Series description:
Detailed Guide to the story of 7 brothers in the game Romance Club. Season 1 Episode 5. How to get through, novels, branches, bed scenes, choices, answers, decisions and their consequences. Getting to the best endings. All characters survived.
Seven Brothers Romance Club Walkthrough - Episode 5 Season 1. One Man Is Not a Warrior
- Well… at least the building didn't burn down in a fire. +1 She-Devil
- You'll save on rent. +1 Little Fox
- Everything will be fine. +1 Princess
- (Comfort.) +1 Princess
- (Appeal to logic.) +1 Little Fox
- (Tease.) +1 Little Fox
«Oh, James…»
- Go to hell. +1 Little Fox
- This must be some kind of mistake… +1 Princess
- What is your family up to? +1 Little Fox
- I did great on the entrance exams. +1 Little Devil
- My place is here. +1 Princess
- I'm climbing the social ladder. +1 Little Fox
- Tell me your secret. Your relationship with Lillian is getting stronger
- I don't really have time to talk. No effect
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
- Say you're interested too (32 diamonds). Your relationship with Lillian is getting stronger
- Change the topic. No effect
If you're following the route with Tristan, keep in mind that the next choice will affect your relationship in the future.
- Sit down next to her and touch her. +1 She-Devil
- Climb under the table and kiss her. +2 She-Devil. Cutscene
- Move away. No effect
- I've invaded your sanctuary. +1 Princess
- I need to talk to you about Ray. +1 She-Devil
- I wanted to ask your advice. +1 Fox
"I don't understand"
- Why would you buy property in an area like this? +1 Fox
- Why can't you stop it? +1 Princess
- What do you know? +1 She-Devil
Next, there will be a sign about who you have the closest relationship with (depending on who has the highest).
- Help Chloe get up (32 diamonds). Your relationship with Chloe is getting stronger
- I want to take a nap. No effect
«Hmm. She knows Grant and Tristan»
- How do you know Grant and Tristan? +1 She-Devil
- Why did their fathers argue? +1 Princess
- Are you saying I should invest? +1 Fox
Depending on the dress you choose, you can get certain stats. If you buy everything at once, you will earn +1 She-Devil, +1 Princess, +1 Fox.
The same situation with hairstyles, but there are more of them, which means if you buy everything, you can earn +2 Princess, +2 Fox, +2 She-Devil.
«Should I ask for help?»
- Ask Grant (18 diamonds). Your relationship with Grant is getting stronger / Two additional choices below
- Ask Tristan (18 diamonds). Your relationship with Tristan is getting stronger
- Figure it out yourself. No effect
- James can't stand me. +1 Devil
- I can't say. +1 Princess
- And why do you think that is? +1 Fox
- Kiss you. KISS with Grant
- I beg you. No effect
- Waiting for your answer. No effect
«Which discipline should I choose?
- Drawing and Dior. No effect
- Economics: Fast fashion supply chains.
- Sociology: Studying social cues through clothing.
- Biology: Introduction.
- I'm not sure.