Walkthrough Broken Heart of Astraea (Romance Club) - Episode
7 Season 2. Guide and Answers
"How can I explain all this?.."
- (Throw the spear aside.) No effect.
- (Try to hurt Raphael.) Now your body was under
your control, and you both knew that your relationship with Raphael had
- (Give free rein to emotions.) No effect
- This is impossible. +1 skepticism
- I believe. +1 faith
- I will do everything for this. +1 skepticism
- I hope so. +1 faith
Branch with Raphael
"If I ask him and he agrees, he will be so close
to me..."
- (Ask him to lie down next to you.) (Paid choice for 74 diamonds) Cutscene.
Additional choice below
- (Thank him and go to bed.) No effect.
Error! File name
not specified.
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- Kiss him. No effect.
- Explore his body with your palms. No effect.
The choice of outfit and hairstyle has no effect
"But will they help if they don't know
- Let's tell them. (Paid choice for 20 diamonds) +1
reputation, You are ready to take responsibility for any of your actions,
This is commendable
- Maybe we can manage without them? No effect
" Malek should be aware... Should I call him?"
- Call and ask about Ruth (46 diamonds) +1
Reputation. If in 1x10 you took the choice for the stat. You
want to give Ruth a chance! You have a kind heart! In 2x08
the heroine will receive a gift from Ruth - an outfit. Otherwise we will
find out that Ruth has gone crazy.
- No. To hell with her. You would like to cut
Ruth out of your life.
Branch with David
"That's how it is..."
- But it's better to lock the door anyway. (Paid choice for 46
diamonds) Additional choice
- Maybe we should open the door?
- Let's not compromise ourselves?
"Are you waiting for permission?"
- Since when do you need my permission? David
is ready to do anything for you
- How can I forbid you anything?
"We definitely won't stop like this..."
- And no need! Improved relationship with David,
cutscene, additional choice
- (Find the strength to stop.)
"For example ..."
- I can give you pleasure... (Paid choice for 74 diamonds). David
will do anything to be with you, cutscene
- We can just lie there hugging. (Paid choice for 74 diamonds).
David will do anything to be with you, David does not want to part with
you for a minute, cutscene
- We can decide what to do next. David can't imagine his life
without you, And he can't see his future without you,
- cut scene
- (End the date.) Ends the conversation
If you took any option first, or if you chose all 3 options
and took one of the choices again: "You can still spend time with
If you took all 3 options: "Your relationship with David
has improved!"
- I didn't mean to... +1 faith
- I don't understand how this happened. +1
- It's not my fault. - 1 reputation, This answer doesn't put
you in the best light.
"What to do?.."
- (Check your stash.) If the heroine has good
relations with the boss, she will receive a gift from Somnus.
- (To materialize something pleasant.) No
- (Make Somnus disappear.) No effect
"Need to..."
- "Justify yourself." - 1 reputation, You're
making your father angry, It's not worth it
- "Refuse to obey him." - 1 reputation, You
anger your father, Do n't
- "Ask your father for forgiveness." +1
reputation, So far everything is going according to plan...
"I'm going..."
- Towards a New, Better World. The Right Choice
- To the beast. No effect.
- How do I know when the time has come. The
right choice
- I can be useful to him while staying alive... No
In any case: "Your choices brought you here. They will
affect history!"
If you have a bad relationship with your boss:
"There's something fishy about his proposal..."
- I want. (Paid choice for 20 diamonds) +1
skepticism, +1 faith, Wherever your mother was, at this moment she felt a
little better...
- I don't want to. No effect.