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ShowGamer.comThe Best Mods for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The Best Mods for Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is still in the early access of Steam, but only a few days after its appearance. But there are several dozen mods.

Also read

Below we show the best mods that we have managed to find today. Some are related to customizing and changing the gameplay, others improve the visualization of the outside world or characters, and one even activates the developer console.

Be sure to study the individual pages of each mod, as in some cases specific installation instructions may be given. And there are modifications that require the launch of a new campaign.

Before installing the mod, make a backup copy of the game files and saves. Do not forget that Bannerlord is in active development, which means that there will be many patches that can affect the performance of mods. Therefore, it is important to keep track of updates on mod pages and install the latest versions.

Gameplay Mods

  •     Screamerlord: For those who want to dive even further into the gaming world of the Middle Ages. This mod adds the main character own voice. Now, giving the command to your squad, you will hear your hero. Use the speech recognition tool - VoiceAttack, which allows you to command troops. To do this, you need a microphone. You can use 20 commands in the free version of VoiceAttack, but if you purchase a premium version, you will get 50.
  •     Hideout Player Party Limit Removed: allow you to use an entire army to attack the robbery shelters, instead of using only a small squad, as set by default in the game. This is a very useful feature in the middle and late stages of the game, where you will come across more serious shelters.
  • Smith Forever: This module removes the cost of stamina from the game This way, you can use it as long as you have the resources.
  • Gay Marriage: This mod removes the character’s gender check from the game, which is initiated before the beginning of the novel. Thus, now you can look after a character of any gender. Girls can marry girls, boys ... well, you understand me. At the same time, all previous restrictions remain: the selected partner should not be married, just like you should not have a soulmate.
  • Female Soldiers for All Factions: All jokes aside. This mod adds seven different types of female units to the army of each faction.

Mods for Improving Graphics

  •     NPC Revamp: work on the mod continues. Its purpose is to improve the appearance of the NPC in Bannerlord using the character creation tool. This is not an attempt to make everyone beautiful, but a desire to give the characters more unique, characteristic features. You can even copy the face code of any NPC and apply it to your hero.
  •     BannerEditor Enhancer: if you are going to become a lord, then you need a beautiful banner. This mod significantly expands the color palette and provides much more options when creating a banner.
  •     Dro’s Color Correction: adds more depth and color to the game, making the grass greener, sunsets brighter and so on.
  •     Invisible Helmet: you spent a lot of time creating a character, but you cannot enjoy the result of the work done. This mod removes the helmet from the head, and now you will see the face of the protagonist.

Game Change Tools

  •     How to unlock the developer console: after installing this mod, you will get access to the developer console. Now it will open by pressing the standard (for such cases) ~ key. You can enter console commands, a list of which is listed below. This will add money, increase levels, get new soldiers, improve skills and much more.
  •     How to disable the intro: yes, the entry into the game can be excellent, but, you must admit, it quickly bothers to see the same thing every time you start the game. This mod disables the intro.
  •     Vortex: Vortex is not a modification to Bannerlord. This is a mod installation tool and mod manager with Nexus. We added it to this collection because it supports Bannerlord and is extremely useful for installing, editing and updating mods.

Console Commands Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Above, we gave a link to the mod for Bannerlord, which adds a console line in the game. After activating it with the ~ key, enter one of the console commands below:

  •      Add Gold: campaign.add_gold_to_hero N
  •      Level Up: campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero
  •      Increase Influence: campaign.add_influence N
  •      Boost fame: campaign.add_renown_to_clan N
  •      Add Focus Points: campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero N
  •      List of IDs of all units: campaign.give_troops help
  •      Add the desired unit to the squad: campaign.give_troops [Enter the ID from the command above] N

Instead of N, enter the desired value.

  •      Show list of active tasks: campaign.list_active_quests
  •      Complete current mission: campaign.complete_active_quest
  •      Cancel active quest: campaign.cancel_active_quest
  •      Conceive a child (if you are not married, then automatically conclude it with a random character): campaign.conceive_child

Other console commands without description:

  •     Log.Campaign.hide_log
  •     Log.Campaign.show_log
  •     Log.Campaign.show_unfiltered_logs
  •     Log.Campaign.start_capturing
  •     Log.Campaign.stop_capturing
  •     Mission_Highlights.AddHighlight
  •     Mission_Highlights.Initialize
  •     Mission_Highlights.OpenGroup
  •     Mission_Highlights.OpenSummary
  •     Mission_Highlights.RemoveHighlight
  •     Mission_Highlights.SaveVideo
  •     agent.change_action_set
  •     agent.delete_agent
  •     agent.equip_clear
  •     agent.fade_in
  •     agent.fade_out
  •     agent.goto
  •     agent.main_agent_play_action_at_channel
  •     agent.main_mount_play_action_at_channel
  •     ai.debug_enable_cs
  •     ai.driven_property
  •     ai.formation_debug
  •     ai.formation_speed_adjustment_enabled
  •     ai.help_show_chars
  •     ai.help_show_items
  •     ai.help_spawn
  •     ai.set_health
  •     ai.set_health_help
  •     ai.show_chars
  •     ai.show_items
  •     ai.spawn
  •     atmosphere.current
  •     atmosphere.list
  •     atmosphere.reset
  •     atmosphere.set_by_index
  •     atmosphere.set_by_name
  •     campaign.activate_all_policies_for_player_kingdom
  •     campaign.add_attribute_points_to_hero
  •     campaign.add_building_level
  •     campaign.add_caravan_to_hero
  •     campaign.add_companion
  •     campaign.add_focus_points_to_hero
  •     campaign.add_gold_to_all_heroes
  •     campaign.add_gold_to_hero
  •     campaign.add_horse
  •     campaign.add_influence
  •     campaign.add_morale_to_party
  •     campaign.add_prisoner
  •     campaign.add_progress_to_current_building
  •     campaign.add_random_hero_to_party
  •     campaign.add_random_prisoner_hero
  •     campaign.add_renown_to_clan
  •     campaign.add_sample_children_to_main_character
  •     campaign.add_skill_xp_to_hero
  •     campaign.adopt_hero
  •     campaign.ai_attack_party
  •     campaign.ai_defend_settlement
  •     campaign.ai_goto_settlement
  •     campaign.ai_raid_village
  •     campaign.ai_siege_settlement
  •     campaign.boost_cohesion_of_all_armies
  •     campaign.boost_cohesion_of_army
  •     campaign.burn_village
  •     campaign.calculate_distance_from_main_party
  •     campaign.call_faction_heroes_to_settlement
  •     campaign.cancel_active_quest
  •     campaign.change_clan_leader
  •     campaign.change_current_building
  •     campaign.change_faction_relation
  •     campaign.change_hero_relation
  •     campaign.change_main_hero_age
  •     campaign.check_camp_locations
  •     campaign.check_village_bandit
  •     campaign.clear_settlement_defense
  •     campaign.complete_active_quest
  •     campaign.conceive_child
  •     campaign.control_party_ai_by_cheats
  •     campaign.create_faction_army
  •     campaign.create_perk_main_hero
  •     campaign.create_player_kingdom
  •     campaign.declare_peace
  •     campaign.declare_war
  •     campaign.destroy_clan
  •     campaign.destroy_kindgom
  •     campaign.destroy_party
  •     campaign.difficulty
  •     campaign.election_chooser_cheat
  •     campaign.election_supporter_cheat
  •     campaign.enable_party_count
  •     campaign.expel_clan_from_kindgom
  •     campaign.fill_party
  •     campaign.fill_party_alt_solution_test
  •     campaign.fill_party_tableau_test
  •     campaign.find_alley_owners_with_more_than_one_alley
  •     campaign.find_hero
  •     campaign.find_issue
  •     campaign.find_mobile_party
  •     campaign.find_settlement
  •     campaign.free_player_through_barter
  •     campaign.get_character_id_from_character_code
  •     campaign.get_conversations_tags
  •     campaign.get_criminal_ratings
  •     campaign.get_game_progress
  •     campaign.get_heroes_at_age
  •     campaign.get_infested_hideout
  •     campaign.get_invalid_family_members
  •     campaign.get_lords_inside_settlement
  •     campaign.get_main_party_position
  •     campaign.get_settlement_common_area_states
  •     campaign.get_stance_between_factions
  •     campaign.give_all_crafting_materials_to_main_party
  •     campaign.give_item_to_main_party
  •     campaign.give_money_to_main_party
  •     campaign.give_settlement_to_player
  •     campaign.give_troops
  •     campaign.give_troops_xp
  •     campaign.give_workshop_to_player
  •     campaign.give_xp_to_main_party
  •     campaign.go_to_settlement
  •     campaign.grow_player_babies_to_child
  •     campaign.grow_player_children_to_teen
  •     campaign.grow_player_teen_to_adult
  •     campaign.heal_main_party
  •     campaign.hide_hideouts
  •     campaign.is_hero_suitable_for_marriage_with_player
  •     campaign.join_kingdom
  •     campaign.kill_capturer_party
  •     campaign.kill_hero
  •     campaign.lead_your_faction
  •     campaign.leave_faction
  •     campaign.leave_faction_by_rebellion
  •     campaign.list_active_quests
  •     campaign.list_all
  •     campaign.list_children_heroes_suitable_for_marriage
  •     campaign.list_heroes_suitable_for_marriage
  •     campaign.list_heroes_without_party
  •     campaign.list_home_settlement_of_player
  •     campaign.list_player_traits
  •     campaign.list_tournaments
  •     campaign.list_trade_rumors
  •     campaign.make_hero_fugitive
  •     campaign.make_hero_wounded
  •     campaign.make_main_hero_ill
  •     campaign.make_peace_with_every_faction
  •     campaign.marry_player_with_hero
  •     campaign.move_camera_between_fights
  •     campaign.move_camera_between_fights_automatically
  •     campaign.move_time_forward
  •     campaign.multiply_campaign_speed
  •     campaign.normalize_hideouts
  •     campaign.open_town_mission_spawn_at_workshop
  •     campaign.print_all_issues
  •     campaign.print_issue_statistics
  •     campaign.print_issues
  •     campaign.print_party_count_statistics
  •     campaign.print_party_prisoners
  •     campaign.print_player_progress
  •     campaign.print_projects_in_settlement
  •     campaign.print_settlement_goods
  •     campaign.print_workshop_info
  •     campaign.print_workshops_in_settlement
  •     campaign.rebellion_enabled
  •     campaign.refresh_icon
  •     campaign.refresh_parties
  •     campaign.remove_tracked_object
  •     campaign.reset_player_skills_level_and_perks
  •     campaign.reset_tracker
  •     campaign.set_all_skills_main_hero
  •     campaign.set_army_notifications
  •     campaign.set_banner_editor_is_enabled
  •     campaign.set_crafting_is_enabled
  •     campaign.set_criminal_rating
  •     campaign.set_desertion_enabled
  •     campaign.set_face_gen_is_enabled
  •     campaign.set_hero_age
  •     campaign.set_intensity
  •     campaign.set_kingdom_notifications
  •     campaign.set_main_hero_age
  •     campaign.set_main_hero_stats_to_mid_game
  •     campaign.set_main_party_attackable
  •     campaign.set_midgame_archetype
  •     campaign.set_mood
  •     campaign.set_parties_visible
  •     campaign.set_player_reputation_trait
  •     campaign.set_player_siege_as_sally_out
  •     campaign.set_quest_debug_mode
  •     campaign.set_skill_companion
  •     campaign.set_skill_main_hero
  •     campaign.set_skills_of_hero
  •     campaign.set_town_test_scene
  •     campaign.set_village_test_scene
  •     campaign.show_character_feats
  •     campaign.show_current_location_heroes
  •     campaign.show_direction_of_player_around_settlement
  •     campaign.show_direction_of_settlement_around_main_party
  •     campaign.show_hideouts
  •     campaign.show_party_morale_detail
  •     campaign.show_party_size_limit_detail
  •     campaign.show_possible_battle_scenes
  •     campaign.show_prisoners
  •     campaign.start_barter_with_hero
  •     campaign.start_barter_with_lucon
  •     campaign.start_conversation
  •     campaign.start_election_to_change_policy
  •     campaign.start_election_to_declare_war
  •     campaign.start_election_to_make_peace
  •     campaign.start_king_selection_decision
  •     campaign.start_player_vs_world_truce
  •     campaign.start_player_vs_world_war
  •     campaign.start_rebellion_in_settlement
  •     campaign.start_test_conversation_mission
  •     campaign.start_tournament
  •     campaign.start_world_war
  •     campaign.take_hero_prisoner
  •     campaign.teleport_hero_to_settlement
  •     campaign.throw_prisoner_to_settlement
  •     campaign.toggle_add_castles_to_villages_cheat
  •     campaign.track_object
  •     campaign.use_test_scenes
  •     chatlog.can_focus_while_in_mission
  •     chatlog.clear
  •     close
  •     cloth.reset_meshes
  •     config.antialiasing_technique
  •     config.brightness
  •     config.brightness_calibrated
  •     config.brightness_max
  •     config.brightness_min
  •     config.character_detail
  •     config.cheat_mode
  •     config.control_mouse_movement_accumulation_decay_speed
  •     config.control_mouse_movement_max_accumulation
  •     config.control_mouse_movement_y_scale
  •     config.decal_quality
  •     config.disable_sound
  •     config.display_height
  •     config.display_mode
  •     config.display_referesh_rate
  •     config.display_width
  •     config.dynamic_resolution_fps_target
  •     config.enable_cloth_simulation
  •     config.enable_dynamic_resolution_scale
  •     config.enable_flora_sway
  •     config.environment_detail
  •     config.first_time
  •     config.foliage_quality
  •     config.force_vsync
  •     config.gamma
  •     config.graphics_adapter
  •     config.invert_mouse
  •     config.lighting_quality
  •     config.master_volume
  •     config.max_framerate
  •     config.max_simultaneous_sound_event_count
  •     config.mouse_sensitivity_coefficient
  •     config.music_volume
  •     config.number_of_ragdolls
  •     config.particle_detail
  •     config.particle_quality
  •     config.postfx_bloom
  •     config.postfx_chromatic_aberration
  •     config.postfx_dof
  •     config.postfx_grain
  •     config.postfx_hexagon_vignette
  •     config.postfx_lens_flares
  •     config.postfx_motion_blur
  •     config.postfx_ssr
  •     config.postfx_sssss
  •     config.postfx_streaks
  •     config.postfx_sunshafts
  •     config.postfx_vignette
  •     config.resolution_scale
  •     config.safely_exited
  •     config.save_window_positions
  •     config.selected_monitor
  •     config.shader_quality
  •     config.shadowmap_filtering
  •     config.shadowmap_resolution
  •     config.shadowmap_type
  •     config.sharpen_amount
  •     config.show_framerate
  •     config.sound_device
  •     config.sound_output
  •     config.sound_volume
  •     config.terrain_quality
  •     config.tesselation
  •     config.texture_budget
  •     config.texture_filtering
  •     config.texture_quality
  •     config.water_quality
  •     config.weapon_trail_amount
  •     console.clear
  •     crafting.disable_contour
  •     crafting.dismantle_all
  •     crafting.give_random_weapons
  •     crafting.list_mats
  •     crafting.unlock_all_parts
  •     debug.clear_permanent_debug_render_meshes
  •     debug.mission_spawnpoint_count_and_mesh_checker_ui
  •     debug.print_materials_with_name
  •     debug.print_meshes_with_name
  •     debug.print_meta_meshes_without_lods
  •     debug.print_textures_with_name
  •     debug.reset_ignored_asserts
  •     eventmanager.print_registered_events_and_types
  •     facegen.dress_player
  •     facegen.referesh_character_as_kid
  •     facegen.show_debug
  •     facegen.undress_player
  •     game.reload_animations
  •     game.reload_managed_core_params
  •     game.reload_native_params
  •     game.siege_test
  •     gfx.set_quality
  •     global.illumination
  •     granite.clear_cache
  •     granite.generate_xml
  •     granite.pause
  •     help
  •     items.export_nav_mesh_face_marks
  •     items.find_and_clear_unused_resources
  •     items.find_meshes_without_lods
  •     items.print_all_items_with_generated_lod
  •     items.print_all_items_without_generated_lod
  •     items.print_all_items_without_lod
  •     items.print_faulty_materials
  •     items.take_ss_from_top
  •     localization.check_for_erros
  •     memory.stats
  •     mission.AddDebugTeleporter
  •     mission.AddObjectDestroyer
  •     mission.begin_camera_fade_in
  •     mission.begin_camera_fade_out
  •     mission.begin_camera_fade_out_and_in
  •     mission.disable_fall_avoid
  •     mission.draw_formation_arrangement_debug_lines
  •     mission.draw_formation_order_debug_spheres
  •     mission.draw_point_of_interest_directions
  •     mission.draw_siege_origin_positions
  •     mission.enable_debug_window
  •     mission.enable_fall_damage_warnings
  •     mission.equipment_debug
  •     mission.fix_camera_toggle
  •     mission.flee_enemies
  •     mission.killAgent
  •     mission.list_agent_ids
  •     mission.retreat_side
  •     mission.set_battering_ram_speed
  •     mission.set_camera_position
  •     mission.set_deployment_visualization_selector
  •     mission.set_facial_anim_to_agent
  •     mission.set_shift_camera_speed
  •     mission.set_siege_tower_speed
  •     mission.toggleDisableDying
  •     mission_cpp.fast_forward_mission
  •     mission_cpp.kill_agent
  •     mission_cpp.kill_all_agents_excluding_this
  •     mp_client.list_agent_infos
  •     mp_host.help
  •     mp_host.kick_player
  •     profiler.generate_performance_report
  •     profiler.start_task_profilinf
  •     replay.invisible_agents
  •     replay.read_current_replay
  •     replay.seek_frame
  •     replay.tick_replay
  •     replay.write_current_replay
  •     resource.add_default_levels_to_prefab_file
  •     resource.add_new_water_prefab
  •     resource.clear_gpu_morph_textures
  •     resource.export_meta_mesh_as_obj
  •     resource.save_prefab_files
  •     resource.set_visibility_distance_to_meshes_without_lods
  •     resource.shader.clear_shader_cache
  •     resource.shader.compile_shader_combinations
  •     resource.shader.compile_terrain_shaders
  •     resource.shader.compile_terrain_shaders_of_scene
  •     resource.shader.create_compressed_shader_cache
  •     resource.shader.generate_shaders
  •     resource.shader.recompile_single_shader
  •     resource.shader.save_shader_combinations
  •     resource.shader.save_shader_identifiers
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.always_check_modifications
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.check_colormap_flags
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.detailed_sound_log
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_async_physics
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_async_predraw
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_async_render_jobs
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_camera_precision_offset
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_data_parallelization
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_dynamic_instancing
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_gui_messages
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_oros
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_shadow_occlusion_pass
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.disable_tableau_cache
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.do_sound_one_shot_events
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.enable_deterministic_mode
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.enable_occluder_depth_prepass
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.high_quality_screenshot_height
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.high_quality_screenshot_width
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.limited_framerate
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.log_failed_weapon_collision_sound_events
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.log_level
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.prt_edit_data_folder
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.record_missions
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.screenshot_format
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.screenshot_mod
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.show_scene_terrain_layer_errors
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.supports_postfx_chromatic_aberration
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.supports_postfx_hexagon_vignette
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.supports_postfx_lens_flares
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.supports_postfx_streaks
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.supports_postfx_vignette
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.use_depth_flipping
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.use_physics_engine
  •     rgl_module_ini_options.use_texture_tags
  •     show_memory
  •     siege_test.set_level
  •     siege_test.set_scene
  •     siege_test.set_wallhp
  •     sound.enable_wav_output
  •     sound.reload_sounds
  •     spitems.reload.xml
  •     storymode.activate_conspiracy_quest
  •     storymode.advance_to_kingdom_quests
  •     storymode.complete_banner_investigation
  •     storymode.destroy_all_anti_imperial_kingdoms_except_player_kingdom
  •     storymode.reinforfce_kingdom
  •     storymode.skip_character_creation
  •     storymode.skip_first_phase
  •     storymode.skip_intro
  •     storymode.skip_tutorial_quests
  •     storymode.weaken_kingdom
  •     test_mission.change_faction_armor_color
  •     ui.test_random_admin_message
  •     ui.toggle_ui



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Гонка Драконов (Dragon Race) — коды на Июль 2024

Гость, 54 года назад

Всё правильно. Следует спешить и не отвлекаться. Тогда победив одного эфириала, мы получаем успокоительное, потом спасаем мужика, получаем за это ящик с припасами (фиолетовый), далее спешим и сражаемс...

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