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Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit Walkthrough

FNAF: Into the Pit Walkthrough
Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit Walkthrough
Svetlana Ivanova
Date of publication
8 August 2024

FNAF: Into the Pit Walkthrough


A boy named Oswald arrives at the Jeff's Pizza diner with his father. Inside the diner, the player controls Oswald. You can go through the left door and talk to the seller Jeff. Then the player goes to the upper right door, where there is an abandoned hall with an attraction "ball pit" with a sign "Do not use". Oswald climbs inside this attraction.

Time warp

Oswald emerges from the same attraction, but in the past, during the holiday. Returning to the hall, the player sees the animatronics performing. Going left after the other children, Oswald enters the left, and then the upper door, where there is a hall with arcade machines. Here you can play mini-games.

Hide and seek

After talking again with the children in the center of the hall, Oswald agrees to play hide and seek with them. Returning to the arcade, he goes through the right door, entering a warehouse where a broken animatronic lies. Oswald hides inside it, and the children, not finding him, finish the game. He remains there until the lights are turned off.

Chasing the Rabbit

Hearing screams, Oswald gets out of the animatronic and goes around all the rooms. All the children run outside in terror. In the main hall, Oswald enters the upper center door and sees a mechanical rabbit, which beckons him to follow. In the prize room, the rabbit begins to chase Oswald, and he is forced to hide under the table at the top.

Returning Home

When the rabbit leaves, Oswald returns to the main hall. Near the stage with the animatronics, he climbs into the "ball pit" again. Returning to his own time, Oswald meets his father, but he is suddenly grabbed by the rabbit and dragged into the "ball pit". Oswald pulls his father back out. When the father returns, he behaves strangely and takes Oswald home by force.

First night

Oswald's house

When we start the game, we find ourselves in Oswald's house. The first thing we need to do is call Mom. In our room, we can examine things, turn on the fan in the upper right corner, and also hide under the bed. There is a closet in the hallway where we can hide.

In the upper right room, we can see the sleeping father-rabbit. When he starts to wake up, we need to hide in the closet in the hallway. When the rabbit goes down, we can go back into the right room and take the phone from the nightstand. Here we can also turn off the light or hide under the bed.

We go through the lower door, getting into the kitchen. On the right there is a passage to the pantry, where we can find a battery, a rope, and a holder on the shelves. We go back out. If the rabbit notices us, we can manage to run to another room and hide there. We take Mom's number from the refrigerator - 555-56-83. We dial it, but mom won't answer, instead we'll see a screamer, and the rabbit will run to the noise. We quickly hide anywhere.

Behind the left door is a room with cabinets. On the table there is a notebook with the numbers of a plumber (555-53-25) and a mechanic (555-22-77). On the left you can pull the cord to lower the ladder to the attic.

We go to the lower left room, where we meet mom. We try to tell her everything, but she doesn't believe us. Dad comes here, and we are sent back to the room.

To get out, we go out into the corridor, into the left room, and climb into the attic. We use a rope on the window at the top in the center and go down to the street.


To return the real father, we return to the pizzeria. We select this building on the city map. We talk to the seller, go to the far upper room and dive into the pit with balls.

In the past, we go into the hall. On the left, a boy is crying, trapped inside an animatronic. On the right, we go backstage. At the entrance, we find a coin, and in the center of the floor lies dad's wallet. On the right, the door is locked, you need to find the key.

Through the pit, we return to the present. In the hall, we go backstage, the door is also locked. From the hall, we go left and up, into the room with posters, where we take the control panel on the table. On the left, the door leads to the slot machines. On the left, on the 3rd machine, we use the battery, coin and get a ticket.

We play the mini-game "Shoot the Space Balloons", controlling the boy with the balloon and shooting at the balls in the form of the animatronic heads.

Afterwards, we talk to the seller, and he gives us a flashlight. On the left, we take the bag of garbage and exit the building.


We throw away the bag of garbage. We turn on the flashlight and among the scattered things we find a battery, a puzzle matrix and a rat trap. We return to the pizzeria.


We tell the seller that we have completed his work, and he gives us the basement key. We go to the pit with balls again. In the past we go behind the scenes, open the right door with the key. It is dark inside, we turn on the flashlight. We take a screwdriver from the dark silhouette of the animatronic. We go into the hall, we free the stuck child with a screwdriver. After this, the Rabbit attacks from above, and we need to quickly run to the right and up, into the pit with balls.

The Second Night

Oswald's House

After waking up in the morning after a nightmare, the main character goes down to the lower room to the kitchen and talks to his mother. In the left room at the table sits the father-rabbit. On the left, in the top cabinet, the hero takes a battery. On the right, in the kitchen, from his mother, he takes a bag with breakfast. After that, the hero goes outside and heads to school.


After school, the protagonist goes to the sports ground, where a toy charge explodes. Then he returns to the classroom, where he talks to his classmates. Then the hero goes into the corridor on the right, climbs up the upper door and finds a ticket reader by the wall. After talking to other students in the corridor, he can go home. Coming out onto the playground, he takes another battery out of his backpack. Having gone through the lower door in the hall, the protagonist talks to a girl who gives him sketches.

Oswald's House

At night, the rabbit begins to haunt the protagonist again. To hide from him, you need to climb into the attic. The window there is boarded up, so the hero takes a stepladder and carries it down to the lower floor in the far right room. Along the way, the ladder makes a little noise. Having installed the stepladder by the high right window, the protagonist gets out of the house.


There is a seller inside the pizzeria, and another person is sitting in the hall. The protagonist goes through the far right door and jumps into the pit with balls. Earlier, he found a token at the entrance. After going through the darkness, he finds himself in the lower right door, where he presses the lever on the upper wall, turning on the light. Now he needs to find his father. The hero hides in a box on the right in the right dark room, waiting for the rabbit to leave. From the hall, he goes to the upper left room with posters and finds another token on the floor. Looking around the door on the right, he gets scared by the Chicken and runs to the left, dropping his breakfast along the way, which distracts the robot Chicken. In the upper room, near a pile of gifts, the protagonist finds a photo of Oswald. A mouse runs in the room with posters, and the hero sets a trap for rats there. Having taken the caught rat, he returns to the pit.

In the present, the protagonist goes to the upper room, and then to the left. He solves the "Solve the Puzzle" puzzle in the right slot machine by inserting a matrix into it. After completing 3x3 fifteens, he receives a bear mask and a new melody, as well as 10 tickets. He then plays "Collect the Hats" in the third slot machine from the right, jumping on platforms and collecting 5 hats, for which he receives 5 tickets. In the main hall, the hero approaches a girl with a phone and releases a rat near her. The girl screams, and the seller goes to calm her down, opening the "Employees only" door. The protagonist goes inside, takes a slice of pizza and a battery, and then unlocks the door on the left and returns to the pit. In the past, he goes through a dark hall, where he finds an empty pizza box on the floor. He puts a slice of pizza in it and hides nearby. Chicken Chica comes out to the smell of pizza, and while she is standing on the left, the hero runs through her door on the right. Once inside the pizzeria, he meets a boy with glasses. The Yellow Rabbit attacks through the upper doors, grabs and throws the protagonist back. He runs through the doors on the right and through the hall back to the pit with balls.

Third Night

Oswald's House

Leave your room and go down to the kitchen to see your mom. Along the way, you can look into other rooms in search of a battery. Our parents see us off, and we head to school.


Another student will hit us with a rubber hand, but the teacher will immediately take this thing. In class, instead of people, we will see the Yellow Rabbit and the Bear. Going out into the corridor, we can take the battery from the lockers. We need to find the key for the teacher standing at the "Principal" door. We find the keys on the floor in the upper left room and open the door. Inside, take the book and the rubber hand from the table, and then return to the classroom and go home.

Oswald's House

Go into the lower right room, where there is no longer a ladder by the window. Go left to the kitchen, where the Rabbit is chasing us. To escape, just run through all the doors to the left and run out into the street.


The top door of the pizzeria is closed, we inform the seller about it. In the hall, we talk to two visitors at the tables. On the right at the top, we jump into the balls. Having gone upstairs, in the past tense, we find a family photo in the kitchen. On the left, the phone rings, and we answer the call of the "Phone Guy". We go into the room with posters, get the thing from the upper right corner, using the rubber hand. We get the key to the arcade. We go to the upper room, unlock the left door and go to the slot machines. Bonnie the hare is sitting near the machines, and we need to somehow lure him out of the room, but not with ordinary noise. We open the box with gifts and take the toy Freddy. We go to the warehouse in the lower right room, examine the electric guitar and repair it. We leave through the pit with balls.


In the present tense, we leave the pizzeria and go to the dump. There we are met by a bully from school, but he leaves immediately. We pick up guitar strings.

We return to the pizzeria, go through the pit, go backstage. We apply the strings to the guitar, connect it to the wire on the stage and make 3 chords. We run to the right and hide in the ventilation, fighting off the animatronic, who is trying to grab our leg. Through the ventilation we get to the room with gifts, we go to the arcade machines. A boy is tied to one machine with a hammer, whom we untie. We are surrounded by 2 robots, and we quickly run to the right and down, through the hall we run to the pit with balls.

Fourth night

Oswald's house

When we arrive at Oswald's house, we do not see anyone there. Therefore, we immediately go to school.


In the school corridor, the bully and his assistants block our path. But instead of them, for a moment we see 3 animatronics and a crowd of robots similar to them. To get through, you need to push the bully. After that, we immediately run away from the school.


Having arrived at the pizzeria, we go to the upper door. In the long room with paint cans, turn right and take the charger from the trash can. Then we go into the upper right room and dive into the balls. Moving into the past, we go to the right behind the scenes and take the battery from the shelves. Further to the right, in a dark room, we find a slot for tickets. We approach the slot machines, next to which Chica is standing, but she does not bother us. We go to the main hall, to the left door, behind the small stage we take the ticket counter. Behind the upper right door we see Freddy the bear. To lure him out, we go to the room with gifts and from one of them we get a toy Freddy.


Having left the pizzeria building, we head to the library. There is another student at the entrance, with whom we exchange - we give him a teddy bear and receive a firecracker in return. At this moment, another girl comes up to us and starts talking to us. Suddenly, our father finds us and takes us home, holding our hand.

Oswald's House

Returning home, in our room, we go to the left window and unlock it with a screwdriver.


Arriving at the pizzeria at night, we go to the upper right door, where we saw Freddy. The bear rushes after us, but we leave a firecracker on his way. The animatronic will be temporarily blinded by the explosion, and we manage to run into the upper right room.

Inside is the guard's room. Here we talk to the boy and can look at the video cameras in all the rooms. Answering the phone, we get a new task. We go to the slot machines and turn on the one under Freddy's head. We return to the guard's room, but the boy is gone - instead of him we find dad's wedding ring. In the top cabinet we take the battery. Examining the cameras, we see that the Yellow Rabbit is carrying the child away. We go out into the hall to distract the Rabbit and run away. We go to the arcade machines and take the hammer. We head to the right middle room, to the kitchen. We use the hammer to open the door of the steel cabinet in which the boy is. When we save him, he runs away. And the Rabbit is chasing us. Breaking out of his hands, we run into the pit with balls.

Fifth night

The final night in the exciting story "Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit" comes. We find ourselves in Oswald's abandoned house, where there is not a soul. We go outside and head to the pizzeria.


As soon as we cross the threshold of the pizzeria, night falls. The upper right door is closed, so we go in search of the seller. We go up to the kitchen, where we see posters. We move to the right and up. In the guard's room we find the seller Jeff at the computer. We ask him for the keys to the ball pit.

Chasing the Rabbit

As soon as we get the keys, the Rabbit starts chasing us. We quickly run to the pit, open the door and hide inside. But the Rabbit appears from the pit, so we have to hide in other rooms of the pizzeria.

Exploring the pizzeria

We find the way to the guard's room on the right above and answer the phone call. In the arcade, we go to the machine in the left corner, insert the ticket and get a voucher for 20 tickets. Also in the center of the arcade we find a machine with prizes, where we get a voucher and a portable console.

Secret room

We make our way through the ventilation into a dark room, and then into the room behind the scenes. On the left, from the pile of parts, we take a card, with which we unlock the door to the room with posters. There we find the kidnapped girl and free her.

Saving Father

Near the girl, through the ventilation we get into the room with prostheses, where our father is tied up. We untie him and hide in the ventilation. The Rabbit takes father with him. We go back out through the ventilation and head to the upper right room, where we meet the Rabbit and father.


There are several possible endings:

Bad ending: The Rabbit attacks us, and if we do not fight back, he will eat us. We will wake up on the stage, where next to the Yellow Rabbit, our eyes will also light up blue.

Standard ending: we fight off the Rabbit, save our father. But in the end, the Rabbit appears again and takes us away to his captivity, leaving father alone.

Secret ending: if we have a "strange photo" and "father's badge", the Rabbit will see them, chase us, but will get tangled in the attraction net. We will be able to escape with our father.

All Achievements of Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit.


1. Into the Pit - Jump into the pool. Jump into the ball pit. Night 1.

2. It's Me Secret. Story. Hide in Golden Freddy. Night 1.


1. I Hear You. Reach the maximum value of the noise indicator. It is enough to turn on the radio or the fuse.

2. GOOOAL! Secret. After jumping into the pit, kick the ball from the bottom left.

3. Sugar Rush. Secret. In the past, in the pizzeria hall there are 3 machines with candies, we try to get them several times.

4. Jinx's Favorite (Don't Jinx Yourself). You can pet the cat. Day 2-5. At home, in your room, click on the cat.

5. Who You Gonna Call? Secret. Dial 911 on the phone.

6. Beep-beep! (Honk honk!) Honk Freddy's nose. In the pizzeria during the day, click on Freddy's nose.

7. Chica's Party. Secret. When Chica leaves the kitchen, we catch her eye.


1. Insert Coin to Play. Play any arcade game.

2. Arcade Apprentice. Repair all the machines. Each has its own part.

3. Not A Gamer. Play all the mini games in the arcade machines.

4. Achievement Not Found. Collect 404 tickets from winning arcade games.

Secret Items

1. Gimmie Five! Collect all 5 family items.

2. Who are they? Find a weird photo for the secret ending.


1. Big Kid. Trip 5 times. Run a long distance fast.

2. Toddler. Trip 20 times. Run a long distance fast.

3. Baby. Trip 100 times. Run a long distance fast.


1. Let there be light! Flip the light switch 10 times. There are switches at home and in the pizzeria.

2. The Light of '87. Flip the light switch 87 times. There are switches at home and in the pizzeria.


1. Jinx's Favorite. Meet Jinx in the room 10 times. 5 times according to the story. At home, look for the cat again in different rooms.

2. I Don't Want to Wait (Impatient). Press the action button 100 times during the game insert. Press the button to skip cutscenes 100 times.

3. Life of the Party (Social Butterfly). You need to talk to almost all the characters.

Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the Pit Endings

1. See Ya, Dad. Night 1. When all the kids start running away, run away with them.

2. Pit-y Party. Standard ending (1 star). We will remain captive to the Rabbit.

3. Jeff? (Jeff?) Ending with Jeff the salesman (2 stars).

4. Family Fun Night

5. Secret Ending (3 stars).

FNAF: Into the Pit Specials. FNAF: Into the Pit Achievements

1. Night Vision. Complete the game without turning on the flashlight. (Hide is not on). In the dark, we walk from memory.

2. Hide-n-Seek World Champ. Use each hide-n-seek location once when being chased, but do not get caught. Hide under every table, in every drawer, vent, robot.

3. A Master of Stealth. Complete the game without being caught even once. Plot points do not count. Do not get caught in levels.

4. Night Rider. Get any ending in Nightmare mode.

Get any ending in Horror mode.

6. Looking to the Future. Unlock all achievements.

7. Platinum. Get it automatically for all other achievements.

Game from the guide