Series description:
A detailed guide in which we tell you everything you need to know about Leo in "Dracula Love Story" on the Path of Courage. How to have an affair with Leo, earn his trust, respect, get close to Leo, see every bed scene. Stay with Leo at the end of the game.
Leo. Path of Courage
To improve and build a relationship with Leo in the Dracula Love Story Romance Club, choose the following actions.
1 season. 1 series. News from a past life
Help Leo (11 diamonds). Improved relationship with Leo
Say that the cat is noble. Leo will remember your words
Leo's flirting is pleasant. Improved relationship with Leo
On the way to school, inspect the bushes. The heroine will notice the daughter of the chief vizier with a man, but she will be late
With you. Hasan is very upset by your attitude. Improving relations with Aslan
I'm not your sister / I can get used to
1 season. 2 series. New heir to the throne
Tell everything how it was. +1 Good luck, improving relations with Leo
Leo sit down / Pet him (23 Diamonds). Improved relationship with Leo
Fight back. +1 Courage
I'm ready to learn. The teacher counts on the heroine
Pull out of hand. +1 Courage
Enter inside. +1 Courage
Enter inside. +1 Courage
Tell the Sultan: "No one is to blame."
I think things are getting serious. Sandra is upset that the heroine was carried away by Leo
Saying you like it. Improved relationship with Sandra
I will kill him / I will kill her! +1 Courage
Take your paintings. +1 Courage
Season 1 Episode 3 Unexpected move
Agree. The paintings will belong to the heroine
I'll say it softer. Convince Sister
Fight for love. +1 Courage
We sit next to Aslan. Improving relations with Aslan
To Aslan's stable. Improving relations with Aslan
Prepare for the competition. In the future, respect for the heroine in the palace will be strengthened, there will be an opportunity to take part in a scientific competition
I'll see who's there. +1 Courage
Season 1 Episode 4 First night at the castle
Run up to Leo. Improved relationship with Leo
If you have a good enough relationship with Vlad, then he will offer you to become the mistress of his house. He will be happy if you agree
If the relationship with Leo is good, he will be frank in a game of Truth or Dare.
Never. +1 Courage
Time to intervene +1 Courage
Come out and sympathize with Leo.
If the relationship with Leo is close, meet him in the library.
We sympathize with Dimitris.
I proudly refuse him. +1 Courage, Mehmed got mad at the heroine
I'll beat them. +1 Courage
Select Aslan for surveillance.
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Season 1 Episode 5 Crime
Ask Leo to lie down next to you (18 diamonds). Kissing scene and improved relationship
For a while: "Left" - "Straight."
Eavesdrop on a conversation between Leo and Vlad (12 diamonds). Learn important information
I got angry. +1 Courage
Go to the museum with Leo.
Do you want us to go nowhere?
Be strong. +1 Courage
If you prepared for the competition in 1x03, then respect for you in the palace will be strengthened.
That's right, I gave it to her / I came up with a punishment. +1 Courage
With high respect in the palace, Gul-Khatun will let Zara go with you.
If the heroine takes part in the competition, she will win, if Zara, she will take 5th place.
Season 1 Episode 6 childhood friend
I'll push him away. +1 Courage
Yes, sure. Improved relationship with Leo and the cat
Interesting / Funny. +1 Courage
Let me see Aslan (10 diamonds). Improving relations with Aslan
With a short hello.
Exciting. Improved relationship with Millie
Season 1 Episode 7 Uncomfortable guest
Let's see the garden.
I will stay with you.
I don't like it / I have to do something. +1 Courage
I'm going with you. +1 Courage
Look out and listen (11 diamonds). Learn important information
I will come and support Aslan. Improving relations with Aslan
Stroke Leo's hair.
Season 1 Episode 8 Rain
I'll ask directly. +1 Courage
Let's see what's there? +1 Courage
By choosing paid outfits for a cat, we can improve relations with him. Will come in handy later
Get angry. +1 Courage
Fight back / Scream loudly. +1 Courage
Why do you need this? +1 Courage
Knight of Wands. Improving relations with Aslan
Very strange. +1 Courage
Season 1 Episode 9 Moaning walls
Go to the castle for Leo. Improved relationship with Leo
I can take off your shirt (31 diamonds). Improved relationship with Leo
Great friendship.
Send Zara to Safiya.
It's not about status. +1 Courage
Season 1 Episode 10 Victim
Leo is wonderful.
You need to tame her. +1 Courage
Introduce yourself to a girl. Remember a warm welcome
Approach the cat.
Stand up for the Nosferatu (23 Diamonds). +1 Courage, cats can be friends - improved relations with cats
Ask Jean about everything (9 diamonds).
Aslan will not let the heroine fall (9 diamonds). Improving relations with Aslan
Ask Vlad and Aslan to stay (23 diamonds). Improving relations with Aslan and Vlad
Feel sorry for Mehmed. The first step towards improving relations with Mehmed
Should be despised as before. Strengthening hatred for Mehmed
"Follow Vlad", then "Do not destroy, but create." +1 Soul Light
Season 1 Episode 11 Liberation
Demand an explanation / See what's up with Gradish. +1 Courage
Speak first. +1 Courage
You clever. Improved relationship with sister
You are right, we need to act. +1 Courage
Ilinka's story (20 diamonds). Learn important information
Grabbed her by the hand. +1 Courage
Season 1 Episode 12 King
Don't evade the answer. +1 Courage
We need to help them / The main thing is not to panic. +1 Courage
I rushed to Leo.
I won't scold.
Let me go now! +1 Courage
*With pleasure (26 diamonds)*
It's all nonsense! +1 Courage
No need, let him go!
Leo sacrificed himself for us.
Yes, of course (Requirement: 16 Courage).
Save him please! +1 Soul Light
2 season 1 episode. Sky. Airplane. Young woman.
Now it's Leo.
I don't like it / A relic of the past. +1 Courage
Of course, come on! +1 Courage
I will sit at least all night.
Good (27 diamonds).
Do you need something? +1 Courage
I'll go to them / Excuse me, gentlemen, can't it be faster? +1 Courage
Season 2 Episode 2 - The Black Pieces
Yes, what do you allow yourself / Wow, how noble! +1 Courage
Did he hurt you again? +1 Courage
Keep watching (34 diamonds). Improving relations with Aslan
Why all of a sudden? +1 Courage
Dangerous ideas. +1 Courage
Repulse / Threaten. +1 Courage
I will study offers of other funds. +1 Courage
I'll push the one on the right.
2 season 3 episode. benefactor
It's all right, go. +1 Courage
Sometimes the weak are worse than the evil / It's the mayor's fault. +1 Courage
Kill the flames with a bag. +1 Courage, +1 Luck
He's so ugly / I need to think of something. +1 Courage
I trust Vlad.
So warm and sincere.
Only not him!
I turned out. +1 Courage
2 season 4 episode. Punishment
Yes, I'll go, I want to be near Leo.
I wonder what (19 diamonds). You learned important information
I have the right to be angry with him. +1 Courage
Kiss Leo.
Leo became very important to me.
Thanks, good to hear.
I will do as you say. The Sultan began to respect you more
With high respect in the palace, the Sultan will be frank with you.
With you anywhere (31 diamonds).
Vlad, I'll stay with Aslan.
Sandra, I'm here! +1 Courage
Season 2 Episode 5
Suspicion is a matter for the police / Suspicions need a reason +1 Courage
Put him in his place +1 Courage
For a while:
After dawn
in the east
Ketchup +1 Luck +1 Courage
I will do so. 8 diamonds
How can I help you? Improving relations with Agnes
But everything is fine, I figured it out +1 Courage
Hear this conversation. 22 diamonds
season 2 episode 6
This is too much/This won't stop me +1 Courage
I'm sure you can do it +1 Courage
Oval and smooth
Light and porous
It was worth it +1 Courage
We are the strength! / Let's unravel the mysteries faster +1 Courage
If you have a close enough relationship with Leo, then "Leo ..." I'm with you. You have taken an important step. Now you and Leo are a couple.
Yes, ready. 97 diamonds. Your relationship with Leo has improved. Exit to the love scene.
I want to continue. Love scene with Leo in his bedroom.
Much calmer +1 Luck
Season 2 Episode 7
Padishah, I'm so sorry
I will rush to them and hug them +1 Courage
More to be with you. 26 diamonds. Improving relations with Aslan
Peered into the darkness +1 Courage
I will gratefully accept help. Improvement with Mehmed
I will decide when to go. +1 Courage
Season 2 Episode 8 Threads of fate
I was very lucky. Improve with all friends
Something very tasty. Improved relationship with cats
Why? / Thank you, I'll stand +1 Courage
I will do it +1 Courage
You are so creative. Improving relationships with teenagers
Season 2 Episode 9 motive
The question was not about that / Enough already play up +1 Courage
I'm sorry, I just didn't have time
Ask the commissar/Check him +1 Courage
Stop being rude / Do you have a star disease? +1 Courage
Season 2 Episode 10 Fire and Water
Timed: Gothic Set
Time: New laptop
For a while: Own pet - puppy
+1 Courage +1 Luck
And I wasn’t going to / Don’t scare me like that! +1 Courage
Tell me.17 diamonds. Important information
Everything is fine +1 Courage
I'm sure they know everything. Improving relationships with teenagers
Season 2 Episode 11
We do not want to be idle / We will decide +1 Courage
Hit the hooded figure +1 Courage
For a while : stop the blood +1 Courage +1 Luck
Destroy +1 Courage
From sympathy to Vlad +1 Courage
Not scared at all +1 Courage
Season 2 Episode 12
Release him now/You ruined everything +1 Courage
I can do it myself +1 Courage
Can't let them do it +1 Courage
For a while : kindle a fire +1 Courage +1 Luck
For a while : With water +1 Courage +1 Luck
For Time : Air and Earth
Alone (34 diamonds). Improved relationship with Leo
season 3 episode 2
And I will help whatever happens + 1 Courage
Merit +1 Courage
The main thing you understand is +1 Courage
Saving you from Karnivan was a bad idea/I don't mind being reprimanded by you +1 Courage
Undress and lie down next to you (105 diamonds). Romantic scene with Leo
I want you
But let Leo carry her in his arms
season 3 episode 3
Will finally begin to understand what's what +1 Courage
I do not need your protection +1 Courage
Leo never let anyone down +1 Courage . Leo thanks for the support
Season 3 Episode 4
Wake the guards +1 Courage +1 Luck
Try to escape +1 Courage
To please you is an honor for me
Very brave and smart
Letter and gift (21 diamonds)
I will hug you for the next hour (29 diamonds)
To close the dark contract +1 Courage +1 Luck
Season 3 Episode 5
you have amazing eyes
Vlad can't be released now
Need to stop this +1 courage
I'm ready +1 Courage
I will come and hug him (32 diamond)
Artist from Rumelia
And the truth will be better
Can be together (18 diamonds)
I understand and won't interfere.
Ready to listen (18 diamonds) - No, tell me more please (32 diamonds)
Season 3 Episode 6
No, it can't be/Good, let's say +1 Courage
Timed: Ilios
For time: stone +1 Courage
Something from my jewels (23 diamonds)
And the second separately for Aslan (27 diamonds)
Therefore, here is a letter for him too (27 diamonds)
Drag Agnes +1 Courage
Okay, let's/Just don't be weird anymore +1 Courage
Season 3 Episode 7
Please help us
Time: One and a half meters
For a time: From the 5th to the 16th centuries. (5th to 16th centuries) +1 Courage +1 Luck
For a while: Thick fabric with gold embroidery +1 Courage +1 Luck
We'll all be in danger
Need to free you from darkness +1 Courage
With pleasure (34 diamonds)
Season 3 Episode 8
you were great
Paid dress. Respect in the palace for you has improved
He really became more human. Improving relations with Mehmed
But the main winner is you, padishah. Respect in the palace for you has improved
The Sultan will be grateful for Ahmed's portrait. Respect in the palace for you has improved
Water must be supplied/We must seat him in a chair +1 Courage
Someone must help uncle +1 Courage . Respect in the palace for you has improved
Comfort him with words
Season 3 Episode 9
See them as individuals. Respect in the palace for you has improved
Put Yavuz Pasha in place (31 diamonds). Respect in the palace for you has improved - And hit Yavuz Pasha in the face +1 Courage
This is not dangerous? I'm worried about you +1 Luck. Improving relations with Aslan
Can I help you get ready? (31 diamonds). Improving relations with Aslan
Let me take it (18 diamonds)
Strange and suspicious/Very amusing +1 Courage
Just got better and immediately to the feats. Improved relationship with Millie
Season 3 Episode 10
Couldn't it have been told before? +1 Courage
Our Pain in the Ass +1 Courage
Kill Noah / Threaten him with a fist +1 Courage
Pull yourself together +1 Courage
Still going on (28 diamonds)
I will give gold for the development of oil wrestling - Where the earth is trampled - How he interlocks his fingers in the lock
I will go with Aslan (28 diamonds)
Season 3 Episode 11
Uncle acted dishonestly by taking your sword +1 Courage
Let's hide in the folds of the fabric of the tent!
Paid outfits improve relations with Leo
I will gladly ride with you (51 diamonds) - Improving relations with Leo + cut-scene
Must protect Aslan +1 Courage
And I saw a memory (20 diamonds)
Season 3 Episode 12
We will definitely find a solution / Yes, how long will this last? +1 Courage
Assassin, though unwitting +1 Courage
Girls, his girlfriends? +1 Luck +1 Courage
Of course, show me (26 diamonds) +1 Courage
No, don't even think about it / It's terrible, but still +1 Courage
Already in the order of things / Just need to do +1 Courage
Season 3 Episode 13
And I'll leave right now +1 Courage
Yes , let's delay (18 diamonds) . Scene with Leo
Something needs to be done about this +1 Courage
You're right, it doesn't mean anything +1 Courage
Season 3 Episode 14
Go to him, talk! +1 Courage
You and I won't go +1 Courage
The visions continued (23 diamonds)
Alas, if it comes, then do not save +1 Courage
Don't waste time talking +1 Courage
Pay attention to guests
He sincerely admires you
Pin on your tie, are those diamonds? +1 Luck +1 Courage
Kick Erji/Slap Ted +1 Courage
And reached out (72 Courage)
Release them now!/I'll free them myself +1 Courage
New visions (29 diamonds)
Stop Erji +1 Courage
Yes, I will help you bring back the darkness (46 diamonds)
You can't fight him/It's very bad +1 Courage
Put her head on Leo's shoulder (46 diamonds) + cut-scene
Leo didn't want to hurt him so much/They are both still dear to me.
I'll do it, I'll go to Vlad +1 Soul Light
Season 4 Episode 1
It did not disappear, I gave it to Nurai
Tell about him
I want to listen more (22 diamonds)
And you? Haven't you left? / Speak quietly, she is sleeping + 1 Courage
Then I'll call my husband, let him choose
Housekeeping, cooking +1 Luck +1 Courage
I will create a shelter school for people like you
Come on out, enough of these games! +1 Courage
I'll show you the way across the river (45 diamonds) - Friends +1 Light of the soul
Then I'll stay tonight (45 diamonds)
season 4 episode 2
You'd think I had a choice/So not so fragile +1 Courage
I need him so much right now! / I am very glad for him. And I hope he knows what's wrong with Vlad
You are my cosmos (56 diamonds)
But now I feel much better +1 Courage
Tell me more (17 diamonds). You learned more about Leo's role / Relationship with Leo improved
Tell me more (17 diamonds) - information
So I will answer it (5 Soul Lights/34 Diamonds)
With joy, they are cute (56 diamonds)
I'm not going anywhere / Who decided for me? +1 Courage
Yes, it's all right +1 Courage
Behaved like a hospitable hostess - You support traditions / Adult. Why are you constantly chastising her? - you rebel against tradition
Season 4 Episode 3
Drop them +1 Courage
*Yes, I want to know more (30 diamonds)*
I'll tell you later but only Leo
Leo, stay, have dinner with me (50 diamonds)
What a bloody tyrant this Justinian is!/Now I don't even want to watch him +1 Courage
Wait, Leo, are you okay?
I can grab the key
*Go to him (30 diamonds) - Evan*
I'll go! +1 Courage - improved relations with Vlad
Refused, sent to the Sultan with nothing +1 Courage +1 Luck - improving relations with Vlad
But Vlad caught me (30 diamonds)
Knight retreat from e5 to f3 - Move queen from d1 to e2
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A major update for War Thunder, Attack of the Hornet, will be released in mid-March, bringing new combat vehicles such as the F/A-18 and HMS Warspite, as well as significant visual improvements to the maps.