hanging at the top left and there is a rope without an amulet. Apply to her the very amulet that was taken from the corpse. Pick up the key from the ground, to the right of the door. Use it on the door and go inside the house.
Take the scythe from the table on the right. Pick up an empty bowl from the floor in the center. Examine the weaving machine in the far right corner. There are not enough sinkers here - three pieces. Exit the house and go back one screen. Ahead you should see part of the roof of this house. Go left from here to get to a clearing with a hut. Among the figurines on the floor will be the first weaving sinker .
Go to the burnt house and use the scythe to collect the yarrow . Go to the waterfall and use an empty bowl on it to fill it with water . Go back inside the house with the weaving machine, where you found both the scythe and the bowl. Examine the tub on the left side, inside of which there are inscriptions. Pour water into it and immerse the yarrow. You will see a hint.
Head back a few screens to the crossroads where you can see the tree with the rock. On the left, there are rocks that you need to click on. Climb into the niche and take the staff .
Now, by clicking on the triangle in the lower right corner, you can enter the spirit world. Do this and go through all the locations to find four singing spirits. Remember what kind of weapon they have and what color of smoke from their mouth (or song).
Return to the temple with the seer's body you found at the beginning of the game. You will see the same spirits:
Listen to the entire song. A secret door will open, examine the altar and see the seer. Return to the normal world and take the silver bowl from the altar. Run to the waterfall and place the silver bowl in the bowl on the left. Spirit will show you the passage. Click on the tree to get to a new location. Take away the shovel standing at the rock.
Go back to the house where you found the flint and block. Examine the picture on the wall on the left and remember the sequence of people standing on it (from left to right):
Go to the place where the tree has a runestone. Enter the spirit world and inspect this stone. You will see figures of people. Arrange them as in the picture. When you do everything right, the spirit of the horse will appear. Follow him in the opposite direction and take him into the hole just outside the gates of the village, on the left.
The ghost of a horse stands on a hill - this is some kind of grave. Return to the normal world and use the shovel on the hill. Take the saw and examine the chest. Turn on the world of spirits and remember the sequence of pressing the chest buttons. In the normal world, click on them. Re-enter the spirit world and memorize the new sequence. Repeat this 4-5 times and the chest will open. Inside it you will find a horse totem .
Run to the house with the weaving machine. In front of him at the crossroads on the left there is a wooden brushwood blocking the path of the river. Use the saw from inventory on the trees. Now you can go torunestone located behind the pit with a corpse, where you got the key with a fishing rod (you need to go along the board).
But don't rush! Return to the temple, where you found the first key and the corpse of the seer. Approach the altar and place the horse totem on it. In spirit mode, not only a ghostly horse will appear on the wall near the altar, but also two ravens.
Follow the pit with the corpse and walk along the plank. If you cut the boards with a saw, you can inspect another runestone. Examine it in spirit mode, you will hear a voice. You will need to solve several puzzles:
Follow the ravens. Go to the waterfall and go up to the left, where you found the shovel. Climb even higher and click on the crows on the rocks to hear a hint.
Climb down and go to the playground to the left of the house with the weaving machine. There are carved symbols on the tree on the left. Examine the image of a chest with ravens. Remember the location of the points. Go to the place with a hole in which lies the body. To the left of the pit behind the stone?There is a hidden niche with a chest. Click on the stone and you will see a chest. Set its locks as in the image carved on the tree (from left to right):
Read the clue on the board inside the chest. To the right of the chest, find and take the bronze . You can immediately throw the bronze into the bowl on the fire, in the workshop located in the village. By the way, when you cut the boards (you have already done this), the water level in the well will rise. You can pick up the second weaving sinker from the toy boat in the well right now. We need to find another one!