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Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)

How to complete all the story levels of the game Scorn.
Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)
Julia Kushnaryova
Date of publication
17 October 2022

Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)

How to complete all the story levels of the game Scorn

Scorn Walkthrough 2022

Scorn is a dark first-person horror game released on October 14, 2022 for PC and Xbox.

Act 1

At the beginning of the game, you will see a door in front of you that cannot be opened. Follow the corridor until you reach a large hall with a pillar in the middle. Climb down the ramp to reach the first floor and squeeze through the door. To your left, find a small tube into which you can put your hand. A key will appear on your hand, which will allow you to open some doors.

After that, interact with the console in the center of the room and open the door, using the lock to the left of it first. Hold LMB, then interact with the spinning wheel on the right to move the door to the right.

Detach from the console and run through the door before it closes. Go to the large hall you saw earlier from above. This hall contains several passages and corridors, so to make it easier to navigate, we have created a handy map, which indicated the three main paths, as well as key interactive objects.

Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)


To continue the game, you need to follow path B. You can ignore path A altogether, since that's where you came from. So, take path B and you'll find an elevator you can use. Once at the top, you will find two consoles in front of you and a large wall with eggs. The center console allows you to grab the egg, which is located in the upper left corner, in a luminous position, and the right console controls a mechanical arm that can move different eggs.

Use the right console first and you will see that you can interact with the eggs, pick them up and move them along the sleepers on the wall. There are both single eggs and groups of two or three eggs on the wall.

There are lights on the two eggs on the wall. This means that they are alive. You need to deliver them one by one to the glowing dot in the upper left corner. The first egg will burst, so the second one will have to be delivered. Take a set of two dead eggs (without light) on the middle horizontal rail and drag them to the right. Then move the live egg in the third horizontal row, five columns across, to the top left corner. Interact with the central machine to destroy the glowing egg.

This is not enough, but the actions performed made it possible to remove one egg from the board, and now it will be easier to manage the rest. Below you can find a diagram that will make it easier to solve the problem of moving one live egg to the upper left corner. This diagram shows different cell numbers for each location on the wall.

Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)

First move the egg from B8 to C8 and then from B5 to B1. Then move C3 to B8. Then shift C9 by one to C10. Move D8 to C9 and then B8 to D7. Then slide C7 to B7. Drop A4 to B3 and move A6 to A3. To complete the first part of the objective, move B7 up (it should be a burning egg) and then down from B7 to B5.

After that, slide A4 to A7 and then down to C8. Take B3 and lift it up and then back down to B8. Then move the egg from C1 up and fill in the only gap in B6. Finally, move C3 to A7, after which you can move B5 up and then down and up again to the lit cell. In the end, you should get the following picture:

Scorn Walkthrough 100% (Updated)


Use the left console to break the shell. Go down the elevator and go to the console by the trolley. Interact with her to grab the creature. Repeat the action to place it on the cart. Push it towards the nearest device and then interact with the console.

Climb up the central column and interact with the large console at the top. You will see the room from a bird's eye view. See diagram above. Make sure Track Change 1 is aligned with Path A and Track Change 2 is aligned with Path B. Go back down and push the cart to the end of the room.

In this room, next to the large scooping device, you will find two consoles. Interact with the big one to pick up move the humanoid to the big device. Lower him into a chair. Use the smaller console to kill the humanoid and get his hand. Pick up your hand. Before returning to the large door, you need to attach the key to your hand. Follow path C from the map above to find a pipe located opposite the torture machine. Put your hand in there to put the key on it.


If you want the creature to survive, after the first device, you should move the trolley with the humanoid to another room, where a special device will break the shell. Clear the debris, then lead the creature through the right tunnel behind you. It goes slowly. If it stands still, then you are moving in the wrong direction. there will be a tube on the right wall. Use it to install a key on the humanoid.

Head to the main door and consoles in the great hall and insert the creature's hand into the left console (or the creature itself, which will fall to the ground) to open the lock. Use the right console and open the door.


Take the elevator up. At the top there will be a large square hall with two doors on either side. Before you pass through these openings, move straight ahead to find a cylindrical weapons cabinet. It will rise as soon as you get close to it. This is how you get your first weapon. Take it and go through the doorway to the left of where you looked when you exited the elevator.

Just behind it, in front of the fleshy pillars, there will be a small slot where you can insert a weapon to remove the shutters on the walls. White drones will start flying around the room. Also, a large capsule will move to the central device of this location. On the way to this device, destroy the flying white drones. You need to aim at the white spheres.

On the other hand, it's better to return to the main hall and go through another doorway to find the same device. Use the weapon again.

Go to the main device, which looks like a tree with three glowing plugs. Use the center console and then fly the drone. Pick up large capsules (there are three in total) and insert them into the opening holes on the tree. Each time you need to interact with the appearing remotes. When you do this with three capsules, the hero will pass out.

Act 2

After the cut-scene, you will find yourself in the desert. Your goal is to get back inside the structures. Fortunately, although you will end up in an open area, this section is actvirtually linear. Go forward along the winding path until you reach a large circular structure on the right side. Move under it and keep going forward, following the black spots. Follow under the second large structure, and then when you get close to the huge building ahead, walk along it on the right side. In the far part there will be a lighted entrance.

Walk along the long path in the archway and you will see a room on the left with large red buds (eggs) and two consoles. You can't interact with her, so go to the door. In front of her lies a dead man. Take the cylinder key from him. This item is needed to solve several puzzles related to eggs. Next to the body, on the wall, look for a large hole in which you can install a newly selected cylindrical key. You will start a puzzle in which you need to connect the outer pin (which you move) with several rings in the center, starting with the largest one and going down.

Turn the key to see the same pin on the outer ring. Each console will have six positions that the pin can take. Moving clockwise, you need to move it to slot 5, 3, 2 and 1 (where 1 is the pin is exactly at the top, and so on clockwise).

You won't be able to open the door opposite because the key is still missing. Return to the room with red buds and insert the key into another device to the right of the main console. You will open a passage on the left, although you will still not be able to interact with the lowered bud.

Go left and use the elevator to go up. Go through the rooms to find that tailed creature. Turn right and climb up the large spine-like tube. At the end of the pipe, you will see a large pit with three tracks on top and a console on the right. Interact with the console. You can connect with three different passages. First connect with the passage on the left.

At the top of this path, you will see several passages. Turn right first and use the key. Opposite there is a console and a dead body. Interact with the console and paste the key. This puzzle is slightly different from the previous one as the inner rings also move independently of each other. You need to figure out where they might line up with the pin and move it there. The solution is simple: 5-2-6-1 (where 1 is the pin is exactly at the top, and so on clockwise).

Go back and create a bridge with a left passage to find a spinning screw at the other end of the tunnel. He needs to be stopped. Turn right, find a small niche with three cablesthat you must pull out. The screw will stop. Walkback. You are being attacked by a parasite and there is nothing you can do about it. But get access to familiar weapons.

Having received the weapon, go back and go down to the stopped propeller. Head inside to find a console you can interact with. Solve the riddle: 5-1-3-1 (where 1 is the pin at the top, and so on clockwise).

After returning the key, go down the elevator to see another tube into which you can insert your hand. Once you've done that, use the console nearby to open the gate and return to where you were when you took the cylindrical key from the skeleton.

Return to the room with the red buds and take the elevator up again. Get to the console and create a bridge to the left passage. Head left-up to use the console, which could not be activated before. There will be a dead body on it.

With this console, you will be able to move the big brain in the middle to the center of the bottom room. Direct it in such a way as to clear the green passage with the corpses. Go back and create a bridge to this very green passage. Get to the last puzzle and insert the pin at the following positions: 2-3-5-1 (where 1 is the pin is exactly at the top, and so on clockwise).


Move from the device that created the bridges to the left and return to the room with the red buds. Interact with the console (you have completed the key with four discs). Insert the key into the device on the right to lower all the buds. Examine the cylindrical key that is on the console on the left. This is another puzzle. On the right, there are four slots with red stones. It is with them that whites should be connected. To reset the solution, you can return to the main menu. And then the following combination will suit you:

  • Down 2
  • Left 1
  • Up 4
  • Left 1
  • Down 4
  • Left 1
  • Up 2
  • Left 1
  • Up 2
  • Left 1

The solution can be found by trial and error. The puzzle is solved and you can interact with the console near the lowered buds to get another key and a spider. A humanoid will fall out of one of the buds and die immediately. Go through the locked door across from the skeleton with the cylindrical key at the start of the area.

Follow right to find another door that can be opened. Go down the elevator so that the parasite will damage the main character. This is one of thosescripted moments that will happen throughout the game. But, fortunately, there is a healing station in front of you that you can use to recover.

Move on and go through a few doors until you can use the elevator.