Walkthrough Broken Heart of Astraea (Romance Club) - Episode
5 Season 2. Guide and Answers. Underwater
The choice of outfit and hairstyle does not affect the story.
"I wonder if everyone in heaven is like them?"
- Say hello in a reserved manner +1 Reputation. Your
behavior is worthy of respect! Sooner or later they will
admit it.
- Sit silently on the sofa. No effect .
- Greet without any respect -1 Reputation. This
behavior only convinces them of their dubious opinion of you !
Path of Faith: The main
character prefers to rejoice in the fact that God does exist. To which Somonus
will ask: did Mikael tell her about God too? He doesn't think she prayed to the
right people.
Path of High Reputation:
Somnus will say that of course they were looking at the best of her kind. You'd
have to be a fool to disagree with the obvious. Exceptional in her kind. Audrey
was able to make them forget who she really was. It's amazing, but true.
Low Reputation Path:
Somnus will say that they saw a very sad picture: a pitiful, life-beaten
creature. Alone, deprived of a home. Similar pain bound you, but such bonds are
easily broken. No one will pity Audrey forever.
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“And these evil creatures stand above us, above people?”
- Astraeans are not like them +1 Vera
- If immortals are all like this, then I want to be far away from
them +1 Skepticism
"It's time to end this conversation..."
- Get to the point (22 diamonds) +1 Reputation. Somnus
likes your words !
- Keep quiet. No effect .
- Did you manage to find any clues? No effect .
- Were there any signs of a struggle? No
effect .
- The vessel was inspected by the police. No
effect .
If you ask all three questions in this order, +1
Reputation. No detail will escape you! Keep it up!
"Where should I go?"
- Go down and talk to David (28 diamonds). Additional choice .
- Approach Felony. No effect .
"Yeah, it really suits him. He's so..."
- Attractive. David could read your gaze. Your
relationship improved. David was happy to chat with you! Your relationship
- Suspicious. No effect.
"To someone I know?"
- To Mor? No effect.
- To David? No effect.
- To Malik? Correct option .
"The girl suddenly had an unbearable desire for Phil to
feel it too. For the wounds on her heart to heal, even for a moment."
- Talk about Felonia's family (28 diamonds). Additional choice .
- Leave. No effect.
"It's time to change the subject."
- Do you have a big family? No effect .
- How long have you been living among people? No
effect .
- Why can't you go back home? No effect .
- Ready. No matter what. Romantic upgrade. No one
fought for Philonia like you did! She appreciates it!
- Of course. We are friends. A friendly improvement.
No one fought for Philonia as much as you did! She appreciates it very
- I don't know...
- I like you, Fel (72 diamonds). Extra choice
- I really consider you my friend. No effect .
“It’s good that I at least didn’t confess my love to her...”
- What a shame... Cutscene. No matter what Felonia
says, she can't get that kiss out of her head...
- Express your thoughts about her. No effect .
- Explain your feelings
Error! File name
not specified.
"It's like he's talking to me..."
- Listen +1 Vera
- Step away from the side +1 Skepticism
- Take a closer look +1 Vera
- Brush off the obsession +1 Skepticism
"Maybe this is..."
- Intuition? +1 Skepticism
- A hint from above? +1 Vera
- Error? No effect
The choice of swimsuit has no effect.
(Available with close relationship with David)
- Accept help. How hard it is for David to tear himself
away from you!
- Refuse.
"Should I tell you about it?"
- Yes. You decided to warn the guys. This will affect the plot. +1
Reputation. You shared your worries with your colleagues! Felonia was
ready to save you!
- No. You decided not to warn the guys. This
will affect the plot. Additional choice .
- Think again.
Attention! Timed selection!
" What the hell is this?!"
- Freeze.
- Swim Faster +1 Reputation. You quickly navigate
dangerous situations!
- Scream.
- Swim back.
"Will they kill her?.."
- No... +1 Vera
- And rightly so +1 Skepticism
- I don't know what to do. No effect.
Branch with David
- Help, please (72 diamonds) Kissing scene with David. Improvement
of romantic relationships. Additional choice.
- No need, I'll do it myself. No effect .
"Come on..."
- Kiss him myself. No effect .
- Ask him. No effect .
"An uninteresting story about a live siren?"
- Ask to Tell (22 Diamonds) Cassiel was happy to share his past with
you! Your friendship has improved.
- Don't develop the topic. No effect.
"But is he to blame?.."
- Ask for help fastening the amulet (22 diamonds). Cassiel thinks
about you constantly, and it drives him crazy! Cassiel is happy to help
you, although he does not always succeed in it as he should.
- Thank. No effect.