Walkthrough Broken Heart of
Astraea (Romance Club) — Episode 10
Season 2. Guide and Answers
- Let's
take the papers and go home. +1 skepticism
- I heard
someone's voice. +1 faith Everything is fine. No effect
"Malek forgot about him? Maybe we should take
- (Take
it.) (Paid choice for 17 diamonds) You will still have the opportunity
to decide what to do with the letter.
- (Do not
take.) No effect.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
In close
relationship with Felony:
"Day off?.."
- Only if
you keep me company. (Paid choice for 17 diamonds) Felonia's heart
yearns for you, no matter what, Your relationship has improved
- I'm not
tired. No effect.
"This means that perhaps..."
- Malek
immortal. No effect.
- Malek
is not only our informant. +1 reputation, you are thinking in the right
- Malek
is a beast. No effect .
If in 2x9
you chose "Definitely worth it." and in a close relationship with
Mikael: "Mikael let you go, but he won't forget about the betrayal. Your
relationship will never be the same again!"
We can ask
all your questions
"What's so valuable about it?.."
- Who is
the author of this book? No effect
- Can you
read these symbols? No effect
- Why is
it so important? No effect
- Where
could she be? - ends the conversation.
"I confess - I'll expose myself..."
- (Confess.)
(Choice for 43 reputation stats) You shared important information, This
will affect the plot, Your relationship with your superiors has improved
- (Keep
quiet.) You haven't shared important information. It will affect the
The choice
of outfit and hairstyle has no effect
"This is a page from a book..."
- Not
written by a human. - 1 reputation, Some information should not be
shared at all
- Capable
of stopping the end of the world. -1 reputation, Some information
should not be shared at all
- Which
we are looking for. +1 reputation, you present the information
carefully, that's right
"Most often it is..."
- Just
people. +1 skepticism
- Unusual
entities. +1 faith
- It's
hard to understand. No effect .
The next choice will determine your branch in history":
"And my heart told me..."
- (Mikael.)
(Available with close relations with Mikael and if you did not cheat with
Malek) - Exit to the branch with Mikael
- (Felony.)
(Available when in close relationship with Felony) Exit to the branch
with Felony
- (Raphael.)
(Available with close relations with Raphael) Exit to the branch with
- (David.)
(Available with close relations with David) Exit to the branch with
- (Someone
"And my heart told me..."
- (Malek.)
Going out on the branch with Malek
- (It's
free.) No effect.
We will be
able to ask all the questions, it does not affect
"If everything ends well, then what will
- With an
- With
- With
all of you? Ends the conversation
Branch with Raphael:
he know how much he means to me?"
- (Confess
your love to him.) (Paid choice for 157 diamonds) Raphael will do anything
to get back to you, Your relationship has improved, Intimate scene,
Cutscene, Additional choice
- (Ask
him to come back.)
- (Let
him lead.)
- (Do it
all yourself.) No effect
"Hide? But where am I?"
- (Linger
and watch what's going on upstairs.) No effect
- (Look
for a safe place.) No effect
If in 2x7
you got into the red fog: "Because of your choices, the Astraeans were
unable to teleport to the field. Somnus managed to harm Felonia!",
otherwise: "Thanks to your choices, Somnus did not manage to harm
"Oh my God, who are all these people?.."
- (Come
closer to them.) +1 faith
- (Keep
away.) +1 skepticism
"I need to calm down. I'm so overwhelmed right
- "Anger".
+1 skepticism
- "Pain".
+1 faith
- "Fear".
No effect.
"Something that might help"
- (Calm
people down and think together.) (Choice for 63 faith stats) With your
joint efforts, you managed to save people. This will affect the plot.
- (Think
for yourself.) Additional choice
"There must be some way out..."
- (Look
around.) (Choice for 63 skepticism stat) You managed to save people on
your own. This will affect the plot.
- (Search
for the key.) You failed to save people, This will affect the plot.
In the
absence of a branch with Malek
"This must remain a secret for him."
- (Don't
look him in the eye.) No effect.
- (Try to
escape.) No effect.
- (Silence.)
No effect.
Along the line with Malek
must remain a secret for him."
- (Remind
them of what happened between them.) (Paid choice for 32 diamonds) Improving
relations with Malek, reaching the point
- (Don't
look him in the eye.)
"I just don't believe it, this is some kind of
- (Deny
his involvement.)
- (Try to
understand him.) No effect
"She tried to find with her eyes..."
- Cassiel
- Raphael
- David.
- Somnus
and Fury.
- Mikael.
Completes the selection