List of all console commands in CS:GO, how to activate the console, server settings, weapons, cheats, csgo developer console
Console Commands CS:GO
Before you can use the CS:GO console commands, you need to activate the console itself. In general, the use of console commands is not always harmful and can be perceived as cheating. Most of them have nothing to do with cheat codes at all. And only a minimal number of console commands will allow you to reap some benefit.
How to activate the console in CS:GO
To do this, go to the game settings from the main menu and find the corresponding line. Select "Yes" next to it. Now you can start a game session and press ~ to open the console. The ~ key, also known as the Russian “ё”, is located above the TAB key.
How to enable cheats in CS:GO
In addition, if you want to use cheats (some commands), you will first have to activate the cheat mode. This is done in the console, when entering the sv_cheats 1 command.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
All codes and console commands Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
And now in order.
Server settings and commands in CS:GO
- mp_restartgame 1 - restart the game server
- bot_kick - remove bots from the server
- bot_add_ct - add a bot to counter-terrorists
- bot_add_t - add a bot to terrorists
- mp_maxmoney 150000 - set the maximum possible amount of money (in our example - $150,000)
- mp_startmoney 50000 - set the desired amount of money at the beginning of the game??s (in our example, $50,000)
- mp_warmup_end - end warmup
- mp_limitteams 0 - remove the limit on the number of players in teams
- mp_autoteambalance 0 - disable automatic team balance
- mp_roundtime 10 - round duration in minutes
- mp_maxrounds 10 - maximum size of rounds (maximum number)
- mp_timelimit 10 - maximum game duration (in minutes)
- mp_c4timer 10 - set bomb timer
- mp_freezetime 0 - remove the freeze time at the beginning of the round
- mp_buytime 600 - specify the time to buy (in seconds)
- mp_buy_anywhere 1 - you can buy anywhere on the map
- ammo_grenade_limit_total 6 - remove the limit on the number of grenades
- mp_warmuptime 9999 - specify the duration of the warm-up
- sv_cheats 1 - enable cheats
- sv_visiblemaxplayers 25 - set the maximum number of players in a session
- sv_specnoclip 1 - a player in the spectra will be able to fly through walls and objects
- sv_specspeed 1.5 - change speed in spectrum mode
- sv_forcepreload 1 - gamers will be able to connect only after the server is fully loaded
Mouse settings
- sensitivity 5.5 - set mouse sensitivity
- m_customaccel 0 - get rid of mouse acceleration
- m_customaccel_exponent 0 - deactivate acceleration proportionality factor measurement
- m_customaccel_max 0 - maximum acceleration proportionality factor
- m_customaccel_scale 0.04 - normal (default) mouse acceleration value
- m_forward 1 - sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
- m_mouseaccel1 0 - mouse acceleration, initial threshold (2x movement)
- m_mouseaccel2 0 - mouse acceleration, medium threshold (4x movement)
- m_mousespeed 1 - Windows mouse speed factor
- m_pitch 0.022 - invert mouse (Disabled)
- m_rawinput 1 - direct mouse connection, ignoring control panel settings in Windows
- m_side 0.8 - set mouse movement speed sensitivity multiplier
- m_yaw 0.022 - set the sensitivity multiplier for the speed of turns left-right
Cheat commands
- noclip - activate flight mode (you can walk through walls and objects), with the same command you can deactivate
- mat_wireframe 1 - enable the ability to view the wireframe of the walls
- mat_wireframe 0 - disable the ability to view the wireframe of the walls
- god - activate the immortality mode, you can deactivate it with the same command
- r_drawothermodels 2 - enable the ability to see through walls
- r_drawothermodels 1 - disable the ability to see through walls
Give yourself a weapon
- give weapon_m4a1 - get M4A4 (no silencer)
- give weapon_m4a1_silencer - get M4A1 (silenced)
- give weapon_famas - get FAMAS
- give weapon_aug - get AUG
- give weapon_scar20 - get SCAR-20
- give weapon_awp - ??get AWP
- give weapon_ssg08 - get SSG-08
- give weapon_ak47 - get AK 47
- give weapon_galilar - Get Galil AR
- give weapon_sg556 - get SG556
- give weapon_g3sg1 - get G3SG1
- give weapon_awp - get AWP
- give weapon_ssg08 - get SSG-08
- give weapon_mp9 - get MP9
- give weapon_mp7 - get MP7
- give weapon_ump45 - Get UMP-45
- give weapon_p90 - get P90
- give weapon_bizon - get PP-19 Bizon
- give weapon_mac10 - get MAC-10
- give weapon_usp_silencer - Get USP-S
- give weapon_hkp2000 - get P2000
- give weapon_glock - get a Glock
- give weapon_elite - Get Dual Berettas
- give weapon_p250 - get P250
- give weapon_fiveseven - Get Five Seven
- give weapon_cz75a - get CZ75-Auto
- give weapon_tec9 - Get Tec-9
- give weapon_revolver - Get Revolver R8
- give weapon_deagle - Get Desert Eagle
- give weapon_nova - Get Nova
- give weapon_xm1014 - get XM1014
- give weapon_mag7 - get MAG-7
- give weapon_sawedoff - Get Sawed-Off
- give weapon_m249 - get M249
- give weapon_negev - Get Negev
Give yourself equipment in CS GO
- give weapon_knife - get a knife
- give weapon_c4 - Get a C4 bomb
- give weapon_taser - Get Zeus
- give item_defuser - get wire cutters/diffuse.
- give item_vesthelm - get armor with a helmet
- give item_vest - get armor without a helmet
- give weapon_hegrenade - Get a frag grenade
- give weapon_smokegrenade - Get a smoke grenade
- give weapon_flashbang - Get flashbang
- give weapon_molotov - get a Molotov cocktail
- give weapon_incgrenade - get incendiary
- give weapon_decoy - Get a decoy grenade
Commands for changing hands
- cl_righthand 0 - move weapon to left hand
- cl_righthand 1 - move weapon to right hand
- viewmodel_presetpos 1 - default weapon in hand
- viewmodel_presetpos 2 - increased view of the weapon in hand
- viewmodel_presetpos 3 - classic weapon in hand (as in CS 1.6)
- viewmodel_fov 55 - zoom in or out on screen weapon models (minimum -54, maximum - 65)
- viewmodel_offset_x - 0 the position of the weapon and hand on the x-axis
- viewmodel_offset_y - 0 the position of the weapon and arm along the y-axis
- viewmodel_offset_z - 0 weapon and arm z position
Graphics settings
- mat_autoexposure_max 3 - maximum screen brightness
- mat_autoexposure_min 0.5 - minimum screen brightness
- mat_debug_postprocessing_effects 0 - do not show algorithms in screen quadrants??on
- mat_disable_bloom 1 - disable bloom effect
- mat_monitorgamma 2.2 - adjust gamma (1.6 - light, 2.6 - dark)
- mat_queue_mode 2 - enable multi-core rendering
- mat_savechanges - save video settings in the Windows registry
- mat_setvideomode 1680 1050 1 - set screen resolution
- muzzleflash_light 0 - deactivate dynamic (reflected) light from flashes
- r_cheapwaterend 0 - disable bottom and water rendering
- r_dynamic0 - disable dynamic reflections from objects
Radar settings
- drawradar - activate radar
- hideradar - disable radar
- cl_radar_always_centered 0 - center the map
- cl_radar_scale 0.3 or 0.4 - set the map size
- cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.7 - set the size of the players' dots on the map
Network settings
- net_channels 0 - show channel information in the console (similar to the net_graph command)
- net_graph 1 - activate the connection information panel
- net_graphheight 40 - set the height of the net_graph panel
- net_graphmsecs 400 - change block update rate
- net_graphpos 1 - set the position of the net_graph
- net_graphproportionalfont 0.5 - set the size of net_graph
- net_graphshowinterp 1 - show interpolation string
- net_graphshowlatency 1 - Show Ping and packet graph
- net_graphsolid 1 - deactivate lagomer transparency
- net_graphtext 1 - activate the text in the block
- net_maxroutable 1260 - maximum fragmentation in bytes per packet
- net_scale 5 - setchart size
- option_duck_method 0 - hold/single press the duck key
- option_speed_method 0 - hold/single press the run key
- rate 30000 - set the number of bytes that the client can receive from the server per second
Voice Chat Commands
- voice_enable 1 - activate voice chat in the game
- voice_forcemicrecord 1 - set microphone recording in game
- voice_loopback 0 - hear your voice in headphones
- voice_modenable 1 - activate voice chat in fashion
- voice_recordtofile 0 - disable microphone recording to file
- voice_scale 1 - set the volume level for everyone
- volume 1.0 - set the sound volume
- windows_speaker_config 1 - switch speaker type to "headphones"
- Interface Commands (HUD)
- hud_scaling 0.75 - set interface size
- hud_showtargetid 1 - show nickname when hovering over a player
- hud_takesshots 0 - disable automatic screenshots at the end of the match
Team Budget
- budget_averages_window 0 - Set the number of frames to count when displaying the panel's average frame rate
- budget_background_alpha 0 - set the transparency of the panel
- budget_bargraph_background alpha 128 - set the transparency of the panel
- budget_bargraph_range_ms 16.6666666667 - set the border of the chart in seconds
- budget_history numsamplesvisible 0 - set the number of segments to draw the chart
- budget_history_range_ms 5 - set chart border in seconds
- budget_panel_height 384 - set to??cell panel in pixels
- budget_panel_width 512 - set the width of the panel in pixels
- budget_panel_x 0 - set the x position of the window from the left edge of the screen
- budget_panel_y 50 - set the y position of the window from the left edge of the screen
- budget_peaks_window 0 - set the number of frames to count the statistics window display
- budget_show_averages 0 - disable average in statistics
- budget_show_history 0 - disable graphics history
- budget_show_peaks 0 - disable displaying peaks in statistics
- bugreporter_uploadasync 0 - Upload applications asynchronously
Other console commands
- bot_dont_shoot 1 - bots, when they see you, stand still; to disable, enter the same command but with "0"
- bot_difficulty 0/1/2/3 - set the difficulty of bots
- bot_knives_only - bots only fight with knives
- bot_pistols_only - bots only fight with pistols
- bot_stop - stop all bots
- bot_chatter - prevent bots from using radio chat
- fog_enable 0 - make smoke invisible
- mp_drop_knife_enable 1 - ability to drop a knife
- mp_teamname_1 "CQ" - the ability to change the name of the teams: (1) - counter-terrorists, (2) - terrorists
- cl_bobcycle 0.8 - set the frequency of the player's image swaying while running
- cl_bobup 0.5 - set the number of jumps of the player's image when running
- cl_drawhud 1 - activate the HUD menu
- cl_extrapolate 1 - simple linear prediction of object positions based on the history of their behavior before
- cl_extrapolate_amount 0.20 - extrapolation is performed only for packet loss up to 0.2 seconds
- cl_predict 1 - Predicts player movements on the client side
- cl_phys_timescale 1.0 - set the timescale on the client side
- cl_removedecals 0 - do not remove decals from the object under the scope
- cl_wpn_sway_scale 1.0 - set the animation amplitude of the weapon model when firing
- mat_fastnobump 0 - disable the fast algorithm for rendering volumetric textures
- mat_frame_sync_enable 1 - enable to force frame synchronization
- mat_frame_sync_force texture 0 - force frame sync to lock managed textures
- mat_tonemap_algorithm 1 - old map drawing algorithm
- net_fakeloss 0 - fake packet loss in percentage
- r_modelwireframedecal 0 - don't show damage to the enemy
- prop_physics_create \props_vehicles\cara_69sedan.mdl - a car will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_unique\atm01.mdl - an ATM will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_dust\dust_food_crates_56.mdl - a box of food will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\props_crates\wooden_crate_64x64.mdl - wooden boxes will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\props_gameplay\capture_flag.mdl - a capture flag will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props_interiors\lamp_floor.mdl - a floor lamp will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\computer_caseb.mdl - one of the computer system block options will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_pipes\concrete_pipe001b.mdl - tr will appear on the mapuba
- prop_physics_create \props_foliage\flower_barrel.mdl - a flower barrel will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\snowman_face.mdl - a snowman's head will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\snowman_body.mdl - a snowman's body will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_signs\sign_street_02.mdl - a road sign will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_militia\toilet.mdl - a toilet will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props_street\trashbin01.mdl - a trash can will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_foliage\mall_tree_medium01.mdl - a medium tree from the store will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_inferno\tree_large.mdl - a large tree will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_foliage\urban_streettree01_medium.mdl - a street medium tree will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props_foliage\tree_palm_dust01.mdl - a palm tree will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\tv_plasma.mdl - a TV will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\Vending_machine.mdl - a vending machine with drinks will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_dust\stoneblock01a.mdl - a type 1 stone block from the de_dust map will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_dust\stoneblocks48.mdl - a type 2 stone block from the de_dust map will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\computer.mdl - a computer will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\microwave.mdl - a microwave will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\sofa.mdl - a sofa / sofa will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_aztec\aztec_block.mdl - stone block from de_aztec map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_aztec\aztec_danger_sign.mdl - a "Danger" sign will appear on the map with_de_aztec maps
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_cbble\pine_a\pine_a.mdl - a pine tree will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_dust\dust_metal_crate.mdl - a metal box from the de_dust map will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_nuke\crate_extralarge.mdl - a large crate from de_nuke will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_nuke\fuel_cask.mdl - a fuel tank will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_overpass\playground_entrance.mdl - an entrance sign to the playground from the de_overpass map will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_vertigo\barrel_group_tintable_01.mdl - barrels from the de_vertigo map will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\de_vertigo\cementmixer.mdl - a concrete mixer will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_militia\axe.mdl - an ax will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_italy\bananna_bunch.mdl - a banana will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\file_box.mdl - a box with papers will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\cs_office\computer_keyboard.mdl - the keyboard will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props_interiors\lamp_table02.mdl - a table lamp will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props_junk\watermelon01.mdl - a watermelon will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_assault\money.mdl - a stack of money will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\computer_mouse.mdl - a computer mouse will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props_junk\garbage_coffeemug001a.mdl - a mug will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_italy\orange.mdl - an orange will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\paper_towels.mdl - paper towels will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\phone.mdl - will a phone appear on the map??
- prop_dynamic_create \pigeon.mdl - a dove will appear on the map
- prop_physics_create \props\cs_office\radio.mdl - a radio will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \player\holiday\santahat.mdl - Santa's hat will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \seagull.mdl - seagull
- prop_physics_create \props_junk\popcan01a.mdl - a can of soda will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \extras\info_speech.mdl - a voice chat icon will appear on the map
- prop_dynamic_create \props\crates\weapon_crate_a.mdl - a weapon case will appear on the map
- ent_create chicken - the creation of a chicken will appear on the map
- ent_create env_explosion ent_fire env_explosion - an explosion and fire will appear on the map
- ent_create env_spark ent_fire env_spark (remove effect - ent_fire env_spark kill) - sparks will appear on the map
- ent_create env_splash ent_fire env_splash (remove effect - ent_fire env_splash kill) - a splash of water will appear on the map
- ent_create flashbang_projectile - flashbang effect
- ent_create hostage_entity - a hostage will appear on the map
Teams for training
- sv_infinite_ammo 1 - infinite ammo in the game
- sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - show the entire trajectory of the grenade, with dots it will show where the grenade was in contact with the textures
- ammo_grenade_limit_total 111 - set the maximum number of grenades a player has
- sv_showimpacts 1 - show points hit by bullets
- sv_showbullethits 1 - when hit, show the silhouette of the enemy at this point
- cl_disable_ragdolls 1 - remove Ragdoll physics (can only be done with the sv_cheats 1 command activated (needed if FPS drops due to a lot of smoke)
- dsp_slow_cpu 1 - reduce sound quality (unnecessary command)
- mat_disable_bloom 1 - disable the bloom effect
- r_drawparticles 0 - remove animations of weapons, water splash and so on
- mp_buy_anywhere 1 - allows you to buy weapons on the entire map
- mp_freezetime 0 - remove freeze at the start of the round
- mp_buytime 7200 - increase the duration of the purchase of weapons to 120 minutes
- mp_roundtime_defuse 60 - increase round time to 60 minutes
- mp_maxmoney 55500 - increase the maximum amount of money to $55500
- mp_startmoney 55500 - increase the starting amount of money by $55500
- mp_warmup_end - end warmup
- mp_autoteambalance 0 - disable automatic balancing of gamers in teams
- mp_warmuptime 55555 - enable infinite warmup time on the map
- mp_timelimit 50 - set the time before changing the map
Typically, many playersfor an endless warm-up use the following commands (you can copy and paste into the console line):
- sv_grenade_trajectory 1 ammo_grenade_limit_total 111 sv_showimpacts 1 mp_buy_anywhere 1 mp_freezetime 0 mp_buytime 3600 mp_roundtime_defuse 60 mp_maxmoney 55500 mp_startmoney 55500 mp_warmuptime 55555 mp_timelimit 50 bot_kick
Commands for managing bots
- bot_add - add a bot to a team that does not have enough players
- bot_add_ct - add a bot for counter-terrorists
- bot_add_t - add a bot for terrorists
- bot_kick - remove all bots from the game
- bot_kickJack - remove only one bot named Jack
- bot_kill - kill all bots (you can specify a name and kill a specific one)
- bot_zombie 1 - all bots will stand still
- bot_dont_shoot - all bots will stop shooting (you can specify a name)
- bot_difficulty - set the intelligence level of bots (0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard)
- bot_stop - bots will stop
- bot_mimic 1 - the bot repeats the actions of the player
- bot_mimic_yaw_offset 0 - cancel the repetition of actions by the player's bot
- bot_crouch 1 - all bots will crouch
- bot_place - the bot will appear right in front of you
FPS setting
- net_graph 3 - display the number of fps
- fps_max 305 - set the maximum number of fps in the game
- func_break_max_pieces 0 - set the number of fragments from objects